Jackie our girl Condalisa

retarded lenny has several alias
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herfacechair's Avatar
I'ma Beggin for Dick, aka Ekim: So you suck dick.

One characteristic of lemmings, when it comes to the political and social debate in this country, or around the world for that matter, is the lemming's inability to understand what they read, and their serious shortcomings when it comes to analytical thinking.

For instance, "herfacechair". Separated individually, we get this:


What's implied here? Anybody with basic sexual experience would know that pussy licking is involved. In fact, those that have premium access could read the details of my reviews to see what activities are engaged.

But, that's too much research for lemmings, who find it easier to just go by what they "feel" and by what others say. Like the dick sucker that's begging for dick, aka Ekim the inbred chimp.

I'ma Beggin for Dick, aka Ekim: We all knew that.

This is an admission, on your part, that the others on your side of the argument have the lemming characteristic of not using ones brain, but to follow "feelings" and "what others say". It also proves that your side of the argument, the lemmings, are incapable of critical thought and research.

You saying, "We all knew that" is laughable. That's like Baghdad Bob claiming that the U.S. forces were scattered "like rats" thanks to Saddam's firepower.

I'ma Beggin for Dick, aka Ekim: Another confused lemming joining the others.

Says the guy that just proved that he's incapable of critical thought, who demonstrates the characteristics of a lemming, who parrots seriously erroneous leftist talking points.

I, bamscram, suck dick, that's why I'ma begging for dick, which is what you guys should call me. You guys knew that of course, can you tell me how to get the HEB parking lot, where the other fluffers meet at? I want to join them.

I'm yet another confused lemming, Lemming Bamscram. Here's a picture of me in the crowd, I'm so cute!

In fact, I, Lemming Bamscram, posted a picture showing "Dem Primary" as the sign one of my kind is holding up, as proof that I'm one of the lemmings, so don't try to portray this as conservatives!

Originally Posted by bamscram
Fixed to reflect reality.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
For instance, "herfacechair". Separated individually, we get this:


What's implied here? Anybody with basic sexual experience would know that pussy licking is involved. In fact, those that have premium access could read the details of my reviews to see what activities are engaged.
Fixed to reflect reality. Originally Posted by herfacechair;1059559563[COLOR=blue
"her face chair" doesn't really make sense on its own.

add one iteration on that separation.


maybe this makes sense.
bamscram's Avatar

retarded lenny has several alias Originally Posted by gary5912
I'ma Beggin for Dick, aka Ekim: So you suck dick.

One characteristic of lemmings, when it comes to the political and social debate in this country, or around the world for that matter, is the lemming's inability to understand what they read, and their serious shortcomings when it comes to analytical thinking.

For instance, "herfacechair". Separated individually, we get this:


What's implied here? Anybody with basic sexual experience would know that pussy licking is involved. In fact, those that have premium access could read the details of my reviews to see what activities are engaged.

But, that's too much research for lemmings, who find it easier to just go by what they "feel" and by what others say. Like the dick sucker that's begging for dick, aka Ekim the inbred chimp.

I'ma Beggin for Dick, aka Ekim: We all knew that.

This is an admission, on your part, that the others on your side of the argument have the lemming characteristic of not using ones brain, but to follow "feelings" and "what others say". It also proves that your side of the argument, the lemmings, are incapable of critical thought and research.

You saying, "We all knew that" is laughable. That's like Baghdad Bob claiming that the U.S. forces were scattered "like rats" thanks to Saddam's firepower.

I'ma Beggin for Dick, aka Ekim: Another confused lemming joining the others.

Says the guy that just proved that he's incapable of critical thought, who demonstrates the characteristics of a lemming, who parrots seriously erroneous leftist talking points.

Fixed to reflect reality. Originally Posted by herfacechair
Only thing worse than stupid fucking lemmings, are dick sucking stupid fucking lemmings.
Here are two examples.

