Tucker Carlson reports

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Your two oldest are boys? Oh God help them. How do you know they are boys? You probably encourage them to defy gender norms and live a "progressive" lifestyle. You are much likely to get them pink dresses rather than guns. And you have probably brainwashed them pretty good to hate themselves because they are white. Originally Posted by Clay Media

well .. TF gets banned Clay appears. not saying nothin' about that .. yeah i am

Lucas McCain's Avatar
Yeah, I know who he is, TWK.

He needs to do a lot better than that weak sauce though if he wants to get under my skin. Attempts at insulting my minor children and breaking nuclear board rules is probably not the best way to get my full attention but whatever; keep trying Clay/Turd.

I would say to just keep wasting your time trying to insult me and leave my kids out of it, but do what you think may help you actually get me mad about what means absolutely nothing to me (your posts and your handles). Thanks for the lame ass attempt though.
... Let's give our mate Lucas another chance to answer
me question - since he ignored it the first time.

Lucas, I asked what YOU would have done if YOU
were in Rittenhouse's exact situation?

After they hit you, stomp you and then take your gun away
- would you pray and beg them for mercy? They have guns too.

Would you trust them to show you mercy?

### Salty
  • oeb11
  • 11-21-2021, 09:10 AM
LM - please put your sons in to teh scenario proposed above by SA
doesn't your White Liberal racist ideology prohibit protecting Oneself against assailants - with Guns??
Would you adhere to your White Liberal racist ideology ( after all LSM defines teh Rittenhouse case as 'Racist" )and bury sons for It?
Would you use henry rifles to protect your home adn family against OBLM/Ant-Fa terrorist assault?
The same OBLM /Anti-fa terrorists who are excused for riots, assault, arson, murder, theft, rape, , and on adn on - excused for their actions due to White Racist Liberal Ideology -

A Racist ideology taught as CRT at harvard adn Ivy League Institutions as Required courses?

Well - Do You, LM?
do you just hate yourself for being White - as taught in the Ivy League?
By kendi, hannah-Jones, Al Sharpton, Jesse jackson, and Joy Reid - adn other race-baiters?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
... Let's give our mate Lucas another chance to answer
me question - since he ignored it the first time. Originally Posted by Salty Again
To be honest, Salty it's kind of like asking me what I would do if I could fly. It's just so unrealistic to me that I can't really answer your question other than to say if it comes down to my life or your life, I'll always choose to keep mine so you've gotta go. That's really the most honest answer I can give you without being full of shit about a hypothetical situation that would never happen.

OEB, grown folks are talking little parrot. Why don't you keep your obsession with my education to yourself? I read the same shit from you the 1st hundred times you've mentioned it. You don't have to mention it a thousand more times little man. I got your silly rambling post the 1st time.
... Okay... Fair enough there, mate.

### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 11-21-2021, 10:26 AM
But I believe Rittenhouse should have gotten something, some penalty. At least probation, up to [a maximum of] a few years in jail. Originally Posted by Tiny
But since you readily admit that you DON'T know the details
of the Rittenhouse case - you might wanna NOT give your
opinion on it - as it makes you look silly.

Just sayin'

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

You may be right, although if there were a prohibition on silly posts there wouldn't be much in this forum.

I read this this morning, in the Washington Post of all places, which argues strongly that the jury came to the right verdict.


She appears to say somebody shot at Rittenhouse before he shot anyone.

And yeah, I don't know the details.

Regardless, I don't believe people should be making a hero out of Rittenhouse, and agree with Lucas McCain that the kid had no business being in the situation he was in. I don't think that's debatable.
... You make a good point, Tiny.
Now lemme me expound on it a bit.

The Conservatives ARE NOT trying to make Rittenhouse
into a hero. They are CONSTANTLY showing that he
was right in defending himself from lads who might have killed him.
And also showing that Rittenhouse was the one ATTACKED.

And the conservatives would NOT have to show this IF
the media would have just showed the truth in the
first place.

The jury sat thru the case - you can even watch videos of it.
And even with threats against them, the media STILL
believed that Rittenhouse acted in self-defence.

#### Salty
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-21-2021, 10:50 AM
well .. TF gets banned Clay appears. not saying nothin' about that .. yeah i am

BAHHAHSHSSSSSSAAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Hit the rtm button then Sherlock.

Jesus , are you campaigning for Hall monitor of the year?

It is like debating a 12 year old.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-21-2021, 10:55 AM
Regardless, I don't believe people should be making a hero out of Rittenhouse, and agree with Lucas McCain that the kid had no business being in the situation he was in. I don't think that's debatable. Originally Posted by Tiny
Despite Saltys arguments...they have tried to make a hero out of him.

