Trump and his VP ???

  • DSK
  • 02-28-2016, 05:41 PM
Might as well get your crying towels out now, boys. This one is done.

Oh? You never put them away? Of course not! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I think you are mistaken.
Trump and his VP ??? Originally Posted by i'va biggen

"Independent" eehhbbhnneerr the matriarch hyena meets "He Who Greets With Fire"...
Go to the 1:07 mark... ROLL TIDE!

Janie M. says:
February 28, 2016 at 6:08 pm
Grahmnesty must be clutching at his pearls and swooning – has the vapors

AND... some of the benefits

Yssup Rider's Avatar
David DuKKKe, motherfucKKKer!
DizzyLizard's Avatar
You people sound like fucking children for crying out loud. While I'm non-partisan, it is clear that the Right is not capable of rational thought, or making a intelligible argument and substantiating it with any kind empirical evidence…err again rational thought. The Dems here are just as guilty for egging it on. At least they don't show their ass every time they open their mouth like these Trump supporters do. Do any of you Trump supporters see the irony with the fact this site exists, and that you contribute to the problem???? I mean, think about it, you wanna cut welfare, healthcare, etc. bitching that people mooch the system…all the while enabling while providing income to those with no paper trail-thus making it possible for them to collect benefits. The Right is full of ignorant selfish naive hypocrites….you haven't a room to talk!
  • DSK
  • 02-28-2016, 09:18 PM
You people sound like fucking children for crying out loud. While I'm non-partisan, it is clear that the Right is not capable of rational thought, or making a intelligible argument and substantiating it with any kind empirical evidence…err again rational thought. The Dems here are just as guilty for egging it on. At least they don't show their ass every time they open their mouth like these Trump supporters do. Do any of you Trump supporters see the irony with the fact this site exists, and that you contribute to the problem???? I mean, think about it, you wanna cut welfare, healthcare, etc. bitching that people mooch the system…all the while enabling while providing income to those with no paper trail-thus making it possible for them to collect benefits. The Right is full of ignorant selfish naive hypocrites….you haven't a room to talk! Originally Posted by DizzyLizard
Ironically, I'm non-partisan, also, and I think all left wingers are destroying this once great country. They enable losers and hustlers to work the system instead of working in a real job that helps the country.
DizzyLizard's Avatar
i agree…the Left, more often than not, gets on my fucking nerves with their so-called Progressive views. I'm just saying Trump has turned this into a shit show and brought the cooks out. Liberals read the epilogue of a book and are all of a sudden experts on that subject…Conservatives don't know what a book is.
And, anybody that says this country is 'shit' has probably never been to another country to see how well we have it here.
I B Hankering's Avatar
You people sound like fucking children for crying out loud. While I'm non-partisan, it is clear that the Right is not capable of rational thought, or making a intelligible argument and substantiating it with any kind empirical evidence…err again rational thought. The Dems here are just as guilty for egging it on. At least they don't show their ass every time they open their mouth like these Trump supporters do. Do any of you Trump supporters see the irony with the fact this site exists, and that you contribute to the problem???? I mean, think about it, you wanna cut welfare, healthcare, etc. bitching that people mooch the system…all the while enabling while providing income to those with no paper trail-thus making it possible for them to collect benefits. The Right is full of ignorant selfish naive hypocrites….you haven't a room to talk! Originally Posted by DizzyLizard
So you'd be one of those *rational* Odumbo minions that believed Odumbo when he told you you could keep your doctor if you liked your doctor and that no one would be *taxed* to support Odumbocare, and you'd be one of those ignorant, naive hypocrites who believed Odumbo and Hildabeast when they blamed the death of an American ambassador on a video and that al Qaeda was defeated and on the run.
DizzyLizard's Avatar
why you would insinuate that is beyond me! Rational thought-not much?
DizzyLizard's Avatar
Smart guy, why don't you attack my points? Or, if you want to make such claims, as you did above, why don't you substantiate them? Try answering my questions…first. Then you can work on attaching labels to belittle me. Whatever the fuck ever you just wrote, was conjecture at best…I'll wait!
I B Hankering's Avatar
why you would insinuate that is beyond me! Rational thought-not much? Originally Posted by DizzyLizard

The left lapped up every irrational drop of Kool Aid Odumbo poured into their cup. Rational people knew Odumbo and Hildabeast were lying.

Smart guy, why don't you attack my points? Or, if you want to make such claims, as you did above, why don't you substantiate them? Try answering my questions…first. Then you can work on attaching labels to belittle me. Whatever the fuck ever you just wrote, was conjecture at best…I'll wait! Originally Posted by DizzyLizard
Your points were addressed. The left sucked up every lie Odumbo and Hildabeast feed them, and you fantasize that the left is "rational" when they can't even think for themselves.