In case you haven't noticed, Obama is about to lose Iraq

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Whoa, wouldya look at that! assup is hysterical! He's gone ballistic! He is fulminating, vituperating, steaming, frothing and drooling! Hey assup, isn't it maddening when someone actually takes your posts seriously and won't stop holding you and your faux arguments accountable?

By the way, you probably ought to use a dictionary too so you can look up the difference between perimeter and parameter.

And don't forget to pop a valium before bed. Originally Posted by lustylad

Days later, you're still a wannabe. Wannabe part of the discussion... Just don't have the jizz, as Tommy Smyth says.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
While you're bedeviling FuckZup the ISIS crew has gotten their hands on some uranium which is odd because haven't we been told repeatedly that Hussein didn't have any and that Bush was lying. I guess not. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JDIdiot is now trying to turn this ridiculous thread into a debate on Bush's honesty.

Good luck with that, boyz.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I just heard a report on the news that a bunch of people were shot in Baghdad, most of them women. I think I figured out why Obama doesn't care. He thinks it's Chicago.
While you're bedeviling FuckZup the ISIS crew has gotten their hands on some uranium which is odd because haven't we been told repeatedly that Hussein didn't have any and that Bush was lying. I guess not. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Well maybe they should have went city by city and secured the area as they went, instead of just marching into Bagdad. I remember watching TV coverage with a couple of WWII vets who couldn't believe they weren't securing the area as they went as they did in Germany. It would have prevented some of the looting of weapons and lawlessness that happened.
LexusLover's Avatar
I point out that terrorists have their hands on nuclear material and WTF wants to take time to blame Bush. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Actually .... WTF .... took the time to ...

Accuse Bush of lying about the existence of the WMD's the TERRORISTS (who don't exist after they were defeated by Obmainable and Bidocious) are now "finding" ... and it didn't take SIX MONTHS + 12 YEARS.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-13-2014, 07:00 AM
Actually .... WTF .... took the time to ...

Accuse Bush of lying about the existence of the WMD's the TERRORISTS (who don't exist after they were defeated by Obmainable and Bidocious) are now "finding" ... and it didn't take SIX MONTHS + 12 YEARS. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Bush said he was lying. I just pointed it out.

I have already pointed it out in the quote and provided the link for when he said it....He said there were no WMD's.

If I say there is a Santa Clause or Easter Bunny....I am lying. Just because I find out later there is neither does change that fact. I never said his intent was to lie....though I believe that it was , especially in continually connecting Saddam to 9/11. Bush's/Cheney intent was to drag us to war.

Göring: Why, of course, the people don't want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.
Gilbert: There is one difference. In a democracy, the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.
Göring: Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.
LexusLover's Avatar
Bush said he was lying. I just pointed it out. Originally Posted by WTF
The only thing "pointed" is your head, duffus. He didn't say he was "lying"!

Can you report anything factually and honestly?

Or is it just natural for YOU TO LIE?

Like taking advantage of the use of illegal aliens in the construction business? Or you holding off on putting out any bids until the recent wave of illegal children hit the labor market in the construction industry?
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  • WTF
  • 07-13-2014, 01:04 PM
The only thing "pointed" is your head, duffus. He didn't say he was "lying"!

Can you report anything factually and honestly?

Or is it just natural for YOU TO LIE?

Like taking advantage of the use of illegal aliens in the construction business? Or you holding off on putting out any bids until the recent wave of illegal children hit the labor market in the construction industry? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Bush said there were WMD's and the admitted there were not...which one was a lie?

You saying I take advantage of illegal aliens in the construction business would be akin to me saying you, LexusLover takes advantage of illegal aliens in the restaurant business.

Do you check the Visa of everyone in each and every restaurant of which you eat? Do you check and see that any house you have every bought did not use a illegal immigrant.

I do not check the Visa of every employee a subcontractors hires. Try using your brain for something other than a hat rack. Better yet stick to UT politics....that appears to be something you might actually know something about.

Bob Perry is maybe who you are thinking of.
, the Texas Observer reported,
In October 2006, a Texas Conservative Coalition Research Institute task force that included several influential Republican state representatives released a report full of bold recommendations. It called for new laws denying birthright citizenship to children of undocumented immigrants, taxing the money many immigrants send back to their home countries, and penalizing employers who hire undocumented workers. “The recommendations provide a clear signal that illegal immigration will be high up on conservatives’ legislative agenda in the coming legislative session,” reported Quorum Report, an Austin-based political Web site, at the time. But just as the stage was set, the curtain closed.
An unusual coalition of powerful Republican business interests—including the Texas Association of Business—realized that the anti-immigrant hysteria threatened to purge Texas of the workers that pluck chickens, build houses, and make some people very rich…two of the state’s biggest employers and campaign contributors depend on immigrant workers. Bob Perry and Bo Pilgrim gave almost $13 million to state candidates and political action committees in the last two election cycles, with Perry contributing the lion’s share. Most of that money went to Republicans. Pilgrim needs immigrants for his Pilgrim’s Pride Corp. chicken factories. Perry depends on immigrants to build houses for Perry Homes.
As you can see, Perry wasn’t supporting amnesty out of the goodness of his heart, but as a representative member of the Slave Power—he needed immigrants to build homes cheaply.
LexusLover's Avatar
You saying I take advantage of illegal aliens in the construction business would be akin to me saying you, LexusLover takes advantage of illegal aliens in the restaurant business.

