Jackie our girl Condalisa

bamscram's Avatar
That can't be MT Fluffer ! At least, if bamscram EKIM is to be believed ! Ekim says that at the last reach-around crew MEATing, MT proved beyond a DOUBT that he is a EUNUCH when EKIM turned for MT Fluffer's load of " man batter " during the circle jerk ceremony that they close their MEATings with and NOTHING " CUM " forth to EKIM's face !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
MT Pockets's Avatar

I found a picture of MT Fluffer on his back, recharging after getting his ass handed to him. MT Pockets is laying on the floor receiving his next series of arguments. Originally Posted by herfacechair
Hey maybe I need to give it a try. You seemed to love it so much. Is that the gal that gave you a ride? If so I could see if she is as full of shit as you are. LOL!
PS that is not me, I dress to the right.
herfacechair's Avatar
MT Cranial Cavity: Hey maybe I need to give it a try.

No need to hide that from us, go ahead and admit that you've been doing this for a long time, serving as a toilet slave as you enjoy the humiliation. Plus, you end up getting the arguments that you need to continue arguing on this message board.

MT Cranial Cavity: You seemed to love it so much.

Nope, never done that, never will. That's one area that I would say you have ventured to that I will not. What you're really saying is that you enjoyed it so much, but are attempting to deflect that onto me.

MT Cranial Cavity: Is that the gal that gave you a ride?

No, she's one of those that provided you with your arguments when you laid on your back and placed her head inside one of those toilet bowls.

MT Cranial Cavity: If so I could see if she is as full of shit

From your vantage point, while in the toilet slave position, I could see why you would assume that she is "full of shit". I mean, with your head enclosed inside that toilet bowl, it would seem that she filled your entire universe with her poo, which are your arguments. You ate that shit all up, and are spewing it here.

MT Cranial Cavity: as you are.

The only people, on this message board, that are full of shit are those that I am arguing against. This includes you.

MT Cranial Cavity: LOL!

So that's what you are doing when your head was in there. You laugh out loud as she drops the bombs into your mouth and allover your face.

MT Cranial Cavity: PS that is not me,

In order to make this consistent with our back and forth insulting, that's as much you as "I'm the guy" that's getting facesat by the obese woman in your parody post. So which is it? You can't have one without the other, they come together. If that toilet slave in my parody post of you isn't you, then the face chair in your parody post of me isn't me. There has to be balance here, what's good for one is good for the other. Or, is this a situation to where you cannot take what you dish out in the insult department?

MT Cranial Cavity: I dress to the right.

Which is what was occurring before this photo was taken. Notice what she is holding in her hand, she forced you to dress the left, being the good toilet slave that you are, you had no other choice but to let her do as she wished in exchange for her giving you the arguments you needed to keep coming back here.
MT Pockets's Avatar
MT Cranial Cavity: Hey maybe I need to give it a try.

No need to hide that from us, go ahead and admit that you've been doing this for a long time, serving as a toilet slave as you enjoy the humiliation. Plus, you end up getting the arguments that you need to continue arguing on this message board.
Okay as I will on many of your replies here. I will remind you that the photo is not me.
Even if I was in to that what would the chances be that you would have found my photo. But If you insist it is me I will report you to the mods and you can explain to them in one of your Novellas how you are so bright and all knowing. maybe they will bend the rules for you.

MT Cranial Cavity: You seemed to love it so much.

Nope, never done that, never will. That's one area that I would say you have ventured to that I will not. What you're really saying is that you enjoyed it so much, but are attempting to deflect that onto me.
That makes two of us. Now you can reply stating it is me. Then I can forward that to the Mods as well. WE both know it is you that are the one that delves in this realm.

MT Cranial Cavity: Is that the gal that gave you a ride?

No, she's one of those that provided you with your arguments when you laid on your back and placed her head inside one of those toilet bowls.
Again more proof you are an "Outer" if that is what you want.
MT Cranial Cavity: If so I could see if she is as full of shit

From your vantage point, while in the toilet slave position, I could see why you would assume that she is "full of shit". I mean, with your head enclosed inside that toilet bowl, it would seem that she filled your entire universe with her poo, which are your arguments. You ate that shit all up, and are spewing it here.
Since it was not me. I will have to accept your explanation of what happens in those type sessions. You are the expert after all.
MT Cranial Cavity: as you are.

