Odds on Trump's Impeachment

Obama is chill. Trump is a twit. Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Twitter is for twits
themystic's Avatar
Lots of wide open private land on the Texas border with no fences and walls. Bush Jr had hell putting up 500 + miles of fence. Lot of these are big wealthy land owners. There aint going be a " big beautiful wall"

37 % approval rating. I can see 20%
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
Berlin Wall Was keeping people IN East Germany, so there is no comparison.

I have never said I supported Trump. I just love watching to see what guys come up with.

Where in any of my posts did I say Mexicans are bad or not needed. I do think they should be documented/legal. Nothing wrong with knowing who lives here. The majority off my coworkers are Mexican, hard working, honest and devoted to their families.

What's really interesting are the post from the far left fail to be argue without name calling!

Hitler, really? That's the best you can do? Absolutely absured! Find one FACT to support that assumption. Secret police, killing rivals, taking over media outlets, suspending governing bodies...... the fact is there are three branches of government in the the US to prevent just such an occurrence.

So I'll address one more irrelevant statement. More illegals leaving than entering. So at 11 million non-documented people already here how many years would it take to bring the number down to a reasonable number?

I would urge you to look up the difference between passionate and fanatical.

While I've enjoyed our discourse and playing devil's advocate, it seems as though you are clearly out of anything original to bring to the table.

Of course I could be wrong! That's the biggest difference between us, I'm willing to admit I can't be right 100% of the time.

Very un PC "you people"

themystic's Avatar
What's really interesting are the post from the far left fail to be argue without name calling!

Hitler, really? That's the best you can do? Absolutely absured! Find one FACT to support that assumption. Secret police, killing rivals, taking over media outlets, suspending governing bodies...... the fact is there are three branches of government in the the US to prevent just such an occurrence.

DFW I do think it quite paradoxical you keep bring up name calling. Trump would never do that, my bad

Yeah, Hitler, really. Hitler was promising to make Germany great again. Trump make America great again. The real problems was the Jews,( and other derelicts of society), Trump has the Muslims, Mexicans and Blacks

Suspending governing bodies? Really. Look what hes doing to the EPA, The State Department, Departments of Energy, Education, Housing, etc?

Taking over Media outlets. The media according to Trump is bad, evil, liars, despicable, etc. He bans them everywhere he can get away with it. Trump, Here Ill tell you the real news, don't listen to them. I alone know the truth. 1600 Pennsylvania Daily

DFW you really do need to get out more. Your post is a rant of "bar room" nonsense

Yes, you people, as in You, allowed a clown like Trump to become POTUS. You peoples, continued support, 37% allows him to remain in office. Step up and own that DFW

The man is a disgrace to America

Yeah, Hitler, really. Hitler was promising to make Germany great again. Trump make America great again. The real problems was the Jews,( and other derelicts of society), Trump has the Muslims, Mexicans and Blacks
Originally Posted by DFWClubgoer

So cavalier....so blatantly irresponsible. You must think you're a "cast member" of that award-winning reality show, "CNN". Say what you want...just throw sh*t on the wall and see what sticks. No worries...after all, you have the right to Free Speech and can say (or in this case, write) whatever you wish. To me, its just noise for the sake of Shock Value....

The atrocities committed by one Adolph Hitler should never be the level of iconic evil that an American elected official...let alone our president...is ever compared to. The man was an insane mass murderer, plain and simple. Untold numbers of American lives were sacrificed to take down his reign of terror. I, myself, had family members who courageously served in both the European and Pacific Theaters during WWII. As young men they were forever changed by what they had to go through in order to help overcome the evil he brought to our world.

The Hitler/Trump comparison used by you and others (who are not fans of the man) is ridiculous. Continue doing so if it suits whatever purpose you believe it serves. But, while I cannot speak for them myself, if any of my uncles were alive today to hear you or others say such a thing (to their faces) I seriously doubt any of them would sugar coat the conversation.
It's only monday Stupid. We will see. Originally Posted by Fishy2
Just admit you have no evidence for your shit stupid beliefs, you know, like adults do when proven wrong?
themystic's Avatar
[QUOTE=Chateau Becot;1059344287]


. I, myself, had family members who courageously served in both the European and Pacific Theaters during WWII. As young men they were forever changed by what they had to go through in order to help overcome the evil he brought to our world.

But, while I cannot speak for them myself, if any of my uncles were alive today to hear you or others say such a thing (to their faces) I seriously doubt any of them would sugar coat the conversation. Originally Posted by themystic

Put your flag down CB. You dont deserve to fly it. My dad was WW II. he passed 2 years ago. If my Dad or your Uncles were here, I highly doubt they would back Trump. If they did I wouldnt be sugar coating the conversation either. This is the same man that dissed John McCain and the Gold Star family. Your right, they saw it first hand. Hitler comparrisons that I mentioned are fair, wheather you like it or not

Play any of your Trump cards you want, but lay off the Patriot card. You nor Trump deserve that title

You want shock Value? Turn your fucking TV on Fox News, CNN, wherever you want and just see whats happening. Especially with Russia

Maybe Trump supporters really are stupid. As my Dad would say, " CB you wouldnt make a pimple on a Patriots ass"

