King Winnie's "Anything you want to post"( his idea)

Cendell M's Avatar
Your disgusting mf no one is defending that a little humor goes a long ways

Kick rocks with your bud foxshitter

You call trump a Nazi and hitler Your psycho ass can’t have it both ways

You must have split personalities or something. Glad we see it now.
^^^^ going to rtm this as well . At some point you are going to have to control your temper and the names you call people , otherwise Eccie might as well scrap the whole point system. You are out of control.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 12-05-2024, 01:36 PM

Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 12-05-2024, 01:54 PM
Cendell M's Avatar
^^^^ going to rtm this as well . At some point you are going to have to control your temper and the names you call people , otherwise Eccie might as well scrap the whole point system. You are out of control. Originally Posted by Foxtrotdancer
I don’t give a shit what you rtm foxshitter
Cendell M's Avatar
Originally Posted by Busty
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I wonder if that's a size 6?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 12-05-2024, 07:25 PM
changes on the daily
Dorian Gray's Avatar

Dorian Gray's Avatar

Winnie you see how quickly your "internet friends " turn on you. Take notes. Exhaustive notes. At least one is being civil. The other is being rude, disrespectful and abusive. Foxie is always going to be consistent though ......
winn dixie's Avatar
Damn shame some don't denounce the swastika and burning cross. Very telling. I realized a few years ago how bad trumpf really is.
Big difference in posting the most offensive symbols versus rhetoric!
Many social platforms if not most ban the use of those images but allow the comparison of people to nazis.
Magas have been referring Biden to Hitler for 4 years now. It goes both ways. Trumpf is the closest thing to Hitler and the anti christ that's come in years.
This coming from a goldwater-reagan-bush Sr. Republican! Magaism will be a nasty footnote in history. And within a decade be purged from my republican party!
Stay strong Winnie. I got your back and support you. Remember good always triumphs over evil. Just don't stoop to their level and engage in name calling. Always maintain your class and dignity!
winn dixie's Avatar
I have an open mind and like anyone else can change my viewpoints. Like trumpf. I was wrong about that criminal. Trivial posts on a hooker board don't phase me. Being a marine that saw extensive combat this stuff here is Disneyland.