Signed, sealed, delivered! Who else has a new health insurance policy?

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Who the fuck is Keenan, YouBoob?

How many Aggies does it take...
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  • WTF
  • 11-04-2013, 12:00 AM
Fuck if I know... I thought it was the government web-site. If it isn't, the government needs to buy it! LOL Originally Posted by WTF
Moronic buffoon, your lie was "I don't know" when you knew. That is what I was calling you on. That's why I quoted that post. Jeez, what a moron.

How did you NOT type is what I want to know. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I said "Fuck if I know", not "I don't know". Now you're the liar. Why would I have posted the website if I lied on purpose? Moron.

I fucked up and admitted so. I'm glad nwarounder pointed it out so I can address it. Damn. I have no problem admitting my mistakes, unlike some.
I said "Fuck if I know", not "I don't know". Now you're the liar. Originally Posted by WTF
Absolutely priceless. You moronic buffoon.
LexusLover's Avatar
And "speculation" is what LL thrives on! Originally Posted by bigtex
Hey Great Ilk Hunter ... you might want to scroll down to see ...

.."the Rest of the Story" ...

At least WTF, again, has the integrity to come clean, .....

.. the "Snake Oil" doesn't work for him ... he reads the fine print on the label.
LexusLover's Avatar
I fucked up and admitted so....... I have no problem admitting my mistakes, unlike some. Originally Posted by WTF
Again, respect for your integrity .. and open mindedness to re-examine the process ...

.. unlike some!!! (Those who prefer advertisements over government documents for proof!)
So what was the fallout WTF?
@ WTF..........

So you handed over your Social Security number to a web site you never verified ?

And you have the cojones to lecture us on global affairs, economics, world history, and matters of complex morality and ethics ?
The purpose of this website, other than for WTF to call us "Tea Wipes" and project his homosexual fantasies on those who disagree with him, is to get value out of the hobby experience.

In that vein, I'm willing to give WTF a break on this incident. He may have TOFTT. Its not like he's the first one to ever to be fooled by a "fake" website. This website may not be all that dangerous. No offense to the poster who alerted WTF to the website "switch", I really don't know.

BTW, there are various reports that the site got a security waiver so who knows how secure it is.
LexusLover's Avatar
@ WTF..........

So you handed over your Social Security number to a web site you never verified ?

And you have the cojones to lecture us on global affairs, economics, world history, and matters of complex morality and ethics ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And those are now gone!!!!

But I respect his integrity for being honest about it.

Actually, I thought "everyone" (at least except Obaminable and WTF) knew that the ObaminableCare website went "on line' prior to any security system verification .. and the now infamous "WEBMASTERS" gave that report to the "powers-to-be" ... that would be .... errrr..... errrr..... Snowden?
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 11-05-2013, 07:16 AM
So the company that built the Obama care web site is the laughing stock of Canada, they have sucked up 100s of millions of Canadians moneys for incomplete projects, non working web sites etc.
So OUR Govt picks them to do this multi million dollar deal, it fails and i dont give a rats ass what party you belong to it should piss you off. If it doesnt piss you off somethings bad wrong with ya.
And OUR Govt awarded the contract to them WHY ?

Toni Townes-Whitley, a college classmate of Michelle Obama and a senior executive at besieged Obamacare website contractor CGI Federal, has visited the White House several times for both personal and professional reasons.

Townes-Whitley visited the White House complex on four occasions earlier this year to meet with administration officials in her role as vice president for at CGI Federal, which secured a $678 million no-bid contract to build the Obamacare exchange web portal.

Townes-Whitley, a Princeton University classmate of first lady Michelle Obama, and her husband, John Whitley, who works as an engineer for CBS News, also attended a White House Christmas gathering together in 2010, posing for photos with the president and first lady.

Seems like if your gonna give your buddies no bid contracts at least make sure they can do something right. The more you read about this Canadian company the worse you feel, they dont seem to ever finish anything.
Jump in there libs, tell me how im a dumb ass, how this is all right wing bullshit. How stupid i am. Cant wait. Originally Posted by steamyromance
Do you seriously believe they won't be able to get a website working? Everyone knows it will get going and these minor and expected problems will be forgotten except for the diehard opponents who would complain anyway. I don't need insurance through the exchange, but I'm glad it is there and I don't need to worry about getting scammed into a bad policy with too many limitations.
its not about the website although that does reflect government's toxic inability to perform

it really is all about the destruction of what we rely on, what the whole world really relies on from us, quality healthcare, quality doctors, cutting edge research and drug therapies, all in the name of control and retribution and paternalism and socialism

many people will turn over their birthright for that mess of pottage known as security, albeit a false sense of security until it is too late

yes you have health insurance, no we dont have enough doctors or smart enough doctors, however we do have a ward we can place you in, with indolent practical nurses paid quite well as government union members are known to be paid.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-05-2013, 07:37 AM
@ WTF..........

So you handed over your Social Security number to a web site you never verified ?

And you have the cojones to lecture us on global affairs, economics, world history, and matters of complex morality and ethics ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Whirly-Poo, I thought it was the correct web-site. I made a fucking mistake. No biggie. After checking out the web-site it is not a total fraud. They do try and sign you up for healthcare...they just do so by fooling your ass into believing that it is official. Or at least they did with my dumbass. That said, I am going to see if they can get me the policy they promised. I went half way through the government site but decided not to buy another policy!

The government web-site was more secure in that it asked a few more questions. Knew things about me. It asked if I was a US citizen and that you would be breaking the law if you lied on it. You had to click yes you understood that fact. So maybe there aren't all these illegals you are worrying about signing up on the government dime.

And yes as fucked up as you are on global affairs, economics, world history, and matters of complex morality and ethics , you should listen to all my lectures!
LexusLover's Avatar
Whirly-Poo, I thought it was the correct web-site. I made a fucking mistake. No biggie. Originally Posted by WTF
The "biggie" is you are not the "average" Joe or Mary out there wanting coverage.

Obaminable did give all of "us" a warning though ..

.... when he claimed to "model" ObaminableCare after the Post Office !!!!!

The second kick in the ass will be for the next waive of cancellations of existing policies.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-05-2013, 11:45 AM
The "biggie" is you are not the "average" Joe or Mary out there wanting coverage.

Obaminable did give all of "us" a warning though ..

.... when he claimed to "model" ObaminableCare after the Post Office !!!!!

The second kick in the ass will be for the next waive of cancellations of existing policies. Originally Posted by LexusLover

credit where credit is due...
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