Odds on Trump's Impeachment

We could do this for eight more years. The burden of proof is not on Trump to prove anything. The liberals are having a hay day with a bogus story about Russian influence on the election. Trump throws out an accusation of Obama surveillance as a distraction along similar lines.
The most one sided media coverage in history. The media and liberals made it practically impossible to support Trump publicly. Then when they lose they have the audacity to blame it on the Russians and double and triple down that the whole country is either stupid or racist. That sounds like a declaration of war not on the Russians but on the American people. Then people on here who are in complete denial of Trumps election and legitimacy continue the insanity by insisting Trump supporters aren't aware of reality.
Hillary supporters are biggest sore losers in history. Let that be remembered for the history books. That is what will be remembered. The victors write the history and we will do it again.
You've misread it. Few are diehard Hillary supporters, most hope she stays in the woods. DJT beat her in the electoral college vote because she's unlikable. The reason that people don't like DJT is that he is even MORE unlikable, but republicans voted for him because that's what republicans do...vote republican. Educated republicans are aghast with how he is handling the job. The republicans who are most vocal with support are the least educated. You're putting yourself into THAT group.
That's so true. The republicans love their stupid voters. That's why in Texas you can vote with a gun license but hell no you can't vote with a college ID. F that...they might be smart or something dah

Now back to the Russians and tax break for the rich but don't tell the rednecks that don't get a tax break. But they can keep their guns and more dirty air
You're not going to intimidate Trump voters by calling them stupid and racist. It's not going to work. I work with people that have law degrees, PhD's, doctorate degrees and masters. I have one of the degrees above. It's just not going to work. Many Trump supporters in that group. You won't gain credibility by making outrageous claims, "Trump is Hitler!" It actually undermines your credibility to an educated person because it is unfounded and clearly not accurate. If I was against Trump I would go after
Global Warming and protecting the environment
Showing compassion for our neighbours and new immigrants
The idea that you gather more bees with honey than vinegar and that we are all connected weather we are american or not.
If the democrats had an option better than Hillary or Bernie they would have easily won. Trump barely won against a very bad candidate in Hillary with a flawed record.
In four years I hope you guys have someone better than Bernie or Pocahontas (Warren)
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
My dearest mystic,

I agree with you, it's wrong call people names. It's wrong when Trump does and just as wrong when you do it. It has no place in intellectual debate.

You listed agencies and departments of the government, their job is to administer and regulate the government's agenda. Set by the senate , congress and the president (whom every it may be).

Shutting OUT media has been done by every administration through out our history. Shutting DOWN media means taking over or forcing that outlet to stop operating. As of today they're all up and running.

It pains me to keep responding to the ridiculous Hitler comparison but I'll you small words so you understand. Hitler was evil, plan and simple. His ideas where evil. Hitler's regime turned on it's own citizens as well as trying to eliminate the worlds deplorables (Thanks Hilary )in his evil mind. It was a liberal US president who ignored and allowed Hitler's rise to power while The UK and Europe begged for our help! The simple fact that you are allowed and have the right to voice your dislike contradicts your comparison.

It was not people like me that allowed him to become president, it was the two parties that gave a choice between Clinton and Trump. It was the feeling of entitlement of the Democratic Party that put forward such a terrible candidate that allowed Trump to be presidents.

As for keeping him in power; it's the constitution that is doing that, not a 37% approval rating. Now if there is hard evidence of Trump wrongdoing the constitution will take him out of power. Sad thing is you'll still be unhappy because the president and congress will still be in the hands of the conservatives.

It seems your entire argument is based in your opinion and you know that they say about opinions.

I, in fact think Trump was a poor choice but it's just to easy to SCREW with you guys who argue opinions rather than facts.

Again, anyone that can come up with proven fact of an impeachable act by Trump, step up the entire Democratic Party is counting on you! People a lot smarter than us are hoping and praying, should they believe are trying.

Finally, all of this is nothing than barroom banter. This place ain't the MENSA website.

