NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Right now talk of a trade out is totally dead in the media. Originally Posted by BigLouie
As late as last week, I was still holding out hope that BL was wrong and a trade for the #1 pick would occur.

Then I resigned myself to the fact that it was not going to happen. Why? "Cuz BL said so when he told us that "the media" had already made up their mind that "talk of a trade" was "totally dead in the media."

Fast forward to today and now I read on that "the media" is now saying "the Texans want to trade down and take K. Mack." Media, make up your friggin' minds! "The Media" better not allow the Texans to make the draft day decisions. Why? Because everyone knows, "the media" runs the War Rooms, not the teams!

Enough is enough! It's time for "The Media" to grow a pair!
BigLouie's Avatar
I will give you the fact that the Texans are trying to trade the pick. Trying hard. No takers. Casserly said the Mario Williams draft when people could trade up for Mario Vince Young or Reggie Bush the had NO offers. And this is when people said Reggie was going to be the next Gayle Sayers and Vince had the monster Rose Bowl. Plus I don't think it's a good idea to trade down to sixth. Both Mack and Clowney will be gone as will 2 of the QB. Plus Rick Smith has done a piss poor job with lower round picks. There is no guarantee he will pick good players with more picks. The odds are that he does a bad job. You think someone is dying to trade up? Make your case
bambino's Avatar
I will give you the fact that the Texans are trying to trade the pick. Trying hard. No takers. Casserly said the Mario Williams draft when people could trade up for Mario Vince Young or Reggie Bush the had NO offers. And this is when people said Reggie was going to be the next Gayle Sayers and Vince had the monster Rose Bowl. Plus I don't think it's a good idea to trade down to sixth. Both Mack and Clowney will be gone as will 2 of the QB. Plus Rick Smith has done a piss poor job with lower round picks. There is no guarantee he will pick good players with more picks. The odds are that he does a bad job. You think someone is dying to trade up? Make your case Originally Posted by BigLouie
So, what you're saying is the Texans don't want extra picks because their GM sucks? That makes sense.
I think what he was saying is that Rick Smith couldn't make a good pick even if he had a crystal ball and could see 5 years into the future. And I agree
I think what he was saying is that Rick Smith couldn't make a good pick even if he had a crystal ball and could see 5 years into the future. And I agree Originally Posted by tbone2u
I agree! That damn JJ Watt (1), Brian Cushing (1), Duane Brown (1), Brooks Reed (2), Connor Barwin (2), James Casey (5), Ben Tate (2), Darrel Sharpton (4), Garrett Graham(4), Kareem Jackson (1), Shiloh Keo (5), Derek Newton (5), DeAndre Hopkins (1), DJ Swearinger (2) Brice McCain (6) and Whitney Mercilus (1). Not to mention Arian Foster (undrafted) were all shitty players whose first professional football contracts all came during Rick Smith's watch.

The Texans should have packaged every one of 'em and traded them all for a 7th round draft pick and a case of beer!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 04-21-2014, 11:54 PM
BT, you're on a roll man, lmao!!! The "media" think they know everything, but don't know shit. The decision is being hashed out by 3 people: McNair, BOB and Rick Smith. They're not gonna show their hand, they never do.

Did anyone see "Draft Day"?
BT, you're on a roll man, lmao!!! Originally Posted by Satin
Don't ya just love it when they say something without first engaging their brain?

Speaking of saying something stupid, where is 'Sugar' Daddio? Did he finally wear out his trusty ol' measuring tape and is out searching for a new one?

The decision is being hashed out by 3 people: McNair, BOB and Rick Smith. Originally Posted by Satin
I didn't realize that McNair, BOB and Rick Smith were also in "The Media."
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 04-22-2014, 07:37 AM
I'm sure you'll be interested to know that the media (Sports 610) is reporting that McNair wants JFF, Smith wants Clowney and BOB wants Bortles.

And we all know, if the media says it, it must be true!

Anyone else going to the Texans Draft Party on May 8?
boardman's Avatar
repost of OFS's linck

This guy pretty much hits the nail on the head.
The draft boards are set.
The Texans(McNair, Smith Bob and a very select few others) know who they are going to take. Anything information that comes from the from the front office or coaches is carefully a carefully coordinated smokescreen in an attempt to manipulate draft day decisions by other teams. It's a fucking 32 player chess match and I think McNair loves playing the game.
The media doesn't have a fucking clue what's going to happen but we the fans gobble up every little bit of speculation they throw at us so they continue throwing to keep us all entertained.

If it weren't for the NFL draft what would we have, Baseball, NBA Playoffs, Stanley Cup Playoffs? The Astros still suck, Rockets looked horrible Sunday and the Devils didn't make it to the show but who gives a shit about any of that anyway when there's the NFL to talk about.
BigLouie's Avatar
Shiloh Keo oh dear god. If you think he should even be on a playimg field your knowledge of what makes a good player is even more limited than I thought.
bambino's Avatar
Shiloh Keo oh dear god. If you think he should even be on a playimg field your knowledge of what makes a good player is even more limited than I thought. Originally Posted by BigLouie
You're correct, Jiff is a much better athlete. Smarted too.
Shiloh Keo oh dear god. If you think he should even be on a playimg field your knowledge of what makes a good player is even more limited than I thought. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Shiloh, hell he was a 5th round choice. No one expected much from him to begin with. Considering where he was picked in the draft, he wasn't that bad.

