King Winnie's "Anything you want to post"( his idea)

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Foxshitter are an Imbecil, that’s all that’s it Originally Posted by Cendell M
You Need to call me by my Preferred handle. It's Foxie! Even waffles despises you and this is the most calm cat. I just showed Waffles your insults and Waffles hissed and scratched at the screen . Waffles has never done that!
The new initiative around here will be called T.a.m.p.o.n.s. which stands for taking action mitigating provocative overt nazi subjects. Start immediately!
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 12-06-2024, 01:27 PM
^^^^You don't have an off switch when it comes to freedom of speech Originally Posted by Foxtrotdancer

"TAMPONS", stealing Dylan's moves

Let's attack the humongous elephant in the room. Ladies we pay you guys to look good. All that's required of us is to have the donation, be respectful and clean bcd. Don't like that......well ask your younger self why you slept through highschool then got knocked up.

So let me tutor you ladies. Those that have overstayed their welcome. Really breaks my heart because everyone needs to make a living, but I feel bad for you ladies. It's so much pussy in Houston, hell the world. Please, I know you ladies have no money and must do this so Foxie will help you old ladies.

Photoshop your twitter. If twitter is a money mechanism for you Photoshop your images. If your legs are fucked up with vericose veins Photoshop. If your face looks beat up and haggard don't show it or blur the fuck out of it. Do back shots, anything but don't show your face or legs. Do everything in your power to catfish someone to your door. Once a horny guy gets there, fueled by Cialis, he ain't leaving! Shit I'm retired pay me to run your twitter page. Also, stay in hick towns like Alleyton, Columbus, San Angelo, go where they make blue bell ice cream at. Those folks are desperate for some pussy. Stay away from the big cities. Again Photoshop your whole body and remember you are the one selling a product! Have a Great Day!
winn dixie's Avatar
The new initiative around here will be called T.a.m.p.o.n.s. which stands for taking action mitigating provocative overt nazi subjects. Start immediately! Originally Posted by Foxtrotdancer snick

Stirring the pot is a good way to get the hive collectives wings flapping. Great exercise to get in shape
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 12-07-2024, 09:42 AM
Let's attack the humongous elephant in the room. Ladies we pay you guys to look good. All that's required of us is to have the donation, be respectful and clean bcd. Don't like that......well ask your younger self why you slept through highschool then got knocked up.

So let me tutor you ladies. Those that have overstayed their welcome. Really breaks my heart because everyone needs to make a living, but I feel bad for you ladies. It's so much pussy in Houston, hell the world. Please, I know you ladies have no money and must do this so Foxie will help you old ladies.

Photoshop your twitter. If twitter is a money mechanism for you Photoshop your images. If your legs are fucked up with vericose veins Photoshop. If your face looks beat up and haggard don't show it or blur the fuck out of it. Do back shots, anything but don't show your face or legs. Do everything in your power to catfish someone to your door. Once a horny guy gets there, fueled by Cialis, he ain't leaving! Shit I'm retired pay me to run your twitter page. Also, stay in hick towns like Alleyton, Columbus, San Angelo, go where they make blue bell ice cream at. Those folks are desperate for some pussy. Stay away from the big cities. Again Photoshop your whole body and remember you are the one selling a product! Have a Great Day! Originally Posted by Foxtrotdancer
Oh you big mad. HeH. Like I said I'm not going anywhere.
Suck it buttercup.
You will always be jelly of Dorian Gray. That's a fact.
Boo Boo Bear.
Here's proof I don't Photoshop my body. .
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
It's so much pussy in Houston.
Stay away from the big cities, stay in hick towns like Alleyton, Columbus, San Angelo Originally Posted by Foxtrotdancer
Almost 52% of Harris county voted Democrat, with all the ladies going on strike as a result of the elections Houston is going to need all the pussy we can get.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 12-07-2024, 11:57 AM
They Big Mad alright!!!!
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 12-07-2024, 12:13 PM
RESPOND HERE, They will keep using the excuse"OFF TOPIC" to cast points.


Last night was a restless night for me since I couldn't get laid.
I confused you at first with the terrible3
̵η̵α̵†̵z̵ď̵ Dorian loving hen collection here Originally Posted by Foxtrotdancer

Dorian is funny,
He has that juicy dark meat.

Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 12-07-2024, 12:55 PM
Winnie I'm coming to defend you in the political forum but I have to choose my words carefully. Those goons over there attacking you boils my Blood! Originally Posted by Foxtrotdancer
FREEDOM Of SPEECH, it applies to everyone. They are seeing his contradictions.
Still trying to silence people that won't kiss ass.
Cendell M's Avatar
Bunch of clowns if I’ve ever seen a circus… toodlez…
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 12-07-2024, 04:38 PM

Originally Posted by R.M.
This how delusional you are. On your twitter let's take a spin( pretty rollerblades) I've never seen someone look so Haggard. Not haggard that will change. Haggard in the broke down part. Concentreste then go places Waffles won't go