Jackie our girl Condalisa

Look Gey Rey having a conniption over dingle berries again. Man you love those things. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
Just showing the Second favorite FRUIT that YOU fruits love so much ! You appear to be trying for the top of the WHINE and WINE list for the vintners of that Reach Around Crew " wine " !
LexusLover's Avatar
I feel the hum of those B-52 engines warming up again. Originally Posted by lustylad
I'm reminded of the roar of the B58's "launching" off Carswell when they did their rotation with nose up .... LOUD!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I'm reminded of the roar of the B58's "launching" off Carswell when they did their rotation with nose up .... LOUD! Originally Posted by LexusLover
the B-58 was an awesome plane. supersonic bomber, delta wing, 4 engines. just looked cool as hell, and fast which it certainly was.

it's downfall was several fold, it was a gas guzzler even for early turbines of the day, its bomb load couldn't complete with the B-52, it was hard to fly and control, no such thing as fly-by-wire in those days. old school stick and rudder. advanced interceptors negated its speed edge. and better surface-to-air missiles.

still, for its day it was a very cool plane.
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buttrammed, porked at HEB parking lot: What a epic failure.,

Judging by the tone of your reply, I would say it was an epic success. The others that are destroying you on this message board, and I, have you reduced to repeating the insults that we throw your way. You're unable to be original, just as you are unable to engage in debate.

buttrammed, porked at HEB parking lot: this fucker

In the old military, and in the combat arms community, this is actually a term of endearment. It also has multiple meanings. As in, I fucked you up so hard in this exchange, and others have fucked you up in other exchanges. This statement illustrates your frustration at getting your ass handed to you, just as the other liberals on this message board are getting their asses handed to them here and elsewhere.

buttrammed, porked at HEB parking lot: is dumb as a liberal.

Considering that you are a liberal, this appears to be your subconscious admitting that you are dumb. The only dummy, between the two of us, is you. If you were any dumber, you'd start to photosynthesize.

buttrammed, porked at HEB parking lot: Just like a liberal declaring himself the winner.

My identifying the fact that I have destroyed you, and others, on this thread is no different from identifying the fact that I had checkmated an opponent in chess. You, like the other liberals here, refuse to believe that you guys are getting destroyed, like how Baghdad Bob refused to acknowledge the fact that Saddam's army was getting destroyed and defeated.

buttrammed, porked at HEB parking lot: Looks like a new worker at gay rey's glory hole.

You have things confused. But again, you've been destroyed so bad on the other threads, as well as on this thread, that you are to the point to where you can't even get things straight. No, that's not Rey Lengua's "glory hole", that's YOUR glory hole, as well as that of your fellow members of the ECCIE Dutch Rudder Gang at the HEB parking lot, where you get porked while you enjoy an endless supply of tube steaks and man mayo.

buttrammed, porked at HEB parking lot: If you want to see a liberal look in the mirror

What? Is there an echo in here? That's what I just told you! If you want to see a liberal, you need to look in the mirror. When I look in the mirror, I see someone that destroys you, and others like you, in debate.

buttrammed, porked at HEB parking lot: Must have been a alter boy.

There's no shame in you potentially being the only one on this message board that was an altar boy. That's when your butt rammed days must have began. I never was an altar boy though, that's one experience that you have that I don't have.

I, lemming bamscram, am an epic failure - not only am I a fucker, but I'm dumb like other liberals.
Just like other liberals, I, lemming bamscram, am going to deny that I got destroyed.
I, lemming bamscram, am just another tube steak connoisseur at Luke_Wyatt's glory hole at the HEB parking lot.
I, lemming bamscram, look at the mirror whenever I want to see a liberal.
Being an altar boy was a pain in the ass, but I, lemming bamscram, was up to the task.
As you can see, I lemming bamscram, display no religious training, so that should explain what I actually did when I was an altar boy. Originally Posted by bamscram

the B-58 was an awesome plane. supersonic bomber, delta wing, 4 engines. just looked cool as hell, and fast which it certainly was.

it's downfall was several fold, it was a gas guzzler even for early turbines of the day, its bomb load couldn't complete with the B-52, it was hard to fly and control, no such thing as fly-by-wire in those days. old school stick and rudder. advanced interceptors negated its speed edge. and better surface-to-air missiles.

still, for its day it was a very cool plane. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Yep. Loved its sleek, rakish look, though, and was excited to build a model of one as a kid. The thing looked like pure muscle!

