A letter from Troy...

A Letter to Donald Trump (from a voter, not me)

Posted March 2nd, 2016 @ 4:34pm in #Trump

This letter from Troy Morton was in the comments to my post from earlier today. I am reposting it here, with permission, because it is simply beautiful.

Breathtaking, actually.


To: President Trump

From: Just a simple man

I’ve been following your campaign since your announcement, reading millions of words written about you, watching thousands of hours of video and speeches, listening to many talk radio show segments, and engaging in dozens of debates with people around me.

No candidate has ever captured my attention the way you have.

Now that it’s clear you will be the Republican nominee, I want to share with you something so personal, painful, and uplifting, that I almost don’t want to write it, but I will anyway…trolls be damned:

My whole life, up until yesterday, has been based on reaction to fear.

Growing up as a black man in Washington D.C. during the “crack 80’s”, when Marion Barry was mayor, I lived a lower middle class childhood in one of the most dangerous cities in America. Though I had many friends, I was also subject to the threats, intimidation, and bullying that happens when you’re not like the people around you.

There was no father in my life to steel me against the world I lived in. My mother was strong, but it’s not exactly the kind of strength I needed. I was a boy, and needed a Man.

Without strong male guidance, I learned to fear…but not how to face fear and win. Even joining the military and going to war didn’t overcome my weakness, and all my future decisions considered strongly the level of fear I had at the time.

As a result, my life has been full of conflict, as I have unintentionally signaled to adversaries that I am an easier opponent to beat than others. I have won victories, but never truly enjoyed them knowing the battle is never won for me…only endured. I have also suffered crushing defeats, and important people in my life lost confidence in me as a result. I have not reached my potential, and settled instead into apathy and stasis, content to only being “smart enough” or “good enough”…not great. Not strong. Not resolute…

Not a leader. Not a winner.

My life, in many important ways, mirrors the American experience. Potential to be great, but paralyzed by fear. Full of conflict. Enduring, not winning. No leadership. No strong Male inspiration. And occasional, crushing defeats that hit to the core of our country…most notably 9/11, but also with the erosion of our middle class and uniquely American culture.

Like you say so often: we don’t WIN anymore.

Watching your campaign, and being as invested in it as I am, has been an exercise in recognizing, and confronting, fear that I never expected. Every time your opponents hit you…I feel fear for your candidacy and our country. Every charge of racist, sexist, facist, etc. causes me to worry that no one, not even you, can really change the country for the better. That we’re doomed to failure…

Then…inevitably…you win the battle. You don’t “survive”, or “endure”…you attack, and put fear into your opponents. You don’t stop until they are buried under your feet. Until they become paralyzed…

Sometimes, you even bait them into hitting you, just so you can beat the crap out of them again. Your life is full of conflict, but it becomes yet another opportunity to WIN, and makes you MORE powerful…not less.

Then, once they are eliminated as a threat, you are generous to the vanquished. It’s not personal, and they are not evil. They were, simply…in the way. Once they are not, they become worthy of kindness and respect.

Furthermore, you’re not just a blunt instrument…your strategy is impeccable. You go into every conflict knowing exactly what your opponents weaknesses are, how to exploit them, and what levers to pull to ensure victory. Clearly, you spend good time before announcing your candidacy doing the things the military taught me as a young soldier: surveying, recon, intelligence-gathering, ammunition, discipline, execution…

You are defending America from our enemies within, and it’s an AMAZING thing to watch.

Last night, you also did something else. You became the Man that helped me see fear for what it is: an illusion of power, a powerful teacher, and the path to winning if used properly. There is no reason, regardless of the enormity of the task, to lose to fear if you prepare well, are disciplined in your execution, and have the faith necessary, in God, yourself, and in others…that leads to victory.

Winning is always possible, but becomes probable if you never back down, never quit, and become your dominant self. Once the battle is won, treat the vanquished with kindness and respect. Be the bigger man.