Two parrots posting the same lame shit over and over, while exhibiting their homosexual tendencies.
herfacechair's Avatar
"her face chair" doesn't really make sense on its own.

add one iteration on that separation.


maybe this makes sense. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
"her face chair" makes perfect sense on its own. I've used this username since 2004, people knew, right off the bat, what that entailed, and what it meant. I've lost count of how many times I've heard women say, paraphrased, "I love your username", that's without the iterations. Your iteration suggests that you had some beer with barbecue today.
Only thing worse than stupid fucking lemmings, are dick sucking stupid fucking lemmings.
Here are two examples.

Two parrots posting the same lame shit over and over, while exhibiting their homosexual tendencies. Originally Posted by bamscram
eehhhhbuhhrrrrr, check out a Real President...

herfacechair's Avatar
I'ma begging for dick, aka Ekim: Only thing worse than stupid fucking lemmings,

So much hate for your kind, and for yourself. One would expect that from someone that got his ass cut and shoved down his own throat. So Lemming Bamscram, how does your own ass taste?

I'ma begging for dick, aka Ekim: are dick sucking stupid fucking lemmings.

How could you be worse than yourself? Or, is this a case where you hate others, of your kind, because they compete against you for the limited amount of dicks available to suck? Don't worry, keep throwing yourself into the meat grinder and you'll get your little pee pee cut and shoved down your throat.

I'ma begging for dick, aka Ekim: Here are two examples.

The only examples that you showed didn't fit the description that you described them. They happened to be the only intelligent commentary inside your own retarded post.

I'ma begging for dick, aka Ekim: Two parrots posting the same lame shit over and over,

You mean, two guys, from the winning side of the argument, destroying your repeat point with repeat rebuttals? If you feel like "the same shit is posted over and over," then perhaps it's because you keep crapping the same turd out of your mouth over and over.

I'ma begging for dick, aka Ekim: while exhibiting their homosexual tendencies.

You see gayness where there is none. Understand that because you're gay, and go for guys and trannies, doesn't mean that others share your desires. You, bamscram, begging for dick constantly, are the gay one.

Only thing worse than stupid fucking lemmings, like those that are on my side of the argument, are dick sucking stupid fucking lemmings like me, bamscram, aka Ekim.

Want examples? Read all of my posts.

I keep parroting myself over and over again, causing others that reply to me to parot the same responses to me, while exposing my, lemming bamscram's, homosexual tendencies.
Originally Posted by bamscram
Fixed to reflect reality.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
"her face chair" makes perfect sense on its own. I've used this username since 2004, people knew, right off the bat, what that entailed, and what it meant. I've lost count of how many times I've heard women say, paraphrased, "I love your username", that's without the iterations. Your iteration suggests that you had some beer with barbecue today. Originally Posted by herfacechair
guess i'm wrong on what you meant by your user name. bumscrum was correct.

interesting that women like your user name.

have to ask, what does "her face chair" mean? it obviously means something to you.
I B Hankering's Avatar
guess i'm wrong on what you meant by your user name. bumscrum was correct.

interesting that women like your user name.

have to ask, what does "her face chair" mean? it obviously means something to you. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Never considered that particular activity, but if that woman asked to sit on my face, I must confess that I might give the idea a whirl.

(As long as she let me maneuver around a bit during the entirety of the encounter!)
lustylad's Avatar
Q. - How do you know if your girlfriend is overweight?
A. - When she sits on your face and you can't hear the stereo!

Q. - How do you know if your girlfriend is overweight?
A. - When she sits on your face and you can't hear the stereo!

Originally Posted by lustylad
How does that work for reach-around crew ? Do they have to ponder that question too ? How do they handle that now that their hero LUBE is gone ?
bamscram's Avatar
eehhhhbuhhrrrrr, check out a Real President...

