Apparently, HIV Doesn't Cause AIDS

Sa_artman's Avatar
I tend to agree. This thread makes me re evaluate whether I want to be a member here, and whether I should renew my subscription.

What would the owner of this board do if I started a thread suggesting that children who are seriously injured from accidents be gassed and put down? Or that women who become divorced be thrown onto a fire? Or men who sleep with a hooker be hung drawn and quartered?

Yet Mr Bill continues to recommend life saving treatments be denied to children, killing them in gruesome pain, and he encourages the spread of HIV (which of course doesn;t exist, does it) with unprotected sex and consequent death.

He might as well be suggesting we all go and play chicken on the I10/610 junction.

I think it is a disgrace this thread remains in existence. It should be completely deleted. Anybody interested in the issues can find them elsewhere. The debate has been closed and the science validated for a long time. Originally Posted by essence
This is supposed to be a Forum Thread that's a no-mans-land where everything is ok, as long as it doesn't involve the 'no-no' subjects which apparently Mr. Bill overstepped. But the mods are partial and tend to turn the blind eye when it suits them...I'm just saying.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
+1 Essence

Talk about giving eccie a black eye, anyone on an escort board dispensing medical info should at least show some sort of rational behavior..e.g. "PM me if your interested" however this copy and paste info for pretty much 24/7 since Mr Bill latched on to a 2010 thread clearly shows extremely irrational behavior.

However with all the nuts on here I'm sure they can't be prejudice. By posting those baby pictures (disturbing!!) and saying 911 is a fraud, well I pretty much feel sorry for him now.

What I do not understand is why Mr Bill does not copy and paste somewhere (perhaps a MEDICAL forum)else. Which clearly says he must be banned/run off from all other sites and this is being allowed here for now, I would think being an advocate for his cause and how much time he has spent here would be better suited (and possibly appreciated) elsewhere.

Hence the tinfoil hat I'm sure is spot on..

I wish you well Mr Bill and my advise is to try and find somewhere where your info is appreciated, I am most certain an escort board is not it. You are only coming across as a sad disgruntled man and embarrassing your self. You lost any credibility about 100 copy and pastes ago. If you are indeed mentally ill , my sincere apologies for all the tin foil hat pictures. Perhaps you could "Google" your cause and find other sites that would welcome you, discuss & debate.

All my best & good luck.
I got to post a few funny pictures but this has become sad so I'm out

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little

PS, my apologies to the sand box guys...

+ 1 Sar atman
After 467 posts, I think it is time to let reasonable people make up their own minds.

This one is done.

The Colonel