Some Texans Have Prepared a Petition to Secede from the USA

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You can't be taking this blithering idiot seriously Skylar. He'll never quit....being an asshole.

I wonder how many cartoons he's posted and quotes he's changed in the past 24 hours.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-20-2012, 09:48 PM
Old T, just accept I B Crying's posts for what they are. This is his unique way to deal with the fact that he was one of the most obnoxious Bloehard's about a Romney victory prior to the election. Once it became apparent that the candidate he was the Lead Bloehard for was going to lose, he adopted the current approach in order to shield him from ridicule and criticism. Everyone has their own way to deal with adversity. LL "cut and run" for months at a time immediately following the 2006 and 2008 elections. Just as Joe the Bloehard appears to be doing in this years elections.

I B Crying merely decided that he would be as obnoxious as possible and then posters would not see him licking his wounds from the devastating defeat he is forced to deal with. I personally believe he is quite funny and I will give a little credit where credit is due. It is a unique but effective way for him to deal with a devastating defeat! At least he didn't "cut and run" like Joe the Bloehard and LL before him.

Truth be known, I B Crying did not need to streeeeetch too far in order to be obnoxious and overbearing. It actually comes quite natural to him! Believe me when I say, I B Crying would have been even more obnoxious and overbearing had Romney won. We are witnessing the scaled down version!

Accept it for what it is. I B Crying is a loser who is forced to lick his wounds in a semi-public forum! This is his way to deal with the frustrations brought about by his devastating defeat! Nothing more, nothing less! Originally Posted by bigtex
I agree with some of what you say. Certainly the part about him not needing to streeeeetch too far! But I think you unfairly paint him as one dimentional. No, this is not all about the election results--though that clearly may have been the straw that sent him off the ledge into the abysss. But this is not the first time he has been caught is a similar lie and then melted into a slag heap of blithering, repeating the same nonsensical "reply" to a direct question over and over. In the "Syand Your Ground" Skittles shooting I think I gave him over 20 chances to answer and his blithering "answers" were very much as they were here. The ravings of a mad-man.

So the signature line below is not something I awarded him lightly. No, it is a long time in the making, a badge he has earned not for one lie he printed that he cannot support, but for numerous ones.

I know full well the chance that he will ever man-up and admit he lied is exceedingly small, probably zero, but that does not mean I intend to let him off so easily. Sometimes I actually believe he may be litterally incapable of comprehending that he is lieing. It is sort of that way with IBBlithering and religeon--he has some serious blind spots and I think he honestly cannot see any flaws in the Christian church. If I get to the point that I believe he truly is mentally unable to comprehend truth from lie in his delusions, then I will certainly stop rattling his cage. But until then I believe it is other poster's right-almost responsibility--to call him (and others) on their hate and falsehoods.

============================== =

IBH concedes that he is an assinine, bloated, ignorant, lieing, blowhard forever!
Congratulations, you earned it!
And he knows how to change it: just answer the question. But he won't.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Assup'll never quit....being an asshole.

Assup can't count so he is left guessing how many cartoons he's posted and quotes he's changed in the past 24 hours.
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Assup is a dropping and BigKoTex is a sopping!!! Sop up Assup’s butt-butter, BigKoTex!!!

I B Hankering's Avatar
Blah, blah, blah.... More pussy-bitch whining from Old-goaT. Originally Posted by Old-T
More crying from Old-goaT. Crying in a high pussy-bitch whine, Old-goaT. Old-goaT wants to slander and cast aspersions but cries like a bitch when he is likewise challenged. Cry, cry, cry, you pussy-bitch Old-goaT, cry.
I know shame on me for trying to insert some historical common sense in between the name calling and homosexual accusations. I can't believe some of these guys are older than me. SMH
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-20-2012, 09:56 PM
More crying from Old-goaT. Crying in a high pussy-bitch whine, Old-goaT. Old-goaT wants to slander and cast aspersions but cries like a bitch when he is likewise challenged. Cry, cry, cry, you pussy-bitch Old-goaT, cry. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Nice of you to misquote me again, this time inside quotations. Not nice IB! Did my original post touch a nerve?