The Judge ruled the prosecution could not bring up the video of Proud Boys buying Rittenhouse drinks for his preventable actions.

Like Lucas said....had he not gone there armed.


$1/6 MTHS
Ends soon
Rittenhouse judge bars evidence connecting teen to Proud Boys during trial
SEP 17, 2021 AT 5:04 PM

Kyle Rittenhouse charged with fatal shootings during Kenosha protests

Warning: Graphic content <br> <br> Kyle ...

(Sean Krajacic/The Kenosha News)
KENOSHA — Kyle Rittenhouse’s jury will not hear about his alleged ties to a far-right group or be shown a photo of him flashing a hand sign appropriated by some white supremacist groups when his murder case goes to trial later this year, a Kenosha County judge ruled Friday.

Circuit Judge Bruce Schroeder also barred prosecutors from playing a video in which Rittenhouse punched a girl and another in which the Antioch teen said he wished he had his assault rifle with him so he could shoot at people he believed were shoplifting from a drugstore.


Both videos were taken in the weeks before Rittenhouse, then 17, killed two men and wounded a third with an AR-15-style rifle. Despite not being old enough to openly carry a gun, Rittenhouse took it upon himself to patrol the southeastern Wisconsin town amid the turmoil surrounding the shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man, by a white police officer in August 2020.

The rulings dealt a setback to prosecutors’ efforts to portray Rittenhouse as a “chaos tourist” who came to Kenosha to impose his own sense of justice.

“This is not a political trial,” Schroeder said. “This is not going to be a political trial.”

Kyle Rittenhouse in court for a hearing in Kenosha on Sept. 17, 2021.
Kyle Rittenhouse in court for a hearing in Kenosha on Sept. 17, 2021. (Sean Krajacic/The Kenosha News)

Defense attorneys argue Rittenhouse acted in self-defense that night after being chased by Joseph Rosenbaum, the first man he fatally shot. Without offering any evidence, they told Schroeder that Rosenbaum — a convicted sex offender who had recently been institutionalized — had been chasing Rittenhouse because he couldn’t purchase his own gun with a criminal record and wanted to steal the teen’s assault rifle.

Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger landed a blow to that defense narrative when he announced the FBI has images showing Rittenhouse was the one who initially followed Rosenbaum. As the two reached the car lot where the shooting occurred, Rittenhouse said something to Rosenbaum, who then turned around and started to chase Rittenhouse.

The recording was captured by an infrared camera attached to an FBI fixed wing aircraft that was monitoring the city during the chaos, Binger said.

“The FBI video gives us the context we have been missing,” Binger said.

Rittenhouse’s attorneys initially appeared surprised by the disclosure during the court hearing. They later acknowledged they were told of the video’s existence two weeks ago but had not yet looked at it.

The video was not played in court Friday, so the Tribune cannot independently verify what the recording shows.

Binger also told the court he has evidence that Rittenhouse met for lunch after a court hearing earlier this year with several high-ranking members of the Proud Boys organization, a far-right group known for street fights that the Anti-Defamation League characterizes as “misogynistic, Islamophobic, transphobic and anti-immigration,” with some members espousing “white supremacist and anti-Semitic ideologies.”

Upon arrival at a bar in nearby Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin, Rittenhouse posed with two men while flashing the “OK” sign, which prosecutors described as “co-opted as a symbol of white supremacy/white power.” He took several other photos while drinking three beers over 90 minutes, prosecutors have said.

Kyle Rittenhouse was photographed drinking, using “white power” hand gestures and meeting members of the Proud Boys group at a bar, prosecutors say.
Kyle Rittenhouse was photographed drinking, using “white power” hand gestures and meeting members of the Proud Boys group at a bar, prosecutors say. (Kenosha County District Attorney)
Rittenhouse’s attorneys repeatedly have denied he is a member the organization. Prosecutors said they would present evidence showing the teen flew to Florida shortly after the bar gathering and was picked up at the airport by the Proud Boys’ national leader.

The defense accused prosecutors of using the Proud Boys to inject race into the case and suggested it couldn’t have played a role because the three men Rittenhouse fired upon were white. Rittenhouse fatally shot Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26. A third man, Gaige Grosskreutz, who prosecutors have said was armed with a handgun, survived the teen shooting him in the arm.

Prosecutors, however, contend Rittenhouse’s motivations were more nuanced than simply the color of the victims’ skin. The teen, Binger said, embraced the Proud Boys’ philosophy of perpetrating violence against those who disagree with their beliefs, including organizations such as Black Lives Matter, which led demonstrations in downtown Kenosha following Blake’s shooting.

