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BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
I always thought she had beautiful facial features.....I found a new website that i want all sorts of things off here is a example of some of the things they have.
It's a stackable tetris desk lamp
Originally Posted by keith
Ooh I want!
and then just for shits and giggles because i love bacon
and while i think this is cool as hell not sure if i would fork over the 3100.00 to buy one.
jbravo_123's Avatar
I always thought she had beautiful facial features.....I found a new website that i want all sorts of things off here is a example of some of the things they have.
It's a stackable tetris desk lamp
Originally Posted by keith
Oh yeah, Thinkgeek is pretty awesome. We always have to exercise some small amount of discipline to not buy a whole bunch of stuff off of it.
I want Sheldon's 3D Star Trek chessboard. Been wanting one since I saw it. I just can't see paying $500 bucks for a chess set that I know that I will use and won't be in collector's condition anymore.

I feel like that would be somewhat easy to make.

They just announced a charity event at Gencon: Star Trek Catan with Wil Wheaton hehe.

Catan is pretty classic, need to dig that out (original version, not fancy new versions).
jbravo_123's Avatar
The giant 3D Settlers set is pretty cool too.

Or the enormous Ticket to Ride tables you can get.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Anyone heard of Taylor Davis?

I randomly came across her "Gaming Fantasy" album in the iTunes store and downloaded it (~$10).

She's a chick who plays violin versions of video game / anime songs. Yes, I'm arrogant enough to think I could do better given a little time to get back in shape, but I've been listening to it while at work and it's still pretty good.

She has a second album out, but I wasn't as interested in the songs in it.

Here's some videos of her playing:

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Wakeup's Avatar
Even though a part of me cries out in pain at corrupting the movies by introducing a character who wasn't in the books...I think I'm in lust...

It was the same thing when they introduced Arwen in Fellowship...that was supposed to be Glorfindel who found them and he's the one who put Frodo on his horse alone to cross the river...but Liv Tyler is hot...
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
I had a Vulcan 3D chess set as a child. Looking for opponents and I will buy another
Well if i could get in a ring with Wil Wheaton with a Bat'Leth in hand i would go lol
as far as the chess set goes...this guy has instructions on how to make it yourself for about 45.00 here's the you would have a good story to tell about how you made it.
and as far as hot as women in sci-fi fantasy movies go i totally am in lust with the girl who plays the Lady Sif in Thor, Jamie Alexander.
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
Wil Wheaton was the death knell of STNG. Ugh...
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
Ok nerds and geeks... There must be an app for 3D chess? Any clues??