Shiloh notwithstanding, it appears that BL only found 1 out of 16 to rag on. Who woulda thunk it? ! It appears that BL felt Rick made at least 15 fairly good choices.

Speaking of which, I would personally put JJ, Cush and Duane in a different category. Those were 3 outfriggingstanding choices! In fact, JJ was probably the very best selection in the draft the year he was taken, especially considering he was taken with the 11th pick. And calling out Duane's name at number 26, proved to be one of the better selections that year, as well.

See, Rick's not that bad! He's obviously not the 2nd coming of Bill Polian or Gil Brandt but by the same token he's probably not as bad as BL has been trying to make him out to be.

Perhaps BL's vision will improve even more if he cleaned his glasses a little more often.

Just sayin'
Just when we thought we had this whole damn 2014 draft situation all figured out, Gil Brandt throws us a knuckleball when he made the following post on Twitter:

"Gil Brandt @Gil_Brandt Follow
.@PittCritic Good chance #Texans move down. Trade similar to Giants-Chargers trade, preaarnged to take Clowney for some other"
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Geez, "The Media's" got this whole damn draft situation all screwed up. Who's in command of this ship anyway? Quick, someone tell Gil Brandt that he needs to give BL a call immediately! Hopefully BL will throw Gil Brandt a life preserver before he drowns!

The article follows:

The Houston Texans hold the best card in the 2014 NFL Draft with the No. 1 overall pick, but according to NFL Media senior analyst Gil Brandt, the club just might want to play a different hand.

As in, trading down with a team with a bad case of Jadeveon Clowney Fever.
Brandt conducted a Q&A with fans on his Twitter feed Tuesday, and had this to say about the possibility:

The trade Brandt is referencing, of course, happened on the first day of the 2004 NFL draft, when the Chargers selected Eli Manning first overall. They then shipped him to the Giants in exchange for Philip Rivers, picked at No. 4 by the Giants, and a 2004 third-round pick and 2005 first- and third-round picks. Manning had famously declared that he did not want to play for the Chargers.

Given Houston's need at the quarterback position, a trade down could give the club one of the draft's top quarterbacks later in the first round, plus additional picks to strengthen a roster that could also use help at the linebacker and right tackle positions. Who could be most interested? The Atlanta Falcons, for one, are bringing Clowney in for a visit Wednesday, and general manager Thomas Dimitroff spoke of a willingness to trade up at the NFL Scouting Combine.
quickie's Avatar
Good god the new schedule came out..... gonna b a looooong season.... hoping 5-11 season
carkido45's Avatar
Just when we thought we had this whole damn 2014 draft situation all figured out, Gil Brandt throws us a knuckleball when he made the following post on Twitter:

"Gil Brandt @Gil_Brandt Follow
.@PittCritic Good chance #Texans move down. Trade similar to Giants-Chargers trade, preaarnged to take Clowney for some other"
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Geez, "The Media's" got this whole damn draft situation all screwed up. Who's in command of this ship anyway? Quick, someone tell Gil Brandt that he needs to give BL a call immediately! Hopefully BL will throw Gil Brandt a life preserver before he drowns!

The article follows:

The Houston Texans hold the best card in the 2014 NFL Draft with the No. 1 overall pick, but according to NFL Media senior analyst Gil Brandt, the club just might want to play a different hand.

As in, trading down with a team with a bad case of Jadeveon Clowney Fever.
Brandt conducted a Q&A with fans on his Twitter feed Tuesday, and had this to say about the possibility:

The trade Brandt is referencing, of course, happened on the first day of the 2004 NFL draft, when the Chargers selected Eli Manning first overall. They then shipped him to the Giants in exchange for Philip Rivers, picked at No. 4 by the Giants, and a 2004 third-round pick and 2005 first- and third-round picks. Manning had famously declared that he did not want to play for the Chargers.

Given Houston's need at the quarterback position, a trade down could give the club one of the draft's top quarterbacks later in the first round, plus additional picks to strengthen a roster that could also use help at the linebacker and right tackle positions. Who could be most interested? The Atlanta Falcons, for one, are bringing Clowney in for a visit Wednesday, and general manager Thomas Dimitroff spoke of a willingness to trade up at the NFL Scouting Combine. Originally Posted by bigtex
Nothing wrong with Texans trading to sixth pick and taking Anthony Barr or Jake Matthews . Texans cloud use extra picks to take maybe a OT , LB , Slot receiver or nickel back with KR speed also a TE or RB . With the Texan already owning 11 picks in the draft an extra 2 and 3 round pick would put them at 13 picks in the draft .