MT Pockets's Avatar
The strain of withdrawal from YOUR hero has YOU confused and babbling. YOU might want to consider becoming a politician in YOUR area, since that's a " qualification " that YOU lying liberals look for. Look at shrilLIARy, Babblin Bernie, Sheila Jackson-Lee and Nancy Pigugli for examples.
And for YOUR further GAY experiments, just snuggle up to the reach-around crew. They're sure to welcome YOU with open flies ( if they happen to be wearing trousers and not their rainbow-colored thongs ) . And they are sure to give YOU those " facials " that YOU so miss from YOUR hero LUBE !
They've even been known to " spitroast " the new members of the 'crew ! It will sure beat the harassment YOU must be getting from store management for staggering around YOUR local HEB parking lot crying and ranting over LUBE'S " vacation " from here !!!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I am not the one caterwauling for him you are. You done fucked around and lost Lusty to the face sitter. You best just stay with your mommy.
Rey! He is not coming back to you. Berating him is just gonna make it worse. Lusty is already hooking up with HSF. You are gonna find yourself alone again.

Looks like you still have a thing for Rey or you would not be talking trash about Luke. I did not really know him that well but he really meant a lot to some of you guys. I hope he knows how much he is missed around here. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Why do you even give a fuck? Is Lube another one of your handles? Or is he your butt buddy?

How long was the ban this time? Originally Posted by Stockinglover
Not long enough. I think it's eccie's policy to not announce the length of time of a banning for some reason.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Why do you even give a fuck? Is Lube another one of your handles? Or is he your butt buddy?
Originally Posted by gnadfly
No I do not even know him. The reason I even commented on a thread pertaining to him was because one of them researched his posting, and found a heart felt comment about being ashamed of his weight.
They then took that one comment and went bananas over it, and the whole congress of asshole started berating him because he is fat.
Some of the folks that jumped on the fat shaming band wagon have since quit after it was pointed out that it was borderline considered a medical condition and in poor taste at best.
Others continue to berate him and bring his name up every 5 seconds. That being the case with Rey lengua. Rey is obsessed with him and has " Pho" challenged him to meet at the HEB. Of course Rey said I am at HEB for the next 300 seconds(no joke) and split if he was even there. Not much of a challenge more of a reindeer game. Luke showed up as fast as he could ( 13 minutes I think) and even had proof he was there.
Rey of course was long gone. More than one member including myself and Luke offered to meet Rey with a reasonable notice when he has talked his macho shit and he runs and hides.
He loves to bring up Lukes name and normally tags mine in it . So I give him a dose of his own medicine.
I don't think anyone here is gay, nor do I care. But funny how some like to call names and give you a nickname then get all wound up when you return the favor.
Beside trying to piss off a few wiseguys, I have not defended him (Luke) on any of his comments about what his life is outside of here. And just as I have explained to a few. I know enough folks that I could pass for just about anything myself. All I would need to do is a little research or have them answer for me.
I take everything said here with a grain of salt. The only thing that is valid here is logic and maybe a few facts. The rest is just entertainment.
lustylad's Avatar
The only thing that is valid here is logic and maybe a few facts. The rest is just entertainment. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Well then, it's good to know you appreciate how thoroughly herfacechair keeps destroying you with logical, fact-based, reasoned arguments in the "our girl condalisa" thread!

Watching him do that to you every night is both valid AND entertaining!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're a poseur, Junior.

Never been anything but.

And, I might add, a total fucking coward, letting your butt buddie EATLER take a bullet for you time and time again.

Sucks to be you, shitbird!
MT Pockets's Avatar

Watching him do that to you every night is both valid AND entertaining!

