Signed, sealed, delivered! Who else has a new health insurance policy?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
My parents are older than I (fancy that) ... neither one on medicare (fancy that)!

So go blow your bluster smoke up someone else's ass .. and if you think a loser like you intimidates me ... with your "math" .... all I got to say is ....

map reading is not your strong suit, now is it? Neither is signing up for health insurance for your family ... see above. Mine has done just fine, including me, without Obaminable leading around by the nose like he does you ... and BTW ...

the "states" have blown his Federal ass away!


You try so hard to paint others dumber than you are so you will look better. But an old friend of mine put it best as it relates to you.

"You can put ice cream on a turd in a bowl, but you still got a bowel full of turd."

Fits your hero Obaminable, too!

Have you apologized to your family yet for "fumbling the ball" on getting health insurance? Originally Posted by LexusLover


about your parents, about you about your favorite dessert and about my policy (my kids are all covered by their employers, thank god)

But I call BULLSHIT on your entire statement!
cptjohnstone's Avatar

"You can put ice cream on a turd in a bowl, but you still got a bowel full of turd." Originally Posted by LexusLover
it looks like this
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-14-2013, 10:12 PM
YO IBTF, it's party time !!
LexusLover's Avatar
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
You are the bullshitter, loser. You are like most losers, who try to elevate themselves by tearing down others ... with name calling and other childish, immature antics. You not only make up shit about yourself, but you make up shit about others. Just to try to make yourself look better in the eyes of those who you are attempting to impress.

It works for ignorant people who want to believe. It doesn't even work for you. Because at the end of the day and when you get up, you look yourself in the mirror and you know the reality of what you are and what you are not.

Personally, I could give a rat's ass what you are or who you are. That's why we have screen names and rules about "outing." But what you have shown on here by claiming facts, which are not facts, and by proclaiming you have "Obamacare Insurance," and you were able to sign up for it with "ease" for your whole family, to prove some lame-ass Pro-Obama point, is that you will say ANYTHING to demonstrate your point of view is correct ...

even after being confronted with government documents showing you are full of shit.

It is better for you if you just accept that you are a loser, and try to improve yourself, rather than trying to drag other people down to your low level. And like your hero in office, Obaminable, if he would spend more time trying to improve things than lamely blaming problems on other people in order to score political points, then we would not be in this fix right now and he wouldn't either. You can see what that gets you ... a self-drowning.

Just admit you were wrong and move on. Quit trying to drag others to your low ass level.

If you know who I am and what I am, and all about my family, then you can send me a PM and tell me three things: my legal name, my parents' legal names, and what business I own. I will give you to 5 p.m. CST today, which is Friday, November 15, 2013, to do so. I will acknowledge on this thread one way or the other.
LexusLover's Avatar
it looks like this Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
That's YR Punch.

Except the garnish looks more like this ...

I B Hankering's Avatar
YO IBTF, it's party time !! Originally Posted by CJ7
Noticed how you were first to the bowl, CBJ7.
I signed up for a new plan and the only downside is my out-of-pocket went from $2,500 to $5,000, but my annual premiums decreased by over $3,000. So if I happen to get real sick, I'm still ahead by $500. Did not go thru the website, but had an agent handle it and I do not qualify for any assistence or credits. Originally Posted by KCJoe
Thanks. Were you or anyone covered by your previous policy in a "high risk pool" or have a previous condition?
Wakeup's Avatar
I applied on November 2nd, took thirty minutes. Got my verification of eligibility in ten minutes. Had my pick of 39 different plans after my eligibility was verified.

The Bronze plans are about 30% cheaper than my group plan at work, give or take $220 per month ($170-270). The Gold plans are equal in price to 10% more expensive, give or take $330 a month ($280-$380). The Bronze plans generally have higher deductibles and higher out of pocket maximums than my group plan, averaging around $5000 deductibles and $6000 out of pocket maximums. The Gold plans offer almost exactly what I get at work, averaging $2000 deductibles with $3000 out of pocket maximums. In one case, it's exactly what I get at work since my work insurance provider offers the same plan to the ACA.

Looking at the coverages for five different plans in different groups, they're remarkably similar. Lab testing seems to be a difference in plans, with the lower ones dropping it off, but they're all pretty close.

I'm not signing up for a plan because my company is at the minimum number of enrollees to qualify for a group plan from our provider, so I can't drop off or else I'd be inconveniencing other employees, but if I chose to do so, they'd be able to all sign up immediately for the same plan as individuals.

I actually never expected any of the plans to be as cheap as my group plan at work. Just my experience...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You are the bullshitter, loser. You are like most losers, who try to elevate themselves by tearing down others ... with name calling and other childish, immature antics. You not only make up shit about yourself, but you make up shit about others. Just to try to make yourself look better in the eyes of those who you are attempting to impress.