One of my Dad's friends way back in the day was an Air Force pilot and never flew the B-58, but reported that guys who did said it was a hell of an accomplishment just to land one without crashing it!
herfacechair's Avatar
look at mike the headless chicken run .. run mike RUN!!!

you spastic headless chicken .. run in circles until you run off the stupid cliff .. bye mike bye!! it's a long way down to the bottom of the stupid cliff

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq_bjaI0NTo Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Buttrammed, Porked of HEB parking lot, had his head shoved so far up Luke Wyatt's ass, that when Luke rapidly turned the corner, he snapped buttrammed's head off, thus Retard Lenny running around like a chicken with its head cut off.
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Comments from the dingle berry picker. Wacco at work. Originally Posted by bamscram
Wrong buttrammed, Porked at HEB parking lot, YOU'RE the dingle berry picker, something that you engage in when you're not indulging in those tube steak sandwiches at Luke Wyatt's glory hole operation at the HEB parking lot.
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This is one of the things that I, lemming bamscram, do most of the day, pick dingle berries, Then I go to the HEB parking lot and pick more dingle berries, or indulge in tube steak sandwiches with a healthy dose of man mayo. My boss Luke_Wyatt is very proud of my work. Originally Posted by bamscram
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MT Fluffer: If you take a look at this Forum you will its 10 to 1 Conservatives pulling the grammar shit while using made up words to insult everyone.

When I started to debate liberals, on this message board, liberals vastly outnumbered the conservatives. And yes, it was the liberals that resorted to the grammar police tactic in the face of getting destroyed in debate. This has been the situation since I started debating liberals, online. This has been ongoing for 13 years. This is also the situation with other message boards, as well as on social media.

What your complaining about, regarding the "current ratio", is simply them using your own tactics against you guys. But the fact remains, I've seen you guys utilize that tactic quickly.

MT Fluffer: On a side note.

Much of the drivel and rubbish that you spew, on this and other threads, count as "side notes". You, like the other liberals, tend to stray away from topic when you get destroyed in the topic, then repeat the cycle when you continue to get destroyed on the topic that you escape shift to. This is equivalent to "shooting while retreating".

MT Fluffer: Nobody gives a shit about your "vast" experience so please refrain from making yourself look small by mentioning it in every post.

First, you do not speak for everybody. My side of the argument clearly acknowledge what I bring to the table, in this argument against liberals, when it comes to my experience, knowledge, expertise, etc. One reason to why you are saying "Nobody" gives a shit is because YOU don't care to hear about the fact that compared to you, I am a subject matter expert in the argument that we are arguing in the face of you not having a clue about what you are talking about. On deeper level, it's a reminder of what you don't want to hear... That I won't tire of hammering you.

Second, I don't "make myself look small" by mentioning the advantages I have relative to you, and to the others that I debate with. You're narcissistic to realize that you are continuing to engage in an argument that you're consistently getting destroyed in. The only side of the argument, that is making itself look small, is your side of the argument. Every time you reply, you end up getting your credibility shredded further. In the process of your credibility getting destroyed, with each additional response to you, you end up getting smaller and smaller with each attempt you make at remaining in debate.

Third, as I mentioned before, there is a purpose behind every word, sentence, paragraph, etc., that I'm using in my reply to you guys. If I have to mention my experiences relative to yours, it's because you are consistently forgetting that, and arrogantly arguing as if we are on equal footing, or as if you even have a leg to stand on. You have neither. My stating that I've been doing this for 13 years reminds you of the reality you wish wasn't the case... That I won't let up on hammering you.

Fourth, I don't accommodate people who are stupid enough, like you, to keep engaging in an argument that they are getting destroyed in. So no, I will continue to do what I intend to continue to do. I will say what I intend to say. I'll keep doing this for as long as you keep giving me the incentive to do so.

Fifth, if you feel that I keep on doing something, it is because you keep on doing the same thing. Remember, my replies depend on your replies. If you do not want to see something repeated, do not repeat the comment that I have rebutted before, and do not repeat the antics that I keep on countering.

Sixth, you have to realize that you cannot control what I do on my end, you have to control what you do on your end. Go back to the X/Y relationship that I explained earlier in this thread. You control "X". I control "Y". If X, then Y. If you want me to stop doing something, remove what you can control, remove the "X" to stop "Y". It's THAT simple!

Pay no attention to what ECCIE was like when you first came here when liberals outnumbered conservatives, aaaaaah, pay no attention to what liberals do on other message boards and social media, aaaaaaaah, only pay attention to what's happening now! I have spoken!

We liberals like to resort to the grammar shit when we get our asses handed to us, then complain when we get a taste of our own medicine.

