Flynn reverses guilty plea!

Not only is Whatthefuckdoiknow deaf and stupid but I'll throw in illiterate. Trump has nothing to do with McCabe getting fired and likely facing charges you moron. Trump is not the head of the FBI's personnel department. THEY recommended McCabe be fired for LYING to investigators. But keep deflecting to Trump as your "collusion" case goes down in flames. The more that comes out, the more it exonerates Trump. Flynn will likely walk based on all sorts of improper behavior by Mueller and company.
lustylad's Avatar
This BobbyMaGee is in your head junior. Originally Posted by WTF
Who said anything about BobbyMaGee? We're talking about your other handle - bobbeemagee. But I'm not surprised to see how you misspell it deliberately so you can claim you're not lying.

Nice try, snitchfuck, but you and your tiny toolbox are just too familiar to everyone in this forum.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-17-2018, 02:15 PM
Trump has nothing to do with McCabe getting fired Originally Posted by Lantern2814

It was either him or Jeff Sessions!
themystic's Avatar
Did Flynn change his plea? No????

Is this some more fake news by the TrumPutin minions in here?
lustylad's Avatar
Did Flynn change his plea? No???? Originally Posted by themystic
Did you post anything intelligent yet? No!!!!
themystic's Avatar
Did you post anything intelligent yet? No!!!! Originally Posted by lustylad
How about something unfamiliar to you, the truth

Flynn pleads Guilty
bambino's Avatar
How about something unfamiliar to you, the truth

Flynn pleads Guilty Originally Posted by themystic
You should plead stupid.
themystic's Avatar
You should plead stupid. Originally Posted by bambino

You should plead something, guilty, innocent or whatever. It would be a drastic change for Snitch Bitch like you
Like snitchy and munchy, you are a Russian apologist, andy the little nazi boy. You are here to vigorously defend Putin's interests in Syria. Originally Posted by lustylad
No, but you are here to vigorously defend Trump's ineptness for allowing an essentially fake NATO ally to slaughter the Kurds who fought and died for our national interests in Syria, you moronic fake conservative buffoon.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No, but you are here to vigorously defend Trump's ineptness for allowing an essentially fake NATO ally to slaughter the Kurds who fought and died for our national interests in Syria, you moronic fake conservative buffoon.
Originally Posted by andymarksman

You're citing the Russian Times, Andy the Little Nazi Boy, like you're stupidly unaware that it's not a state controlled, propaganda outlet for Putin.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-18-2018, 09:04 AM

You're citing the Russian Times, Andy the Little Nazi Boy, like you're stupidly unaware that it's not a state controlled, propaganda outlet for Putin.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Which is what Muller is trying to keep Trump and this country from becoming!

Since you profess to be all concerned about war crimes..., So here is the BOTTOM LINE, you little Putin puppet - Seven years into the Syrian civil war, you suddenly want to complain about war crimes, after turning a blind eye while Putin's ally Assad slaughtered tens of thousands of civilians and accounted for 87% of all civilian deaths.

Putin's allies get a pass when it comes to genocide and war crimes, right punk? Originally Posted by lustylad
Are you stupid or what? Sorry that's not a rhetorical question because I really thought you were quite intelligent for a neocon. The issue here is not war crimes but the right way going forward to protect our national security interests in Syria. Unless and until you convince me why Trump's timid ineptness in front of Erdogan's slaughtering of our only true ally in Syria best served the U.S. security interests in Syria, you will get your neoconning arse whopped here, no question about it.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Which is what Muller is trying to keep Trump and this country from becoming!

Originally Posted by WTF

Mueller has yet to acknowledge that there was only three degrees (hildebeest+"Sid Vicious"+Steele+ Putin's men) of separation between hildebeest and Putin operatives. So, to date, Mueller hasn't done jack shit to keep the Russians out of American politics.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-18-2018, 09:21 AM
Mueller has yet to acknowledge that there was only three degrees (hildebeest+"Sid Vicious"+Steele+ Putin's men) of separation between hildebeest and Putin operatives. So, to date, Mueller hasn't done jack shit to keep the Russians out of American politics.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Hildebeast is no favorite of mine but then neither was she of Putin. .

You all seem to forget, trump is President , not Clinton thank God and that is not an endorsement of Trump, he is just as crooked if not worse.