Good day sir,

themystic's Avatar
My dearest mystic,

I agree with you, it's wrong call people names. It's wrong when Trump does and just as wrong when you do it. It has no place in intellectual debate.

You listed agencies and departments of the government, their job is to administer and regulate the government's agenda. Set by the senate , congress and the president (whom every it may be).

Shutting OUT media has been done by every administration through out our history. Shutting DOWN media means taking over or forcing that outlet to stop operating. As of today they're all up and running.

It pains me to keep responding to the ridiculous Hitler comparison but I'll you small words so you understand. Hitler was evil, plan and simple. His ideas where evil. Hitler's regime turned on it's own citizens as well as trying to eliminate the worlds deplorables (Thanks Hilary )in his evil mind. It was a liberal US president who ignored and allowed Hitler's rise to power while The UK and Europe begged for our help! The simple fact that you are allowed and have the right to voice your dislike contradicts your comparison.

It was not people like me that allowed him to become president, it was the two parties that gave a choice between Clinton and Trump. It was the feeling of entitlement of the Democratic Party that put forward such a terrible candidate that allowed Trump to be presidents.

As for keeping him in power; it's the constitution that is doing that, not a 37% approval rating. Now if there is hard evidence of Trump wrongdoing the constitution will take him out of power. Sad thing is you'll still be unhappy because the president and congress will still be in the hands of the conservatives.

It seems your entire argument is based in your opinion and you know that they say about opinions.

I, in fact think Trump was a poor choice but it's just to easy to SCREW with you guys who argue opinions rather than facts.

Again, anyone that can come up with proven fact of an impeachable act by Trump, step up the entire Democratic Party is counting on you! People a lot smarter than us are hoping and praying, should they believe are trying.

Finally, all of this is nothing than barroom banter. This place ain't the MENSA website.

Good day sir,

I SAID GOOD DAY! Originally Posted by DFWClubgoer
DFW thank you. Your reply is pretty classy in my opinion. I apologize for name calling to you specifically. I'm wrong to do that.

I fall into the camp I accused Fishy of earlier in this thread. A pissed off voter. I'm definitely the pot calling the kettle black.

I'm not going to win any awards for being some great patriot, however I'm very proud to be an American.

I guess thats why this Russia stuff has me so pissed off. Even as a kid growing up, the Russians were arch enemy # 1. I remember when their basketball players beat us in the Olympics, pre NBA. We all thought they cheated. It was a controversial game. Their athletes were always accused of PEDs

There is so much smoke with Sessions, Manafort, General Flynn, now the son in law, Trump himself saying he hoped the Russians would find Hilary's emails, I find it hard to believe there is no fire. It reeks with cover up

I will however stop the name calling. You are right. I'm wrong to do that.

Lol, it is all bar room banter. Sometimes I just get so caught up in this mess that it takes a simple reminder to bring me back into focus.

Happy hobbying DFW and a good day to you as well sir. I appreciate you being a good sport
I, in fact, think Trump was a poor choice but it's just too easy to SCREW with you guys who argue opinions rather than facts. Originally Posted by DFWClubgoer
Damn straight, DFW.....it's the easiest catch-n-release honey hole I've seen in quite a while....
Aug 28, 2016 (turns out this lady was very accurate)


Melania Trump: Thousands sign petition for First Lady to move to White House or pay for Trump Tower security. The First Lady and her son Barron are staying in New York until he finishes school.

The NYPD stated in a letter to members of the New York delegation to Congress that it costs between $127,000 and $146,000 (£101,000 and £116,000) a day “to protect the First Lady and her son while they reside in Trump Tower,” the newspaper reports. This cost is expected to rise to $308,000 per DAY.

The petition states: “The US taxpayer is paying an exorbitant amount of money to protect the First Lady in Trump Tower, located in New York City. As to help relieve the national debt, this expense yields no positive results for the nation and should be cut from being funded.”

YOU/WE/US ... (how is that CHANGE you voted for, working for you?)

Hmmm...you cite an article written by a free lance on-line writer...from the UK...who normally writes stuff like "Where to Eat, Stay, Visit when in Stockholm"....