You taught me how to Win.

I appreciate what you’ve done for me personally, and what you’re doing for our country. I know I’m not the only man who admires you, and can’t wait for you to become the father, and leader, of our country. It’s been a long, cold winter for men in America the last 8 years, and I believe that your election will dramatically improve the level of respect, admiration, and love people will show for strong men and Fathers, and will create a new generation of leaders from impressionable young boys.

That, more than anything, will Make America Great Again.

The Last Refuge...

Republican Oligarchy -VS- “We The People”…

Posted on March 2, 2016 by sundance

(Via Bob Lonsberry) You’re not fighting Trump.

You’re fighting the people who are voting for him.

The anti-Trump effort being waged by the Republican Party is essentially a fight against democracy.

It’s not that this monster has raised himself up to threaten the ivory castles of the blue bloods, it’s that millions of people have stood up and said, “Enough is enough.”

It is they against whom the GOP establishment is fighting.

And that fight never turns out well.

Donald Trump isn’t Barry Goldwater in 1964, he is Andrew Jackson in 1828. He is going to storm the White House, and he is going to bring his unwashed hordes with him. The Trump campaign is built on the uniquely American premise that the people are sovereign, and that does not jibe with cozy arrangements of the country-club Republicans. For too long, the Republican Party has exploited its constituencies, instead of served them, and the beaten dog is about to bite.

Some have gone off after Ted Cruz, but most have gone off after Donald Trump. Together, something approaching 80 percent of Republican voters thus far this primary season have told the party establishment to pound salt. You have the clueless elite, and then you have the voters who actually care about America.

And they have picked up a baseball bat to drive the money changers from the temple.

It might be Trump who is being slammed upside the GOP head, but it is not Trump doing the slamming. It is the American people. Veterans and taxpayers, moms and dads, young and old. They are tired of being screwed, they are tired of being ignored, they are tired of being played.

And Trump is their tool.

And the Republican Party can resist them at its peril.

Because the people will be heard. In this party, or the other party, or in a new party. In this election, or a future election, but certainly someday they will be heard. What Donald Trump has done is crack open the door of opportunity, he has given the voters a choice other than Party Hack A versus Party Hack B. When you give the people a chance to order something that’s not on the menu, they do it.

Bernie tried on the Democrat side, and has failed.

Trump is trying on the Republican side, and is succeeding.

And the party is losing.

Every time you stand up and tell the voters that they are wrong, every time you disavow the results of your own party’s primaries, every time you pledge to disqualify the candidate backed by the people, you unleash a firestorm of pent-up electoral rage. Traditional Republican voters have been punked by their party in election after election, with promises unkept and problems unsolved for generations on end. They are now joined by new voters who are unaccustomed to docility and disrespect.

And it’s payback time.

While the Republican bosses go on the evening news to say, “Let them eat cake,” Republican voters go to the ballot box and say, “Let them eat lead.” This is one of those elections where they dip their finger in ink and hold it aloft as a sign they’ve voted. Except in this case it’s the middle finger.

And, yes, the goal is the White House, the objective is the federal government. But right now the Republican establishment stands in the way, and it can either be part of the solution or it can be part of the roadkill.

Thus far it seems intent on self-destruction.

And that’s fine by me.

Last night the people spoke, and the Republican bigwigs went into the backrooms to debate brokered conventions and third-party candidacies. Little did they realize that they were writing the last details of their own political obituaries.

Because this isn’t about Trump.

It’s about the people who vote for him, in record numbers. People who have flocked to the Republican ballot box in numbers unknown since the days of Reagan. The pigs at the trough of Republican power are condemning their party in the name of self-interest. They’ve got theirs, and they’ll be damned if anyone else is going to get any.

But they fight the unbeatable foe.

The American people.

The Republican Party is not trying to steal this election from Donald Trump, it is trying to steal it from the American people. It is trying to deny the franchise to those who fail to kiss its arse. It is declaring Trump voters second-class citizens.

