DizzyLizard's Avatar
this type of banter is beneath me, no offense. You didn't address a single point, or answer a single question…yet you 'expect' me to oblige your request? Get real!
I B Hankering's Avatar
this type of banter is beneath me, no offense. You didn't address a single point, or answer a single question…yet you 'expect' me to oblige your request? Get real! Originally Posted by DizzyLizard
You're the one that needs to get "real" since you'd be one among Odumbo's "#Grubered" minions who regurgitate the nonsense and lies perpetrated by Odumbo and Hildabeast with your BS about the left being educated and "rational". Your points are addressed. Those on the right didn't believe that nonsense for one moment!

DizzyLizard's Avatar
Dude, can you read and/or comprehend what i wrote? Nowhere, absolutely nowhere, did i say the Left was educated or more so than the Right-in fact- i said 'the Left reads the epilogue of a book and THINKS they are experts…'
BTW when you say shit like 'odumbo' and whatever the fuck else you call Hillary, it makes me question if you are capable of having a rational conversation and in an objective manner…notice how i said "Trump" and not Dump or Rump? You wanna get into semantics then I'll be your huckleberry.
"Independent" eehhbbhnneerr the matriarch hyena meets "He Who Greets With Fire"... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I B Hankering's Avatar
Dude, can you read and/or comprehend what i wrote? Nowhere, absolutely nowhere, did i say the Left was educated or more so than the Right-in fact- i said 'the Left reads the epilogue of a book and THINKS they are experts…'
BTW when you say shit like 'odumbo' and whatever the fuck else you call Hillary, it makes me question if you are capable of having a rational conversation and in an objective manner…notice how i said "Trump" and not Dump or Rump? You wanna get into semantics then I'll be your huckleberry.
Originally Posted by DizzyLizard
You're being wholly irrational when you claim the left, e.g., Odumo and Hildabeast, are rational. BTW, you did in fact post the following:

... the Right is not capable of rational thought, or making a intelligible argument and substantiating it with any kind empirical evidence…err again rational thought. .... The Right is full of ignorant selfish naive hypocrites…. Originally Posted by DizzyLizard
Liberals read the epilogue of a book and are all of a sudden experts on that subject…Conservatives don't know what a book is. Originally Posted by DizzyLizard
DizzyLizard's Avatar
hahahahahhahaha o' Lord swt You think that is the equivalent of me saying 'the Left is rational…'? Again, you totally insinuated that-like i said in the very next post-and you did so because you are not capable of rational thought. Hence i dog the right, and you take it as me touting the left. MAn you are something else...
DizzyLizard's Avatar
sure i was a little harder on the Right, but i believe they deserve it for their dangerous rhetoric. You can call what the Left is doing a guise if you want, but at least they are trying to provide services to people, unlike the right that wants to take healthcare, welfare, etc. and rip up the treaty with Iran, essentially starting a war.
I B Hankering's Avatar
hahahahahhahaha o' Lord swt You think that is the equivalent of me saying 'the Left is rational…'? Again, you totally insinuated that-like i said in the very next post-and you did so because you are not capable of rational thought. Hence i dog the right, and you take it as me touting the left. MAn you are something else... Originally Posted by DizzyLizard
Only "#Grubered" Odumbo minions irrationally believed eight years of Odumbo and Hildabeast's lies.
DizzyLizard's Avatar
what are you even on about?????? What lies do i believe? Fucking PROVE IT! Is keeping Planned Parenthood open not providing a service, and is closing it down not depriving a very specific service? And before you throw in a red herring, leave your morals out of it. We are talking about 'services' in the most basic way you can define the word.
DizzyLizard's Avatar
assuming you were going to say i believe the LEft is providing services and thats an odumbo lie, because that is the only leg i can fathom you trying to stand on.
I B Hankering's Avatar
what are you even on about?????? What lies do i believe? Fucking PROVE IT! Is keeping Planned Parenthood open not providing a service, and is closing it down not depriving a very specific service? And before you throw in a red herring, leave your morals out of it. We are talking about 'services' in the most basic way you can define the word. Originally Posted by DizzyLizard
Better question: Why should people morally opposed to abortion be taxed to fund abortions when such funding is illegal?
Trump and his VP ???
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I doubt that very much. Presidential nominees have very little control over who their running mates are. Do you really think Reagan had all the freedom in the world to pick George H. Bush for VP? I really doubt it, besides the GOP really hates David Duke. I think Duke is content where he's at.

DizzyLizard's Avatar
hahahahah Everyone, i am that good, i called his red herring- exactly- before he posted it! 'leave morals out' you suck at this!
DizzyLizard's Avatar
ill entertain you tho. It doesn't matter who pays for, or who morally objects to abortion/PP…it doesn't change the FACT the Repubs. want to take it away while the Dems want to keep it functional…essentially proving my point…of how stupid you you are! ( i love double entendres)
DizzyLizard's Avatar
lets just settle this with a dick measuring contest, and the smallest dick wins the title '#1 Trump supporter' i kid i kid