Can you (or some other reputable agency) verify her findings, Cg...her number$?

I mean, seriously...I knew New York was an expensive place to visit / live / do business in (but) how does anyone spend $24 million (for security) in just a span of2 1/2 months???

I'd like to think SS is the best in the world at what they do (but) the guys (and gals...I guess) gotta be yankin' down some pretty good coin these days on their "overtime" pay stubs for "guarding a building"....

I jest obviously...but seriously though...who's gouging who on this set up?

Hells Bells...if this is what security companies are charging these days I'm in the wrong business, man....
themystic's Avatar
Damn straight, DFW.....it's the easiest catch-n-release honey hole I've seen in quite a while.... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
CB, I publicly apologize for personallay attacking you. I was wrong and will not do it again. I will continue to offer my opinion but I will be very diligent in basing it on facts. Im not sure any of us get that correct 100%, but I will make a legitamate attempt. Even though we have very diffirent political views, you are still my American Brother.
llubder's Avatar
Hmmm...you cite an article written by a free lance on-line writer...from the UK...who normally writes stuff like "Where to Eat, Stay, Visit when in Stockholm"....

Can you (or some other reputable agency) verify her findings, Cg...her number$?

I mean, seriously...I knew New York was an expensive place to visit / live / do business in (but) how does anyone spend $24 million (for security) in just a span of2 1/2 months???

I'd like to think SS is the best in the world at what they do (but) the guys (and gals...I guess) gotta be yankin' down some pretty good coin these days on their "overtime" pay stubs for "guarding a building"....

I jest obviously...but seriously though...who's gouging who on this set up?

Hells Bells...if this is what security companies are charging these days I'm in the wrong business, man.... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Ask and you shall receive, here you go CB.
Did you forget how to use GOOGLE in your old age?









I have (or should i say: google has) 219,000 more.
This issue was also mentioned on the radio and TV.
250,000 people signed a petition and knew about this BEFORE CB

ON TO THE NEXT SCANDAL: Flynn seeks immunity for testimony

Mike Flynn Wants To Testify In Russia Probes In Exchange For Immunity: Report





The question of the day...
Hillary Clinton had how much money at her disposal during the election?
Trump had how much money?

If Trump had help from the Russians what did the russians actually accomplish?
Should he send them an advertising fee?
Hillary had every major platform pulling for her. Facebook, Twitter, Every MSM network except Fox. Celebrities

I think we all ought to send the Russians a thank you card if this all turns out to be true.

Michael Flynn likely is going to tell them absolutely nothing of value...
Even if he says

"The Russians wanted Trump to win and did everything they could to persuade Americans to vote Trump."

What the hell would it matter? Every terrorist in the world was pulling for Hillary. Should we try her for treason?

The result is no different! It's a Trump win.
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
DFW thank

Happy hobbying DFW and a good day to you as well sir. I appreciate you being a good sport Originally Posted by themystic
Thanks mystic,

Happy Hobbying!......there is the common thread to bring people of diverse opinions together.

PUSSY, Lets start there and work our way up, down and all around. Then take a break and do it again!
TexTushHog's Avatar
With djt approval ratings in the dumpster and inability to execute his agenda. I wouldn't be completely surprised by a false fire event like Reichstag Fire to get people to believe that he's the prophet and 'the one and only' savior. If anyone has HBO, check out Bill Mahers guest last weekend. (Not a huge Maher fan, but he has awesome guests at times) Originally Posted by futbolhead
It won't be a domestic event like the Reichstsg fire. It will be some threat from outside the country, though the precipitating event may occur here. First half assed terrorist attack on his watch -- or given his staggering level of incompetence, maybe the first major one since 9/11 -- he'll try to go overboard. That will be the real test of our institutions.

All his lilly-livered weak supporters who are all afraid of their own shadow will all shit themselves quicker than a cat can lick his ass, and hand over their rights and start clammoring for him to take ours. Just like with Bush and 9/11. But he's worse than Bush, and even more incompetent and more insecure. And his syncophsnts are more scared, stupid, AND bigoted. God help us all.