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7p82vEcFOc Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
bamscram's Avatar
I'ma begging for dick, aka Ekim: Only thing worse than stupid fucking lemmings,

So much hate for your kind, and for yourself. One would expect that from someone that got his ass cut and shoved down his own throat. So Lemming Bamscram, how does your own ass taste?

I'ma begging for dick, aka Ekim: are dick sucking stupid fucking lemmings.

How could you be worse than yourself? Or, is this a case where you hate others, of your kind, because they compete against you for the limited amount of dicks available to suck? Don't worry, keep throwing yourself into the meat grinder and you'll get your little pee pee cut and shoved down your throat.

I'ma begging for dick, aka Ekim: Here are two examples.

The only examples that you showed didn't fit the description that you described them. They happened to be the only intelligent commentary inside your own retarded post.

I'ma begging for dick, aka Ekim: Two parrots posting the same lame shit over and over,

You mean, two guys, from the winning side of the argument, destroying your repeat point with repeat rebuttals? If you feel like "the same shit is posted over and over," then perhaps it's because you keep crapping the same turd out of your mouth over and over.

I'ma begging for dick, aka Ekim: while exhibiting their homosexual tendencies.

You see gayness where there is none. Understand that because you're gay, and go for guys and trannies, doesn't mean that others share your desires. You, bamscram, begging for dick constantly, are the gay one.

Fixed to reflect reality. Originally Posted by herfacechair
His face chair could not even understand the cartoon.
It is why he is begging for a dick to suck.
You can always tell a lemming, you just can't tell them much..

MT Pockets's Avatar
For someone that's not being subjected to my veteran veting questions, you sure as hell are afraid to include them when you quote me... Hmmmmmm... I wonder.....

MT Sock Puppet: What a fucking Idiot!

Says the dumbass that posts as if he only has one brain cell and it's busy trying to take him over, causing him to type as if he's possessed by a retarded ghost.

But, the emotion in your reply, against "someone else" on this thread, shows that you took my series of replies very personal, as if I got under your skin directly addressing you.

MT Sock Puppet: Luke is BANNED. If you were so smart you would know what that meant. You are such a bad ass arguing with someone that is not here.

What I stated, in my replies to him:

"Know that I'll respond to you, and that when I do, I'll include these questions in one of my responses to you per salvo. I hope the others keep quoting these questions in their replies to you as well." -- herfacechair

What I've said in my replies to you:

"...since you're too retarded to figure this out, and to see the relationship between our replies and counter replies, let me break this down to you.

"Let "X" be your replies to me.

"Let "Y" be my rebuttals to you.

"Now, are you ready for this? What's happening, between us, is this:

"If 'X', then 'Y'.

"You control 'X', I control 'Y'. You advance 'X', I respond with 'Y'. Like I said before, I'm going to keep hammering you, 'ad infinitum'. The only way that 'Y' will stop is if 'X' isn't advanced." -- herfacechair

What part of the bolded red statement in my quote, and the X/Y relationship explanation above, do you NOT understand?

Where, in any of those statements, does it say that someone's banning, or passing for that matter, would prevent my replies? If you were smart, or if you were capable of reading comprehension, you'd understand that I will reply ad infinitum until the opposition quits living up to a definition of insanity... The part about doing the same thing and expecting different results.

In previous arguments, I've stated this, paraphrased:

"Even if I don't reply later today, tomorrow, the next day, the next week, the next month, the next year, decade, century, lifetime, I WILL reply..." -- herfacechair

His being banned isn't my problem, it's HIS problem. He should've thought about that BEFORE he replied to me last time. Had he done that, I wouldn't need to reply to him now, wouldn't I? Just like you liberals to want to excuse people from their responsibilities, and their contribution to their own demise.

Again, I treat these debates like a combat operation. I will fire against the opposition until the opposition is neutralized. So yes, I know what a banning means, it means that the retard that got banned wouldn't be able to reply, as I indicated here:

"It must burn you to not be able to reply, we know that you're still reading these posts." -- herfacechair

Given that I made this statement, quoted in your post above, how could I "NOT" know that he was banned?