We love to make up things to say about the conservatives, but can't be original in the insult department. It's easier to copy the conservatives and pretend that we're all saints.

On a side note. I hate the fact that I'm at a serious disadvantage and you have to remind me of your credibility in this exchange compared to our lack of it. So, nobody gives a shit about that. You need to stoop down to our level and pretend to be a dummy to our being real dummies.

You make us look small every time you have to remind us of the obvious that our narcissism wants to be ignored, that you are stumping us like bugs. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
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MT Fluffer: Look. Me and Rosie and her four sisters just voted. they all say I am smarter than you. Plus I asked a hooker. So that means I win I win! By the way what did I win?

There's a difference between looking at the arguments that both sides are presenting, and showing clear signs of defeat with one side, represented by you and other liberals, and clear signs of victory on the other side of the argument. It's just like seeing the results of a chess game leading up to checkmating the opposition. If you go back and look at the progress of our debate on this thread, you've abandoned a lot of your stance, then deteriorated, then came down to outright acting like a juvenile. Being able to see this as it plays out, and identifying who got destroyed in debate and who won the debate based on the course of the argument, is far different from you pulling crap out of your butt in an attempt to be sarcastic.

MT Fluffer: You sound like an idiot dude.

This is your frustration speaking now. You're calling me an "idiot", because I refuse to stop dismantling your arguments whenever you attempt to argue against me. The only idiot, in this exchange between us, is you. You've thoroughly been discredited on this thread, as well as on the other threads, yet you keep jumping back into getting your credibility ripped further into shreds.

MT Fluffer: Stop wasting your time.

Destroying you in debate, watching you react to my posts the way they're designed to get you to react, isn't a waste of my time. It's time well spent, as I get good laughs at watching the results of your reaction to your getting destroyed in debate, and to your not getting your way on this thread or on other threads.

Again, you can't control what I do. Remember, "X" is your reply to me. "Y" is my reply to you. If X, then Y. Meaning, if you don't want "Y", then you have to remember this: If not X, then not Y. Meaning, if you want Y, my reply, to stop, then X, your reply, needs to stop first.

Got it "brain"?

Until then, I have every intention of replying to you and destroying you, regardless of how long it takes for you to finally realize how to utilize the "If X, then Y" relationship that I describe here.

Think 32+ pages long thread is long? That's not shit compared to the thread I debated on that blew past 220 + pages, with each page containing 50 posts, that went on for months and months. So can it with your begging me to "stop". Not happening, only you could make this stop by stopping the part of the X/Y relationship that you can control, X.

MT Fluffer:Even the Conservatives are getting embarrassed by your malarkey now.

Right after you said that, these comments were made:

HerFaceChair just mopped the floor with you, trailer park boy. -- DSK

Yeah, is this the 8th or 9th time MT Pockface has been subjected to another relentless carpet-bombing attack in this thread? I'm losing count. Trailer park boy must enjoy being annihilated, or as he puts it - "anal-lated"! -- lustylad

That doesn't sound like "embarrassment", but a recognition that I'm doing here what they're doing to you on the other threads.

Look. Me and Rosie and her four sisters just voted. They all say I'm narcissistic. Plus I asked a hooker and she made fun of my little pee pee. So that means I lost I lost! By the way what did I lose? My credibility, dignity, self-respect, etc. I sound like an idiot dude. Stop destroying me, ignore me instead so that my bullshit stands. Even the liberals that side with me are getting embarrassed by my malarkey now. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
herfacechair's Avatar
FTFY Originally Posted by Rey Lengua

Wish I could see their reactions to seeing these posts. Checking this thread, to see the new reactions, reminds me of when I was a kid on Christmas morning. Hammering them, then watching them react, is fun.
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HerFaceChair just mopped the floor with you, trailer park boy. Originally Posted by DSK
Loved the smack down you gave him on the other thread, proved him wrong about his own area, with his not knowing that there was a trailer park in his area. But again, he's not much for digging up the facts. Just argues what feels good to his ego.
herfacechair's Avatar
Yeah, is this the 8th or 9th time MT Pockface has been subjected to another relentless carpet-bombing attack in this thread? I'm losing count. Trailer park boy must enjoy being annihilated, or as he puts it - "anal-lated"! Originally Posted by lustylad
He definitely loves being destroyed, on this thread and on other threads. He's a masochist, he loves being "anal-lated" by those of us destroying him on these threads. I guess the more that could pulverize, the better he feels. He's too narcissistic to see for himself what the rest of us are seeing.
herfacechair's Avatar
MT Fluffer: He takes the same old bullshit and rewords it.

