Tucker Carlson Tonight

Presj22's Avatar
Will y’all still refer to him as (cough) the Goat

How long until y’all start hatin on him after he changes his opinion on virtually everything?
rooster's Avatar
I cannot fuggin wait to see how the late night shows have a damn field day with this. Whew! I mean...the Kid always tried to bullshit us that Tuck was just bein "funny" and we just didn't get it....as if Tuck havin a stoopid smirk on his face excused him for giving air time to the fuckheads and crazy ideas that he promoted on his show. It was all just a joke, right?

Nah, Tuck ain't funny. But these people....THESE people are fukkin funny:

rooster's Avatar
This guy can be funny too....

Presj22's Avatar
Originally Posted by Zollner
rooster's Avatar
C'mon! Stop the bashing! That's part of the schtick! It shows how funny he is!

Fuck that. And him.

Allow me to paraphrase: he has the confused look of a 13th century farmer being told about BitCoin....

elghund's Avatar
Tucker was more likable when he wore that gay boy bow tie……

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

coming soon to upset NY .. Greg Gutfeld and Jesse Watters threads.

elghund's Avatar
Waco, you disappoint me…….

Your hero dies on the alter of MAGA……..and you are already chucking him over for a couple wanna be Tuckers, before his blood dries and his carcass rots?

What kind of fanboy are you to your GOAT?


The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Waco, you disappoint me…….

Your hero dies on the alter of MAGA……..and you are already chucking him over for a couple wanna be Tuckers, before his blood dries and his carcass rots?

What kind of fanboy are you to your GOAT?


elg…. Originally Posted by elghund


Tucker Carlson Delivered Remarks Moments After His Final Show Aired, and It's Surreal

On Friday night, Tucker Carlson addressed the Heritage Foundation's 50th Anniversary Gala just moments after what we now know to be his final show on Fox News aired. While there is still a lot of speculation circulating following the remarkable news that Tucker Carlson and Fox News would be parting ways, one thing is for sure: Tucker Carlson's remarks on Friday night will serve as a surreal and unforgettable testament to the legacy of his primetime show and his legacy at Fox News.

Tucker spoke about the immeasurable courage that it takes to tell the truth in a world consumed with lies, the many people he's witnessed in his career who have fallen away from being a truth-teller, the persecution that those who tell the truth will inevitably face, and the supernatural sense of freedom that comes from testifying to the truth.

Watch the most important moments from his remarks last Friday night, curated by our team here at Townhall.
My condolences to the members of this board who are, and possibly forever will be, affected by the Tucker news? today.
Has anyone heard from our pooh bear? He hasn't offered thoughts and commentary yet.
elghund's Avatar

Knowing how upset you are, I suggest that you should waste another day or so of your life doing a cut and paste rehash of your GOAT’S career……..

No one watches any of the stuff you post anyway, but waste a few days reminiscing by yourself…..you will think you have done something worthwhile…..

Presj22's Avatar
My condolences to the members of this board who are, and possibly forever will be, affected by the Tucker news? today.
Has anyone heard from our pooh bear? He hasn't offered thoughts and commentary yet. Originally Posted by IamVictoryasSecret
Yeah, true. No chiming in by NBT, OSD …hmm!
Presj22's Avatar

Tucker Carlson Delivered Remarks Moments After His Final Show Aired, and It's Surreal

On Friday night, Tucker Carlson addressed the Heritage Foundation's 50th Anniversary Gala just moments after what we now know to be his final show on Fox News aired. While there is still a lot of speculation circulating following the remarkable news that Tucker Carlson and Fox News would be parting ways, one thing is for sure: Tucker Carlson's remarks on Friday night will serve as a surreal and unforgettable testament to the legacy of his primetime show and his legacy at Fox News.

Tucker spoke about the immeasurable courage that it takes to tell the truth in a world consumed with lies, the many people he's witnessed in his career who have fallen away from being a truth-teller, the persecution that those who tell the truth will inevitably face, and the supernatural sense of freedom that comes from testifying to the truth.

Watch the most important moments from his remarks last Friday night, curated by our team here at Townhall. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

You forgot the words he used to sign off with:

we’ll see you Monday
... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
"Tucker spoke about the immeasurable courage that it takes to tell the truth in a world consumed with lies" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAH *gasps for air* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA The guy who was regularly peddling falsehoods for ratings is looked to as courageously telling the truth? C'mon, there can't be anybody dumb enough to believe this after the stuff that was revealed in the Dominion lawsuit.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
i find it amusing and typical that not one of the "Fucker Carlson" posters have watched nary one minute (by their own admission) of Carlson's show and yet you profess yourselves "experts" on Carlson's content.

who told you Carlson's content was "toxic racist hate mongering"? the same toxic racist hate mongering leftists who hate America and want it to become a third world banana republic. is that what you voted for?

is it?