The Pussy Mafia

Why do I suspect that the Austin Family of " The Pussy Mafia" only has two members.

What kind union is that?... Lets have some organization!

Where is the way to price fix and make it stick with only two out of over 300 providers on eccie Austin alone.

300 plus PUSSIES
Trying to control that many Kittys with women attached.. You have GOT to be kidding!!!

Now where is that damm smiley face!

This will have to do till I find out how to put up a smiley
Why do I suspect that the Austin Family of " The Pussy Mafia" only has two members.

What kind union is that?... Lets have some organization!

Where is the way to price fix and make it stick with only two out of over 300 providers on eccie Austin alone.

300 plus PUSSIES
Trying to control that many Kittys with women attached.. You have GOT to be kidding!!!

Now where is that damm smiley face!

This will have to do till I find out how to put up a smiley Originally Posted by dog soldier 4
Thank you!!! Finally somebody states the obvious!!! LOL
fun2come's Avatar
Now where is that damm smiley face!

This will have to do till I find out how to put up a smiley Originally Posted by dog soldier 4

Wait, here it is:
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 02-25-2014, 12:01 AM
Ever heard of the phrase....."herding cats"?

^^^^^^^ Why there will never be a pus*y mafia!!!
Pussy Mafia sounds like something you would experience in Joisey.

In Texas you would expect Pussy Rustlers:
fun2come's Avatar

^^^^^^^ Why there will never be a pus*y mafia!!! Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi
Now that was funny, and I don't care if you are part of the Pussy Mafia or not.

^^^^^^^ Why there will never be a pus*y mafia!!! Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi
So I guess we need to change the label to the "Pussy Empire." They knock each other off to be in control.
fun2come's Avatar
So I guess we need to change the label to the "Pussy Empire." They knock each other off to be in control. Originally Posted by cinnamonshark