Tucker Carlson Tonight

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Being a Tucker Carlson fan isn’t a good look either

Well, Murdoch has more money than all of us AND Carlson combined. I’m sure he didn’t make it on a bunch of dumb decisions, so I bet he has a wise plan. Originally Posted by Presj22

he's betting billions (935 million stock drop so far) that Brian Kilmeade is Tucker Carlson 2.0. he's not.
Presj22's Avatar
he's betting billions (935 million stock drop so far) that Brian Kilmeade is Tucker Carlson 2.0. he's not. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
iF yOu SaY sO
rooster's Avatar
what Carlson says is only "hateful" to the hateful far left and their agenda of hate and socialist authoritarian agenda.... Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Nope. It is hateful to anyone who believes in tolerance, compassion, and reasonable behavior.

Which is why so many despise Trump. The good things he did...like stand up to China...were lost in his obsessions to spread disinformation and encourage divisiveness. Tucker fueled that more than anyone else.

Folks like this, and Marjorie et al. are correct in their statements that we have become a "Banana Republic." But not for the reasons they say. It is because we now embrace and reward lies. Outright Fascism waits in the wings. But at lease one of the Messengers driving us in that direction has been taken down a peg. And Trump's troubles will peak soon.

Face it. Over half the country is fed up with this kind of shit. And it's not because we desire a "socialist" agenda. It's because we hate haters. And liars. And yer boy is a poster child for both. Fuck him.

Perfectly said, Rooster
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Hilarious listening to and/or reading low-iq democrats convincing one another that The GOAT is a racist or a nazi or whatever else these bottom feeders are pretending he is when they simultaneously schlop up the manure coming out of Joy Reid, Joe Scarborough, Jimmy Kimmell, and the rest of the communist media crew on a daily basis.

These people take Dementia Joe and Kamala Harris seriously.

The GOAT is clearly the most impactful political opinion host of his generation.

Conservatives laugh at scumbags like Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, and Brian Stelter.

Liberals become enraged bag ladies at the mere mention of The GOAT.

Suppression of free speech is applauded by these weirdos.

This is what happens when the party of transvestites, warmongers, and racists sinks it's fangs into the fabric of traditional American society.

Have no fear however, Brian Kilmeade is here to set things straight. This although Martha McCallum has more testosterone and is less of a self-promoting prostitute.
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Carlson warns about the "Internet History Eraser Button"


don't throw out that set of Encyclopedia Britannica

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The Morning Briefing: Tucker Carlson's Haters Are Going to Be Disappointed


By Stephen Kruiser 7:47 AM on April 27, 2023

One of the more amusing aspects of Tucker Carlson’s unceremonious departure from Fox News is the fact that all of his leftist haters think he’ll be fading away. There has also been a lot of consternation along the same lines expressed by many of his fans. Everyone who has talked to me about it brings up Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly as examples of what they are worried about. The FNC audiences that they had when each left the network didn’t really follow them en masse.

I honestly think that the Carlson situation is different. Tucker — not Sean Hannity — has been the face of Fox News as the network has moved to the middle on a lot of things. The audience is his and not the network’s.

Matt wrote yesterday about why Carlson may have been given the boot by FNC:
Though he hasn’t said anything about this in public, Carlson believes that the network is on the verge of being sold by the Murdoch family.

“Carlson has told people he doesn’t know why he was terminated. According to the source, [Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott] refused to tell him how the decision was made; she only said that it was made ‘from above.’ Carlson has told people he believes his controversial show is being taken off the air because the Murdoch children intend to sell Fox News at some point,” Vanity Fair reports.
If that’s true, there’s a real possibility that Fox News won’t be Fox News anymore, at least not the version of it that conservatives used to watch. It’s been changing for years and Carlson has been the one constant that was reminiscent of the old FNC. He was probably going to be due for a change of scenery soon anyway.

Carlson’s star has risen so much in recent years that he can’t be canceled, not even by the once-mighty Fox News. I’ve been reassuring people since Monday that I don’t even think this is a hiccup for him.

Kurt Schlichter’s latest column at Townhall expresses the same thing in that very Schlichterian way:
Tucker Carlson is neither down nor out; he is going to come back bigger and badder than ever. All you goofy virgins who love “Star Wars” will recall that when Darth Vader sliced Obi-Wan Kenobi in two – or at least his moth-eaten cloak – Ben stopped existing in this dimension and became a superbeing who popped in for a chat whenever Luke was in trouble. Tucker’s pretty much going to do that for the movement. Though Tucker may have been tossed off his perch at Fox (or jumped – we will eventually get the details on how this denouement went down), he will land on his feet and crush the libs beneath his preppy Topsiders.
The media landscape has changed so much in just the last few years that Carslon will be writing his own ticket rather easily. People are used to paying for content à la carte now. That wasn’t the case even five years ago.