Put your flag down CB. You dont deserve to fly it. My dad was WW II. he passed 2 years ago. If my Dad or your Uncles were here, I highly doubt they would back Trump. If they did I wouldnt be sugar coating the conversation either. This is the same man that dissed John McCain and the Gold Star family. Your right, they saw it first hand. Hitler comparrisons that I mentioned are fair, wheather you like it or not

Play any of your Trump cards you want, but lay off the Patriot card. You nor Trump deserve that title

You want shock Value? Turn your fucking TV on Fox News, CNN, wherever you want and just see whats happening. Especially with Russia

Maybe Trump supporters really are stupid. As my Dad would say, " CB you wouldnt make a pimple on a Patriots ass" Originally Posted by Chateau Becot

anyone that thinks hitler is an insane murderer and cannot happen in america is ignorant of history and stupid, no two ways about it.
Just admit you have no evidence for your shit stupid beliefs, you know, like adults do when proven wrong? Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid
what makes a die-hard trump supporter a die-hard trump supporter is his/her ability to willfully ignore reality and the tendency to believe in alternative facts. they're lemmings that will follow the cheetos trail off the ledge happily. it never fails with these types, always latching onto convenient scapegoats for their misfortunes and following a charlatan to the bitter end till they're proven wrong. only hope rest for rest of us is our institutions may be strong enough to prevent Orange from burning the country down.

anyone that thinks hitler is an insane murderer and cannot happen in america is ignorant of history and stupid, no two ways about it. Originally Posted by themystic


Okay, smart guy....since you're so up on your 20th Century world history, why don't you explain to the group how this is going to unfold? How exactly is Adolph Hitler's 1930's-1940's unholy reign in Germany going to "happen in America"? C'mon, stupid...share this wealth of wisdom with all of us, why dontcha?
themystic's Avatar
[QUOTE=Chateau Becot;1059345132]


Okay, smart guy....since you're so up on your 20th Century world history, why don't you explain to the group how this is going to unfold? How exactly is Adolph Hitler's 1930's-1940's unholy reign in Germany going to "happen in America"? C'mon, stupid...share this wealth of wisdom with all of us, why dontcha? Originally Posted by darkwader

Your right dip shit. Hitler didnt have nuclear weapons at his disosal.

Put your flag down CB. You dont deserve to fly it. My dad was WW II. he passed 2 years ago. If my Dad or your Uncles were here, I highly doubt they would back Trump. If they did I wouldnt be sugar coating the conversation either. This is the same man that dissed John McCain and the Gold Star family. Your right, they saw it first hand. Hitler comparrisons that I mentioned are fair, wheather you like it or not

Play any of your Trump cards you want, but lay off the Patriot card. You nor Trump deserve that title

You want shock Value? Turn your fucking TV on Fox News, CNN, wherever you want and just see whats happening. Especially with Russia

Maybe Trump supporters really are stupid. As my Dad would say, " CB you wouldnt make a pimple on a Patriots ass" Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Flags are flying. High and proud, too. Deal with it. Oh, btw, I deserve what I say I deserve; not you. So fuq cough on that one.

You've turned this thread into your own personal pissing contest, pal. I'm done with it. You've made your point...you don't like DJT nor his supporters. My take...? phhhht!!!

But ya know what...?....he's in office today and President Hillary...lol...well, she ain't!

In closing, the thread was titled (by grean) as "something-something when or if will Trump be impeached", right? Well, the way things are going, I'd say his first four years are a total lock. That said, the numbnut Dems best get their shit together for 2020...or it's gonna be another Election Night of shock and awe for Rachel, Chris, Wolf and the rest of the whiny ass Fake News media.

Your right dip shit. Hitler didnt have nuclear weapons at his disosal. Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
You ignorant libturd....when in Gawd's name are you gonna learn how to use Spellcheck?? Do you need me to send you a tutorial or something...?

And it's You're right.

Keep that line handy btw...you'll be using it a lot in the future:

You're right, Chateau...you're right
With djt approval ratings in the dumpster and inability to execute his agenda. I wouldn't be completely surprised by a false fire event like Reichstag Fire to get people to believe that he's the prophet and 'the one and only' savior. If anyone has HBO, check out Bill Mahers guest last weekend. (Not a huge Maher fan, but he has awesome guests at times)
themystic's Avatar
[QUOTE=Chateau Becot;1059345230]

Flags are flying. High and proud, too. Deal with it. Oh, btw, I deserve what I say I deserve; not you. So fuq cough on that one.

You've turned this thread into your own personal pissing contest, pal. I'm done with it. You've made your point...you don't like DJT nor his supporters. My take...? phhhht!!!

But ya know what...?....he's in office today and President Hillary...lol...well, she ain't!

In closing, the thread was titled (by grean) as "something-something when or if will Trump be impeached", right? Well, the way things are going, I'd say his first four years are a total lock. That said, the numbnut Dems best get their shit together for 2020...or it's gonna be another Election Night of shock and awe for Rachel, Chris, Wolf and the rest of the whiny ass Fake News media. Originally Posted by themystic
Keep flying that Russian flag Comrade Becot. You do deserve that :-)