Originally Posted by lustylad
Do you tickle his balls while he "does it"?
lustylad's Avatar
You're a poseur, Junior. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Do you tickle his balls while he "does it"? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Lame, lame, lame... dipshits gotta get that last post in, no matter how lame! No wonder you two cocksuckers are laughed at and rejected everywhere but down at the gloryholes!
MT Pockets's Avatar
Lame, lame, lame... dipshits gotta get that last post in, no matter how lame! No wonder you two cocksuckers are laughed at and rejected everywhere but down at the gloryholes! Originally Posted by lustylad
Yep. Its a trick I learned from your pappy.
You may be right about the glory holes. I passed by one yesterday and I heard you say is that fresh meat? You started crying when you found out I was just passing by on the way to your Moms house.
lustylad's Avatar
You may be right about the glory holes. I passed by one yesterday and I heard you say is that fresh meat? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
That was your neighborhood butcher store, you lame-ass sperm burper! Everything looks like a gloryhole to you, since your eyes are permanently glazed and glued shut after working countless triple shifts taking non-stop bukkake headshots!
MT Pockets's Avatar
That was your neighborhood butcher store, you lame-ass sperm burper! Everything looks like a gloryhole to you, since your eyes are permanently glazed and glued shut after working countless triple shifts taking non-stop bukkake headshots! Originally Posted by lustylad
So are you saying that the reason you loiter at the butcher is because your friends said they hang meat there? Seems like you are always having trouble understanding what people said.
After you leering at me I will go around the block so I am not subjected to your cat calls. It makes it tough to get a hard on knowing I am gonna shove it in the hole where you came out of already. Seeing your mug on the way makes it even harder, I mean softer LOL!
Evidently MT was Lube's butt buddy.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Why do you even give a fuck? Is Lube another one of your handles? Or is he your butt buddy? Originally Posted by gnadfly
No I do not even know him. The reason I even commented on a thread pertaining to him was because one of them researched his posting, and found a heart felt comment about being ashamed of his weight.
They then took that one comment and went bananas over it, and the whole congress of asshole started berating him because he is fat.
Some of the folks that jumped on the fat shaming band wagon have since quit after it was pointed out that it was borderline considered a medical condition and in poor taste at best.
Others continue to berate him and bring his name up every 5 seconds. That being the case with Rey lengua. Rey is obsessed with him and has " Pho" challenged him to meet at the HEB. Of course Rey said I am at HEB for the next 300 seconds(no joke) and split if he was even there. Not much of a challenge more of a reindeer game. Luke showed up as fast as he could ( 13 minutes I think) and even had proof he was there.
Rey of course was long gone. More than one member including myself and Luke offered to meet Rey with a reasonable notice when he has talked his macho shit and he runs and hides.
He loves to bring up Lukes name and normally tags mine in it . So I give him a dose of his own medicine.
I don't think anyone here is gay, nor do I care. But funny how some like to call names and give you a nickname then get all wound up when you return the favor.
Beside trying to piss off a few wiseguys, I have not defended him (Luke) on any of his comments about what his life is outside of here. And just as I have explained to a few. I know enough folks that I could pass for just about anything myself. All I would need to do is a little research or have them answer for me.
I take everything said here with a grain of salt. The only thing that is valid here is logic and maybe a few facts. The rest is just entertainment. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Evidently MT was Lube's butt buddy. Originally Posted by gnadfly
You see how this works around here. You asked me a question with no insults and I gave you an extensive reply also with no insults. Suddenly you decide it is time to up the game.
So you reply with I am lubes butt buddy. Why?
Did I insult you? Did I call you a name? But If i reply with a similar comment to your's, I am suddenly the bad guy. Since I do not really care what you think after you disrespected me I will not give you the satisfaction. I am sure you can find plenty of guys to insult you so I wish you luck.
Evidently MT was Lube's butt buddy. Originally Posted by gnadfly
And " out and proud " about it too !
MT Pockets's Avatar
And " out and proud " about it too ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
I am not gay but if it keeps you off Luke's dick it may be worth it. How is it? Did you enjoy it or did Luke force to get down on it? I have never been tempted, but after witnessing you have a conniption over losing Luke , maybe I will give it a try.Can you could give me some pointers. Does your Lengua get in the way? I just thought about something. Your handle ending in an A, makes it a feminine name in the Spanish. It that a coincidence?
I am not gay but if it keeps you off Luke's dick it may be worth it. How is it? Did you enjoy it or did Luke force to get down on it? I have never been tempted, but after witnessing you have a conniption over losing Luke , maybe I will give it a try.Can you could give me some pointers. Does your Lengua get in the way? I just thought about something. Your handle ending in an A, makes it a feminine name in the Spanish. It that a coincidence? Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Thanks for bumping the thread about YOUR hero LUBE and HIS failed effort to get people banned !!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Ya DIPSHIT ! HAHAHAHAHAHA And learn MORE Spanish , shithead. There is no masculine form of the word lengua, ya fucking idiot ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Now, go cry to LUBE in the HEB parking lot ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA