NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

TheDon's Avatar
Look BigTex, I'm not a Schaub hater, ask Satin lol. I'm just saying, IF we could get Peyton Manning, one of the greatest QB's in history, we should do it, we'd go undefeated in our division each year he would play (The competition would be Gabbert, Locker, and Luck!)

It's kinda like the Boston Celtics situation with Rajon Rondo, a GREAT Point Gaurd. Even though he is great, if you can get Chris Paul, who's pretty much considered to be the best Point Guard in the game, you have to get him.
Look BigTex, I'm not a Schaub hater, ask Satin lol. I'm just saying, IF we could get Peyton Manning, one of the greatest QB's in history, we should do it, we'd go undefeated in our division each year he would play (The competition would be Gabbert, Locker, and Luck!) Originally Posted by Don91
You've got to be kidding me! Do you really believe Indy is going to trade Peyton Manning to Houston?

Do you also own ocean front property in Arizona? LOL

Even if Indy decided to trade Manning (which they are not going to do) the last 3 NFL teams they would trade him to would be their South Division opponents (Houston, Tennessee and Jacksonville.)

Hell, why should we settle for Manning? He is getting older and has had 3 neck operations in the last two years. Why not trade for A. Rodgers or D. Brees? If we play our cards right we might be able to get both. Then Rodgers could be the starter and Brees the back up!

While we are at it, we should trade for T. Brady to be on our taxi squad!
Isn't it fun to be a wheeler-dealer?
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Ok..... Well I have said it once before in this thread and I will say it again..... (sorry for my absence... Satin has given me more than enough shit to get back on it!)..... Schaub fits the offense because of what he is..... a facilitator!

It is an EXTREMELY QB friendly O so long as you are accurate inside and more importantly outside of the pocket....... Everything starts with the O-Line there..... we can change out parts almost everywhere else, and as long as the O-line stays straight, the Texans will still be effective on the offensive side of the ball..... But I will say this in favor of TJ as stated earlier..... his presence in the pocket is very noteworthy........ he was confident, and decisive..... 2 things hard to find in Rookies..... that coupled with the fact that he by far has the strongest arm of any QB they have had all year, makes for a very promising last qtr of the season..... my hopes are that the uber conservative Kubes doesn't play the uber-"safe" play of an old wrinkled grey-beard these last games, and continues to let the kid further and further off the leash...... I like what I see in him thus far.... and while he may in fact fuck up a game..... I think he has enough stones to think he can win a few..... and that may be enough to make some heads turn in the playoffs........

A blessing in disguise, it may be...... we'll see what he does against another very solid D on their home turf......... Talk to me Sunday night and we should have a much clearer picture as to what we have under center the rest of the year........

One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
These Schaub talks are making me ... If there is someone better replace him..if not keep him.. BT before U start your rant, I like him too.. However, I credit his success to Kubes more than anything else... The track record shows, if U give Kubes an average QB and he'll turn them into a probowler AND if you give him an above average QB, he'll make him a Hall Of Famer......Just check out Kubes history of QB's he's coached/developed.. So here just for U BT..(in hopes it'll put you more at ease with the Shaub talk...)


Hall of Famer S.Young '94
Under Kubes in '94 had a career high 70.3 completion percentage & 10yr-record-standing QB rating of 112.8.. SB RING FOR KUBES
Hall of Famer J. Elway 95-99:
In '95 Elway threw for 3,970 yards, the second-best mark of his Hall of Fame career. Elway increased his touchdown passes from just 16 in 1994 to a whopping 26 in 1995 under Kubes. During the final four years of his career (1995-98), Elway tossed 101 touchdown passes, second only to Brett Favre in that span. I'm not going into more details on Elway here,,, we know who he is...98 & 99 = SB RINGS FOR KUBES
B Griese '99-03
threw for 3,032 yards in his first season as the Broncos’ starter. In '00 Griese guided the Broncos’ offense to rank second in the NFL in points scored and total offense. He was named to the Pro Bowl that season.
Jake Plummer
missed 5 games in '03 but had a career high QB rate 91.2... '04 threw for 4,089yrds (the most in Broncos' history) and tied Elway's mark of He had a streak of 229 consecutive passes without an interception, marking the fourth-longest such streak in the NFL since 1996, and finished the regular season ranked second in the league in interception percentage (1.5%) 05-06 Pro bowler.
helped coach Denver to the organization’s best numbers in team history and help lead the team to seven postseason trips and two Super Bowl titles in 11 seasons.
Oh, yeah need I not fail to mention... His Denver rushing attack totaled 25,022 yards, MOST in the NFL, during his tenure.

Thanks again to Jerry Jones for Wade Phillips, I dare to say we now have the best offensive mind behind our Offense and FINALLY the best Defensive mind for our Defense...