The only people, on this message board, that are full of shit are those that I am arguing against. This includes you.
Actually I feel more like I am full of smoke after reading your reply
MT Cranial Cavity: LOL!

So that's what you are doing when your head was in there. You laugh out loud as she drops the bombs into your mouth and allover your face.
No I laugh when I think of how you always have to wonder what the last guy did with the girl on your face along with what she ate for lunch.
MT Cranial Cavity: PS that is not me,

In order to make this consistent with our back and forth insulting, that's as much you as "I'm the guy" that's getting facesat by the obese woman in your parody post. So which is it? You can't have one without the other, they come together. If that toilet slave in my parody post of you isn't you, then the face chair in your parody post of me isn't me. There has to be balance here, what's good for one is good for the other. Or, is this a situation to where you cannot take what you dish out in the insult department?
I did not see her as obese. I thought she was attractive. It is hard to find women that will sit on your face and read your bullshit so I figured she had to be one of your harem.
So while we both may have never been with either of those women,
there is a much greater chance you have been with the one I posted.

MT Cranial Cavity: I dress to the right.

Which is what was occurring before this photo was taken. Notice what she is holding in her hand, she forced you to dress the left, being the good toilet slave that you are, you had no other choice but to let her do as she wished in exchange for her giving you the arguments you needed to keep coming back here. Originally Posted by herfacechair
If you take a closer look you will see she is not touching the little man. I bet you wish you were though. I have seen videos where the bull has came up behind a woman while she was sitting on a Cucks face and slid inside her. Have you crossed that line yet?
herfacechair's Avatar
Cockhold toilet slave: Okay as I will on many of your replies here.

That's a good start, admitting that you are into being a toilet slave will start you on a long path of you accepting your individual fetish.

Cockhold toilet slave: I will remind you that the photo is not me. (REPEAT POINT)

Since you don't want to figure this out, I will spell it out for you. You posted a photo on here, of an obese woman sitting on a guy's face, and implied that the guy in the photo is me. In response, I posted a photo of a toilet slave in action, and implied that it was you.

Do you see what is going on here? As what others have done here, you attempted to have laughter at my expense. When I reciprocated, and give you the same treatment that you gave me, you God defensive. Which leads to a question. Is this a situation to where you cannot take the very thing that you dish out?

Here, let me present it this way. What was going on in your mind when you showed an obese woman sitting on a guy's face? Guess what? I thought something similar when I decided to give you a taste of your own medicine. I could tell, by response, that you don't enjoy the taste of your own medicine. Here is your medicine anyway.

Cockhold toilet slave: Even if I was in to that

Judging by the amount of crap that you spew on this thread, and elsewhere, there would be a strong argument that you would actually be into that. After all, that would nicely explain how you seem to have an endless supply of crap to spray all over here.

Cockhold toilet slave: what would the chances be that you would have found my photo.

Let's use your "logic". Earlier in this thread, you posted a photo, of a an obese woman sitting on a guy's face and claimed that guy to be me. So, the question can be thrown back at you. What would be the chances of you finding a photo of me being facesat?

I figured that since you were joking about that guy being me, that you would understand the logic and humor of my using the exact same thing as you did, except this time, using a picture of a toilet slave in action and describing it as you.

Cockhold toilet slave: But If you insist it is me I will report you to the mods and you can explain to them in one of your Novellas how you are so bright and all knowing. maybe they will bend the rules for you.

The only way that you would get away with reporting this to the moderators is if that is an actual picture of you. Given the enthusiasm you have, and competence, that you would have in this argument when reporting this to the moderators, in response to my statements that you're the toilet slave in the picture, that would be a good indication that you would be the person in that picture.

However, if you would see my statements, that you are the toilet slave in the photo, in the same way as I see your statements regarding the photo with the obese facesitting woman, you would know that I'm doing to you what you did to me. This is a classic case of you being willing to dish things out, but not willing to take what you dish out.

If that is in you, then you must be jealous of him, as you probably wish that you were the toilet slave shown in the photo.

Cockhold toilet slave: That makes two of us. Now you can reply stating it is me. Then I can forward that to the Mods as well. WE both know it is you that are the one that delves in this realm.

