Let's attack the humongous elephant in the room. Ladies we pay you guys to look good. All that's required of us is to have the donation, be respectful and clean bcd. Don't like that......well ask your younger self why you slept through highschool then got knocked up.
So let me tutor you ladies. Those that have overstayed their welcome. Really breaks my heart because everyone needs to make a living, but I feel bad for you ladies. It's so much pussy in Houston, hell the world. Please, I know you ladies have no money and must do this so Foxie will help you old ladies.
Photoshop your twitter. If twitter is a money mechanism for you Photoshop your images. If your legs are fucked up with vericose veins Photoshop. If your face looks beat up and haggard don't show it or blur the fuck out of it. Do back shots, anything but don't show your face or legs. Do everything in your power to catfish someone to your door. Once a horny guy gets there, fueled by Cialis, he ain't leaving! Shit I'm retired pay me to run your twitter page. Also, stay in hick towns like Alleyton, Columbus, San Angelo, go where they make blue bell ice cream at. Those folks are desperate for some pussy. Stay away from the big cities. Again Photoshop your whole body and remember you are the one selling a product! Have a Great Day!
Originally Posted by Foxtrotdancer
Oh you big mad. HeH. Like I said I'm not going anywhere.
Suck it buttercup.
You will always be jelly of Dorian Gray. That's a fact.
Boo Boo Bear.
Here's proof I don't Photoshop my body. .