The cold hard reality is that the following has become evident with my participation here:

1. I've constantly rebutted those that I'm arguing against...

2. I've flat out stated that I will reply...

3. I've constantly mentioned the above X/Y relationship indicating the fact that I will keep replying.

If you were smart, YOU'D know what that meant. It'd mean that I'll reply regardless of whether the opposition wisely quits, gets banned, or passes away. The onus is on the opposition to consider that reality before arguing a debate that they've lost the moment that I've jumped in.

Either you're stupid, or you're driven by emotion based narcissism that you expect to do things without suffering the consequences... As if you're entitled to a specific outcome regardless of the fact that others here have a vote in whether your pipe dream becomes reality or not.

MT Sock Puppet: Next post you will tell everyone how you ran him off.

What I said, quoted in your post:

"I'm not surprised, with you managing to get your arse handed to you by the moderators, by the providers, by other hobbyists, and by me, you were bound to get even more unhinged. It's like I mentioned before, you're too thin skinned to accept warranted corrective action or advice. You fight back when you should just "roger up" and move forward. You turn attempts, to help you, into massive battles that causes you to get on peoples' bad sides." -- herfacechair

And this, also quoted in your post:

"You carried your attitude, and reactions, wherever you found employment, and received the same results. You lost one job after another, and couldn't hold onto your career, just as you couldn't hold onto your good standing with ECCIE... getting banned a second time! I won't be surprised if ECCIE isn't the only message board where you've gotten banned." -- herfacechair

These two paragraphs list what I see as the cause of him getting banned. Go ahead, read it, this time without the emotion that you'd normally feel had you been Luke_Wyatt himself. Do you see it?

If you bothered pulling your head out of your ass, and removing your horse-blinders, you'd see that I was pointing my finger to Luke_Wyatt as the cause of him "getting ran off" this board.

I've given enough information in my posts, which you quoted, that should've prevented you from farting your uneducated opinion (your recent reply to me) out... Again... your replies; however, hint at the fact that you took my replies personally, as if I was addressing you instead of Luke_Wyatt.

The fact that you'd leave my questions out speaks volumes, especially since you're not the one subjected to them. You seem to put a lot of energy in attempting to dodge those questions... Hmmmmm.

MT Sock Puppet: LOL Fucking Pussy!

Says the guy that refuses to include the quote, with the list of veteran vetting questions, in his quoting of my posts... Even though they're not intended for him. I don't recall seeing you when I combat deployed to Iraq. Who's the pussy now, Stupid? There's only one war veteran in this exchange between us, and it's NOT you. Do you want to know how retarded your comment sounds?

MT Sock Puppet: I think you have been deprived of oxygen during one of your "sessions" (REPEAT POINT)

No, it's me making sure that you continuously get proven wrong. Also, you shouldn't attempt to use that in an attempt to "slam" when you consistently get your face smothered in your own shit, ahem, the disaster that you call, "your argument".

MT Sock Puppet: LOL Creepy Fucker

That's how countless of other regressives, that I've debated with over the past 13 years, have felt about my refusal to let up on them. With you kissing up to R.M. friend zone style, I wouldn't be surprised if she thought the same way regarding you. Originally Posted by herfacechair
What did you say Felicia? I think you are the voice-over for Charlie Browns teacher. Blah , Blah blah, ....Blah

By the way did I tell you that one time at band camp there was a 150 Conservatives on this forum and I kicked all their asses with just one word? Man I am such a Conservative ass kicker that a Hooker gave me a ride across the country to go see the largest ball of twine. Then I got up on that forum again and spouted out some more shit that sounded like a retard trying to impersonate Stephen Hawking. Wait a minute, that was you that sounded like that. But I am sure I sound like a bad ass too! If you don't believe me just ask.