Jackie our girl Condalisa

herfacechair's Avatar
This is fun.
bamscram's Avatar
This is fun. Originally Posted by herfacechair

Got $5.00?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
I'm reminded of the roar of the B58's "launching" off Carswell when they did their rotation with nose up .... LOUD! Originally Posted by LexusLover
the B-58 was an awesome plane. supersonic bomber, delta wing, 4 engines. just looked cool as hell, and fast which it certainly was.

it's downfall was several fold, it was a gas guzzler even for early turbines of the day, its bomb load couldn't complete with the B-52, it was hard to fly and control, no such thing as fly-by-wire in those days. old school stick and rudder. advanced interceptors negated its speed edge. and better surface-to-air missiles.

still, for its day it was a very cool plane. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
B58 Hustler?

cool plane!

It wasn't designed to carry very many bombs.

I think it was more of a drop n' scoot.

this aircraft was essentially a light weight version of the B-1 bomber.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
That's a frontal "facesit". I prefer the reverse facesit, or riding the south face. The animated picture in this link is close to what I prefer. The woman in the picture looks like she's using her legs to carry her weight, she should relax those muscles and settle down for a full weight facesit... The real facesit:

http://www.sexinfo101.com/southface.shtml Originally Posted by herfacechair

  • DSK
  • 06-01-2017, 10:51 PM
You keep replying with the "same old bullshit". No substance. If you want to hear something new, try saying something substantive. If you can. Whining that HFC is weak and has no intellect, while being unable to counter his arguments, just tells everyone you know the opposite to be true.

Better head for the bunker, pockface. The one outside your trailer park. I feel the hum of those B-52 engines warming up again. Originally Posted by lustylad
LustyLad just bitch slapped you again, MT Pockface!!
LexusLover's Avatar
B58 Hustler?

cool plane!

It wasn't designed to carry very many bombs.

I think it was more of a drop n' scoot.

this aircraft was essentially a light weight version of the B-1 bomber. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

Another product of Fort Worth:

and ... GD built ...

herfacechair's Avatar

Got $5.00?

Originally Posted by bamscram
I'm not going to give you $5.00 so that you can find out what the rest of us already know, idiot. You should've figured that out when your family refused to loan you $5.00 to take the idiot test, because they could have told you that for free. But you, being the idiot that you are, would rather spend money to learn the obvious.
herfacechair's Avatar

Got $5.00? I need to take this test...

So that I could apply for this job.

Originally Posted by bamscram
herfacechair's Avatar

Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
This. It's the closest to what I like to do. The woman is lifting too much of her weight though, she should just sit with all of her weight.
herfacechair's Avatar
LustyLad just bitch slapped you again, MT Pockface!! Originally Posted by DSK
He enjoys getting treated here, and on the other threads, the way he treats his little pee pee.
herfacechair's Avatar
Uninhabited island gets "anal-lated" by carpet bombing.

bamscram's Avatar
I'm not going to beg you for five $5.00 so that I can find out what the rest of you already know, I am a idiot. I should've figured that out when you refused to loan me $5.00 to take the idiot test, because they could have told you that for free. But, being the idiot that I am, I would rather spend money to learn the obvious. Originally Posted by herfacechair;
Fixed! Originally Posted by herfacechair
herfacechair's Avatar

I'm not going to give you $5.00 so that you can find out what the rest of us already know, idiot. You should've figured that out when your family refused to loan you $5.00 to take the idiot test, because they could have told you that for free. But you, being the idiot that you are, would rather spend money to learn the obvious. Originally Posted by herfacechair
Uuuuuu dhuaaaaaahh, sooooh daaaahth waaatthh dheey meeeanth! Uhhhuuuuhhhuhhh! Originally Posted by bamscram
Fixed to reflect reality.
herfacechair's Avatar

I'm not going to beg you for five $5.00 so that I can find out what the rest of you already know, I am a idiot. I should've figured that out when you refused to loan me $5.00 to take the idiot test, because they could have told me that for free. But, being the idiot that I am, I would rather spend money to learn the obvious. Originally Posted by bamscram
FIFY Originally Posted by bamscram
Is there an echo here? That's what I just told you man mayo breath! Now go back to the HEB parking lot so that you could indulge in your favorite activity of enjoying tube steak sandwiches with plenty of man mayo!
bamscram's Avatar
Is there an echo here? That's what I just told you man mayo breath! Now go back to the HEB parking lot so that you could indulge in your favorite activity of enjoying tube steak sandwiches with plenty of man mayo! Originally Posted by herfacechair
You are the echo in here idiot, repeating every ones comments over and over.
You queers are like that, gay rey does it on every post.
It is why you are idiot of the day.
Now repeat what I said like a good little idiot.