AND to follow up with a great quote from the great Tony Montana (scarface)...
"This is paradise, I'm tellin' ya. This town like a great big pussy jus' waitin' to get fucked."...hehehe
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar

And 1 for you DADDIO...hehehe
TheDon's Avatar
You've got to be kidding me! Do you really believe Indy is going to trade Peyton Manning to Houston?

Do you also own ocean front property in Arizona? LOL

Even if Indy decided to trade Manning (which they are not going to do) the last 3 NFL teams they would trade him to would be their South Division opponents (Houston, Tennessee and Jacksonville.)

Hell, why should we settle for Manning? He is getting older and has had 3 neck operations in the last two years. Why not trade for A. Rodgers or D. Brees? If we play our cards right we might be able to get both. Then Rodgers could be the starter and Brees the back up!

While we are at it, we should trade for T. Brady to be on our taxi squad!
Isn't it fun to be a wheeler-dealer? Originally Posted by bigtex
Did you actually read my post?..."LOL"

I never said the Colts would trade Manning, you dunderhead. I said that they have an option of CUTTING him, which would be the smart on their part, as it would free up more cap space for them. And usually players go to a division rival when they get cut.

I also stated that I was getting "way ahead myself" when I when I made that post. I'm not being a 100% serious. That said, this is a possibility, as mentioned.

And your comments about Rodgers and Brees were neither funny nor clever. Try harder next time.
Did you actually read my post?..."LOL"

I never said the Colts would trade Manning, you dunderhead. I said that they have an option of CUTTING him, which would be the smart on their part, as it would free up more cap space for them. And usually players go to a division rival when they get cut.

I also stated that I was getting "way ahead myself" when I when I made that post. I'm not being a 100% serious. That said, this is a possibility, as mentioned.

And your comments about Rodgers and Brees were neither funny nor clever. Try harder next time. Originally Posted by Don91
Donnie, so all along you were having visions of waiver wire sugarplums dancing around in your head? Sorry I misunderstood. You were simply stating that all the Texans have to do is pluck P. Manning off of the waiver wire and everything will be grand. I wish it were that easy but I will agree with you on one thing. If P. Manning is available to Houston, we should claim him off waivers. You and I finally agree! Are you happy now? With that said, I suspect there is a better chance that we could work out a trade for P. Manning as opposed to him being available to us off of the waiver wire. You might ask why?

Let's play the waiver wire scenario out. Shall we? Is there any chance that P. Manning would last until Houston has an opportunity to claim him after he is cut? I suspect not! If I am not mistaken, the team with the least number of wins, has the first option on claiming cuts off waivers. Meaning P. Manning would have to clear waivers through quite a few teams before Houston would have a chance to pick him up. Even if P. Manning did go to a division rival, Jacksonville would claim him prior to Tennessee or Houston having a chance. At the end of the day, it does not matter whether Indy trades or cuts P. Manning, Houston will not have very little, if any, chance of picking him up. If cut, he will be long gone prior to Houston. So the "possibility" you speak of, has no essentially no"possibility" of occurring! Why waste your time thinking about it? In other words, it ain't gonna happen!

Sorry to bust your "sugarplum" bubble, Donnie!

As for the Rodgers, Brees, P. Manning scenario, I was not trying to be funny or clever. It was done to demonstrate how ridiculous your scenario was. Donnie, do you also spend time dreaming of whether you would be able to afford Jessica Biel if she applied for "verified provider" status? There is probably just as good of a chance that you will spend quality time with Biel as Houston has of picking up P. Manning off of the waiver wire. LOL By the way, how much did you pay for your Arizona ocean front property?

One Eyed, most of what you said I agree with. I have previously stated that Schaub is not a Top Tier NFL QB. However, he is a better than most and the qb ratings bear that out. Quite frankly, that is all I have said all along. If you are top 10, that means there are 20-25 teams who would love to have a qb of Schaub's caliber. Would I rather have Rodgers, Brees or even P. Manning? Yes, who wouldn't? But it is not realistic to believe that it will happen! If there is any group of players that is an absolute premium in the NFL, it is top tier QB's!

By the same token, I am not going to waste my time trying to develop wild scenarios of how we can claim one of the top tier NFL qbs off of the waiver wire! Why? Because I am a realist who does not have visions of waiver wire sugarplums dancing around in my head!

But now that I think about it, if Jessica Biel happens to be available, I wouldn't mind claiming her off waivers!

Awwwwwww, forget it. Even if Jessica were available, that damn Satin would start sniffin' around her and no one else would have a chance!
One Eye, Great posts, you almost forgot the snatch but nice recovery. Also great pic of Cush, he is one of my favorite guys, Watt is another(I have alot of favorite Texans tho, like Demeco etc.. )

It will be interesting to see what the Colts do, If Peyton can play its a no brainer and he stays as long as he wants. I am surprised by any talk of him being let go but that Irsay guy is a knucklehead so he might get shitfaced and pull the plug on Peyton. I hope he does. If the General John McClain says it could happen, then it could fuckin happen.

