NFL and Houston Texans Superthread: Are we ready for some football?

The Jags are improving but if they start a rookie QB, you bet your ass we have a chance to win that game. Also they no longer have MJD. They were coached much better than we were last year. Who wasn't????

1. Redskins at Home - We have a good chance to win this. Probably a 3 point favorite
2. At the Raiders - With Dopey running the show we have a damn good chance at a W
3. At the Giants - Only a 25% chance of Victory here
4. Bills at home - Good chance of the W here, they are the fucking Bills
5. At the Cowgirls - No D in Dallas, Should win but Dallas is the home team. 50-50
6. Colts at home - Home team always has a chance. Colts suck except for Luck
7. At the Steelers - Low chance of a W against Big Ben
8. At the Titans - Titans suck, 50 -50- on the road
9. Eagles at home - Eagles will put up some points, probably a L
10. Bye
11. At the Browns - They suck with no receivers, even our secondary might be able to cover them.
12. Bengals - probably a L
13 Titans - Titans suck, home team favored to win.
14. At Jags - yes we have a chance probably an underdog however
15. At the Colts - could be a very critical division deciding game. Yes we have a chance
16. Ravens - the return of the Denny's menu, we know it better than anybody. Good chance
17. Jags - Bortles might be inserted into the lineup by now, yes good chance of a W.

If things fall right it's 9-7, this is a very weak schedule. Plenty of chances for W's.

Eagles and Bengals are the only good teams on the schedule. Only well Coached teams on the schedule are the Giants, Jags, Eagles, Steelers and Harbaugh of the Ravens who is now hamstrung by the Denny's menu.
jstone420's Avatar
I see the texans losing the first 3 games you talk about Dennys menu harbaugh is not about to let kubiak go crazy with the play calling that shit not happening his ass will get fired by the way every former texan shine we ravens
my prediction, 5 and 11. I figure that even an improved defense and run game will not make up for having no QB and no Right Tackle at all. Maybe weak schedule means another 2 wins but that is about it.
By the way, if we do get a league going, I am in !
One-Eyed Willy's Avatar
Well shit. What up Fucktards!

Just got my tickets this week. I'm trying to be optimistic. I don't know about no Fitzcrapshit. What the hell is that? But who knows, seems like dopey and Kubes could only get us so far. Say what you want but without a legit QB, looks like a rebuild year

Dre will be back. The dude is frustrated. Carr, Dopey, now Fitzcrapshit, yet he still puts up #'s? Playing with a top 10 QB while he can still play, has got to be tempting. I think he'll be here at least 1 more year.

BTW whats all this I hear about these cheerleaders making less than minimum wage. To hell with that. I know myself along with some fellers here may just have a solution for some extracurriculars.. we need get these babes paid.
We'll look who reported for training camp!!!! One Eye!!! I would bid $100 to fuck any Texan Cheerleader for 1 hour. Hook me up One eye!!!
Mixshowdj's Avatar
One eye!!! What up? Sup daddio? Satin? Yeah,i think im in too if we do FF league too. Should be 10-12 of most of you know,im cowboys fan like ike,but i'd be glad to have texans defense,shit,i'd rather have alabama's defense this year...look for us to go 6-10/8-8,& the whole coaching staff gone,including romo,who has a 27 million dollar cap hit next year....
TheDon's Avatar
Between the Texans and Aggies rebuilding, UT probably going to suck again, Dallas will probably be average again this year, Gonna probably be another mediocre year of Texas football in general.

And I still can't wait to watch the shit play out! Welcome back Willy!
jstone420's Avatar
Don't sleep on the Aggies an for Dallas they are in trouble
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 07-25-2014, 07:43 AM
Looks like AJ reported after all....

Cat-Man, yeah same here bro. Cautiously optimistic.

I'll give you a holler. League is pretty much set, we'll bring up something on the FF thread. Looks like Daddio has left the building with us this year, but his replacement is gonna raise some hell!!!
oilfieldscum's Avatar
No I'm in when do we sign up?

I was just holding out like Dre.
Since the Texans passed on Football, they are dead to me.
Since the Cowboys passed on Football, they are dead to me.

If we can our team out of jail, The Ags can win 8 games if everything goes their way.
But I just cannot wait for the Thanksgiving game with LSU.
109,000 folks at Kyle Field.
Welcome home, 'Dre!
Skyblaster99's Avatar
Your a perfect Texans fan ,swallow th koolaid, we were 2-14 last year..................
Fitzpatrick and 0-8 Keenum???
Who's fooling who?
Last I checked Oakland beat us....we sux......
Oh by the way our Defense wasn't that great last yr
And we have yet to play a down this dear