Do you see the contradiction in terms here? Your "That makes the two of us," statement, is acknowledgment of my statement that I am not into that. By acknowledging that, then turning around and insisting that I am the one into that, you contradicted yourself. Which is it? This is more proof that you are pulling shit out of your mouth and ass, on the account of multiple mistresses using you as their toilet slave, that you are losing shit and spewing it all over this message board.

There's no need to be ashamed of your fetish, we both know that only one person, in this exchange, is into being a toilet slave, YOU!

Cockhold toilet slave: Again more proof you are an "Outer" if that is what you want.

As in, outing one of the fetishes that you enjoy? Well, given the amount of crap that you spew on these threads, I shouldn't we the one that suspects that you are getting all that crap from somewhere. That fetish of yours, that involves you receiving additional arguments, as shown in the picture above, would nicely explain where you get all the crap that you spew all over this board.

Cockhold toilet slave: Since it was not me. I will have to accept your explanation of what happens in those type sessions. You are the expert after all.

Nope, I'm very much describing you. My describing your experiences would not make me an expert, like you, when it comes to being a toilet slave. You have the actual experience. Me? Your attempt at deflecting your traits onto me, based on what I said about your experiences, would be like trying to describe me as a Martian colonist for trying to concept what self-governance would be like among human colonies on Mars.

I'm left with just imagining what your experiences are, as I have never done that. This contrasts with the first-hand experience being a toilet slave. You probably enjoy the enclosed space that your head is in, and the sound of the muffled farts as it bounces around inside the toilet and around your head. You just love that enclosed space muffled sound, and the smell that comes with it.

Don't be bashful, you can freely admit that you enjoy those sounds, followed by the sounds of fudge being dispensed. For you, that's the sound of additional arguments that you can later use on these threads.

Cockhold toilet slave: Actually I feel more like I am full of smoke after reading your reply

That's because I'm smoking you in this argument/exchange. When reading that, think Army terminology. Still not a good thing for you. It would be like describing the criminal, that refuses to part with his gun, getting lit up like a Christmas tree in the hands of the cops that send rounds his way. That's the "smoked" that I'm talking about.

So, for you, this is a cycle. First, you assume the position, head inside the toilet slave toilet bowl. Then the woman in the picture above takes a seat does her daily constitutional. Presto, you have your arguments that you bring to this message board. You spew her crap all over the place, then you end up getting smoked.

Cockhold toilet slave: No I laugh when I think of how you always have to wonder what the last guy did with the girl on your face along with what she ate for lunch.

So let me guess, as your head is enclosed in that toilet slave toilet bowl, and you are receiving your next batch of arguments, you're pondering what the woman, that made me live up to my username, had for lunch?

It wouldn't surprise me if the woman that I had FS + SOMF with, would also be one of the women that uses you as her toilet slave. Or, she used you as her toilet slave, wiped her ass, left the shit stained toilet paper in your mouth, then proceeded to take a shower so that she could have FS + SOMF with me.

So, it appears that in addition to being a slave, you are into being a cockhold. I tip my hat to you for being a SCAT cockhold.

Cockhold toilet slave: I did not see her as obese. I thought she was attractive.

One of two things are possible here.

You're engaging in your usual gas lighting BS, as there are plenty of pictures of facesitting women that are hot and have the perfect body structure to engage in facesitting. In my eyes at least. I've lost count of how many facesitting pictures that I've came across that involved a hot woman, not an obese one. You had to have come across these pictures in your search, but you disregarded them.

If you think that she was "attractive", and "not" obese, more power to you, I guess beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. But, that's not what your thought process was when you posted that picture. You had to see those other pictures that I mentioned here, but disregarded them in favor of the one that you chose, because you intended to insult me for humor, which resulted me in insulting you in kind for humor.

But again, with all that poop covering your face, I could see how your thinking would get distorted and assume that she wasn't obese, or that you're doing something else other than serving as a toilet slave.

Cockhold toilet slave: It is hard to find women that will sit on your face and read

Actually, I've had a hard time getting a woman to do things that she wouldn't normally do while sitting, while she is making me live up to my username. The DATY that I'm giving her makes it impossible for her to focus on anything else.

Getting a woman to make me live up to my username is easy, just like it's easy for you to get people to use you as their toilet slave. The more poo that you could chug, the more you could stay here and argue.

