TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

So you are saying you are a dumbass? I agree.

I am very familiar with how Chump thinks and operates. He thinks like a dumb-ass and operates like a dumb-ass.
I don't think he Can read.
Our next president needs to Update the Playbook by adding a chapter listing Chump's efforts entitled "What Not to Do". Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Still ignoring.

GREAT Link! Thanks.

I see too much of trump squawking. I guess NPR got tired of him like I did yelling at the TV when he lied/went off script, they didn't carry his speech the other day.

You wonder why ellen used a link to a media she has said she despised? Can't play it both ways.

There have been presidents that I didn't like while in office but could respect them. Even after they left the White House. The ones you listed I can respect. But I don't see myself doing that for trump.


I really don't mind the english Aljazeera. I don't really watch CNN, MSNBC, FOX. But do see a bit of OAN. I can definitely say i'd prefer AJ over some of the above.

Been my experience at my job to never trust a chinese capacitor. Flux or otherwise. Originally Posted by Precious_b
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SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Maybe my calendar has a coincidental time warp function built into it's Flux Capacitor, but I recall the timeline more as:

China: Not sure when you think China released actual, factual or relevant data. But we believe they started having "issues" in Nov 2019. But hey, if you think China actually only had 40,000 infections out of a population of 1.3B, you go with that. Coincidentally, in that same month the CDC posted job openings for Public Health Advisors for their Quarantine Program in multiple cities here:

Italy: The first cases of the 2019-20 coronavirus pandemic in Italy were confirmed on 31 January 2020, when two Chinese tourists in Rome tested positive Coincidentally, that was the same day he banned all flights from China - which apparently made him a racist xenophobe in some circles.

Maybe you've never worked directly with CEOs. Maybe you didn't work much in a competitive company in the private sector. I dunno. But if you did all of the above, you would be more familiar on how a leader, aka the BOSS, thinks and operates.

The BOSS takes inputs from the team, sets one or more goals based on that input, then relies on his team, aka experts, to tell him if it's possible or not. At this point, he is expecting action plans, lists of tasks required, aka scope of work, and a draft of pros and cons, along with risk factors and known obstacles to achieving the goal and budgets.

Then there is a series of iterative process(es) and reviews, status updates, new data received, etc. - culminating in a GO/NOGO decision or modification to the plan. Rinse and repeat. Noteworthy: new data is streaming in showing impacts of already taken steps and precautions, along with data on who are impacted (age groups) and how. Not to mention progress on possible therapeutics and progress on vaccines for the future.

We are still in the iterative processes and I doubt you've recently gained the clairvoyance abilities needed to see the future accurately, based upon your challenges with understanding the recent past. But I could be wrong again. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I worked for a major corporation for 46 years, reaching a senior level. Never worked directly for the CEO of the company but worked directly with people up to and including division presidents.

Yes, a good CEO listens to his trusted advisors in order to make the best decisions. Trump instead goes his own way and makes ridiculous statements to the people of this country.

Have you watched Dr. Fauci's face contort when Trump makes a statement that flies in the face of reality?

"On February 28, Trump said that coronavirus will “disappear” like a “miracle” while speaking at a press conference for his coronavirus task force. On Tuesday, he told reporters on Capitol Hill that coronavirus “will go away.” In late February, he speculated that warm weather would kill the virus and stop its spread. None of these statements are backed by science or infectious disease experts within his own administration. (Though some diseases — like the seasonal flu — do diminish in warmer seasons, there is currently no evidence the novel coronavirus will behave this way.)"

I can cite source after source talking about the many misleading statements, and absolute lies, Trump has made since the onset of the coronavirus in China. You would rather attack the source than comment on whether or not the statements are true.

I don't rely on being clairvoyent in understanding the circumstances. Today we had the most deaths from the virus so far. We have surpassed China in the number of cases, although I don't trust China to supply us with accurate data. Either way, we are at least #2 if not #1 in the world in coronavrus cases.

