Trump legal going ons

offshoredrilling's Avatar
Our allies are horrified at the notion of madman Trump coming back to the White House. They are not blind, nor are we.

With Biden, let's not confuse physical frailties with intellectual ones. FDR could not walk, yet he led the U.S. out of the depression and through World War II. Originally Posted by brasil
FDR may have been in a wheelchair, but his mental capacity was at 100%. I’m talking about Biden’s mental decline. Not to mention, his ass has never been the sharpest crayon in the box. Comparing Biden to FDR is an insult to FDR.

Of course our allies are horrified Trump will be back in the White House. He held their asses accountable…on many fronts. Including the fact that if they want to continue getting “our” tax dollars, they gotta pony up.

Safe to assume you’re ok with our tax dollars being given to all these other countries while they’re not being held accountable for what they get from us? While we have American citizens that are homeless? Our Vets that are homeless? Young folks can’t afford to buy a house because interest rates are too high and their American dream is fading? You’re ok with all these POS fucks coming across the border unvetted? Or…maybe you enjoy cooking…are really good at it and are ok with Biden and his Green fucks coming for your gas stove? Cause anyone worth a fuck at cooking knows an electric stove isn’t worth a shit! Or….maybe YOU can afford an electric car, and are ok with them coming for your gasoline powered vehicle even tho we spent how many billions of dollars on charging stations and how many have been built since? Last I looked it was 7. Fucking 7!

Shall I continue? Because I certainly can! Or maybe you should do your homework and research before testing my knowledge of what is actually going on in this damn country.

Read! Research the numbers! Not just Fox! Not just MSDNC! The actual factual sites that report the true numbers. Ok? Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Wow, a lot to unpack there. But its almost my bedtime, so I'll just make a couple of points.

1. If we don't stop using fossil fuel, you won't need a gas stove. You will be able to cook dinner on the pavement in front of your house. And your air conditioning bill will be higher than you mortgage.

2. If you think a lot of tax dollars are going overseas now, it will be nothing compared to what it will cost if Trump fucks up NATO. Putin will be half way to the English Channel, and we will have to spend real money and lives to stop him. NATO has never been stronger and more effective than it has been under Biden.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Wow, a lot to unpack there. But its almost my bedtime, so I'll just make a couple of points.

1. If we don't stop using fossil fuel, you won't need a gas stove. You will be able to cook dinner on the pavement in front of your house. And your air conditioning bill will be higher than you mortgage.

2. If you think a lot of tax dollars are going overseas now, it will be nothing compared to what it will cost if Trump fucks up NATO. Putin will be half way to the English Channel, and we will have to spend real money and lives to stop him. NATO has never been stronger and more effective than it has been under Biden. Originally Posted by brasil
ya love that kool-aid Sir ????

Yea, the Kool-Aid must be pretty tasty lol

Yup, sure is a lot to unpack there. Get your sleep, and in the meantime I’ll give you a bit more to unpack.

1. Of course we’re going to need to stop using fossil fuels…at some point. Are we there yet? Hell no we aren’t. We’re what? 50-75 years away from having the infrastructure needed to move away completely from fossil fuels? And if we continue on the pace the Biden administration is on, we’ll never get there. As stated before, 7 lousy charging stations in 3 years. These Green companies have billions of dollars in their coffers not being spent as it was proposed and approved for. Like to guess how much these companies are making on the interest they’re making on all those tax dollars sitting in their investment funds? Ever work in the corporate world? Ever have full P&L responsibility? And only build 7 charging stations in 3 years and not be held accountable for the actual business plan that’s fallen so far behind? If you have, you would have been fired a long time ago. And my AC bill? Combine that with how my auto insurance has more than doubled under the Biden admin and I’m already there. Oh…and one more thought to consider. Do you realize how our electricity is currently generated? By fossil fuels. You don’t even have to look it up. I’ll give you the numbers. In the U.S. in 2023 60%-70% of our electricity was generated by fossil fuels. Maybe actually building the infrastructure first to replace fossil fuels? Now that’s a novel idea.

2. Your comment about NATO never being stronger and more effective under Biden once again is completely incorrect. And again, is an insult to FDR. NATO was at its strongest after WWII. Since then, and more importantly currently, has turned itself into just another political body sucking up our tax dollars. Care to ask the opinion of our strong and extremely productive Jewish communities their opinion about NATO? I’m sure they would disagree. Jewish students are scared shitless just walking to class at the moment due to the fact that the Biden admin has allowed antisemitism to run rampant in our country due to his weak ass bowing to those illustrious squad members he’s so fucking scared of.

Putin is going nowhere but broke. He’s supposed to be a super power and can’t gain an inch in over two years in a small country like Ukraine. He’s a joke. With the proper sanctions, and I add, sanctions that are actually upheld like they were under Trump, we wouldn’t even be here with this bullshit war in Ukraine. Not to mention, Iran would still be broke too being that Trump held the sanctions on Iran strong. He never let Iran slide and sell oil to China like Biden and his cronies are. Take a close look at Iran’s GDP under Trump compared to what it is now under Biden. The numbers don’t lie.

