Odds on Trump's Impeachment

Today’s Federal Debt is $19,853,618,720,466.05.


Baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, are heading into retirement in droves (about 10,000 a day, in fact). ... Insufficient preparedness and lack of financial resources for decades without steady employment paint a gloomy picture for many retirees.
37% have saved LESS than 50,000 and 50% have saved LESS than 100,000



Social Security is the most important retirement income source for all retirees. The average monthly Social Security retirement benefit for January 2016 is $1,341. January 2017 it is about 1400.00/month.


Millennials’ emotions run deeper than their pockets, survey finds. Millennials earn 20% less than Boomers did at same stage of life. With a median household income of $40,581, millennials earn 20 percent less than boomers did at the same stage of life, despite being better educated, according to a new analysis of Federal Reserve data by the advocacy group Young Invincible. The analysis being released Friday gives concrete details about a troubling generational divide that helps to explain much of the anxiety that defined the 2016 election. Millennials have half the net worth of boomers. Their home ownership rate is lower, while their student debt is drastically higher.

TRAVEL BAN: What it's like in the 6 countries on Trump's travel ban list


Here’s the Reality about Illegal Immigrants in the United States: DEPORTED
There are 11 million of them, the best estimates say, laboring in American fields, atop half-built towers and in restaurant kitchens, and swelling American classrooms, detention centers and immigration courts.


TRUMP WALL: Growing signs of trouble for Trump’s border wall: President Donald Trump’s plan for a border wall is showing more cracks. Trump is claiming that the ambitious — and hugely controversial — construction plan is “way, way, way ahead of schedule,” but in reality, there is growing evidence that Trump's central campaign pledge is in political peril.


HEALTHCARE: Fixing the high costs of healthcare starts here.
Drug Companies Really Don’t Care About the Price Hike Backlash. More than two-thirds of the 20 biggest pharma companies used price hikes to drive revenue growth in the first quarter of 2016, according to an analysis of corporate filings and earnings statements by the Wall Street Journal. The review also found that drug makers have been relying on this tactic more and more and raising prices by higher amounts than before despite multiple Congressional inquiries into the practice and proposed reforms to tackle drug costs from President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and others.


Hospitals Say They’re Being Slammed By Drug Price Hikes. Inpatient drug spending increased by 23.4 percent annually from 2013 to 2015, compared with 9.9 percent annual increases on retail drug spending during the same period, according to a new report by National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago, which was commissioned by the American Hospital Association and the Federation of American Hospitals. Spending was driven by increases in drug unit prices rather than an increase in the volume of drugs used, they found.



CG Originally Posted by Copierguy0



THE NATIONAL DEBT WENT UP 7,400,000.00 SINCE 03-14-2017

TexTushHog's Avatar
Back on topic:

Another spin will be whether the Democrats and Republicans would collectively prefer ultra conservative Pence in Trump's place. At least we have an idea about what Pence stands for... (He is way to the right). Trump remains a Republican wild card. Heck, its not even clear that he is really a Republican. He seems to have his own political party.

. Originally Posted by IMN2U
I assure you, thinking Democrats prefer Trump. He will only be impeached by a Democratic House if they are certain that a Republican Senate will acquit him. And they should remember the lessons of Clinton's impeachment. It makes the other side circle the wagons and the target becomes MORE popular. He wing be impeached by the Democrats. Not so sure about the Republicans.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Do you think the Republicans can at this point save themselves from the midterms? Originally Posted by grean
They loose the House but keep the Senate. Map is just staked against the Democrats in 2018 in the Senate because they did so well in 2012. As for Trump hitting home runs, he couldn't hit water if he fell out of a fuckin' boat.
  • grean
  • 04-06-2017, 09:38 AM
They loose the House but keep the Senate. Map is just staked against the Democrats in 2018 in the Senate because they did so well in 2012. As for Trump hitting home runs, he couldn't hit water if he fell out of a fuckin' boat. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I'm more optimistic. I think any senator seen as even remotely supporting Trump or if a democratic opponent can paint them as being complacent instead of out right opposing Trump will be ousted.
themystic's Avatar
I can out myself and say... I work medical.

Obamacare is wildly unpopular in the medical community.
healthcare is a commodity. It is not a right. It is expensive in the USA because we value it.

Socialised medicine is a mistake.

It's a big problem because we can't afford to pay for other peoples healthcare. The US government wastes so much money. They waste it on every program they encounter. Military, VA benefits, healthcare. You name it and the government finds a way to make it more expensive
Obamacare is falling apart. The insurance companies are already backing out of it.