Like a typical liberal, you complain about the reaction, but not about the cause. The cause being you repeating a disproven point, and my rebutting that disproven point AGAIN. I told you what you had to do to prevent me from "repeating" things, mainly, that you had to quit repeating yourself. It's THAT simple. Quit repeating your arguments, and I won't repeat my counter argument. Quit trying to reword what I've previously rebutted, because you'll get a reworded counter rebuttal. Again, review the X/Y relationship that I explained above. Remove "X", and "Y" doesn't happen.

MT Fluffer: Most of it is Psychobabble anyway.

If most of what I say is "psychobabble", then you'd ignore me completely. But, you aren't. You're doing exactly what I intend for you to do depending on how I word my replies. Your dismissing my comments as "psychobabble" is nothing more than your narcissism trying to protect your fragile ego from reality... The reality that you're getting thoroughly destroyed in this exchange, just like you're getting thoroughly destroyed on the other threads in the hands of your opposition on those threads.

MT Fluffer: Take a look at his writing. It is all about him and how magnificent he is.

Nowhere, in any of my posts, do I describe myself as being magnificent. That's just how you interpret my replies to you. This is a psychological indicator, coming from you, showing me that your subconscious is telling you what DSK and lustylad just told you. Your intellect is trying to tell you the same thing, your narcissism is trying to protect your ego from reality. You're driven by emotion, not fact.

MT Fluffer: You guys are a bunch of minions. If he is the best you have I feel sorry for you. Actually I would rate him the weakest of the group.

I left these words together, as it shows that you don't know what you're talking about. You're pulling shit out of your ass. Which is it? By telling them that they're "my minions", you're suggesting that I'm "the best" of the group. But, you change your mind by saying, "actually" and describe me as being the weakest. It's obvious that you're pulling straws, that you don't know what you're talking about, and are winging it.

If you can't get straight what you're saying, with these three sentences, what makes you think that anything else you say is credible? These three sentences are a reflection of your entire performance on this and on other threads. You're just a liberal windbag that likes to hear himself fart into the wind.

Don't mistake their telling it like it is as their "being my minions". They're just telling you what your subconscious is trying to tell you, but what your narcissism is trying to block to protect your fragile ego.

MT Fluffer: Besides being self ordained

Don't mistake my telling it like it is as my claiming to be "self-ordained". I'm simply looking at both sides' performance on this thread and calling it as I see it, the way I'd look at the progress of a chess game. My saying that your side is getting destroyed in this debate is no different than my saying that I beat someone in a game of chess because I checkmated their king. Speaking of which, what you're doing here is equivalent to the player who, after been check mated, picks his king up from the board and moves it to another side of the board in violation of chess rules, while denying that he just got checkmated.

MT Fluffer: he has not shown even a shred of intellect.

Wrong, this is your narcissism speaking. The only thing that you're doing is projecting your traits onto me, as I've seen you do to others defeating you on the other threads. Instead of showing intellect in your replies, you're showing emotion, and a sense of entitlement. You feel like you're entitled to a certain outcome on this thread, an outcome that includes nobody challenging your BS. The fact that you've consistently abandoned your arguments speaks volumes to the fact of my effective use of intellect in this argument against you.

Every time I spew the same bullshit, he counters with the same rebuttal. Whenever I try to reword the same argument, he rewords the same rebuttal. Most of what I say is psychobabble, which is normally expected because I'm having an emotional breakdown. Take a look at my writing. It is all about me and how I think I'm not getting my ass kicked despite the fact that I'm getting pulverized. I'm nothing but a tube steak sandwich minion, working those flutes at my mobile glory-hole that makes my boss, Luke Wyatt, proud of me. I'm one of his minions.

If I'm at my best right now, I feel sorry for myself. Actually I would rate myself the weakest of the ECCIE Dutch Rudder Crew. Besides being self ordained, I haven't shown a shred of intellect as I prefer to get hysterical and emotional. Originally Posted by MT Pockets
herfacechair's Avatar
You keep replying with the "same old bullshit". No substance. If you want to hear something new, try saying something substantive. If you can. Whining that HFC is weak and has no intellect, while being unable to counter his arguments, just tells everyone you know the opposite to be true.

Better head for the bunker, pockface. The one outside your trailer park. I feel the hum of those B-52 engines warming up again. Originally Posted by lustylad
You nailed it, that's what I'm seeing with his psychological makeup on this thread, as well as on other threads. He's criticizing himself without realizing it, and giving hints as to what he's starting to see, but refusing to accept.