Because of your ignorance....
Originally Posted by WTF
Is that your answer for everything in life when folks don't agree with you?
They are "ignorant"?
That implies, of course, that you are "well informed" or not "ignorant."
Since you can't produce a direct quote from Bush in which he admitted LYING about the WMDs (which you will never be able to produce unless it is a forgery), you decide to start the grade school name calling and imply that anyone who disagrees with your "assessment" that Bush lied is "ignorant"!
Like I said: Produce the direct quote by Bush and a link. Or move on.
Good luck with that shit ... away from the Bimbos.
You have lots of company: BigTits, YouRong, and ImaLittleOne (who has actually toned down a bit in that department, which I respect)...
....., just to name a few.
I only brought up your confession about the construction industry (which you disclosed BTW not me), because the construction industry is heavily involved in the use of illegal aliens (
your ignorance keeps you from realizing it apparently) and that you confessed to not paying attention to whether or not your subs utilize illegals on your job sites (or off for that matter), because as you declared it wasn't not your responsibility to determine if they are or not, and thereby benefit by the lower labor costs customarily associated with hiring illegals in the construction business. As a consequence you are contributing to the enticement of illegals to come to this country and sneak into the U.S. .... either directly with their children or by sending their children first so they can piggy back on the later. You like to call people "hypocrites" ... I thought you might like to look in the mirror for a change and repeat ... the world about yourself.
You enjoy yourself for the rest of the evening, you hear?
How's that "geo politics" working for you in the Middle East?
Or would you rather spend your time chasing your own tail over "Bush"?