Flynn reverses guilty plea!

lustylad's Avatar
The Carlos Danger revelation killed Clinton... FBI should have never released that right before the election.

Only a dumbass would think that was some effort to HELP Clinton. Originally Posted by WTF
Your posts keep getting stupider and stupider.

Comey had no choice but to release the news of the Carlos Danger laptop emails. Weeks earlier, he told Congress that the hildebeest investigation was closed - BUT he would notify them immediately if any new information caused him to reopen it.

The question you should be asking is - why did McCabe sit on the information for weeks before passing it on to Comey?

And why do you blame the FBI at all for this episode? You should be blaming hildebeest for illegally concealing her State Dept. emails in the first place, and that dim-retard pervert Carlos Danger for sexting dick pics to minors!

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  • WTF
  • 03-16-2018, 01:15 PM
Why would I bet a shithead like you. You would come back as Janis Joplin or Bamscum or something retarded like that. You didn’t stay off the board when you were officially banned by the site for a year. Originally Posted by bambino
Just say you're chickenshit and stfu. Stop trying trying blame your cowardice on Bobby McGee.

Seems like Budman is only rightie in this forum with big enough balls to bet.
bambino's Avatar
Just say you're chickenshit and stfu. Stop trying trying blame your cowardice on Bobby McGee.

Seems like Budman is only rightie in this forum with big enough balls to bet. Originally Posted by WTF
I already bet. Yssup and Biggie both welshed and came back with different handles. You have a history of doing the same thing. Why would anyone trust you? I’d be betting against myself. No you STFU.
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  • WTF
  • 03-16-2018, 02:05 PM

And why do you blame the FBI at all for this episode? You should be blaming hildebeest for illegally concealing her State Dept. emails in the first place, and that dim-retard pervert Carlos Danger for sexting dick pics to minors!

[url=httpG] Originally Posted by lustylad

I'm not sure how many times i have tell you but I'm glad Clinton is not President.

Both Trump and the Clintons are ethically challenged

the Clinton Foundation was a f****** nothing but a bribery scam and Trump by not disinvesting his business interest is the exact same thing

On to the FBI....they should never have been commenting on anything that close to an election.

What if they had commented on the Russian dossier a week from the election?

You fucking people are hypocrites.
lustylad's Avatar
Then bet me you silly sob...

I'll bet your queer friend lustyturd the same bet. Originally Posted by WTF

You're the chickenshit jackass who turns down 2 fair bets for every scam bet that you "offer".

1. You won't take the under bet for 3% GDP growth in 2018, scumbag. That's a very FAIR bet. The economy hasn't grown that fast in 12 years.

2. You won't bet the GOP will lose the House in this year's midterms. That's another very FAIR bet that you won't touch.

In both cases, you won't put your money (or 6 months of eccie time) where your big fucking mouth is.

So take your fake bets and shove them up your ass, snitchfuck! Everyone can see they are just a deflection from your own cowardly behavior.


lustylad's Avatar
On to the FBI....they should never have been commenting on anything that close to an election. Originally Posted by WTF
You fool... it wasn't the FBI's fault that the dim-retards were stupid enough to give their party's nomination to someone who was under FBI investigation! Who the fuck does that?

The FBI doesn't normally comment on or even confirm if/when an investigation is underway. In hildebeest's case, it couldn't hide the fact after the State Dept. Inspector General released a scathing report on her email scandal in mid-2015 and forwarded the matter for follow-up action.

It was obvious to everyone that the investigation timeline would coincide with the election. And yet, the dim-retard lemmings stuck with their lying, cheating, scandal-ridden candidate all the way to the finish line. What the fuck were they thinking?

Comey did his best to help hildebeest by declining to prosecute and closing the investigation in July 2016.

It's not the FBI's fault that you dim-retard perverts like to send dick pics to minors.

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  • WTF
  • 03-16-2018, 02:45 PM
You're the chickenshit jackass who turns down 2 fair bets for every scam bet that you "offer".

1. You won't take the under bet for 3% GDP growth in 2018, scumbag. That's a very FAIR bet. The economy hasn't grown that fast in 12 years.

2. You won't bet the GOP will lose the House in this year's midterms. That's another very FAIR bet that you won't touch.

In both cases, you won't put your money (or 6 months of eccie time) where your big fucking mouth is.

So take your fake bets and shove them up your ass, snitchfuck! Everyone can see they are just a deflection from your own cowardly behavior.

/B] Originally Posted by lustylad
I'll take those two bets plus this one. You have to win all three to stay....if you lose 1 or all 3 , you're gone for 6 months.

So we both may be gone for 6 months unless one sweeps all three.

TakTakethat bet chickenshit.

