Jackie our girl Condalisa

herfacechair's Avatar
MT Fluffer: Wow! I have to hand it to ya.

If you had any integrity, the only thing that you'd hand to me is the recognition that you've gotten destroyed in this debate.

MT Fluffer: It took some dedication to break that shit down into nearly syllables.

So, at least you attempted to read English generated in a way that a fifth grader would understand. Your statement here suggests that you're at the first grade reading level. Gotta learn to break things down by syllables before moving up. By extension, slowly reading things, by syllable, rather than by group of words, is a way to move towards reading at higher grade levels.

MT Fluffer: Not that anything you said was new or impressive. You tend to repeat shit. (REPEAT POINT)

You're so stupid that you still don't see the obvious. Notice how I'm breaking you down point by point? Notice how I'm addressing you point by point? If you feel like my replies are repeats of what I've said before, then perhaps its because you keep repeating yourself!

Don't want to see me repeat my rebuttals? Don't repeat your drivel. It's THAT simple.

MT Fluffer: Its always the same jargon and buzzwords.

What a fifth grader would easily understand as "conversational English", you dismiss as "Jargon and buzzwords". Not surprising here, as you're the dummy that'd lose a reading comprehension contest to a fifth grader in what would be a one-sided competition. Again, if you repeat your points, you'll see the "same jargon and buzzword".

MT Fluffer: I will admit you did add a layer of depth to your online persona.

The only thing that you're admitting here, without realizing it, is the extend that you'd sling poo around while insisting in remaining engaged in a debate where you've lost the argument a long time ago, and where you continue to lose your credibility. No, you didn't get anywhere close to identifying what my persona is.

MT Fluffer: I had once said you sound like a retard doing a Stephen Hawking impression.

To which I replied:

Here again, your subconscious is telling you that I have a valid argument, a very strong one, but your narcissism is trying to suppress that. By using words like "retard" trying to impersonate Stephen Hawking, your narcissism sets up stress shields to protect your fragile ego from all attacks of reason, coming from within... Your subconscious is telling you that I'm obviously more credible than you on this argument, and know what I'm talking about in these debates, and that you're getting colossally destroyed.

Your arrogance attempts to compensate for that growing reality, that you're not even close to being in my league in this argument, by dismissing an intelligent response/argument as "retarded". This is equivalent to a kid, telling another kid on the playground who just took the wind out of his argument, as his "being" dumb. You proved Ann Coulter right about you liberals... You guys quickly resort to doing the equivalent of calling people, who destroy you in argument, dumb.

All that mumbo jumbo that you spewed amounted to you having a meltdown over your having a hard time convincing yourself that "you didn't lose". But, that's reality, and your responses are starting to indicate that you're slowly starting to see it... You're getting your ass kicked royally.

MT Fluffer: Now you seem to have combined it with someone with asthma.

You obviously have no clue about what's entailed with asthma. I've witnessed someone having an asthma episode, your example of what would be said in that scenario doesn't match reality. The vast majority of what you say doesn't reflect reality. But again, you've been reduced to making things up to remain in a debate you're getting destroyed in. You're a masochist, you enjoy the humiliation of constantly getting your ass handed to you.

MT Fluffer: Kind of like this. Hi...my...name...is...H...F... C...I..am..a...smart...mo..the r...fu..cker..Es...corts...pay ..me..cause...I...am...so...go od...

Actually, that's you trying to show us how you're attempting to learn how to read something in a way that'll hopefully allow you to understand what's being said. You revealed to us that your reading level is what would be expected of a below average 1st to 3rd grader.
herfacechair's Avatar
buttrammed, Dork of HEB parking lot: If you could recognize a liberal it would be a miracle.

WRONG, I've been debating against you liberals for 13 years. Based on both, face to face and online discussions and debates, those in the center of the political spectrum, those who identify as "libertarians", or something other than liberals tend to be in general agreement with my position.

Every single person that has stupidly continued to engage in debate against me has been a liberal. A search of their posting history, and their philosophy, aligns them with the liberal argument.

buttrammed, Dork of HEB parking lot: That would be a stretch for you lemmings.

The only lemmings, in this equation, are the liberals that I'm arguing with. The points that you've advanced, including the denials of your being a liberal, are points that I've argued against many times before, over the past 13 years, against different people. You people argue the same talking points over and over again, the same talking points that you people get from your liberal propaganda masters.

If I, lemming bamscram, knew what I was talking about, and acknowledge that I'm a liberal, that'd be a miracle.

That would be a stretch for lemmings like me, lemming bamscram. Originally Posted by bamscram
Fixed to reflect reality.
herfacechair's Avatar
buttrammed, Dork of HEB parking lot: Wrong again

WRONG. In order to claim that I'm "wrong", quotation marks used strongly, you actually have to advance an argument, a logical argument that's based on facts and reason. You failed to do that. The fact that you replied with nothing but lame insults, and no substance, speaks volumes to the fact that I destroyed you in debate. In my 13 years of debating against you liberals, you people tend to resort to insults, as your sole argument, when you people realize that you don't have an argument, but have a narcissistic need to say something anyway.

buttrammed, Dork of HEB parking lot: shit for brains,

Says the guy that's using his empty noggin as a colostomy bag. Where your responses are lacking in substance, validity, or even intelligence, you more than make up with bullshit.