Donald Trump is a certified Billionaire.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. Originally Posted by Fishy2
I can certify that last year I had over $ 500,000 in Medical bills. I personally payed over $ 100,000 in cash. I was fortunate to have the money, but it was a huge hit to my savings. My Insurance BCBS payed over $ 400,000. I was able to get medical Insurance because of Obama Care.One medication alone was over $ 100,000.00 Each pill was $ 1,300.00 per Pill!!

This was a stage 4 cancer. I had a 10% chance of survival in my operation. This was approximatley 1 year ago. I literraly had, oncologist, radiologist, ENT surgeons and doctors, Digestive doctors, primaary care doctors, breig hospice nurses, massage medical professionals, MRI , PET, and every scan you can think of. I had over $ 25,000 worth of blood work

2 people who had the exact same diaganosis as me are dead today. They could not get scheduled in time to recieve the inital surgery, let alone the 35 treatments of radiation, 7 rounds of chemo therapy, and the $ 1,500 per month in medications and supplies that I have EVERY month. My doctors said I am a living miricale patient

EVERYONE OF MY DOCTORS, think the ACA Obama Care is a great thing that has flaws that need tweaked. When I asked them the worst part, they EVERYONE said the doctors were not consulted at a deeper level

Very personal story and a first hand look at our current Medical system. I had over 100 doctors appointments in one year

Healtcare is a group effort. I dont have kids in school. Why should I have to pay property tax, school tax? Ill tell you why I gladly pay it becauce thats what Americans do. I want our kids to be educated whether they are my kids or your kids. We help each other, especially those unable to afford it

Donald Trump and the Lions share of his friends are Billionaires. I hope they realize someday that the only thing better than making a bunch of money, is giving away a bunch of money to help our American brothers. That would be a step forward in Making America Great
I can certify that last year I had over $ 500,000 in Medical bills. I personally payed over $ 100,000 in cash. I was fortunate to have the money, but it was a huge hit to my savings. My Insurance BCBS payed over $ 400,000. I was able to get medical Insurance because of Obama Care.One medication alone was over $ 100,000.00 Each pill was $ 1,300.00 per Pill!!

This was a stage 4 cancer. I had a 10% chance of survival in my operation. This was approximatley 1 year ago. I literraly had, oncologist, radiologist, ENT surgeons and doctors, Digestive doctors, primaary care doctors, breig hospice nurses, massage medical professionals, MRI , PET, and every scan you can think of. I had over $ 25,000 worth of blood work

2 people who had the exact same diaganosis as me are dead today. They could not get scheduled in time to recieve the inital surgery, let alone the 35 treatments of radiation, 7 rounds of chemo therapy, and the $ 1,500 per month in medications and supplies that I have EVERY month. My doctors said I am a living miricale patient

EVERYONE OF MY DOCTORS, think the ACA Obama Care is a great thing that has flaws that need tweaked. When I asked them the worst part, they EVERYONE said the doctors were not consulted at a deeper level

Very personal story and a first hand look at our current Medical system. I had over 100 doctors appointments in one year

Healtcare is a group effort. I dont have kids in school. Why should I have to pay property tax, school tax? Ill tell you why I gladly pay it becauce thats what Americans do. I want our kids to be educated whether they are my kids or your kids. We help each other, especially those unable to afford it

Donald Trump and the Lions share of his friends are Billionaires. I hope they realize someday that the only thing better than making a bunch of money, is giving away a bunch of money to help our American brothers. That would be a step forward in Making America Great Originally Posted by themystic
Glad you're ok Mystic. It's no wonder you're on ECCIE. Live it up!

You can make arguments for and against the affordable care act. You can take it a step further and argue for socialised medicine. It all sounds great. Just one problem. Everything the government touches becomes more expensive. In theory it sounds great. The proof is in the pudding. Obamacare is collapsing because many Dr.'s are rejecting it and then Insurance companies are following suit. Most physicians spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and a decade to get their initial training.
I understand you're sentiment about taking care of people in need though. There is no way around it. Programs need to be there as a safety net. I have people close to me also that have benefited from cancer research programs that helped treat them in their time of need. I think thats why the senate was going for a replacement.
themystic's Avatar
Glad you're ok Mystic. It's no wonder you're on ECCIE. Live it up!

