Don't take it personally,
Originally Posted by GP
You thought i would?
I'll take Jack's much more honest answer over yours any day.
Jack's entitled to his opinion. But i think the reality is that sometimes the media gives the impression that it's liberal, and sometimes it gives the impression that it's conservative. ABC, NBC, CBS, NYT, Washington Post, they don't just piss you off with their coverage, they piss me off too. They seem to piss you off more, but given the propensity for your childish tantrums at times, that shouldn't surprise anyone.
You think the media should have made a bigger issue of Benghazi, i think the media should have made a bigger issue of Bush's war crimes. You think the national media should point out every time a citizen is "saved" by someone with a gun, i think the national media should point out every shooting in every city in every state - and not just the ones that involve elementary school kids or hot blondes. You think the media over-emphasized Bush's lack of intelligence, i think they over-emphasized a cum stained dress.
It works both ways, and given that the media pisses off both sides, i take that to mean they're probably doing about as good a job as can be expected.
Edit to add: The reality is that when the media "agrees" with our side (whichever side that may be), the natural inclination is to simply think they're being fair. But when they "disagree" with our side, then we think they're biased against us. So they're either fair, or biased against us with their coverage - which leads the more naive among us (sorry Jack) to see that as a net bias against "our side". And if you sit there and claim a media organization is always fair, then that just means they're probably biased in your favor.