I'd tell you to pull your head out of your ass, and to remove your horse blinders, but that'd mean that you wouldn't be able to fill the cavity in your head with shit, which would in turn cause you to be speechless on these threads.

buttrammed, Dork of HEB parking lot: but you get an F for effort.

Subjectively given. I get an A+ for effort, given that I dismantled you piece by piece in a way that left you unable to defend your position, leaving you with no other choice but to resort to name calling. That's a BIG sign that you lost this argument.

Your parents need to separate you from your keyboard before you damage yourself any further.

I, lemming bamscram, am wrong again, as I'm full of shit because I have my head shoved up my ass being used as a colostomy bag. I get an F in this thread, and elsewhere, because I suck at debating like I, lemming bamscram, suck dicks. Originally Posted by bamscram
herfacechair's Avatar
Those Conservative cocksuckers continually start the grammar shit and half the time its just a typo or they are just plain wrong anyway. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
In my 13 years of debating against liberals like you and buttrammed, Dork of HEB parking lot, it has been the liberals that have resorted to grammar police tactics to make up for the fact that they don't have an argument. No, our side isn't wrong in these debates, your side is. You guys are definitely wrong on this thread. You liberals consider emotion based BS as "fact" and dismiss "facts" as something other than the fact. Either way, you guys get destroyed on this debate, and tend to go grammar police mode to make up for your inability to argue your points in the face of getting destroyed in debate.
bamscram's Avatar
buttrammed, Dork of HEB parking lot: Wrong again

WRONG. In order to claim that I'm "wrong", quotation marks used strongly, you actually have to advance an argument, a logical argument that's based on facts and reason. You failed to do that. The fact that you replied with nothing but lame insults, and no substance, speaks volumes to the fact that I destroyed you in debate. In my 13 years of debating against you liberals, you people tend to resort to insults, as your sole argument, when you people realize that you don't have an argument, but have a narcissistic need to say something anyway.

buttrammed, Dork of HEB parking lot: shit for brains,

Says the guy that's using his empty noggin as a colostomy bag. Where your responses are lacking in substance, validity, or even intelligence, you more than make up with bullshit.

I'd tell you to pull your head out of your ass, and to remove your horse blinders, but that'd mean that you wouldn't be able to fill the cavity in your head with shit, which would in turn cause you to be speechless on these threads.

buttrammed, Dork of HEB parking lot: but you get an F for effort.

Subjectively given. I get an A+ for effort, given that I dismantled you piece by piece in a way that left you unable to defend your position, leaving you with no other choice but to resort to name calling. That's a BIG sign that you lost this argument.

Your parents need to separate you from your keyboard before you damage yourself any further.

Fixed. Originally Posted by herfacechair
What a epic failure., this fucker is dumb as a liberal.
Just like a liberal declaring himself the winner.
Looks like a new worker at gay rey's glory hole.
If you want to see a liberal look in the mirror
Must have been a alter boy.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
look at mike the headless chicken run .. run mike RUN!!!

you spastic headless chicken .. run in circles until you run off the stupid cliff .. bye mike bye!! it's a long way down to the bottom of the stupid cliff

bamscram's Avatar
look at mike the headless chicken run .. run mike RUN!!!

you spastic headless chicken .. run in circles until you run off the stupid cliff .. bye mike bye!! it's a long way down to the bottom of the stupid cliff

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq_bjaI0NTo Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Comments from the dingle berry picker. Wacco at work.
MT Pockets's Avatar
In my 13 years of debating against liberals like you and buttrammed, Dork of HEB parking lot, it has been the liberals that have resorted to grammar police tactics to make up for the fact that they don't have an argument. No, our side isn't wrong in these debates, your side is. You guys are definitely wrong on this thread. You liberals consider emotion based BS as "fact" and dismiss "facts" as something other than the fact. Either way, you guys get destroyed on this debate, and tend to go grammar police mode to make up for your inability to argue your points in the face of getting destroyed in debate. Originally Posted by herfacechair
If you take a look at this Forum you will its 10 to 1 Conservatives pulling the grammar shit while using made up words to insult everyone.
On a side note. Nobody gives a shit about your "vast" experience so please refrain from making yourself look small by mentioning it in every post.
MT Pockets's Avatar
MT Fluffer: Wow! I have to hand it to ya.

If you had any integrity, the only thing that you'd hand to me is the recognition that you've gotten destroyed in this debate.

MT Fluffer: It took some dedication to break that shit down into nearly syllables.

So, at least you attempted to read English generated in a way that a fifth grader would understand. Your statement here suggests that you're at the first grade reading level. Gotta learn to break things down by syllables before moving up. By extension, slowly reading things, by syllable, rather than by group of words, is a way to move towards reading at higher grade levels.

MT Fluffer: Not that anything you said was new or impressive. You tend to repeat shit. (REPEAT POINT)

You're so stupid that you still don't see the obvious. Notice how I'm breaking you down point by point? Notice how I'm addressing you point by point? If you feel like my replies are repeats of what I've said before, then perhaps its because you keep repeating yourself!