“Most everyone there was there because of their beliefs, one way or the other, in regards to the shooting of Jacob Blake,” Binger said. “Chaos tourists like the defendant were drawn like a moth to the flame to our community. He was drawn to this incident because of his beliefs, which align with the Proud Boys. They take pride in using violence to achieve their means.”
HedonistForever's Avatar
You may be right, although if there were a prohibition on silly posts there wouldn't be much in this forum.

I read this this morning, in the Washington Post of all places, which argues strongly that the jury came to the right verdict.


She appears to say somebody shot at Rittenhouse before he shot anyone.

And yeah, I don't know the details.

Think maybe you should before commenting, the same advice I would give Joe Biden.

Regardless, I don't believe people should be making a hero out of Rittenhouse,

Should the Liberals be making hero's out of Rosenblum or the others as they are doing at CNN and MSNBC saying that they were there to support Black Lives Matter, when the truth is more likely that they were attracted to crowds where they could act a fool and nobody on the left seems to want to address the fact that Rosenblum was heard using the N word repeatedly? Why, because that takes away a talking point that they just can't bring themselves to give up.

and agree with Lucas McCain that the kid had no business being in the situation he was in. I don't think that's debatable. Originally Posted by Tiny

Which is why I try to stick to only debating the law and not whether somebody should or shouldn't have done something. I ALWAYS do at least a little research on the law though one can always find law professors arguing opposite points like Lawrence Tribe against Jonathan Turley for example.

So when I heard Liberals start their diatribe with "he crossed state lines", my first question is "is that legal or illegal". To Liberals, that doesn't seem to matter AT ALL. To a mostly Conservative like myself, it is all that matters. The law most be applied equally ( yes I know that isn't always the case, I'm saying that is what the law demands ) if any of us are to survive in these over heated times.

Or "he carried an AR-15 across state lines" which at first blush makes one think "OK that sure sounds like it might be illegal but when doing research on the matter, one finds out out that no, Rittenhouse did not cross state lines with that AR, it was already in Kenosha at a friends house. Did any of you know that? Did the Liberals making that argument know that but simply didn't care whether it was the truth or not? Then there is the argument that Rittenhouse couldn't but an AR-15, that is why his friend bought it for him and will now be prosecuted as a straw buyer, but in Wisconsin, apparently he could walk around with it.

So, if the people of Wisconsin now understanding that maybe, just maybe they ought to take a look at that law, that's their business but of course far to many Americans have no concept of states rights versus federal law.

So, "shouldn't have been there", is not a legal argument. It is a feeling, merely an opinion. and there was no charge about "crossing state lines with an AR", there was a debate about the possession of the AR but there shouldn't have been if the prosecutors had read the law before the judge asked them to read the law and then dismissed that 6th count of illegally possessing that AR.

Problem for me with my Liberal friends, is that they don't understand that sometimes the Republican/ Conservative argument is the right one legally which then makes it seem that I am arguing for Donald Trump for example when I am merely arguing the law and sometimes that favors the Conservative and not the Liberal argument.

Imagine what this forum would look like if we only debated the law and that's it! Of course we are all able to speak our minds in anyway we please but arguing sensibly would be better for all of us IMHO.
  • Tiny
  • 11-21-2021, 12:21 PM
I'm kind of lost Hedonist. I don't know who Rosenblum, Lawrence Tribe, or Jonathan Turley is. I'm not a worthy opponent for debate on this topic. I do intend to record the Rittenhouse interview on Monday though.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 11-21-2021, 01:13 PM
I'm kind of lost Hedonist. I don't know who Rosenblum, Lawrence Tribe, or Jonathan Turley is. I'm not a worthy opponent for debate on this topic. I do intend to record the Rittenhouse interview on Monday though. Originally Posted by Tiny
This from NPR sums it up very well.


This is why the Prosecution had no chance. I paid very little attention to the rumblings and political banter before this trial but when the DA lost this ruling...he basically admitted he could not win the case. And after I watched one day in court where the DA tried to bring this in as evidence and the judge tore him a new....that was when I posted Rittenhouse would walk.

It was like when Mark Furman was caught saying the n word. I thought then that that murdering son might just beat the rap!
... Surely odd and sad at the same time - that most of the
people speaking out about this - surely claim that they
"didn't follow the trial"...

Then WHY are you commenting?

### Salty
  • Tiny
  • 11-21-2021, 04:53 PM
... Surely odd and sad at the same time - that most of the
people speaking out about this - surely claim that they
"didn't follow the trial"...

Then WHY are you commenting?

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
No, it's not "most", it's just me. Happy to oblige. I'll leave this one to you and the other experts.