Signed, sealed, delivered! Who else has a new health insurance policy?

LexusLover's Avatar
Please seek more mental health care - immediately. Thanks. We are tired of playing your shrink. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I don't think his insurance covers it, and won't in 2014, when he finally gets any.

Medicaid doesn't cover "shrinking" .. it is my understanding.
LexusLover's Avatar
You don't HAVE to sign up via website. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Nobody does. And that is the point.

I didn't because MY PRIVATE INSURANCE CARRIER, which is one of the top in the country, notified me that my policy, which I've had for a number of years with some minor increases in copay, would renew for 2014.

My condolences that you and your family were required to do so because of some reason, which is none of our business on this board. Unfortunately, that should not make you bitter, but it seems to cause you to strike out at others. You should just accept the truth, and that is that Obaminable is NOT THE SAVIOR, and he ain't gonna save his own ass. He's sinking.

In the meantime, have a nice day fucked-in-the-head.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Your medigap policy may be renewed, LLIDiot, but I'm sick and tired to having to pay for mewling assholes like you who say "Keep your dirty government hands off my Medicare."

I'm not bitter at all. I'm elated.

Obama is president until 20161, and it looks like you fellas' only purpose in life is to attack him and the american government.

Another instance of "Keep your dirty government hands off of my government benefits."

Whine on, leech.

106,185 people signed up through and the state exchanges!

Now, the important part, is that the HHS is so fucking stupid they can't count the actual number of people who actually used their credit cards. This number only indicates the amount of people who put a plan in their shopping cart. So the number could be ZERO, or two if the members here are not lying, lol. After a few more days of the MSM pointing out how stupid Obama and his administration look, I'm sure they'll get a fifth grader to actually count the number who actually used their credit cards.

Whatever it is, it is an absolute EPIC FAIL!
LexusLover's Avatar
Your medigap policy may be renewed, LLIDiot, but I'm sick and tired to having to pay for mewling assholes like you who say "Keep your dirty government hands off my Medicare.". Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
And you know this how?

Oh, you aren't paying a dime for my ass. Never did, and never will. So quit whining.

Or are you simply engaging in refocusing the discussion from your tick-ass blood sucking.
LexusLover's Avatar

This number only indicates the amount of people who put a plan in their shopping cart.

So the number could be ZERO, or two if the members here are not lying, lol.

... it is an absolute EPIC FAIL! Originally Posted by nwarounder
The 2 on here haven't even paid their premium yet. The don't have a policy. They don't even know how much their premiums will be to pay. Smoke and mirrors.

That's why all the name calling. Suggesting they know stuff about others. Talking about anything under the Sun to deflect attention away from their ridiculous claims ... .. when the were "hoping" that they would be immersed in the flood of applicants and their stories would simply "blend in" with the MILLIIONS of others "signing up" for "new coverage"!!!!

They swallowed Obaminable's lies ... hook, line, and SINKER .... loaded with STINK BAIT!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obama is president until 20161 Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Like YOU'VE never posted a typo.

Maybe you ought to clean out your glory hole. I hear the transients are getting sick in Salina.

"Look at meeeee, I'm C-O-GEEEEEE!"

LMAO @ pathetic old queen.
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Your medigap policy may be renewed, LLIDiot, but I'm sick and tired to having to pay for mewling assholes like you who say "Keep your dirty government hands off my Medicare.".

And you know this how?

More shit you make up. Like you know Nau's is in Clarksville.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I can do the math, Mr. "I was (fill in the blank) before you were born."

That would make you how old?

Your best bet would be to STFU before your bluster reveals more about your pathetic life in that dark little room, LLIdiot.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 11-14-2013, 12:16 PM
I signed up for a new plan and the only downside is my out-of-pocket went from $2,500 to $5,000, but my annual premiums decreased by over $3,000. So if I happen to get real sick, I'm still ahead by $500. Did not go thru the website, but had an agent handle it and I do not qualify for any assistence or credits.
LexusLover's Avatar
I can do the math, Mr. "I was (fill in the blank) before you were born."

That would make you how old?

Your best bet would be to STFU before your bluster reveals more about your pathetic life in that dark little room, LLIdiot. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
My parents are older than I (fancy that) ... neither one on medicare (fancy that)!

So go blow your bluster smoke up someone else's ass .. and if you think a loser like you intimidates me ... with your "math" .... all I got to say is ....

map reading is not your strong suit, now is it? Neither is signing up for health insurance for your family ... see above. Mine has done just fine, including me, without Obaminable leading around by the nose like he does you ... and BTW ...

the "states" have blown his Federal ass away!


You try so hard to paint others dumber than you are so you will look better. But an old friend of mine put it best as it relates to you.

"You can put ice cream on a turd in a bowl, but you still got a bowel full of turd."

Fits your hero Obaminable, too!

Have you apologized to your family yet for "fumbling the ball" on getting health insurance?
LexusLover's Avatar
I signed up for a new plan and the only downside is my out-of-pocket went from $2,500 to $5,000, but my annual premiums decreased by over $3,000. So if I happen to get real sick, I'm still ahead by $500. Did not go thru the website, but had an agent handle it and I do not qualify for any assistence or credits. Originally Posted by KCJoe
KC ... be careful ... you are in a wasteland of losers who insist that the ONLY WAY to go is through the OBAMINABLECARE PORTAL to FANTASY HEALTH WORLD.

The don't like the fact that a person like yourself can actually think for themselves.

And I noti
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-14-2013, 04:33 PM
KC ... be careful ... you are in a wasteland of losers who insist that the ONLY WAY to go is through the OBAMINABLECARE PORTAL to FANTASY HEALTH WORLD.

The don't like the fact that a person like yourself can actually think for themselves.

And I noti Originally Posted by LexusLover

idiot ^^^^^^

everyone with an IQ above 20 knows full well you can use an agent if you don't apply for a subsidy

oh wait, you're excused since you have an excuse
LexusLover's Avatar
idiot ^^^^^^ Originally Posted by CJ7
Is that your answer? You do know that idiots think others are idiots, don't you? That's how they distinguish themselves.

Oh, wait, you're excused since you have an excuse.

KC, meet CJ. He's one I was warning you about. Pissed that you can think for yourself.