Yea, Trump said he respected Putin and Xi. But, ever heard the age old statement about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer? It’s true cause I’ve lived it in the corporate world. IMHO, NATO needs to be investigated and possibly disbanded once a new governing body that can be trusted and put in place. Again, ask our Jewish communities how they feel about NATO turning their back on Israel.

What I’m trying to say folks is think! I mean really fucking think deeply! Don’t just listen to the talking heads on the major news outlets scratching the surface to get ratings with their bullshit talking points. Read! Research! And stop letting your hate get in the way of your common sense. I know you folks still have common sense. Let it loose, it’ll be ok I promise lol.

Some suggested reading for ya basil: George Orwell’s book 1984. It’s not a long read. Should only take you about 3 hours give or take. It’ll scare the living shit outta you. And if it doesn’t? It sure the fuck should. And then? Read it again!
What is trumps "platform"? Ask him and he doesn't even know.

1. Stay out of court/jail.
2. Kill anyone (with immunity) who doesn't like him.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
What is trumps "platform"? Ask him and he doesn't even know.

1. Stay out of court/jail.
2. Kill anyone (with immunity) who doesn't like him. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
spoken like a true I only watch CNN ...
To put it broadly, Trump’s platform is to Make America Great Again lol. Seriously, and again broadly, he’s wanting to let the private sector thrive again. Removing many of the restrictive mandates the Biden admin has put in place. These mandates are choking the private sector and investors are afraid to invest in future business plans.

Although, the stock market is doing well and usually in a Presidential Election year, is a sign of upcoming changes to the leadership of our country.

1. He won’t have to fight to stay out of court/jail, because once the Dems are out of power, all these ridiculous court cases will go away. Most of the court cases are already in a tailspin due to the prosecutors that are involved. Fani Willis anyone? Bueller?

2. He very easily could have went after Hillary after he won. But, he didn’t. And he won’t this time either if he wins. As Trump has stated publicly several times, success for our country will be the revenge.
What is trumps "platform"? Ask him and he doesn't even know.

1. Stay out of court/jail.
2. Kill anyone (with immunity) who doesn't like him. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
In 2020 the Republican Party did not even write a party platform. (Let's see if they do this time.) I think they had a hard time figuring out what actual policies would be compatible with Trump's fancies. Or maybe they thought proposing a platform would confuse their voters. Or maybe they wanted to avoid a platform fight between the Crazies and the "Moderates" that would turn off many voters.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Thread is coming close to being as good as the one JB got roo gassed up in.
  • clmc
  • 06-16-2024, 01:31 PM
Thread is coming close to being as good as the one JB got roo gassed up in. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing

This Thread got wings and is flying, soaring and is far far better.

Unlike those 'shitbirds' that never got wings started by some crazies who live here, you refer to.

These are the facts, not those alternate facts maga cultists prefer to live and be spoon fed by.

Yea, the Kool-Aid must be pretty tasty lol

Yup, sure is a lot to unpack there. Get your sleep, and in the meantime I’ll give you a bit more to unpack.

1. Of course we’re going to need to stop using fossil fuels…at some point. Are we there yet? Hell no we aren’t. We’re what? 50-75 years away from having the infrastructure needed to move away completely from fossil fuels? And if we continue on the pace the Biden administration is on, we’ll never get there. As stated before, 7 lousy charging stations in 3 years. These Green companies have billions of dollars in their coffers not being spent as it was proposed and approved for. Like to guess how much these companies are making on the interest they’re making on all those tax dollars sitting in their investment funds? Ever work in the corporate world? Ever have full P&L responsibility? And only build 7 charging stations in 3 years and not be held accountable for the actual business plan that’s fallen so far behind? If you have, you would have been fired a long time ago. And my AC bill? Combine that with how my auto insurance has more than doubled under the Biden admin and I’m already there. Oh…and one more thought to consider. Do you realize how our electricity is currently generated? By fossil fuels. You don’t even have to look it up. I’ll give you the numbers. In the U.S. in 2023 60%-70% of our electricity was generated by fossil fuels. Maybe actually building the infrastructure first to replace fossil fuels? Now that’s a novel idea.

2. Your comment about NATO never being stronger and more effective under Biden once again is completely incorrect. And again, is an insult to FDR. NATO was at its strongest after WWII. Since then, and more importantly currently, has turned itself into just another political body sucking up our tax dollars. Care to ask the opinion of our strong and extremely productive Jewish communities their opinion about NATO? I’m sure they would disagree. Jewish students are scared shitless just walking to class at the moment due to the fact that the Biden admin has allowed antisemitism to run rampant in our country due to his weak ass bowing to those illustrious squad members he’s so fucking scared of.

Putin is going nowhere but broke. He’s supposed to be a super power and can’t gain an inch in over two years in a small country like Ukraine. He’s a joke. With the proper sanctions, and I add, sanctions that are actually upheld like they were under Trump, we wouldn’t even be here with this bullshit war in Ukraine. Not to mention, Iran would still be broke too being that Trump held the sanctions on Iran strong. He never let Iran slide and sell oil to China like Biden and his cronies are. Take a close look at Iran’s GDP under Trump compared to what it is now under Biden. The numbers don’t lie.