As Schlichter mentions, Tucker also has experience launching his own media company, which he did with The Daily Caller. Throwing together some money people for a new venture won’t be difficult for him.

My personal opinion — and this is merely a hunch — is that Carlson might have some payback on his mind, so he’ll be more motivated than ever before.

Whatever he does, he’ll have fun doing it. That’s what I have always liked about him. He’s serious when he needs to be but is always good for a laugh, too. He’s not pinched and dour like so many conservative television personalities. He clearly enjoys his job and isn’t afraid to be goofy once in a while. I’m greatly looking forward to watching the lefty meltdown when Tucker Carlson proves that he’s bigger than Fox News.

Please consider subscribing to the Morning Briefing here. It’s free but it helps keep me off the streets AND supports conservative media.
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rooster's Avatar
Hilarious listening to and/or reading low-iq democrats convincing one another that The GOAT is a racist or a nazi or whatever else these bottom feeders are pretending he is when they simultaneously schlop up the manure coming out of Joy Reid, Joe Scarborough, Jimmy Kimmell, and the rest of the communist media crew on a daily basis.

These people take Dementia Joe and Kamala Harris seriously.

The GOAT is clearly the most impactful political opinion host of his generation.

Conservatives laugh at scumbags like Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, and Brian Stelter.

Liberals become enraged bag ladies at the mere mention of The GOAT.

Suppression of free speech is applauded by these weirdos.

This is what happens when the party of transvestites, warmongers, and racists sinks it's fangs into the fabric of traditional American society.

Have no fear however, Brian Kilmeade is here to set things straight. This although Martha McCallum has more testosterone and is less of a self-promoting prostitute. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Awww! BESTIE! We missed you! I hope I can take some small amount of credit for getting you to spend some time with us, takin you away from grieving for Jerry Springer.

You should have your own show. Really. Or at very least, write script for the hateful douchebags whose bile you swallow without hesitation. You parrot them so unbelievably well. Ya got all the buzzwords and catch-phrases.

"Suppression of free speech is applauded by these weirdos."

This is zackly what I was talking about before, i.e. using tired old arguments and playground tactics.

Your heroes lie. They lie openly and with pride. Taking full advantage of the ignorance of their fan boyz. It is what despots, fascists, and dictators have done throughout human history. But ya still fall for it. Ellie Weisel was right. And knew his warnings likely fell on deaf ears.

But I digress...

Your heroes lie so blatantly and so badly, that they are indefensible. Except in one way: by bitching about "cancel culture" and violation of their "free speech" rights when they are called out.

Actually, there is another. To say that their opponents lie more than they do. But we already covered that one. Jeezis. Keep up.

This shit is getting so old. But you have to use those techniques, I get it. Ya really got nuthin else.

I'm gonna say this one more fuggin time: NO ONE "CONVINCED" ME THAT TUCK WAS A RACIST. Except for the Dude hisself. With his very own words. On a continual basis. Fuck him.

Presj22's Avatar
Have all the Trumpers left this thread?

Another win for us on Team Reality.

Commence victory lap.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Have all the Trumpers left this thread?

Another win for us on Team Reality.

Commence victory lap. Originally Posted by Presj22

if you say so
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Awww! BESTIE! We missed you! I hope I can take some small amount of credit for getting you to spend some time with us, takin you away from grieving for Jerry Springer.

You should have your own show. Really. Or at very least, write script for the hateful douchebags whose bile you swallow without hesitation. You parrot them so unbelievably well. Ya got all the buzzwords and catch-phrases.

"Suppression of free speech is applauded by these weirdos."

This is zackly what I was talking about before, i.e. using tired old arguments and playground tactics.

Your heroes lie. They lie openly and with pride. Taking full advantage of the ignorance of their fan boyz. It is what despots, fascists, and dictators have done throughout human history. But ya still fall for it. Ellie Weisel was right. And knew his warnings likely fell on deaf ears.

But I digress...

Your heroes lie so blatantly and so badly, that they are indefensible. Except in one way: by bitching about "cancel culture" and violation of their "free speech" rights when they are called out.

Actually, there is another. To say that their opponents lie more than they do. But we already covered that one. Jeezis. Keep up.

This shit is getting so old. But you have to use those techniques, I get it. Ya really got nuthin else.

I'm gonna say this one more fuggin time: NO ONE "CONVINCED" ME THAT TUCK WAS A RACIST. Except for the Dude hisself. With his very own words. On a continual basis. Fuck him.

. Originally Posted by rooster

has NBT missed you? or Ecky?


tucker is jesus
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the Bubba the love sponge archives

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he's back and the views for his first post are a bitch slap in the face of FOX



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