Don't want to see me repeat my rebuttals? Don't repeat your drivel. It's THAT simple.

MT Fluffer: Its always the same jargon and buzzwords.

What a fifth grader would easily understand as "conversational English", you dismiss as "Jargon and buzzwords". Not surprising here, as you're the dummy that'd lose a reading comprehension contest to a fifth grader in what would be a one-sided competition. Again, if you repeat your points, you'll see the "same jargon and buzzword".

MT Fluffer: I will admit you did add a layer of depth to your online persona.

The only thing that you're admitting here, without realizing it, is the extend that you'd sling poo around while insisting in remaining engaged in a debate where you've lost the argument a long time ago, and where you continue to lose your credibility. No, you didn't get anywhere close to identifying what my persona is.

MT Fluffer: I had once said you sound like a retard doing a Stephen Hawking impression.

To which I replied:

Here again, your subconscious is telling you that I have a valid argument, a very strong one, but your narcissism is trying to suppress that. By using words like "retard" trying to impersonate Stephen Hawking, your narcissism sets up stress shields to protect your fragile ego from all attacks of reason, coming from within... Your subconscious is telling you that I'm obviously more credible than you on this argument, and know what I'm talking about in these debates, and that you're getting colossally destroyed.

Your arrogance attempts to compensate for that growing reality, that you're not even close to being in my league in this argument, by dismissing an intelligent response/argument as "retarded". This is equivalent to a kid, telling another kid on the playground who just took the wind out of his argument, as his "being" dumb. You proved Ann Coulter right about you liberals... You guys quickly resort to doing the equivalent of calling people, who destroy you in argument, dumb.

All that mumbo jumbo that you spewed amounted to you having a meltdown over your having a hard time convincing yourself that "you didn't lose". But, that's reality, and your responses are starting to indicate that you're slowly starting to see it... You're getting your ass kicked royally.

MT Fluffer: Now you seem to have combined it with someone with asthma.

You obviously have no clue about what's entailed with asthma. I've witnessed someone having an asthma episode, your example of what would be said in that scenario doesn't match reality. The vast majority of what you say doesn't reflect reality. But again, you've been reduced to making things up to remain in a debate you're getting destroyed in. You're a masochist, you enjoy the humiliation of constantly getting your ass handed to you.

MT Fluffer: Kind of like this. Hi...my...name...is...H...F... C...I..am..a...smart...mo..the r...fu..cker..Es...corts...pay ..me..cause...I...am...so...go od...

Actually, that's you trying to show us how you're attempting to learn how to read something in a way that'll hopefully allow you to understand what's being said. You revealed to us that your reading level is what would be expected of a below average 1st to 3rd grader. Originally Posted by herfacechair
Look. Me and Rosie and her four sisters just voted. they all say I am smarter than you. Plus I asked a hooker. So that means I win I win! By the way what did I win? You sound like an idiot dude. Stop wasting your time. Even the Conservatives are getting embarrassed by your malarkey now.

Comments from the dingle berry picker. EKIM / bamscram at work. Originally Posted by bamscram
MT Pockets's Avatar
FTFY Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Look Gey Rey having a conniption over dingle berries again. Man you love those things.
  • DSK
  • 06-01-2017, 12:37 PM
Look Gey Rey having a conniption over dingle berries again. Man you love those things. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
HerFaceChair just mopped the floor with you, trailer park boy.
lustylad's Avatar
HerFaceChair just mopped the floor with you, trailer park boy. Originally Posted by DSK
Yeah, is this the 8th or 9th time MT Pockface has been subjected to another relentless carpet-bombing attack in this thread? I'm losing count. Trailer park boy must enjoy being annihilated, or as he puts it - "anal-lated"!
MT Pockets's Avatar
HerFaceChair just mopped the floor with you, trailer park boy. Originally Posted by DSK
Yeah, is this the 8th or 9th time MT Pockface has been subjected to another relentless carpet-bombing attack in this thread? I'm losing count. Trailer park boy must enjoy being annihilated, or as he puts it - "anal-lated"! Originally Posted by lustylad
He takes the same old bullshit and rewords it. Most of it is Psychobabble anyway. Take a look at his writing. It is all about him and how magnificent he is. You guys are a bunch of minions.

If he is the best you have I feel sorry for you. Actually I would rate him the weakest of the group. Besides being self ordained he has not shown even a shred of intellect.
lustylad's Avatar
He takes the same old bullshit and rewords it. Most of it is Psychobabble anyway. Take a look at his writing. It is all about him and how magnificent he is. You guys are a bunch of minions.

If he is the best you have I feel sorry for you. Actually I would rate him the weakest of the group. Besides being self ordained he has not shown even a shred of intellect. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
You keep replying with the "same old bullshit". No substance. If you want to hear something new, try saying something substantive. If you can. Whining that HFC is weak and has no intellect, while being unable to counter his arguments, just tells everyone you know the opposite to be true.

Better head for the bunker, pockface. The one outside your trailer park. I feel the hum of those B-52 engines warming up again.