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Next Best Thing's Avatar
No, I do not. Nor do I use plastic straws. Not only do they leave a carbon footprint, they also fuck up our oceans and kill fish, which are now starting to become scarcer and more expensive. Of course, the oil companies don't give a shit about that. Originally Posted by brasil
This post puts quite a bit of this individual's prior posts into perspective
lilylivered's Avatar
You sound like a high school cheer leader. Originally Posted by brasil
lol yep
lilylivered's Avatar
No, I do not. Nor do I use plastic straws. they leave a carbon footprint Originally Posted by brasil
Hmmm since I own thousands of trees and pay tax on them...maybe you people that dont should start paying me for their air...
Just a thought......
No, I do not. Nor do I use plastic straws. Not only do they leave a carbon footprint, they also fuck up our oceans and kill fish, which are now starting to become scarcer and more expensive. Of course, the oil companies don't give a shit about that. Originally Posted by brasil
how many gallons of OIL are

in the Wind mills

they are killing the whales with?
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Boebert sounded a little hysterical and and probably about 1/8 as ignorant as Kamala Harris does on a good day but she did look like a yummy piece of ass while brow-beating the secret service cunt.
Hmmm since I own thousands of trees and pay tax on them...maybe you people that dont should start paying me for their air...
Just a thought...... Originally Posted by lilylivered
Not sure I follow your logic on this one. Looks like a non sequitur to me.
Not sure I follow your logic on this one. Looks like a non sequitur to me. Originally Posted by brasil
It’s called photosynthesis.

You mentioned not leaving a carbon footprint, he was making the point that since he owns thousands of trees, and trees perform a process called photosynthesis, which takes carbon dioxide out of the air.
jokacz's Avatar
Not sure I follow your logic on this one. Looks like a non sequitur to me. Originally Posted by brasil

It's a Genesee County rightie thing. The dairy farmers get paid to dump their milk out and he wants to get paid for allowing his trees to use CO2.
jokacz's Avatar
No, I mean when America is energy independent, we are the wealthiest country in the world. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR

And exactly how does exporting our oil so the oil companies can make more money make us energy independent?
It’s called photosynthesis.

You mentioned not leaving a carbon footprint, he was making the point that since he owns thousands of trees, and trees perform a process called photosynthesis, which takes carbon dioxide out of the air. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Thank you for that enlightening explanation of photosynthesis, which most of us have been aware of since our 6th grade science class.

Following his logic, those who put carbon into the the air should be paying him for taking carbon dioxide out of the air. So rather than using our tax dollars to reimburse him, we might look for West Texas millionaires to take responsibility.
And exactly how does exporting our oil so the oil companies can make more money make us energy independent? Originally Posted by jokacz
I don’t recall mentioning anything about exporting our oil or what that has to do with us being energy independent.

Energy independent means we won’t have to rely on other countries for importing their oil. Other countries that not only don’t like us, but leave a much larger carbon footprint than we do. Which is what many of you are concerned about, as am I.

If you’re worried about the carbon footprint by oil and gas companies, then we should look at the entire world, not just the U.S.
Thank you for that enlightening explanation of photosynthesis, which most of us have been aware of since our 6th grade science class.

Following his logic, those who put carbon into the the air should be paying him for taking carbon dioxide out of the air. So rather than using our tax dollars to reimburse him, we might look for West Texas millionaires to take responsibility. Originally Posted by brasil
You’re welcome and if you’ve been aware of it since 6th grade science class, I guess I’m at a loss at how you missed his point.

And now it’s West TX millionaires fault. I suppose somebody has to take the blame. The Dems certainly won’t, nor will they take responsibility for any of the craziness going on in our country and the world today.
how many gallons of OIL are

in the Wind mills

they are killing the whales with? Originally Posted by JONBALLS
This is an outstanding question. And since I’d hate for it to be ignored and go unanswered, after a quick search, it’s 80 gallons.

Add that up for any given wind farm.
jokacz's Avatar
I don’t recall mentioning anything about exporting our oil or what that has to do with us being energy independent.

If you’re worried about the carbon footprint by oil and gas companies, then we should look at the entire world, not just the U.S. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR

Don't give a shit what you mentioned, not worried about oil companies' carbon footprint, concerned about the hypocrisy of "Drill, baby, drill" when the oil doesn't stay here, but the profits do and goes into the pockets of the oil barons.

This is an outstanding question. And since I’d hate for it to be ignored and go unanswered, after a quick search, it’s 80 gallons.

Add that up for any given wind farm. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR

And how much oil would be used to produce the equivalent amount of power in an oil fueled power plant?
Don't give a shit what you mentioned, not worried about oil companies' carbon footprint, concerned about the hypocrisy of "Drill, baby, drill" when the oil doesn't stay here, but the profits do and goes into the pockets of the oil barons.

And how much oil would be used to produce the equivalent amount of power in an oil fueled power plant? Originally Posted by jokacz
I guess you don’t give a shit about what I mentioned, especially since you left out the middle paragraph of my post explaining what is meant by being energy independent.

It’s difficult to say how much oil would be used to produce the equivalent amount of power/electricity in an oil fueled power plant vs a windmill.

Oil fueled power plants are basically a thing of the past. Less than 1% of electricity is generated by oil fueled power plants in this country.