Some Texans Have Prepared a Petition to Secede from the USA

YohannG's Avatar
Say goodby to you "hobby" if Texas succeeds and secession. The "in your face" Bible thumpers will make sure your life has all sorts of social controls. Strip clubs and amps will quickly get the boot. The only legal hobby will be the current Republican favorite of bathroom stall foot tapping.
I would definitely look forward to living under the rule of Rick Perry the First .... Not!

Just curious, who would Texas ally with? I guaran-fucking-tee you the Mexican military and / or drug lords would cross the border post haste and annex this mother-fucker!
Say goodby to you "hobby" if Texas succeeds and secession. The "in your face" Bible thumpers will make sure your life has all sorts of social controls. Strip clubs and amps will quickly get the boot. The only legal hobby will be the current Republican favorite of bathroom stall foot tapping. Originally Posted by YohannG
The Tea Nut's first agenda item would be to move the State Capital to Vidor, Texas! The second agenda item would be to name "Dixie" the State song.
1) James McPherson, James Randall and other historians have documented how the process by which West Virginia became a state violated Art IV, Sec 3 of the Constitution; thus, de facto making the act "unconstitutional". Randall's studies expand on Lincoln's Attorney General Bates' legal determination at the time. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

No, they haven't. Post a reference to McP and Randall discussing Article IV, Section 3. If you can...

2) McPherson, Randall and other historians have documented that the self-aggrandizing politicians who pushed for annexation as an independent state did not in fact represent the population, and Lincoln and Congress were complicit in that "legal fiction".
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

How do the "historians" know that? Before VA seceded, the population of the counties of West Virginia voted overwhelmingly AGAINST secession. And there were NO Union troops in VA at that time because the war hadn't even started. Your whole premise is that AFTER the war started, those same counties did not want to rejoin the Union (for some unknown reason) and the only reason they did was because the election to rejoin the Union was tainted by occupying Union How do any of the historians know that the counties in West Virginia changed their minds?

3) McPherson, Randall and other historians have documented that West Virginia would not have been admitted as an independent state were it not for federal occupation troops manning polls and voting illegally during the referendum. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

BS. See 2) above

“The bill giving the consent of Congress, to the formation of this new State was rushed through precipitately. The friends of the bill thought delay dangerous -- any little accident, any revival among the Members of Congress, of a sense of justice and decency would, probably defeat it: And so, it was pressed through without any of the ordinary care and caution which is due to every legislative enactment -- and, in fact, the bill was full of the most glaring blunders. But the friends of the bill dared not attempt to amend it, lest delay and the scrut[in]y of debate might expose its absurdity and defeat its passage -- And so it was passed in all its deformity.” Howard K. Beale, editor, The Diary of Edward Bates, October 12, 1865. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

So, in other words, the bill PASSED. And Beale's complaint is that if they had not rushed it, further debate would have cause more people to vote against it.

That is about as relevant as arguing that if Congress has spent more time debating Obamacare, and if more people had realized how bad the bill was, and if its Democratic supporters had been more honest, then Obamacare would not have passed. Therefore it is unconstitutional.

That, of course, is bullshit. Like it or not, Obamacare was voted on and became the law of the land. Just like West VA readmission to the Union was voted on and became LAW.

Weep, bitch, weep.
Say goodby to you "hobby" if Texas succeeds and secession. The "in your face" Bible thumpers will make sure your life has all sorts of social controls. Strip clubs and amps will quickly get the boot. Originally Posted by YohannG
Actually, that's not true.

Not to get sidetracked from the fun or tweaking IB Yammering, but all that stuff is controlled by state and local law right now. Texas could shut down strip clubs and amps NOW if it wanted to. It doesn't need to secede to do that.

Since it hasn't shut them down, that means that the Bible thumpers don't have the clout to do it.

Even redneck secessionists like a little pussy now and then.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-21-2012, 12:24 PM
I miss the amps
I B Hankering's Avatar

No, they haven't. Post a reference to McP and Randall discussing Article IV, Section 3. If you can...

How do the "historians" know that? Before VA seceded, the population of the counties of West Virginia voted overwhelmingly AGAINST secession. And there were NO Union troops in VA at that time because the war hadn't even started. Your whole premise is that AFTER the war started, those same counties did not want to rejoin the Union (for some unknown reason) and the only reason they did was because the election to rejoin the Union was tainted by occupying Union How do any of the historians know that the counties in West Virginia changed their minds?

BS. See 2) above

So, in other words, the bill PASSED. And Beale's complaint is that if they had not rushed it, further debate would have cause more people to vote against it.

That is about as relevant as arguing that if Congress has spent more time debating Obamacare, and if more people had realized how bad the bill was, and if its Democratic supporters had been more honest, then Obamacare would not have passed. Therefore it is unconstitutional.

That, of course, is bullshit. Like it or not, Obamacare was voted on and became the law of the land. Just like West VA readmission to the Union was voted on and became LAW.

