Hey Guys,
I know the "socials" that are held in various cities are private events hosted by individuals and are in no way associated with this site.
That being said, it would be great if there were more socials here in Dallas. They are a great opportunity for providers to meet each other and potential clients. I have been to a few and they were kind of fun. I shook some hands and chatted over a few drinks. Maybe it is just me but every minute of every social I have attended, the only thought running through my mind is, "When and where are we all going to start fucking?" I mean, you are here, I am here...
It never happens and I think it is a shame. A friend and I have been looking into a vacation rental for an all night anything goes party...kind of like a swingers party except way better. Of course proper screening would be necessary and I am not encouraging any kind of illegal activity.
I am encouraging a get together in a private setting in which ladies are free to dress as sexy as they feel and everyone is free to get caught up in whatever moment they find themselves in.
To me, that sounds like a real social. I just want to know what you guys think. THIS IS NOT AN INVITATION TO ANYTHING! I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Thanks!
Originally Posted by !!Sexy Erotic Morgan
Now that's what I'm talking about! I enjoy dressing casual but its awkward. I'm a semi-nudist, and I PREFER looking sexy in a not-so-church like way. Nothing extreme like I'm working at XTC at the time.
And your thoughts were addressing the white elephant in the room for many, thanks. The only thing is it'd have to have heavy screening as you already are aware of. The reason why in the past there is no mention of P4P or any activity promoted or suggested.