nothing reply anything you want

Yea well, you fellas have worn me out. I’m exhausted from this whole discussion. You win…I give up.

Kamala is the answer to all our dreams & Trump is a POS.

The towel has been officially thrown into the ring and I’m waving the white flag.

Just to be clear tho elg, I was referring to Kamala’s policy stances prior to her becoming VP.

Carry on…
And…another fucking double post

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
OK, here's how to fix.
Vote for "None of the Above"
elghund's Avatar
Yea well, you fellas have worn me out. I’m exhausted from this whole discussion. You win…I give up.

Kamala is the answer to all our dreams & Trump is a POS.

The towel has been officially thrown into the ring and I’m waving the white flag.

Just to be clear tho elg, I was referring to Kamala’s policy stances prior to her becoming VP.

Carry on… Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
FB, you are OK for a MAGA lunatic……lol!

Yea well, you fellas have worn me out. I’m exhausted from this whole discussion. You win…I give up.

Kamala is the answer to all our dreams & Trump is a POS.

The towel has been officially thrown into the ring and I’m waving the white flag.

Just to be clear tho elg, I was referring to Kamala’s policy stances prior to her becoming VP.

Carry on… Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Is this supposed to be your way of admitting you repeated a lie? Damn. Be a man. Stop with this lame "you win" stuff. Would be nice to know you really are better than this.
lilylivered's Avatar
Men shouldnt be participating in womens events period.
It s fuckin wrong and stupid
lilylivered's Avatar
Men shouldnt be participating in womens events period.
It s fuckin wrong and stupid

That deserved to be stated twice

Do you get to echo part there JB.....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Is this supposed to be your way of admitting you repeated a lie? Damn. Be a man. Stop with this lame "you win" stuff. Would be nice to know you really are better than this. Originally Posted by BillysEatinIt

Your attack on my manhood is noted. It might serve you better by writing reviews and actually contributing to the board, rather than attacking others.

Nothing to do with me repeating a lie. Men in women’s sports is a cultural issue that has the possibility of ruining women’s sports.

I was a division 3 college athlete in 2 sports. Men’s sports. And because I wasn’t going to be drafted to the pro level, I never once thought about changing my gender just so I could succeed further.

I’m also a veteran who served this country honorably.

Maybe that will give you a bit of insight of what kind of man I am.

Your attack on my manhood is noted. It might serve you better by writing reviews and actually contributing to the board, rather than attacking others.

Nothing to do with me repeating a lie. Men in women’s sports is a cultural issue that has the possibility of ruining women’s sports.

I was a division 3 college athlete in 2 sports. Men’s sports. And because I wasn’t going to be drafted to the pro level, I never once thought about changing my gender just so I could succeed further.

I’m also a veteran who served this country honorably.

Maybe that will give you a bit of insight of what kind of man I am. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR

So quick to accuse others of attacking you. I was pretty decent with you earlier in this thread. But now you are a victim?

First let me just say that it is always really cheap to go with the "I am a veteran" bullshit. You have no idea who you are talking to in that regard. And I never use that to try to prove to others how much of a man I am.

Regarding my "contributions" I have one review already and I've been on here two weeks. Another to come this weekend. Not bad for a rookie.

But back on topic. This has EVERYTHING to do with you repeating a lie. Because you did. You repeated a shit-stirring lie without any research whatsoever. You just believed something some stupid cow told you on X. Then you got called on it and now you are trying to rationalize it by saying you are concerned about this "cultural issue."

There is no widespread problem with men in women's sports. I'm not saying there is nothing. But it isn't the problem the Conservative talking heads are saying it is. And the new Title IX rules will not change that one bit.

Transgender people are getting the fuck beaten out of them these days. They are being victimized by Conservatives who are using them as tools to get people more pissed off than they already are.
They don't deserve it.

So maybe you could be a bit more careful the next time you quote a moron liar. There are enough people trying to divide us all. But I truly do believe you are better than that. Maybe you just need a reminder once in awhile. If you consider that to be an attack then this part of this thread should just end.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
The liberal male lesbians like you.

You're supposed to be hypnotized into viewing this as a good thing.

offshoredrilling's Avatar
F4D = fun killer ???? rats LOL
You’re absolutely right on all counts Billy, thanks for the insight.

I’m tired…carry on.
Double post…sorry.

FB, you are OK for a MAGA lunatic……lol!

elg…… Originally Posted by elghund
Thanks…I think lol