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Uncle Han's Avatar
It says " I was Marshall" Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I am not Marshall I am Uncle Han. Who is this Marshall? I must check out his posts. Can anyone help me find my way to Marshall's posts?
LexusLover's Avatar
This thread has lasted much longer than Martin. Not a good sign.
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  • 06-09-2013, 07:01 AM
I am not Marshall I am Uncle Han. Who is this Marshall? I must check out his posts. Can anyone help me find my way to Marshall's posts? Originally Posted by Uncle Han

Who is Marshall? A master of masturbation, me thinks he dresses up like a Chinaman now and post negative rants about this country on a hooker boards! Let us know if you run across him!

And remember Uncle Han, first they killed black kids buying Skittles and we did nothing, next it will be ignorant Chinamen and finally it will be Tea Turds if we're lucky ....

Uncle Han's Avatar
Lucky for China that the American ameba-brained liberal butt-fuckers are safe!
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  • 06-09-2013, 11:41 AM
Lucky for China that the American ameba-brained liberal butt-fuckers are safe! Originally Posted by Uncle Han

You slant eyed muther fuckers keep stealing out intellectual property and hopefully we will have you Chinks eating rice out of your ass soon enough. I'm way more worried about you sneaky bastards than I am any Muslim.
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  • CJ7
  • 06-09-2013, 11:44 AM
Lucky for China that the American ameba-brained liberal butt-fuckers are safe! Originally Posted by Uncle Han

its AMOEBA, you ameba brain wannabe chink-ass bitch
Budman's Avatar
I'm curious, why is it OK to use racist slurs about Chinese but completely off limits when it comes to blacks and Mexicans. Not that I give a fuck what you call each other but it sure does seem like a double standard.
You will have to ask CC.
Uncle Han's Avatar
I'm curious, why is it OK to use racist slurs about Chinese but completely off limits when it comes to blacks and Mexicans. Not that I give a fuck what you call each other but it sure does seem like a double standard. Originally Posted by Budman

And Muslims............

The answer is simple.....Chinese do better in school and business than these lazy liberal redneck hillbillies......the other groups do not........the liberal filth always envy and hate those above them............
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-09-2013, 01:28 PM
yo ameba brain, redneck hillbillies are rightwingers ...deep south republicans to be exact

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  • CJ7
  • 06-09-2013, 01:30 PM
You will have to ask CC. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Chica isnt a Chink, why would he care?
Uncle Han's Avatar
yo ameba brain, redneck hillbillies are rightwingers ...deep south republicans to be exact

dumbass Originally Posted by CJ7

James Carvall, Bill Clinton......list is long........plenty of redneck hillbillie scum votin' for the free vittles......I rest my case you inbred white trash least when you "pop" a sibling, no little monster gets and your toothless brother are waitin for gay marriage to cum your way.........
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 06-09-2013, 01:35 PM
James Carvall, Bill Clinton......list is long........plenty of redneck hillbillie scum votin' for the free vittles......I rest my case you white trash fag.......... Originally Posted by Uncle Han
you dont have a case, you rat eating Slope
WTF's Avatar
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  • 06-09-2013, 04:33 PM
I'm curious, why is it OK to use racist slurs about Chinese and Muslims but completely off limits when it comes to blacks and Mexicans. Not that I give a fuck what you call each other but it sure does seem like a double standard. Originally Posted by Budman
What is your point Budman?