Now to my "Daddio the Greek" pick for Sunday. Very good tests for the Texans this week. Cincy is no pushover, especially the Cincy D. I like Dalton alot also, solid usually limits his mistakes. I see a defensive struggle with Kareem Jackson getting toasted by a Cincy reciever at least once. Not sure if the Texans can hammer out a win with the running game or not. Turk will average 28 yards per kick and keep us in a hole for a good bit of the game handcuffing Kubes with his conservative offense. No Andre limits the chunk yardage for us and we have trouble scoring. I hope I am wrong and the Texans whoop ass but our D will need to score for us to win this game.
Cincy 17 Texans 10.
New Orleans 31 Titans 27

It will be interesting to see which QB I would like to have as a Texans QB more on Monday Morning. I hope it's Yates and not Dalton.

Go Texans, clinch that playoff birth this Sunday!!
Go Texans, clinch that playoff birth this Sunday!! Originally Posted by Daddio
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 12-09-2011, 12:50 PM
You guys are killing me..I fucking love it....great football minds duking it out.... You boys should realize by now my man BT has a hard-on for Dopey for some reason that noone can change....but it's all good. I think if they're not related he must be fucking Dopey's sister or

He can throw out all the BS stats you want...the truth is Dopey is an average QB in a good system. He has a weak ass arm, can't move and got a lot of "garbage" yards when the Texans were getting blown out in I'm not impressed. He was a third round pick who was a bench warmer when we got him. The one stat I do care about...0 playoff appearances so that's all that matters.

Now can we please talk about Cincy and not some Dopey dude with a big cast on his foot? I'm concerned about this game big time. I hope I'm wrong.

What you boys think about Mario? Keep him? Trade him? Good post Don and Daddio.
I think if they're not related he must be fucking Dopey's sister or Originally Posted by Satin
You bastard! You promised not to tell!

What you boys think about Mario? Keep him? Trade him? Originally Posted by Satin
Now is not the time to start this discussion. But my first inclination is that Mario is a very good football player. He is not the best pass rusher in the league but he is certainly in the top 10. (damn, here we go again). He is also very good against the run. My general rule of thumb, whether it be football, baseball or basketball is: be very careful when you trade away good players. If you are going to trade them, make damn sure you get good value in return!

Dunderhead? Originally Posted by Satin
Donnie was lookin' in the mirror as he was typing! He must have been focused on the image of the waiver wire sugarplums dancing around in his head!
Ok here's my prediction, for what it's worth.
Texans 21 Bengals 10.
Ok here's my prediction, for what it's worth.
Texans 21 Bengals 10. Originally Posted by Gator42
Sounds mighty good to me!
TheDon's Avatar
Donnie, so all along you were having visions of waiver wire sugarplums dancing around in your head? Sorry I misunderstood. You were simply stating that all the Texans have to do is pluck P. Manning off of the waiver wire and everything will be grand. I wish it were that easy but I will agree with you on one thing. If P. Manning is available to Houston, we should claim him off waivers. You and I finally agree! Are you happy now? With that said, I suspect there is a better chance that we could work out a trade for P. Manning as opposed to him being available to us off of the waiver wire. You might ask why?

Let's play the waiver wire scenario out. Shall we? Is there any chance that P. Manning would last until Houston has an opportunity to claim him after he is cut? I suspect not! If I am not mistaken, the team with the least number of wins, has the first option on claiming cuts off waivers. Meaning P. Manning would have to clear waivers through quite a few teams before Houston would have a chance to pick him up. Even if P. Manning did go to a division rival, Jacksonville would claim him prior to Tennessee or Houston having a chance. At the end of the day, it does not matter whether Indy trades or cuts P. Manning, Houston will not have very little, if any, chance of picking him up. If cut, he will be long gone prior to Houston. So the "possibility" you speak of, has no essentially no"possibility" of occurring! Why waste your time thinking about it? In other words, it ain't gonna happen!

Sorry to bust your "sugarplum" bubble, Donnie!
Originally Posted by bigtex
If Manning gets cut after the season is over, there is no waiver wire that he would have to go through, playboy. He would be free to choose whatever team he wants! This is a possible. Trading for Manning? There is absolutely no chance of that happening, the Colts wouldn't be stupid enough to shop him around the AFC.

Donnie was lookin' in the mirror as he was typing! He must have been focused on the image of the waiver wire sugarplums dancing around in his head!
That's more like it

What you boys think about Mario? Keep him? Trade him?

I actually agree with BigTex here, lets wait and see how the season plays out before making a decision.
I actually agree with BigTex here, lets wait and see how the season plays out before making a decision. Originally Posted by Don91
Just goes to show that even Donnie will get it right occasionally!

Damn, this thread is bettern' a GW bashin' thread! (Sorry Gator42, I had to say that!)