Yea, Trump said he respected Putin and Xi. But, ever heard the age old statement about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer? It’s true cause I’ve lived it in the corporate world. IMHO, NATO needs to be investigated and possibly disbanded once a new governing body that can be trusted and put in place. Again, ask our Jewish communities how they feel about NATO turning their back on Israel.

What I’m trying to say folks is think! I mean really fucking think deeply! Don’t just listen to the talking heads on the major news outlets scratching the surface to get ratings with their bullshit talking points. Read! Research! And stop letting your hate get in the way of your common sense. I know you folks still have common sense. Let it loose, it’ll be ok I promise lol.

Some suggested reading for ya basil: George Orwell’s book 1984. It’s not a long read. Should only take you about 3 hours give or take. It’ll scare the living shit outta you. And if it doesn’t? It sure the fuck should. And then? Read it again! Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
First, let me say it is refreshing and reassuring to hear you agree that we need to stop using fossil fuel. When there is agreement on that, we can focus on policy debates about how and when to achieve the transition. But not everyone on the right acknowledges climate change. Trump called is a "Chinese hoax," reversed the modest measures that had been implemented because they had Obama's name on them, and withdrew from international efforts to come up with a global consensus that will be necessary to make any real progress.

Your comments about NATO are a bit confusing. I believe FDR was dead when NATO was established, so it don't think I have insulted him. Whether it is stronger now than ever may be debatable, but with the addition of Finland and Sweden, it is certainly larger now than ever. After WWII, NATO did not include the nations of East Europe, so I think the claim that "NATO was at its strongest after WWII" is questionable at best. The claim that NATO and Biden are responsible for antisemitism is just absurd.

Sanctions of Putin under Trump, seriously?

Thank you for reminding us to read Orwell's 1984. Actually, I read it for the first time in high school and have reread it since then. Last year I saw a play by the same name and marveled at the striking similarities to Trump and his historic litany of lies, starting with his blatantly false claims about size of the crowd at his inauguration to his claims that he won the the 2020 election "by a lot." While we could all benefit from a reread of Orwell's 1984, I think it should be required reading for MAGA extremists. (BTW, I do not include you in that category.)
Next Best Thing's Avatar

This Thread got wings and is flying, soaring and is far far better.

Unlike those 'shitbirds' that never got wings started by some crazies who live here, you refer to.

These are the facts, not those alternate facts maga cultists prefer to live and be spoon fed by. Originally Posted by clmc
Obviously an informed conversation, yes?

I absolutely agree we need to stop using fossil fuels. Not sure how I feel about the term Climate Change or how real it is. The fact that it was first called Global Warming and had to be changed because experts debunked the fact that the earth wasn’t actually warming as the climate extremists are saying it is…or how much the human race actually has an affect on it. I’ve read a lot about it, but just can’t seem to come to my own conclusion/opinion since there’s so much out there, it’s very hard to figure out who and what to believe. What I do know is extremism is never an accurate assessment because its more about fear mongering and ends up going too far one way or the other and disregards true facts. But, I digress. Point is, whatever you believe, it’s inevitable we will run out of fossil fuels one day. So, absolutely we need to find affordable alternatives.

Apologies for my comments about NATO being confusing. I shouldn’t have used the word “stronger”. What I actually meant was that I believe NATO was more trustworthy when first established. So, hence I guess I felt that NATO was stronger at the time. Trust does build strength. I also wasn’t meaning to say that NATO & Biden are responsible for antisemitism, antisemitism has been around for hundreds of years. What I was trying to imply, is that NATO & Biden could have done a helluva lot more to shut it down immediately before it festered to the point it is today. Most importantly Biden. There’s no reason anyone in this country regardless of there shape, size, color, or religious beliefs should have to fear for their lives while walking to class on college campuses.

You’re welcome for reminding everyone to read 1984. It’s my favorite book of all time, and one of the very few books I actually read cover to cover in high school lol. Animal Farm (also by Orwell) was another as well as Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. I understand your comparison of 1984 to Trump. But, I’d like to ask everyone to also open your eyes to the comparison of 1984 to the Biden admin as well. There’s plenty of scary similarities there as well folks.
Can someone explain to me the double posts in the upstate forum and why they happen? Is it me? Am I doing something to cause these double posts? Or is it the upstate Gods telling me to gtfo till I’m fully moved back? Lol

Anywho, my apologies for another double post.

On a lighter note, for all you golf fans out there. The U.S. Open is winding down and looking to be one hell of finish. Fingers crossed there’s a playoff! Lol
elghund's Avatar

……I understand your comparison of 1984 to Trump. But, I’d like to ask everyone to also open your eyes to the comparison of 1984 to the Biden admin as well. There’s plenty of scary similarities there as well folks. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
The reality is that this particular election has the two worst candidates in the history of the US.

Both pander to the extreme elements of the electorate, and neither can be trusted, although for different reasons.

This election is proof we need a third major political party, that can represent the real silent majority….those of us in the middle of the political spectrum.
