Young girls with LOW prices?

Wakeup's Avatar
Whores can charge whatever they want...tricks can pay whatever they want...way the world works.

P.S.-I'd happily pay any rate she wanted to charge me to spend a night with Sexy_Brittany.
BabyDallass's Avatar
fyi i can get a copy of the convo and post it if you really want me to Originally Posted by jeffycisme
Do it, sure that's against the rules but go ahead billy bad ass...
BabyDallass's Avatar
Lol when your smart and don't just depend on your pussy and dick suckers to Make money then you will never starve or go out of business, dummy. 😑
  • MrGiz
  • 10-29-2015, 12:42 PM
If ever a thread deserved to be closed, this is the one. Originally Posted by watchoutthegameisrigged
No, this thread has been great for exposing the trash for who they really are! And as far as threats and false allegations go, I've never seen such hypocrisy in my entire life! The thread needs to run... Great PR expose' !!
it will take a couple days but i will, just one question why did you just stop texting me, im just curious o it was after i said no that i wasnt gonna pay your donation, wow like you told someone if you really wanna ? me lying hun your not in my class, ive been told i cant do that however there are other ways of the truth coming out, im sure you would love me to leave this thread, your exposed your upsold when you were 19, which in your escort book admitting to upselling is day one stuff you never do, no guy with any sense would see you after hearing that, then you went on 200 calls which you got half of, if you sold pussy for 4 you were only getting 2, unless the girl who ran di was a total idiot or you lied to her, say it aint so, so either you lied to your employer after you upsold guys or you were a 200 hokker at 19, now what was this thread about again. quit while you so far behind you can never recover, say your sorry and hope we all forget about this thread. my advice to you
BabyDallass's Avatar
Your post really made no sense. When I was 19 fresh and new and just started I had no clue how to barely fuck or even fake a fuck and maybe that is why I had NO regulars then and now I have plenty that has been seeing this same pussy for years. When I got older and wiser, I looked back on all my wrong doings and va la I have great business now. We all grow up and you either get better or you stay the same or get worse.

Why don't you stop worrying about me? Your a pest, shoo fly don't bother me lol
ok now what was this thread entitled, see hun quit now, you look like a idiot, caught again in yet another lie. wow so you were 19 doing 200 calls, is 200 less than 250, this is how stupid you are, you start a thread and then admit you took less than the amount your bitching about other girls taking, wow please for heavens sakes quit replying your just digging yourself deeper and deeper, consult your handbook and go back to bed.
BabyDallass's Avatar
No fuck I was 19 doing 400 dollar calls, agency got 100 I got 300, do you get that??
right, im done thanks POINT PROVEN
Wakeup's Avatar
You're not the conversation...
  • tyson
  • 10-29-2015, 01:26 PM
ok now what was this thread entitled, see hun quit now, you look like a idiot, caught again in yet another lie. wow so you were 19 doing 200 calls, is 200 less than 250, this is how stupid you are, you start a thread and then admit you took less than the amount your bitching about other girls taking, wow please for heavens sakes quit replying your just digging yourself deeper and deeper, consult your handbook and go back to bed. Originally Posted by jeffycisme
I can hardly concentrate from miss Dallas's avatar but to be fair, I think her words were, and I quote "When I was 20 years old and providing I made sure to NEVER do 100 or 150 buck dates", so I guess she did wise up from 19 and began to know her worth.

I think we all can agree that miss Dallas is very confident, headstrong, and at times sophomoric in her post on here, but she is a veteran in this game and makes a valid point so I think all of the insults on her for attempting to price gauge are unfair. I would say if you took a poll, probably 90% of the guys here, if they had a choice, would pick a young fresh hot bodied provider over all other's, which makes them the most sought after providers imo. If you are a provider and fit the young hot mold, you should charge what you are worth, which imo is more than 200 per hour.

But again, and I will use a guy analogy, like car's some are built for show and some are built to go, the true gems are those that are both! Some of these hot looking providers are not even worth streetwalker rates in my opinion based on their personality and sucky attitude. I have met girls where I have walked away feeling that I should have been compensated for wasting 1hr of my life on such a dense person.
Yes her new ass avatar is asstounding,hit me right in my weak spot.I must admit I wasn't thinking about price or money looking at it.I was thinking like a dog,that would be an excellent place to bury my bone.
Yes her new ass avatar is asstounding,hit me right in my weak spot.I must admit I wasn't thinking about price or money looking at it.I was thinking like a dog,that would be an excellent place to bury my bone. Originally Posted by peter north77
Thats the damn truth!
Business slow where??? For you??? Listen cock head shut up nobody likes you on here. Lol a madam? Yea it's MISS madam to you little shit. Your a fucked up person who serves no life or purpose here. Why are you even here? Originally Posted by BabyDallass
You've been exposed for what you are. That's more than good enough for me. You have the absolute worst attitude of any provider on here. You make a ludicrous statement, get called on it and then start getting butthurt. Don't wade in the deep end where you don't belong.
Some of these hot looking providers are not even worth streetwalker rates based on their personality, menu and sucky attitude. I have met girls where I have walked away feeling that I should have been compensated for wasting 1hr of my life on such a dense person. Originally Posted by tyson

Annnnnd, THAT, my friends sums her up PERFECTLY!