Trump legal going ons

Convicted Felons can't get Liquor Licenses in Jersey....LOL Originally Posted by clmc
lol, normal people will not even care

it most likely will drive membership

everytime something like this happens

you all just get angrier
  • clmc
  • 06-11-2024, 10:34 PM
Not angry at all JB.

This is freaking hysterical!!!
Just LMAO at the Con show Doofus Don puts out that his toadies can't get enough of...LOL
well sure you are or

none of this would happen

without seething anger

it never reaches your desired affect though

usually just the natural opposite at least

if you just measure the fund raising activity
  • clmc
  • 06-11-2024, 11:13 PM
Honestly JB did you go to Trump U????

You seem to be employing the same "steam of unconsciousness logic" delusional Don uses....LOL

Rooster always wondered what weird language you use. Well it seems to be doofus Don's steam of unconsciousness logic ...LOL

You two could be twins, along with those maga clowns....LOL

Would not be surprised if PM was your Dean....LMAO!!!
Rooster always wondered what weird language you use... Originally Posted by clmc
Now, now. Be nicer, cl. English as a second language is tough for some.
  • clmc
  • 06-14-2024, 01:49 PM
Now, now. Be nicer, cl. English as a second language is tough for some. Originally Posted by gladi8r
Good point! Seems a few other maga folks here have similar "meandering" issues....LOL
Delusional Don's having the same language issue lately. Seems his meandering "stream of unconsciousness logic" is troubling some of his important business supporters giving them concern. Perhaps all Don's legal problems are getting to him.

"Could not keep a straight thought": CEOs worry about Trump's mental decline after "meandering" talk

Former President Donald Trump's return to Capitol Hill on Thursday was marked by him insulting the host of the upcoming Republican convention, fantasizing about a relationship with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and, according to one report, alienating business leaders who came away from a meeting worried about his mental capacity.
Andrew Sorkin, a financial columnist for The New York Times, told CNBC he received "surprise" feedback from a group of executives who met with the presumptive Republican nominee.
“A number of CEOs walked into the meeting being Trump support-ish or thinking that they might be leaning that direction, who said he was remarkably meandering,” Sorkin told CNBC.
The meeting reportedly included the likes of JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and Apple CEO Tim Cook, according to CNBC.
Trump “could not keep a straight thought" and "was all over the map," some executives told Sorkin. That "may be not surprising," he said, "but it was interesting to me because these were people who I think might have been predisposed to him and actually walked out of the room less predisposed to him.”
Although Trump, in public comments later Thursday, asserted that inflation "is killing everybody" (the rate has been under 3.5% since 2022), he confounded economic experts by proposing an “all tariff policy" in a meeting with lawmakers that would result in massive price increases for consumers.
Despite his increasingly incoherent proposals, Trump has nonetheless garnered support from billionaire donors, recently promising oil and gas executives that he would throw out the Biden administration's environmental regulations in exchange for their support.
Happy Birthday President Donald Trump!

thank you for all the triggering as above

and that mess look like it took alot of time

and it will go totally unread as I know you are enjoying your day

a whole lot more!!
bargainbento's Avatar
how do ya put your pants on when all these horrible people are after you!
  • clmc
  • 06-14-2024, 02:09 PM
Delusional Don could not have meandered better!

thats gonna be wild to watch after

he becomes President then

1 or 2 more cracks at supreme court..

1. Mike Lee

2. Ted Cruz

with MTG as alternate
Again, I understand the hate for Trump, but calling Trump delusional is beyond my ability to comprehend when we have a President that doesn’t even know where he is most of the time.

If all of you can’t watch Biden, in a serious manner and see how badly this man has deteriorated in just the last two years blows me away. Old Joe seems to be getting worse by the day, meandering around and having to be told where to stand and when is sad. His family (more importantly Dr Jill) and the Dems propping him up should be ashamed of themselves.

Want to bash Trump? Go for it! But, please come up with a better alternative for all of us than Old Joe.
they have gov religion , there is no shame

'THe ends justify the means" ...

remember that old demon harry reid and he made up the story about mitt romney , "not paying taxes " and

then after he boasts he knew it was a lie

you and me and probably most here are already up to speed and in their corners ,

our problem is the people ... the normies , the karens that will hand their life over for some "mean tweets"

you cant overcome that and this is probably the last chance
the population has grown all to comfortable

living off the struggles from the ones that built it

so it will be gladly taken from them

most just dont realize that, its almost going to be football season
Thank gawd for football season, maybe we can all get along then.

Btw, Trump at this moment is speaking in Fla to celebrate his 78th birthday. Sure doesn’t sound anything like Old Joe is possible of even speaking off the teleprompter.

Like Trump or not, the man has all his faculties.