You can make arguments for and against the affordable care act. You can take it a step further and argue for socialised medicine. It all sounds great. Just one problem. Everything the government touches becomes more expensive. In theory it sounds great. The proof is in the pudding. Obamacare is collapsing because many Dr.'s are rejecting it and then Insurance companies are following suit. Most physicians spent hundreds of thousands of dollars and a decade to get their initial training.
I understand you're sentiment about taking care of people in need though. There is no way around it. Programs need to be there as a safety net. I have people close to me also that have benefited from cancer research programs that helped treat them in their time of need. I think thats why the senate was going for a replacement. Originally Posted by Fishy2
Thanks Fishy.

It is a tough problem to solve and I agree that the government makes everything so expensive. But its better than no insurance
The insurance and drug companies are not going to step up and "lower the prices". Watch Fox, CNN, MSNBC, History Channel, etc. Its one drug commercial right after another. My point being they are making money out their asses. I realize there are horror stories on both sides of the issue

The government gives them all kinds of money for research and when the come up with something awesome they bend people over, including the insurance companies and get filthy rich. IE, my
$ 100,000 medicine

They are some of the biggest lobbyists in the USA. BCBS, 25 mil, American Hospital Association, 20 mill, Pharmaceutical Research 20 mill, American Medical Assoc, 19 mil, you get the point

At least something is happening, ACA, that gives people insurance and healthcare, that otherwise would never have. It has literally saved thousands of lives

To bad this last attempt to repeal and replace was really just a giant tax cut for the wealthy and denying healthcare to the poor. Access to healthcare is great if you can afford it. We don't need "access" to healthcare, we need healthcare period

We spend more money on military budget than the next highest seven countries COMBINED!. We put a whole lot more on taking lives than we do saving lives. ( Covering my head, for the incoming hawks about to slam me)

Trump promised healthcare for everyone at a fraction of the price. If he can pull that off I will vote for him in 2020
PeterBota's Avatar
Impeach this. 59 tomahawk missiles. He is a G
Impeach this. 59 tomahawk missiles. He is a G Originally Posted by PeterBota
Ha! yes, he is. All while popping down a couple o' spring rolls with Jinping, at that.
  • grean
  • 04-07-2017, 01:32 PM

Trump promised healthcare for everyone at a fraction of the price. If he can pull that off I will vote for him in 2020 Originally Posted by themystic

Ya know what? Fuck it! If the son of a bitch can pull that off, in 2020, I will vote for the bastard too.
  • grean
  • 04-07-2017, 01:33 PM
Wouldn't 59 tomahawks pay for health care for at least a year?
Wouldn't 59 tomahawks pay for health care for at least a year? Originally Posted by grean
At a cool million per 'hawk, I kinda doubt that'd put much of a dent in wants needed for health care.

Hopefully that fat kid in North Korea took a few notes on what can happen if you piss Trump off. Chubby's on a pretty short leash as it is....
TexTushHog's Avatar
Wouldn't 59 tomahawks pay for health care for at least a year? Originally Posted by grean
Cost of missiles in attack was $94 million bucks. The United States spends $3.2 trillion per year ($9,990/person/year) on health care. So the short answer is "No!" If I did the match correctly in my head, it's about two hours of health care.

Can you re-calculate that in your head after
US carrier gets back from north Korea?

US warships advance towards Korean Peninsula
The Pentagon says a group of US warships is headed to the western Pacific Ocean to provide a physical presence near the Korean Peninsula.

The strike group, called Carl Vinson, includes an aircraft carrier and will make its way from Singapore towards the Korean Peninsula.


Putin tells the world - 'Attacking Syria again? You'll need to get through me': Russian battleship is positioned between US warships and runway hit by Trump's air strike as Vladimir makes his move.

The military action has already sparked a furious response from President Vladimir Putin, who this morning called the airstrikes an 'illegal act of aggression.

The US military fired more than 50 tomahawk missiles at al-Shayrat military airfield at 8.45pm EDT Thursday
Moves comes just hours after Trump said 'something should happen' following Tuesday's gas-attack atrocity
Trump took action after more than 80 were killed and many more were injured in the Sarin poison gas attack
'Even beautiful babies were cruelly murdered in this very barbaric attack,' he said after launching the strike
Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a furious response calling airstrike an 'illegal act of aggression'
US called 'a partner of ISIS' by al-Assad's spokesman who said missile strikes are 'reckless and irresponsible'
Trump says airfield used to store toxic weapons and was the base for the aircraft involved in the Sarin attack
Claims that nine were killed, and more were injured, in the strike which has severely damaged the airbase
US told Moscow it was launching an airstrike about 30 minutes in advance - but did not ask for permission.


IMN2U's Avatar
  • IMN2U
  • 04-17-2017, 11:25 AM
Trump continues to have the highest disapproval rating and lowest approval rating of all the 11 presidents immediately before the Trump administration.