============================== =

IBH concedes that he is an assinine, bloated, ignorant, lieing, blowhard forever!
Congratulations, you earned it!
And he knows how to change it: just answer the question. But he won't.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-20-2012, 09:58 PM
I know shame on me for trying to insert some historical common sense in between the name calling and homosexual accusations. I can't believe some of these guys are older than me. SMH Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
Dear Lady, you are probably the single socially redeeming part of this post.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Blah, blah, blah.... More pussy-bitch whining from Old-goaT. Originally Posted by Old-T
More crying from Old-goaT. Crying in a high pussy-bitch whine, Old-goaT. Old-goaT wants to slander and cast aspersions but cries like a bitch when he is likewise challenged. Cry, cry, cry, you pussy-bitch Old-goaT, cry.
Dear Lady, you are probably the single socially redeeming part of this post. Originally Posted by Old-T
Aww shucks thanks you guys, almost makes my sanity seem worthwhile.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You guys know Texas ain't going fucking nowhere. Originally Posted by SkylarCruzWantsYou
The OP's position has long since ceased to be the topic of discussion, so you may have been wrong in your initial assumption, Ms Skylar. The new issue (between the name calling) is:

1) James McPherson, James Randall and other historians have documented how the process by which West Virginia became a state violated Art IV, Sec 3 of the Constitution; thus, de facto making the act "unconstitutional". Randall's studies expand on Lincoln's Attorney General Bates' legal determination at the time.

2) McPherson, Randall and other historians have documented that the self-aggrandizing politicians who pushed for annexation as an independent state did not in fact represent the population, and Lincoln and Congress were complicit in that "legal fiction".

3) McPherson, Randall and other historians have documented that West Virginia would not have been admitted as an independent state were it not for federal occupation troops manning polls and voting illegally during the referendum.

“The bill giving the consent of Congress, to the formation of this new State was rushed through precipitately. The friends of the bill thought delay dangerous -- any little accident, any revival among the Members of Congress, of a sense of justice and decency would, probably defeat it: And so, it was pressed through without any of the ordinary care and caution which is due to every legislative enactment -- and, in fact, the bill was full of the most glaring blunders. But the friends of the bill dared not attempt to amend it, lest delay and the scrut[in]y of debate might expose its absurdity and defeat its passage -- And so it was passed in all its deformity.” Howard K. Beale, editor, The Diary of Edward Bates, October 12, 1865.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-20-2012, 10:09 PM
Anyone notice a distinct droning sound?

Check out posts #414, #444, #454, and #458.

It will give you insight.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Blah, blah, blah, . . . More crying from Old-goaT. Crying in a high pussy-bitch whine, Old-goaT. Originally Posted by Old-T
Cry, cry, cry, you pussy-bitch Old-goaT, cry.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 11-20-2012, 10:28 PM
Are you really so afraid of what I say that you need to censor my words? Shame on you IBH! That is a decidedly COMMUNIST tactic, is it not? You believe in free speach, don't you? So why the need to lie about what I actually posted? Another question that is too hard a question for you to answer?

Check out posts #414, #444, #454, and #458. Plus now, #463 as well! And so the legend of IBBlithering grows!

You make this far too easy.

And now I will have some supper. But then I will see your next post--almost certain to be just like you last 45 posts--and I will reply sometime during the night. But you, in your paranoia, will have to be alert the whole time to see when I post so you can respond (with drivel) almost at once.

Day or night you are chained to your keyboard, ready to reply to legitimate questions with your same useles words. Do you REALLY have no life other than posting here?
============================== =

IBH concedes that he is an assinine, bloated, ignorant, lieing, blowhard forever!
Congratulations, you earned it!
And he knows how to change it: just answer the question. But he won't.
Deflect and Ignore! DEFLECT AND IGNORE!!!