bahahhaa hey luke .. this is for you! fatass. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
bwaaaahaaaaa !
Pageant wave. Originally Posted by R.M.
+ 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why don't you set up another meet, Gey Rey?

Fucking glory hole coward.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Why don't you set up another meet, Gey Rey?

Fucking glory hole coward. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He would but I think he is on restriction.
The last time he went to HEB, a heavy set guy walked in and he soiled his panties.
His Mommy is tired of washing them, and his wet sheets every night.
WE ARE ALL STILL HERE seArgent shitburner !!!!! Enjoy YOUR time trolling the HEB parking lots for trannies !
lustylad's Avatar
Just a heads-up... I heard the HEB parking lot isn't just for tranny-fuckees like Lube. If you prefer your hos to be meaty and "full-figured" then keep an eye out for Lube's daughters. They've been known to offer $20 quickies right out of Lube's 4x4 truck bed!
MT Pockets's Avatar
WE ARE ALL STILL HERE seArgent shitburner !!!!! Enjoy YOUR time trolling the HEB parking lots for trannies ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Rey! He is not coming back to you. Berating him is just gonna make it worse. Lusty is already hooking up with HSF. You are gonna find yourself alone again.

Just a heads-up... I heard the HEB parking lot isn't just for tranny-fuckees like Lube. If you prefer your hos to be meaty and "full-figured" then keep an eye out for Lube's daughters. They've been known to offer $20 quickies right out of Lube's 4x4 truck bed! Originally Posted by lustylad
Looks like you still have a thing for Rey or you would not be talking trash about Luke. I did not really know him that well but he really meant a lot to some of you guys. I hope he knows how much he is missed around here.
How long was the ban this time?
Just a heads-up... I heard the HEB parking lot isn't just for tranny-fuckees like Lube. If you prefer your hos to be meaty and "full-figured" then keep an eye out for Lube's daughters. They've been known to offer $20 quickies right out of Lube's 4x4 truck bed! Originally Posted by lustylad
So MT Fluffer can finally have that " daisy chain " he's been hoping to have with his hero LUBE ? !! Sounds like that'll be ONE thing off of MT Fluffers " bucket list " !!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
does he know what daisy chain do?
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 06-19-2017, 09:47 PM

bahahhaa hey luke .. this is for you! fatass. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Wonder Woman loves this and so do I.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
does he know what daisy chain do? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
some people here need to chill!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Most popular guy on the board.

I'll bet Luke is sitting at home laughing his ass off.
MT Pockets's Avatar
So MT Fluffer can finally have that " daisy chain " he's been hoping to have with his hero LUBE ? !! Sounds like that'll be ONE thing off of MT Fluffers " bucket list " !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Look Rey Luke and I are platonic. I think I would like a man to be a little on the sissy side. That's why I offered you a shot at my junk. I want to start out light so I figured you would be a good starting point. You know, like a a hybrid. Since you look like a man and act like a little bitch. Are you fixed? I wouldn't want to knock you up.
Look Rey Luke and I are platonic. I think I would like a man to be a little on the sissy side. That's why I offered you a shot at my junk. I want to start out light so I figured you would be a good starting point. You know, like a a hybrid. Since you look like a man and act like a little bitch. Are you fixed? I wouldn't want to knock you up. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
The strain of withdrawal from YOUR hero has YOU confused and babbling. YOU might want to consider becoming a politician in YOUR area, since that's a " qualification " that YOU lying liberals look for. Look at shrilLIARy, Babblin Bernie, Sheila Jackson-Lee and Nancy Pigugli for examples.
And for YOUR further GAY experiments, just snuggle up to the reach-around crew. They're sure to welcome YOU with open flies ( if they happen to be wearing trousers and not their rainbow-colored thongs ) . And they are sure to give YOU those " facials " that YOU so miss from YOUR hero LUBE !
They've even been known to " spitroast " the new members of the 'crew ! It will sure beat the harassment YOU must be getting from store management for staggering around YOUR local HEB parking lot crying and ranting over LUBE'S " vacation " from here !!!!