Cockhold toilet slave: your bullshit

Don't confuse my arguments for the daily fudge that SCAT mistresses force feed you on a regular basis, and for your arguments. They're two different things.

I've had women, that made me live up to my username, enjoy reading my posts, and enjoy the way I pulverized people like you in debate.

Cockhold toilet slave: so I figured she had to be one of your harem.

Don't assume, that because you have an "any type" mentality when it comes to the person you'd have using you as a toilet slave, that I'd have the same mentality regarding facesitting women.

I only have a specific type range of women that I'd have make me live up to my username. I don't just ask any woman to make me live up to my username. This is opposite to you, of course, where you'd ask anybody that needs to poop to use you as a toilet slave.

Cockhold toilet slave: So while we both may have never been with either of those women, there is a much greater chance you have been with the one I posted.

Actually, you got that all wrong. While we both may have never been with either of these women, there's a greater chance that the obese woman in your photo was actually using you as her toilet slave. Lots of shit piling into your mouth and all over your face, resulting in lots of arguments that you could make here.

Cockhold toilet slave: If you take a closer look you will see she is not touching the little man. I bet you wish you were though.

Leave it to a MEAT gazer, a member of the ECCIE Dutch Rudder Gang who indulges in lots of tube steak sandwiches with healthy doses of man mayo while at the HEB parking lot, to make note of where "the little man" is pointing, and whether the device she's holding is touching "the little man" or not.

Unlike you, I don't take a closer look at people's dicks, so it'd be natural for you to pick things up regarding what a dick is doing, and what's happening to it.

You were so much taken up by the fudge that she was feeding you, that when your pee pee got moved, you didn't notice.

MEAT gazer.

Cockhold toilet slave: I have seen videos where the bull has came up behind a woman while she was sitting on a Cucks face and slid inside her.

On top of being a MEAT gazer, you're also into cockhold videos. I KNEW IT! You're into being a cockhold, just like you're into being a toilet slave! Being a cuckhold gives you a "front row seat" to meat gazing, one that you experience over and over again.

Cockhold toilet slave: Have you crossed that line yet?

Nope, never done it, that's another area that you've ventured into that I won't. I've had an experience with two women though, where one was making me live up to my username, and another was riding me cowgirl style.

But, based on your description, if a second guy was able to come in and have sex with her, she wasn't sitting on his face. She was engaged in "face hovering", not face sitting. But you don't care, don't you, as long as you have your cockhold experiences as the cockhold with a front row view of meat gazing.
herfacechair's Avatar

I found a picture of MT Fluffer on his back, recharging after getting his ass handed to him. MT Pockets is laying on the floor receiving his next series of arguments. Originally Posted by herfacechair
I, MT Pockets, enjoy doing that, thank you for posting that, I just beat off to that picture, thinking of the last time I served as a toilet boy, which was this morning. I, MT Pockets, enjoy and love this so much. Did that gal binge eat the day before? If so I could see if she is as full of shit as I, MT Pockets, am. LOL!

PS that's not me in the picture, because I, MT Pockets, prefer obese women using me as a toilet slave, as that's how I could get even more arguments to use! Originally Posted by MT Pockets
lustylad's Avatar
"Cockhold Toilet Slave"!


Must be a Mckinney thing!

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
crickets are chirping!
MT Pockets's Avatar
Cockhold toilet slave: Okay as I will on many of your replies here.

That's a good start, admitting that you are into being a toilet slave will start you on a long path of you accepting your individual fetish.
I love how you edit the wording and then reply to it. Do you think people can not go back and see what was originally written?
Cockhold toilet slave: I will remind you that the photo is not me. (REPEAT POINT)

Since you don't want to figure this out, I will spell it out for you. You posted a photo on here, of an obese woman sitting on a guy's face, and implied that the guy in the photo is me. In response, I posted a photo of a toilet slave in action, and implied that it was you.

Do you see what is going on here? As what others have done here, you attempted to have laughter at my expense. When I reciprocated, and give you the same treatment that you gave me, you God defensive. Which leads to a question. Is this a situation to where you cannot take the very thing that you dish out?

Here, let me present it this way. What was going on in your mind when you showed an obese woman sitting on a guy's face? Guess what? I thought something similar when I decided to give you a taste of your own medicine. I could tell, by response, that you don't enjoy the taste of your own medicine. Here is your medicine anyway.