Weep, bitch, weep.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
Everything you again demand to see has already been referenced above, you pretentious prick. Those reference posts, btw, are the same posts you derided and dismissed multiple times before, so don’t deny you didn’t see them. Yet now, you hypocritically demand to have them posted again! Just an FYI, for your pretentious and illiterate ass, ExNYer, posting those references a third or forth time will not improve your limited cognitive and reading skills. If your lazy-ass wants to see that information again, reread the thread or get off your lazy, cheap-ass and buy the books or go to the library. T


1) McPherson, Randall and other historians have documented how the process violated Art IV, Sec 3 of the Constitution; thus, de facto making the act "unconstitutional".

2) McPherson, Randall and other historians have documented that the self-aggrandizing politicians who pushed for annexation as an independent state did not in fact represent the population, and Lincoln and Congress were complicit in that "legal fiction".

3) McPherson, Randall and other historians have documented that West Virginia would not have been admitted as an independent state were it not for federal occupation troops manning polls and voting illegally during the referendum.

“The bill giving the consent of Congress, to the formation of this new State was rushed through precipitately. The friends of the bill thought delay dangerous -- any little accident, any revival among the Members of Congress, of a sense of justice and decency would, probably defeat it: And so, it was pressed through without any of the ordinary care and caution which is due to every legislative enactment -- and, in fact, the bill was full of the most glaring blunders. But the friends of the bill dared not attempt to amend it, lest delay and the scrut[in]y of debate might expose its absurdity and defeat its passage -- And so it was passed in all its deformity.” Howard K. Beale, editor, The Diary of Edward Bates, October 12, 1865.

“The formation of a new State out of Western Virginia is an original, independent act of revolution . . . Any attempt to carry it out involves a plain breach of both the Constitutions -- of Virginia and the nation.” Attorney General Bates, Aug. 12, 1861. The process violated Art IV, Sec 3 of the Constitution; hence, it was “unconstitutional”. An unprosecuted criminal act does not mitigate or “disappear” the criminal act.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Actually, that's not true.

Not to get sidetracked from the fun or tweaking IB Yammering, but all that stuff is controlled by state and local law right now. Texas could shut down strip clubs and amps NOW if it wanted to. It doesn't need to secede to do that.

Since it hasn't shut them down, that means that the Bible thumpers don't have the clout to do it.

Even redneck secessionists like a little pussy now and then. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I enjoy wasting his time. Originally Posted by ExNYer
ExNYer's true life aspiration.
Keep repeating all of the disproven shit from earlier posts...
ExNYer's true life aspiration. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
And you keep taking the bait. Heh.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Keep repeating all of the disproven shit from earlier posts... Originally Posted by ExNYer
YOU haven’t disproved a damn thing, you pretentious prick. Everything you again demand to see has already been referenced above, you pretentious prick. Those reference posts, btw, are the same posts you derided and dismissed multiple times before, so don’t deny you didn’t see them. Yet now, you hypocritically demand to have them posted again! Just an FYI, for your pretentious and illiterate ass, ExNYer, posting those references a third or forth time will not improve your limited cognitive and reading skills. If your lazy-ass wants to see that information again, reread the thread or get off your lazy, cheap-ass and buy the books or go to the library. T


1) McPherson, Randall and other historians have documented how the process violated Art IV, Sec 3 of the Constitution; thus, de facto making the act "unconstitutional".

2) McPherson, Randall and other historians have documented that the self-aggrandizing politicians who pushed for annexation as an independent state did not in fact represent the population, and Lincoln and Congress were complicit in that "legal fiction".

3) McPherson, Randall and other historians have documented that West Virginia would not have been admitted as an independent state were it not for federal occupation troops manning polls and voting illegally during the referendum.

“The bill giving the consent of Congress, to the formation of this new State was rushed through precipitately. The friends of the bill thought delay dangerous -- any little accident, any revival among the Members of Congress, of a sense of justice and decency would, probably defeat it: And so, it was pressed through without any of the ordinary care and caution which is due to every legislative enactment -- and, in fact, the bill was full of the most glaring blunders. But the friends of the bill dared not attempt to amend it, lest delay and the scrut[in]y of debate might expose its absurdity and defeat its passage -- And so it was passed in all its deformity.” Howard K. Beale, editor, The Diary of Edward Bates, October 12, 1865.

“The formation of a new State out of Western Virginia is an original, independent act of revolution . . . Any attempt to carry it out involves a plain breach of both the Constitutions -- of Virginia and the nation.” Attorney General Bates, Aug. 12, 1861. The process violated Art IV, Sec 3 of the Constitution; hence, it was “unconstitutional”. An unprosecuted criminal act does not mitigate or “disappear” the criminal act.
I B Hankering's Avatar

And you keep taking the bait. Heh.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
I enjoy wasting his time. Originally Posted by ExNYer
ExNYer's true life aspiration.

And you keep taking the bait. Heh.
Originally Posted by ExNYer
I B Crying is a big ol' Lunker! Catch and release only!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Another nonsubstantive, unintelligent post that is so typical of BigKoTex's response to facts. Originally Posted by bigtex
