Flynn reverses guilty plea!

lustylad's Avatar
My point is they shouldn't have....let NYP leak shit they shouldn't.

Let it be leaked and let the FBI have a no comment on it.

That is how it should have went down. Originally Posted by WTF
Are you deaf or stupid or both?

I already explained how Comey promised to alert Congress if any new evidence caused him to reopen the hildebeest email investigation. There are public videos of him making that promise under oath. He would have been crucified if he failed to tell them about the new Carlos Danger laptop evidence. Any chance of it being swept under the rug disappeared when the NYPD got involved.
I B Hankering's Avatar
My point is they shouldn't have....let NYP leak shit they shouldn't.

Let it be leaked and let the FBI have a no comment on it.

That is how it should have went down.

But either way....Trump is not wanting Sessions to fire this guy over this. It benefited him. Trump wanted him fired because he wants to paint the guy as crooked.

And it does not look like Sessions will.

Which is a good thing IMHO. Guy was a good agent according to all but the Trump nuts .

And Flynn is not changing his plea.
Originally Posted by WTF
The news was going to come out. Doing it your way would have made the FBI look worse in the public's eye than it already did; thus, Comey chose to salvage what he could of his and the FBI's reputations. So, sacrificing his reputation and the reputation of the FBI trying to salvage hildebeest from her own gross incompetence wasn't really an option.

BTW, it's been reported that "McCabe altered Peter Strzok’s 302s of the Flynn investigation and then destroyed all the revisions" to make the government's case that Flynn lied: "Fruit Of Poison Tree." And of course there's the today's revelation that Strzoks conspired to use his friendship with the FISC judge to obtain illicit FISA warrants.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-16-2018, 07:02 PM
Ok I'm in, but for 3 months, not 6. Originally Posted by lustylad
Finally one of you shit talking know it all puts up!

Congrats lustyturd, I have a new found respect for your dumbass.

I thought bambino had a pair and knew Lexy didn't.

WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-16-2018, 07:05 PM
Comey never should have promised Congress shit. He should have said we do not discuss investigation close to an election.

If we find something impeachment worthy will will turn it over to you after the election. Just like they kept the Trump investigation under wraps.

I can't believe I'm having to explain this shit to you two.
bambino's Avatar
Comey never should have promised Congress shit. He should have said we do not discuss investigation close to an election.

If we find something impeachment worthy will will turn it over to you after the election. Just like they kept the Trump investigation under wraps.

I can't believe I'm having to explain this shit to you two. Originally Posted by WTF
Hey retard, you still on for the Flynn bet?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

The New York Police Department forced his hand. They knew what was on Weiner's computer, and they made it clear that if the FBI didn't inform the public, they would.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
did Comey know what was on hot dog's laptop?

I was thinking that if McCabe sat on this, was it at Comey's direction or on his own?

If not, then Comey must've found about it from NYPD.
I B Hankering's Avatar
did Comey know what was on hot dog's laptop?

I was thinking that if McCabe sat on this, was it at Comey's direction or on his own?

If not, then Comey must've found about it from NYPD. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
It's reported that McCabe did indeed sit on it for over a month. If and when he informed Comey, or whether it was someone else who eventually informed Comey, IDK.
LexusLover's Avatar
Flynn's decision. One step at a time.

1. Disclosure order.
2. McCabe fired.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-17-2018, 08:15 AM
Flynn's decision. One step at a time.

1. Disclosure order.
2. McCabe fired. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Are you predicting that Flynn will change his plea? Do you finally have the balls to make a prediction? How about a bet on your prediction?

lustylad's Avatar
Finally one of you shit talking know it all puts up!

Congrats lustyturd, I have a new found respect for your dumbass.

I thought bambino had a pair and knew Lexy didn't. Originally Posted by WTF

Listen, you lying asshat... bam proposed this bet 2 fucking months ago when you first started babbling about a "blue wave" taking back the House:

You want to bet on the House? Originally Posted by bambino
You could have "put up" then. Instead you spent 2 fucking months ducking and dawdling and avoiding the bet. So take your "new found respect" and shove it up your ass! You're the feckless fraud who took 2 months to put up and shut up!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-17-2018, 12:21 PM
Listen, you lying asshat... bam proposed this bet 2 fucking months ago when you first started babbling about a "blue wave" taking back the House:

You could have "put up" then. Instead you spent 2 fucking months ducking and dawdling and avoiding the bet. So take your "new found respect" and shove it up your ass! You're the feckless fraud who took 2 months to put up and shut up! Originally Posted by lustylad
I'll bet that cocksucker too.

I've tried to get him to bet that and Flynn and 3 years of 3% GDP yearly growth.

So far , you're the only sucker and even at that you only were brave enought to make one bet and you chiseled that down to three months!

But your fruity ass has bigger balls than bambino and Lexy. Those bitches talk more shit and bet less than gnad.

So yea i respect your little gay chickenshit ass a tad more than I ever did before you pathetic ingrate.
lustylad's Avatar
I'll bet that cocksucker too.

I've tried to get him to bet that and Flynn and 3 years of 3% GDP yearly growth.

So far , you're the only sucker and even at that you only were brave enought to make one bet and you chiseled that down to three months!

But your fruity ass has bigger balls than bambino and Lexy. Those bitches talk more shit and bet less than gnad.

So yea i respect your little gay chickenshit ass a tad more than I ever did before you pathetic ingrate. Originally Posted by WTF

Shove it up your ass sideways, you lying fraud!

Bam also offered to bet you on 2018 annual GDP. That was over 2 months ago. The bet was his idea.

I’ll bet that Trump's GDP will average 3% or over this year BOGUSMAGEE. You in? Originally Posted by bambino
You chickened out... even though you had lectured him earlier on how quarterly GDP is meaningless and only the annual results matter.

Then you countered with a transparently phony 3-year bet that you knew nobody would be stupid enough to accept. That was your face-saving way of pretending you have balls when everyone can see you're a fucking eunuch.
lustylad's Avatar
So far , you're the only sucker... Originally Posted by WTF
Why do you call me a "sucker"?

Is it because you know if you lose any bets, you will just continue posting here under your other handles?

Hey, lookee what I found!

Here you are chiming in on one of my threads in the Political Forum back in Sept. 2016, while your WTF handle was banned by the mods:

A shit throwing monkey like yourself is complaining about other shit throwing monkeys! Originally Posted by bobbeemagee
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-17-2018, 01:16 PM

Then you countered with a transparently phony 3-year bet that you knew nobody would be stupid enough to accept. That was your face-saving way of pretending you have balls when everyone can see you're a fucking eunuch.
Originally Posted by lustylad
Once again two face. You take out of context what was posted. What's a matter you and buttfinger don't think Trump can sustain 3% GDP?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-17-2018, 01:23 PM
Why do you call me a "sucker"?

Is it because you know if you lose any bets, you will just continue posting here under your other handles?

Hey, lookee what I found!

Here you are chiming in on one of my threads in the Political Forum back in Sept. 2016, while your WTF handle was banned by the mods:

[] Originally Posted by lustylad
You're a sucker because I'm gonna win no matter the outcome.

This BobbyMaGee is in your head junior. You might need to see a therapist on this one

You remember to tell bambino next time you're massaging his prostrate, I'll bet that sucker too ... on any three of those bets.