It works for ignorant people who want to believe. It doesn't even work for you. Because at the end of the day and when you get up, you look yourself in the mirror and you know the reality of what you are and what you are not.

Personally, I could give a rat's ass what you are or who you are. That's why we have screen names and rules about "outing." But what you have shown on here by claiming facts, which are not facts, and by proclaiming you have "Obamacare Insurance," and you were able to sign up for it with "ease" for your whole family, to prove some lame-ass Pro-Obama point, is that you will say ANYTHING to demonstrate your point of view is correct ...

even after being confronted with government documents showing you are full of shit.

It is better for you if you just accept that you are a loser, and try to improve yourself, rather than trying to drag other people down to your low level. And like your hero in office, Obaminable, if he would spend more time trying to improve things than lamely blaming problems on other people in order to score political points, then we would not be in this fix right now and he wouldn't either. You can see what that gets you ... a self-drowning.

Just admit you were wrong and move on. Quit trying to drag others to your low ass level.

If you know who I am and what I am, and all about my family, then you can send me a PM and tell me three things: my legal name, my parents' legal names, and what business I own. I will give you to 5 p.m. CST today, which is Friday, November 15, 2013, to do so. I will acknowledge on this thread one way or the other. Originally Posted by LexusLover

Nice Meltdown, LLIdiot. It guess I idiot is ready to pass the torch. His rants are losing steam anyway. Yours are far more incongruous.

Why don't you come to Clarksville with your 100 year old parents and explain to me why you don't let them have Medicare? then they can "kick my ass with their bare hands!"

Your big mouth has painted your government leeching ass into a big corner LLIdiot. I recommend you decide which you're going to be, the voice of knowledge (condescending fact without citation) or the voice of experience (I'was climbing Mount Everest before you were born.)

LMAO @ Schizophrenic LLIdiot!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's YR Punch.

Except the garnish looks more like this ...

Originally Posted by LexusLover
Actually, that looks like a hot tub for Corpy!

thanks for sharing LLIdiot!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I applied on November 2nd, took thirty minutes. Got my verification of eligibility in ten minutes. Had my pick of 39 different plans after my eligibility was verified.

The Bronze plans are about 30% cheaper than my group plan at work, give or take $220 per month ($170-270). The Gold plans are equal in price to 10% more expensive, give or take $330 a month ($280-$380). The Bronze plans generally have higher deductibles and higher out of pocket maximums than my group plan, averaging around $5000 deductibles and $6000 out of pocket maximums. The Gold plans offer almost exactly what I get at work, averaging $2000 deductibles with $3000 out of pocket maximums. In one case, it's exactly what I get at work since my work insurance provider offers the same plan to the ACA.

Looking at the coverages for five different plans in different groups, they're remarkably similar. Lab testing seems to be a difference in plans, with the lower ones dropping it off, but there all pretty close.

I'm not signing up for a plan because my company is at the minimum number of enrollees to qualify for a group plan from our provider, so I can't drop off or else I'd be inconveniencing other employees, but if I chose to do so, they'd be able to all sign up immediately for the same plan as individuals.

I actually never expected any of the plans to be as cheap as my group plan at work. Just my explerience... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I signed up in similar fashion. Only I began when they rolled out the website, Oct. 1, so it took me a couple of weeks of persistence. Now, the site seems to be running pretty smoothly.

You shitheels who just root for failure probably know how well it's working because you were able to sign up in the past week with about as much difficulty as .wakeup. You just won't admit it.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 11-15-2013, 08:15 AM
Thanks. Were you or anyone covered by your previous policy in a "high risk pool" or have a previous condition? Originally Posted by gnadfly
I am self-employed and was in a group plan with two participants. Went to a single plan. Not in a high risk pool, but I do have hypertension. But at my age, it seems everyone has it.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Thanks. Were you or anyone covered by your previous policy in a "high risk pool" or have a previous condition? Originally Posted by gnadfly
because of my health problems, I was turned down by 2 company's and my only choice was Oklahoma's high risk pool. It was stated on my enrollment my cost was around $600 a month, then I received a letter saying I had to pay an additional $528. My business has been bad so I cannot effort it. I told my agent that I will cross my fingers and hope nothing happens until Jan 1 where I will go on with Blue Cross at $300 a month when previous conditions are thrown out

as to business, I just hit a home run in my pet treat business
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 11-15-2013, 10:56 AM
because of my health problems, I was turned down by 2 company's and my only choice was Oklahoma's high risk pool. It was stated on my enrollment my cost was around $600 a month, then I received a letter saying I had to pay an additional $528. My business has been bad so I cannot effort it. I told my agent that I will cross my fingers and hope nothing happens until Jan 1 where I will go on with Blue Cross at $300 a month when previous conditions are thrown out

as to business, I just hit a home run in my pet treat business Originally Posted by cptjohnstone
a report like that is sure to give the rightwingers hypertension, if not a freakin STROKE.

Gentlemen, your candor is appreciated.