Do you check the Visa of everyone in each and every restaurant of which you eat? Do you check and see that any house you have every bought did not use a illegal immigrant. Originally Posted by WTF
Not even close to the same thing. But I would expect nothing more from you.

When I sit down at a restaurant to eat a dinner,

.... I'm not making tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of dollars, like you.

You put out for bids and hire subs who hire illegals, which reduces your costs.

You know it, you just want to pretend it's not any of your business.

Like this guy:

Fiddling while Iraq and the U.S. burn.... and smiling about it.

Oh, when you find a DIRECT QUOTE from George Bush saying:

"I lied about the WMD's being in Iraq before the 2003 invasion."

Let me know, and please post it with the link. Otherwise ...

... quit making up shit about what others say.
Looks like lexie lacking can't play pool as jealous he is of Obie, as many times as he has put it up.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-13-2014, 04:51 PM
Oh, when you find a DIRECT QUOTE from George Bush saying:

"I lied about the WMD's being in Iraq before the 2003 invasion."

Let me know, and please post it with the link. Otherwise ...

... quit making up shit about what others say. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Is this why you think you are not a liar?

Because of your weren't lying, you just didn't tell the truth because of your ignorance of the truth. Kinda like you are doing about my homebuilding.

Bush said there were WMD's.

He then admitted there were no WMD's.

Which was the lie?

Why are you lying about me? Because I'm making you look like a fool in your support of WMD's.

At least Bush admitted he was wrong. When will you?

My next question is wtf did you think about Bob Perry's immigration stance before he died?

Not that your answer matters, you will just lie if your wrong...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Those lies are called propoganda and the democrats are full of it. They could watch a lion charge across an open field in Kansas towards them and they would want to argue if a lion is an indigenious to Kansas. They are a little on the stupid side.

I point out that terrorists have their hands on nuclear material and WTF wants to take time to blame Bush. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Actually, that's not true. YOU brought Bush into the conversation as it pertains to uranium.

Had you just argued that terrorists had acquired uranium from somewhere which YOU presumed to be Iraq, then it would just be a stupid statement.

But what you posted above makes it a LIE!

Oh and it's really called propaganda. And you are living proof of how effective the GOP propaganda machine is on the weak minded, the frustrated, the xenophobe and the insecure.
LexusLover's Avatar
Looks like lexie lacking can't play pool as jealous he is of Obie, as many times as he has put it up. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Would you rather me post the pictures of the illegal children he has encouraged to come to the U.S. to get on the taxpayers' tit like he is while playing pool?

I'm not jealous of Obaminable in the least ... and I don't want his wife either.

As for pool ... I'll play him. He gets first break.
Would you rather me post the pictures of the illegal children he has encouraged to come to the U.S. to get on the taxpayers' tit like he is while playing pool?

I'm not jealous of Obaminable in the least ... and I don't want his wife either.

As for pool ... I'll play him. He gets first break. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I guess if you keep posting that the rest of us ill forget the law he is following, that republicans passed where we have to care for them?
LexusLover's Avatar
Because of your ignorance.... Originally Posted by WTF
Is that your answer for everything in life when folks don't agree with you?

They are "ignorant"?

That implies, of course, that you are "well informed" or not "ignorant."

Since you can't produce a direct quote from Bush in which he admitted LYING about the WMDs (which you will never be able to produce unless it is a forgery), you decide to start the grade school name calling and imply that anyone who disagrees with your "assessment" that Bush lied is "ignorant"!

Like I said: Produce the direct quote by Bush and a link. Or move on.

Good luck with that shit ... away from the Bimbos.

You have lots of company: BigTits, YouRong, and ImaLittleOne (who has actually toned down a bit in that department, which I respect)...

....., just to name a few.

I only brought up your confession about the construction industry (which you disclosed BTW not me), because the construction industry is heavily involved in the use of illegal aliens (your ignorance keeps you from realizing it apparently) and that you confessed to not paying attention to whether or not your subs utilize illegals on your job sites (or off for that matter), because as you declared it wasn't not your responsibility to determine if they are or not, and thereby benefit by the lower labor costs customarily associated with hiring illegals in the construction business. As a consequence you are contributing to the enticement of illegals to come to this country and sneak into the U.S. .... either directly with their children or by sending their children first so they can piggy back on the later. You like to call people "hypocrites" ... I thought you might like to look in the mirror for a change and repeat ... the world about yourself.

You enjoy yourself for the rest of the evening, you hear?

How's that "geo politics" working for you in the Middle East?

Or would you rather spend your time chasing your own tail over "Bush"?