I listen to Trump's task force for the most reliable information on the future anticipated spread of the virus and what should be done to protect ourselves. If the experts think that business can get back in some respect to a more normal condition by Easter Sunday, fine. From what I've heard, that is very doubtful.
Precious_b's Avatar
Still ignoring. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Serious question for all you Trump cultists: How can you honestly defend him and Dan Patrick going on television and advocating for the death of millions just to save their own bottom line and that of a few billionaires? Has it finally become enough for you to see the forest for the trees, or are you just gonna keep coming up with excuses?

And one other thing: Are you seriously going to take his advice and de-quarantine by Easter? I want to know, because that's when I'm gonna shelter in place with at least 3 months supplies while all of you idiots go out spread the virus. Thanks, it would be nice.
Well put, Speed. The virus outbreak has shown to the rest of the world just how dangerous Trump and his cult really are. Id they take his "advice" and go about business-as-usual by Easter, they're going to make the situation exponentially worse than it is. We're all doomed thanks to these idiots and the idiot leader they helped the Electoral College appoint president.

I worked for a major corporation for 46 years, reaching a senior level. Never worked directly for the CEO of the company but worked directly with people up to and including division presidents.

Yes, a good CEO listens to his trusted advisors in order to make the best decisions. Trump instead goes his own way and makes ridiculous statements to the people of this country.

Have you watched Dr. Fauci's face contort when Trump makes a statement that flies in the face of reality?

"On February 28, Trump said that coronavirus will “disappear” like a “miracle” while speaking at a press conference for his coronavirus task force. On Tuesday, he told reporters on Capitol Hill that coronavirus “will go away.” In late February, he speculated that warm weather would kill the virus and stop its spread. None of these statements are backed by science or infectious disease experts within his own administration. (Though some diseases — like the seasonal flu — do diminish in warmer seasons, there is currently no evidence the novel coronavirus will behave this way.)"

I can cite source after source talking about the many misleading statements, and absolute lies, Trump has made since the onset of the coronavirus in China. You would rather attack the source than comment on whether or not the statements are true.

I don't rely on being clairvoyent in understanding the circumstances. Today we had the most deaths from the virus so far. We have surpassed China in the number of cases, although I don't trust China to supply us with accurate data. Either way, we are at least #2 if not #1 in the world in coronavrus cases.

I listen to Trump's task force for the most reliable information on the future anticipated spread of the virus and what should be done to protect ourselves. If the experts think that business can get back in some respect to a more normal condition by Easter Sunday, fine. From what I've heard, that is very doubtful. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Serious question for all you Trump cultists: How can you honestly defend him... Originally Posted by supercold1
In a single word - multitasking
When I'm not defending the brilliant work Trump and team are doing, I also harken back to Feb 2, 2020 and listen to the NYC Health Director and NYC Council man talking about they want to keep NYC open with parades and bars and what not. Then I flip over and watch the Mayor of NYC touting how they remain open to everyone for all of NYC to embrace. Then I pop over and watch the Mayour of that Chocolate City in Louisiana espousing how Mardi Gras is open for BUSINE$$. Then I flip over to Rachel Madcow and vomit.

...Are you seriously going to take his advice and de-quarantine by Easter?... Originally Posted by supercold1
Not at all dipstick. Imma let the young healthy bucks go back to work, backstopped with the drug cocktail that has been known since 2005 to support the ponzi schemes we know as Social Security and pensions. (curious that spell check wants to substitute ponzi with poison, can't make that chite up)
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I can cite source after source talking about the many misleading statements, and absolute lies...I don't rely on being clairvoyent in understanding the circumstances. Today we had the most deaths from the virus so far. We have surpassed China in the number of cases, although I don't trust China to supply us with accurate data. Either way, we are at least #2 if not #1 in the world in corona virus cases... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
But can you do basic math?!? So you are saying that the US, pop ~300M, has double the number of CV case that Chi-i-i-i-na has, with a pop of ~1.3B and that make sense to you? Or that NYC, which has about the same pop as Wuhan, Chi-i-i-na, has more cases than all of Chi-i-i-ina? Or were you unable to catch any of that while giving three bobs and a slob on Xiping's knob? (hope SC1 ain't got a case of the jealouses) Not withstanding you can't recall 6 days ago with any clarity.

