NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

oilfieldscum's Avatar
As the Texans kicked off the first day of OTAs on Tuesday, they had four quarterbacks throwing passes inside the bubble at NRG Park. And there are going to be four quarterbacks throwing passes for at least a while longer.
full story....
bambino's Avatar
I agree the DB's will be better if the pass rush is better and it should be. The problem is the DB's still suck. They just are not playmakers. Slow and lacking ball skills(Dopey said BT had tremendous ball skills, LOL).

The OL is still weak also but should be improved very slightly with the UCLA cat. Hopefully Queesenbury is a stud and comes thru and kicks ass or the other North Carolina OL that Rick Smith wasted a 3rd round pick on will come back and give us something. Brennan Williams I think was his name.

Other than the shitty secondary and weak OL and below average QB play this team is talented enough to win the division that is very weak. That is why Andre pulling his shit makes me angry. Not to worried tho as B'OB will not take any shit and coach em up unlike the Kunt Kubes.

Better Coaching
Better OL
Better Running game(Foster you better put you dick away and be ready)
Better QB play(slightly)
Better pass rush
Better LB play

Same old shitty secondary or worse hopefully gets coached up
Same or shittier Special teams(Losing Braman sucks) but the coaching should be better than the fucktard we had under Kubes.

A lot depends on health, if we stay healthy we can challenge for the weak ass division championship. We have very little to no depth on D. Damn my Deep Steel Blue glasses are definitely on today!! Originally Posted by Daddio
I agree, the Texans were a very good team and the floor fell out last year. They were in disarray. I put that on management. Kubiak clearly lost the team. But if you look at the roster, they have as much or more talent than anyone in their division. Luck takes a beating, if he goes down, the Colts have nothing. If Clowney and Nix play reasonably well, the secondary becomes better. The Steelers had a top rated D for years with average corners. They also were at the top in sacks and stoping the run. It starts with the front 7. I think BOB is the best new addition. The Texans will be tougher and more disciplined.Thats my take.
When does JFF run at the combine? Have they measured his cock yet? Originally Posted by Daddio
(Dopey said BT had tremendous ball skills, LOL). Originally Posted by Daddio
JFF said his personal ATF 'Sugar' Daddio has excellent cock measuring skills. JFF was also quite impressed with 'Sug's' Up Close & Personal Lip Service.

Way to go 'Sug', you are making quite a name for yourself!
I agree, the Texans were a very good team and the floor fell out last year. They were in disarray. I put that on management. Kubiak clearly lost the team. But if you look at the roster, they have as much or more talent than anyone in their division. Luck takes a beating, if he goes down, the Colts have nothing. If Clowney and Nix play reasonably well, the secondary becomes better. The Steelers had a top rated D for years with average corners. They also were at the top in sacks and stoping the run. It starts with the front 7. I think BOB is the best new addition. The Texans will be tougher and more disciplined.Thats my take. Originally Posted by bambino
I said a few posts back that the Defensive Front 7 could easily be the determining factor with this team. While it remains to be seen who will emerge as the starters due to injuries etc., the Texans have the potential of having an opening day lineup of 4 first round draft choices and a second from their starting defensive front 7. There are not many NFL teams who can make that claim. If the Texans can get a consistent push from their front 7, both with their pass rush and against the run, it should shield many of the deficiencies they have in the defensive backfield.

One added bonus to a formidable defensive front 7 would be the offense could easily be playing with a shorter playing field this year, due to better overall field position. I am looking forward to the season. I hope Bambino is correct and we will have a 9 win season, but at this point in time I am going to stick with my previous prediction of 7-9. I will revisit it toward the end of training camp.

Let's hope for the best!
I heard the other day on the radio that a the end of practice Kuntiak would make Bullock kick a pressure field goal to end practice or the team would run sprints. Bullock misses the field goal and Kuntiak gives him a redo. I am so glad that fucking pussy is gone. BOB looks like he has a serious no nonsense attitude. BOB will hold his players accountable unlike the "it's on me BULLSHIT!!! Party on!!!
BigLouie's Avatar
Wonder what is going to happen with Fat Randy
The Radio guys said the Rice kicker will beat out fat Randy. I didn't know we signed the Rice kicker. Gotta have a good kicker and it helps if he is extra cheap.
Wonder what is going to happen with Fat Randy Originally Posted by BigLouie
Just curious BL, what did you think about The General regrading the entire 2011 NFL draft and giving the Texans an A-?
BigLouie's Avatar
I thought it was an excellent draft. We should have traded up and taken Jimmy G earlier but overall ok. Based on the draft I now wonder if all of our draft bust can be tied back to Kubiak. Smith did a heck of a better job in the middle rounds with Kubiak gone.

I do not share your thoughts on the defensive front 7. The outside linebackers last year were the worst in the NFL. Cushing is coming back from another injury. There is a limit on how many times you can come back from serious knee injury and still be any good. I know Satin and Dick'em Down and those two would be better safeties than those clowns we have now. Other than JJ and Clowney the rest of the defense just is not that good. I have hopes for Nix in the middle but just about everyone else is not that good.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
When Houston Texans head coach Bill O'Brien said on Tuesday that the quarterback competition was wide open, that should not have come as a surprise.
bambino's Avatar
What's up with Yinz homos? JFF threw 3 Ints in practice yesterday. Big news. He's tiny. Goodluck in the NFL. Splat.
When does JFF run at the combine? Have they measured his cock yet? Originally Posted by Daddio
JFF threw 3 Ints in practice yesterday. Big news. He's tiny. Originally Posted by bambino

"Tiny" JFF failed 'Sug's' measurement test!

This shall serve as final confirmation that "Sugar" Daddio is once again scanning the countryside for bigger cocks.

It must be heartbreaking for "Sugar" Daddio. He had such HUGE expectations for JFF's cock.

Poor ol' 'Sug' is now forced to go back to the measuring board.

It's such a pity! "Sugar' Daddio has wasted over 3 months on this project. If only they would have measured JFF's cock at Indy, like he asked.
boardman's Avatar
That's relevant...
BigLouie's Avatar
What's up with Yinz homos? JFF threw 3 Ints in practice yesterday. Big news. He's tiny. Goodluck in the NFL. Splat. Originally Posted by bambino
You forgot to mention that he also made a number of throws that had everyone on the team excited
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Quarterback position still open...supposedly