Cockhold toilet slave: Even if I was in to that

Judging by the amount of crap that you spew on this thread, and elsewhere, there would be a strong argument that you would actually be into that. After all, that would nicely explain how you seem to have an endless supply of crap to spray all over here.

Cockhold toilet slave: what would the chances be that you would have found my photo.

Let's use your "logic". Earlier in this thread, you posted a photo, of a an obese woman sitting on a guy's face and claimed that guy to be me. So, the question can be thrown back at you. What would be the chances of you finding a photo of me being facesat?

I figured that since you were joking about that guy being me, that you would understand the logic and humor of my using the exact same thing as you did, except this time, using a picture of a toilet slave in action and describing it as you.

You see I said I thought it was you. But you stated it was. I think you should brush up on your cognitive skills a bit. That oxygen deprivation is a bitch isn't it.
Cockhold toilet slave: But If you insist it is me I will report you to the mods and you can explain to them in one of your Novellas how you are so bright and all knowing. maybe they will bend the rules for you.

The only way that you would get away with reporting this to the moderators is if that is an actual picture of you. Given the enthusiasm you have, and competence, that you would have in this argument when reporting this to the moderators, in response to my statements that you're the toilet slave in the picture, that would be a good indication that you would be the person in that picture.

However, if you would see my statements, that you are the toilet slave in the photo, in the same way as I see your statements regarding the photo with the obese facesitting woman, you would know that I'm doing to you what you did to me. This is a classic case of you being willing to dish things out, but not willing to take what you dish out.

If that is in you, then you must be jealous of him, as you probably wish that you were the toilet slave shown in the photo.

Remember, wait you do not remember I never said it was you. So your argument does not hold water. Try again. I am willing to take all you can dish. I think you on the other hand are not. You have already made several missteps. the only tool you have is the willingness to blab till the cows come home. Most people get tired of having to reply to your never ending novellas that break every sentence down and even edit some of them. It is pointless. You have one strategy. That is to type the most and the last.
Cockhold toilet slave: That makes two of us. Now you can reply stating it is me. Then I can forward that to the Mods as well. WE both know it is you that are the one that delves in this realm.

Do you see the contradiction in terms here? Your "That makes the two of us," statement, is acknowledgment of my statement that I am not into that. By acknowledging that, then turning around and insisting that I am the one into that, you contradicted yourself. Which is it? This is more proof that you are pulling shit out of your mouth and ass, on the account of multiple mistresses using you as their toilet slave, that you are losing shit and spewing it all over this message board.

There's no need to be ashamed of your fetish, we both know that only one person, in this exchange, is into being a toilet slave, YOU!

Funny how you take my comments out of context. If you were as witty as you claim you would not have to LOL. As far as I see, only one of us is in to face sitting. But If you feel better thinking it is more commonplace then sure go for it.
Cockhold toilet slave: Again more proof you are an "Outer" if that is what you want.

As in, outing one of the fetishes that you enjoy? Well, given the amount of crap that you spew on these threads, I shouldn't we the one that suspects that you are getting all that crap from somewhere. That fetish of yours, that involves you receiving additional arguments, as shown in the picture above, would nicely explain where you get all the crap that you spew all over this board.
Blah Blah? Again you are acting as though it really is me after just saying the pic is fictional. Using your insults as a basis for your assertions is pretty feeble
Cockhold toilet slave: Since it was not me. I will have to accept your explanation of what happens in those type sessions. You are the expert after all.

Nope, I'm very much describing you. My describing your experiences would not make me an expert, like you, when it comes to being a toilet slave. You have the actual experience. Me? Your attempt at deflecting your traits onto me, based on what I said about your experiences, would be like trying to describe me as a Martian colonist for trying to concept what self-governance would be like among human colonies on Mars.

I'm left with just imagining what your experiences are, as I have never done that. This contrasts with the first-hand experience being a toilet slave. You probably enjoy the enclosed space that your head is in, and the sound of the muffled farts as it bounces around inside the toilet and around your head. You just love that enclosed space muffled sound, and the smell that comes with it.

Don't be bashful, you can freely admit that you enjoy those sounds, followed by the sounds of fudge being dispensed. For you, that's the sound of additional arguments that you can later use on these threads.