But by all means, cite your sources. A good 87 or so should be just fine. But be sure they check them out with your pole dancer first. No worries, I'll spot you a couple one $ bills if you need them for her. BTW: Does she go natch or trimmed? Ask'n for a fren...
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Have you watched Dr. Fauci's face contort when Trump makes a statement ... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
He kinda just simply looks like that on his best days. Though it could be from fear of Arkancide after those gooey love letters to Hitlary back in the day, which I'm confident you can't recall owing to your recorded_history_dysphoria.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I am very familiar with how Chump thinks and operates. He thinks like a dumb-ass and operates like a dumb-ass. Originally Posted by sportfisherman
Your symbiotic affinity on how a dumb-ass thinks is not as big a sunrise as you might think. Juss say'n
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
But can you do basic math?!? So you are saying that the US, pop ~300M, has double the number of CV case that Chi-i-i-i-na has, with a pop of ~1.3B and that make sense to you? Or that NYC, which has about the same pop as Wuhan, Chi-i-i-na, has more cases than all of Chi-i-i-ina? Or were you unable to catch any of that while giving three bobs and a slob on Xiping's knob? (hope SC1 ain't got a case of the jealouses) Not withstanding you can't recall 6 days ago with any clarity.

But by all means, cite your sources. A good 87 or so should be just fine. But be sure they check them out with your pole dancer first. No worries, I'll spot you a couple one $ bills if you need them for her. BTW: Does she go natch or trimmed? Ask'n for a fren... Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I said I am suspect, as Trump is, of any information coming out of China. Even at #2 the U.S. has nothing to brag about.

More deaths in the U.S. yesterday than ever before. There is no evidence that we are making significant headway as of yet in stopping the spread of the virus in this country. You asked me whether I am clairvoyent and I answered. I listen to others who have superior knowledge on the subject, unlike Trump who considers himself an expert on ALL subjects.

It is incredible how when you are proven wrong, as I proved you wrong, or at least misleading, on your statements regarding the deficit, how you quickly move on to other subjects. And somehow divert the discussion to pole dancing???
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
He kinda just simply looks like that on his best days. Though it could be from fear of Arkancide after those gooey love letters to Hitlary back in the day, which I'm confident you can't recall owing to your recorded_history_dysphoria. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Your thoughts meander meaninglessly more than Trump's.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Your thoughts meander meaninglessly more than Trump's. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Just realized I should talk louder for you today because you may have been sitting next to the Coronavirus Panic Balloon when Dr. Birx popped it yesterday.

My bad. Can you hear me now?!?

Dr. Deborah Birx rebuked much of the media's panic reporting about the number of estimated deaths related to the coronavirus and the state of America's medical supplies...
The doctor said data on the ground in China, South Korea, and Italy does not match the prediction of the models used to forecast the coronavirus. Dr. Birx said either a large number of asymptomatic people exist in order to account for the discrepancy or the experts have the transmission data completely wrong. "Models are models," Dr. Birx cautioned.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Your thoughts meander meaninglessly more than Trump's. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Meanwhile back in Dr. Fauci-ville:

...scientists have confirmed that President Trump’s travel bans on China and Europe slowed and limited the spread of the disease in the United States. In Fauci’s case, he specifically urged the travel ban be imposed on Europe.
All of the Democratic candidates for president opposed those bans.

Former Vice President Joe Biden called the China ban “hysterical” and xenophobic, and panned the Europe ban after Trump announced it.

But seriously folks, it's the freak'n Christians:
The NY Times:
“The Road to Coronavirus Hell Was Paved by Evangelicals”