NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

Nah, I would not categorize that as a meltdown at all. Originally Posted by seedman55
Seedy, it obviously does not take much to provide you with comedy relief. Hey, to each their own!

I've seen a few meltdowns in my life and "Sugar" Daddio's latest rant, had all of the classic meltdown ingredients. It was epic!

Can we agree that we both enjoyed the meltdown/comedy routine, but for separate reasons? LOL

Back on topic: This is my assessment of the Texans prospects for the 2014 season. Barring injury, I believe the Texans should have an outstanding defense. It should be the strength of this years team.

The front 7 should be exceptional. The one caveat to that would be Cush. He is a very good Inside Linebacker but he is extremely injury prone. Each and every time he has left with an injury, our defense suffered without him in the lineup.

The DB's are not as good but I do not believe they can hold their coverages unless the Texans have a good pass rush. Neither KJ or JJ are shutdown corners but they can hold their own if the defensive line and linebackers are getting a push on the quarterback.

The offense is a concern. I believe they need to go back to a major emphasis on the running game. Arian Foster is a key component. If he can return to being a major offensive weapon we might be able to effectively move the ball. If he is injured again in 2014, I suspect it will be a long year offensively.

The offensive line should be better this year than last. I don't believe our QB will be worse than last year but obviously that is not saying much. If Fitz or Savage can manage the game without many mistakes we should be ok. If we have to depend upon Case or TJ, we've got trouble!

Special teams should be better but I don't see that being a significant uptick. Hopefully our Ex Aggie kicker is more consistent than last year.

My prediction is 7-9 with a battle between the Titans, Jags and Texans for 2nd place in the AFC South. I wish I had better news but it is what it is!
Bt(Big Twat), you can't even name the front seven for you to say they are exceptional is as crazy as your cum guzzling lifestyle. Watt and Cush are exceptional, Clowney is a rookie that hopefully will be exceptional. Other than that who has been or will be exceptional? You must have been in your Michael Sam post ass raped glory when you thought this thru.
The secondary was fucking trash last year. Unless B 'OB can coach up those losers and he just might, they will suck again. I know we will be better coached. Even your previous butt buddy(no not you Bambino) Dopey, has been ragging Kuntiak about being shackled within the Kubes system. Geez it must have been real bad if Dopey is now turning on his 2nd favorite deep throat friend Kubes(of course BT is #1) and telling how Kubes didn't think he was man enough to make audibles. It will be epic when the Raider fans murder Schaub and he is replaced by David Carr's little sister.

Name the front seven BigTwat?
Name the front seven Originally Posted by Daddio
Apparently the ECCIE 'ignore' feature was too complicated for ol' 'Sug to figure out on his own.

Why don't you and your trusty ol' measuring stick reach out to JFF. Once he has either passed or failed your measurement test, perhaps he will have a little extra time to teach you all you need to know about the 'ignore' feature.

JFF should have you up and running in no time!
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 05-27-2014, 11:46 AM
Man, you guys are killing me....

OTA's started today, but no Dre....
Man, you guys are killing me....

OTA's started today, but no Dre.... Originally Posted by Satin
Give Dre a little time. Cooler heads will prevail!
TheDon's Avatar
Shit, I didn't know Cush was on the Cowboys now. RIP to their defense this year.
BigLouie's Avatar
I am guessing a 6-10 season. I see Jacksonville being a lot better than the Texans. I see our DB play as being terrible. Kareem Jackson has regressed and I expect him to be worse thus year. I see our QB play as bring a weakness.
bambino's Avatar
jstone420's Avatar
More like 6/10
boardman's Avatar
QB play can't be much worse than it was last year. Even if Keenum got the start he's had a year to learn and digest. Fitz will be the starter though and we'll see a healthy dose of smash mouth football where he is just asked to manage the game.

Y'all see where Shaub threw a pick-6 in practice

DB effectiveness is highly dependent on the ability of the front seven to get to the QB or confuse him. Apparently, in camp so far, Clowney has been an athletic freak....We'll see if that holds up. Watt will obviously be the focus of double teams so if Nix and Clowney can be impact players and Mercilus steps up then you could see our secondary get better all of a sudden.

6-10 is a realistic expectation. 8-8 might just get BOB coach of the year honors.
BigLouie's Avatar
Not hard being a freak against our offensive line.
boardman's Avatar
BigLouie's Avatar
Thus morning Lance said that Tom Savage reminded him if Jeff George. In some ways this is good. In many ways this is real bad. He said he looks really big and really throws the ball around.
bambino's Avatar
Thus morning Lance said that Tom Savage reminded him if Jeff George. In some ways this is good. In many ways this is real bad. He said he looks really big and really throws the ball around. Originally Posted by BigLouie
He looks and throws like George, which is a good thing. He doesn't act like George, which is also a good thing. The kid is humble, not an arrogant Prima Donna.
I agree the DB's will be better if the pass rush is better and it should be. The problem is the DB's still suck. They just are not playmakers. Slow and lacking ball skills(Dopey said BT had tremendous ball skills, LOL).

The OL is still weak also but should be improved very slightly with the UCLA cat. Hopefully Queesenbury is a stud and comes thru and kicks ass or the other North Carolina OL that Rick Smith wasted a 3rd round pick on will come back and give us something. Brennan Williams I think was his name.

Other than the shitty secondary and weak OL and below average QB play this team is talented enough to win the division that is very weak. That is why Andre pulling his shit makes me angry. Not to worried tho as B'OB will not take any shit and coach em up unlike the Kunt Kubes.

Better Coaching
Better OL
Better Running game(Foster you better put you dick away and be ready)
Better QB play(slightly)
Better pass rush
Better LB play

Same old shitty secondary or worse hopefully gets coached up
Same or shittier Special teams(Losing Braman sucks) but the coaching should be better than the fucktard we had under Kubes.

A lot depends on health, if we stay healthy we can challenge for the weak ass division championship. We have very little to no depth on D. Damn my Deep Steel Blue glasses are definitely on today!!