And that never ends well.

A fish rots from the head, and all the Republican Party needs is a good decapitation.

Which every party attack on Donald Trump and his voters makes ever more certain. (source)

I hear New York Mopers are liking Romney today... life's weird like that...

Mitt Romney Coordinates Pre-Debate Speech To Set Stage For Thursday Night Ambush….

Posted on March 2, 2016 by sundance

The GOPe is entirely too predictable. Former, and failed, presidential candidate Mitt Romney has announced his plan to deliver a full-throated attack upon the frontrunner of the 2016 presidential race in order to protect the party hierarchy from the continued grassroots uprising. (must watch video follows article).

The Washington DC oligarchy must be protected at all costs. Mitt Romney won six of 10 contests on Super Tuesday four years ago. In the Super Tuesday contests that took place this week, Trump won seven of 11 states.

– The rapidly intensifying effort by the Republican establishment to dislodge Donald Trump from the top of the party’s presidential nominating race will star 2012 nominee Mitt Romney, who is preparing a speech for Thursday when he’ll lay out his case against the front-runner.

With Trump’s convincing victories on Tuesday, the single biggest day of voting in the Republican race, Romney was motivated to make a more formal case against him in hopes of keeping him from coalescing more support, according to a Republican source familiar with Romney’s plans. Romney has voiced criticism for Trump in recent months, including his attack last week on the New York businessman’s refusal to release his tax returns.

“Mitt doesn’t believe Donald Trump is the right person to lead the party,” the Republican said. “There are a number of mainstream Republicans falling in line with Trump, and he wants to speak up before more people go that route.”

While making the case against Trump, Romney is unlikely to endorse one of his opponents, the source said.

[…] Ahead of Romney’s speech, a pair of conservative groups were spending millions on TV ads that hammered Trump, including spots that targeted Michigan, which holds its primary on March 8, and Florida and Illinois, two of the biggest prizes in the race, both of which hold rare, winner-take-all contests on March 15.

This is the Tories plan...
If you thought Obie played a lot of golf, the Trumpster has 18.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If you thought Obie played a lot of golf, the Trumpster has 18. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
and your point here is what? dicknose.

most of the presidents from the early 20th century to today play golf.

the best prez golfer?
lustylad's Avatar
and your point here is what? dicknose.

most of the presidents from the early 20th century to today play golf.

the best prez golfer? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

Hahahaha.... here is what Links Magazine had to say about Bubba's golf game!

"By all accounts, Clinton has a solid game, albeit very difficult to quantify because of his penchant for mulligans and gimmes. If golf is truly a window into a person's character and personality, there is no better example than the 42nd President, whose bending of the rules on the course could be said to be a mirror of his truth-stretching statements in his personal life. In fact, Clinton's purported achievement of a personal goal-breaking 80 in 1997—was met with much skepticism by Washington insiders and reporters."


The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I would vote for her, once. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
did you vote for Obama twice?
I would vote for her, once. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You remind me of this guy...

"Rubio is a nasty piece of work"...
I would vote for her, once. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
But you'd vote for Shrillary ever time she ran, RIGHT EKIM !!!
You remind me of this guy...

Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
You remind me of this guy.
But you'd vote for Shrillary ever time she ran, RIGHT EKIM !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Woomby, fetch me some fries boy.
Woomby, fetch me some fries boy. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
YOUR hero, woomby, has left the forum EKIM ! Or haven't YOU noticed when he didn't make YOU his Vice-DOTY after his landslide election ? It's ok ,EKIM ! We all know how YOU miss YOUR fag partner !!
YOUR hero, woomby, has left the forum EKIM ! Or haven't YOU noticed when he didn't make YOU his Vice-DOTY after his landslide election ? It's ok ,EKIM ! We all know how YOU miss YOUR fag partner !! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Woomby, you ain't my hero. Get those fries boy.