Damn dumbass coming on here pimping for bambino and next thing you know you have three bets to accept. Two of which you say are fair as fuck and you been posting about Flynn walking for weeks.
lustylad's Avatar
I'll take those two bets plus this one. You have to win all three to stay....if you lose 1 or all 3, you're gone for 6 months. Originally Posted by WTF
hahahaha.... no, you jackass! Each bet stands on its own. If you don't like my two bets, just admit you think Trump will get us to 3% GDP growth and the GOP will keep the House! How hard is that?

Stop playing games. You don't look cute or clever by combining 3, or 12, bets into one. You only reinforce your rep for being a coward, a fraud and a moronic buffoon! been posting about Flynn walking for weeks. Originally Posted by WTF
You're lying again, snitchfuck! I haven't said a single word about Flynn in this thread. I don't give a flying fuck if he reverses his plea deal or not. I can't believe you are so hung up on that silly question.

All of my posts in this thread have been to expose you as a coward, a hypocrite and a Putin apologist!
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  • WTF
  • 03-16-2018, 03:21 PM
hahahaha.... no, you jackass! Each bet stands on its own. If you don't like my two bets, just admit you think Trump will get us to 3% GDP growth and the GOP will keep the House! How hard is that?

! Originally Posted by lustylad
I'll take that House bet 6 months.

I've said all along that he may get a sugar high....but not sustained 3% growth.

So we have a bet the House will/won't turn blue!

Finally you take a bet without trying to change the original concept.

I haven't said a single word about a Putin apologist! Originally Posted by lustylad
Your boyfriend was the one who posed it.

Very smart of you to not take that bet.

That finger fucked asshole won't take it either.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Carlos Danger revelation killed Clinton. ..FBI should have never released that right before the election.

Only a dumbass would think that was some effort to HELP Clinton.

Look, i would have never voted for Clinton because all the Clinton Foundation but Trump by not disinvesting is just as bad and Flynn was using his position to enrich himself. Fuck all of them Originally Posted by WTF

The New York Police Department forced his hand. They knew what was on Weiner's computer, and they made it clear that if the FBI didn't inform the public, they would.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-16-2018, 03:35 PM
Putin apologist! Originally Posted by lustylad
Putin apologist?

I care about the integrity of our elections....not some fucking babies in Syria that got a little nerve gas up their nose.

Trump has retaliated against neither.

Shot up an old airport and now these measly sanctions.

Trump is the Putin apologist.

Donald Trump when asked about Putin killing journalist.

“I think our country does plenty of killing, also, Joe...There’s a lot of stupidity going on in the world right now, Joe. A lot of killing going on. A lot of stupidity. And that’s the way it is.”
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  • WTF
  • 03-16-2018, 03:36 PM

The New York Police Department forced his hand. They knew what was on Weiner's computer, and they made it clear that if the FBI didn't inform the public, they would.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Well then the NYP should have reported what they had to report. The FBI should not have commented. They in fact are not supposed to comment that close to an election.

A simple fact many of you like to discount or never even mention.

Benghazi for four years and crying about Muller...get back to me in three years.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well then the NYP should have reported what they had to report. The FBI should not have commented. They in fact are not supposed to comment that close to an election.

A simple fact many of you like to discount or never even mention.

Benghazi for four years and crying about Muller...get back to me in three years. Originally Posted by WTF
The New York Police Department conducted the raid that secured the computer in the pedophile case against Weiner. Once they realized that there was classified, SAP intel on the computer, they gave the computer to the FBI, because that was a Federal matter. So, no it wasn't in their wheelhouse to act once the FBI took charge of the case, but McCabe was made aware that news of the computer's content would find its way into the press if the FBI didn't make the announcement themselves. The NYPD forced McCabe and Comey's hand. They weren't going to be able to sit on what they had beyond the election like they had attempted to do.
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  • WTF
  • 03-16-2018, 03:56 PM
The New York Police Department conducted the raid that secured the computer in the pedophile case against Weiner. Once they realized that there was classified, SAP intel on the computer, they gave the computer to the FBI, because that was a Federal matter. So, no it wasn't in their wheelhouse to act once the FBI took charge of the case, but McCabe was made aware that news of the computer's content would find its way into the press if the FBI didn't make the announcement themselves. The NYPD forced McCabe and Comey's hand. They weren't going to be able to sit on what they had beyond the election like they had attempted to do. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
My point is they shouldn't have....let NYP leak shit they shouldn't.

Let it be leaked and let the FBI have a no comment on it.

That is how it should have went down.

But either way....Trump is not wanting Sessions to fire this guy over this. It benefited him. Trump wanted him fired because he wants to paint the guy as crooked.

And it does not look like Sessions will.

Which is a good thing IMHO. Guy was a good agent according to all but the Trump nuts .

And Flynn is not changing his plea.
lustylad's Avatar
I'll take that House bet 6 months. Originally Posted by WTF
Ok I'm in, but for 3 months, not 6.