More fodder based on your fictitious pic again? Really?
How can I respond? You make insults then comment on them. That is typical MO of a few on here. Must be a GOP thing.

Cockhold toilet slave: Actually I feel more like I am full of smoke after reading your reply

That's because I'm smoking you in this argument/exchange. When reading that, think Army terminology. Still not a good thing for you. It would be like describing the criminal, that refuses to part with his gun, getting lit up like a Christmas tree in the hands of the cops that send rounds his way. That's the "smoked" that I'm talking about.

So, for you, this is a cycle. First, you assume the position, head inside the toilet slave toilet bowl. Then the woman in the picture above takes a seat does her daily constitutional. Presto, you have your arguments that you bring to this message board. You spew her crap all over the place, then you end up getting smoked.

Wow another wild story with no real connection to the comment. Since we both know that is not me. Why do you keep basing all your elaborations about it? Now we both know you are full of shit and blow smoke up people asses all day. So my comment was in context. Yours? Not so much. I do see how you worked that Army angle in there that was good at least. Just wasted on a failed reply.
Cockhold toilet slave: No I laugh when I think of how you always have to wonder what the last guy did with the girl on your face along with what she ate for lunch.

So let me guess, as your head is enclosed in that toilet slave toilet bowl, and you are receiving your next batch of arguments, you're pondering what the woman, that made me live up to my username, had for lunch?

It wouldn't surprise me if the woman that I had FS + SOMF with, would also be one of the women that uses you as her toilet slave. Or, she used you as her toilet slave, wiped her ass, left the shit stained toilet paper in your mouth, then proceeded to take a shower so that she could have FS + SOMF with me.

So, it appears that in addition to being a slave, you are into being a cockhold. I tip my hat to you for being a SCAT cockhold.

Still more bullshit that has no bearing on a reply to any facts. Just the usual waste of words by the token blabbermouth.
Cockhold toilet slave: I did not see her as obese. I thought she was attractive.

One of two things are possible here.

You're engaging in your usual gas lighting BS, as there are plenty of pictures of facesitting women that are hot and have the perfect body structure to engage in facesitting. In my eyes at least. I've lost count of how many facesitting pictures that I've came across that involved a hot woman, not an obese one. You had to have come across these pictures in your search, but you disregarded them.

If you think that she was "attractive", and "not" obese, more power to you, I guess beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. But, that's not what your thought process was when you posted that picture. You had to see those other pictures that I mentioned here, but disregarded them in favor of the one that you chose, because you intended to insult me for humor, which resulted me in insulting you in kind for humor.

But again, with all that poop covering your face, I could see how your thinking would get distorted and assume that she wasn't obese, or that you're doing something else other than serving as a toilet slave.

Man you went all out to cover that one tiny comment. I figured you were a shallow Hal type. Seems like a conman trait among the weirdos. Like I said, I thought it might be one of the ladies you saw because just as you said, not many can do much with you gnashing on them besides pray to God you hurry up and they can get the fuck out of there.
Cockhold toilet slave: It is hard to find women that will sit on your face and read

Actually, I've had a hard time getting a woman to do things that she wouldn't normally do while sitting, while she is making me live up to my username. The DATY that I'm giving her makes it impossible for her to focus on anything else.

Getting a woman to make me live up to my username is easy, just like it's easy for you to get people to use you as their toilet slave. The more poo that you could chug, the more you could stay here and argue.

Since I do not "chug poo" I will sent all the inquiry's to you. It seems like you are an expert at those things.
Cockhold toilet slave: your bullshit

Don't confuse my arguments for the daily fudge that SCAT mistresses force feed you on a regular basis, and for your arguments. They're two different things.

I've had women, that made me live up to my username, enjoy reading my posts, and enjoy the way I pulverized people like you in debate.

How hard is it to let a woman sit on your face? Is there no gravity at your house. I know it is full of hot air but I don't think that would make them float. LOL. I bet you can pulverize a piece of meat!
Cockhold toilet slave: so I figured she had to be one of your harem.

Don't assume, that because you have an "any type" mentality when it comes to the person you'd have using you as a toilet slave, that I'd have the same mentality regarding facesitting women.

I only have a specific type range of women that I'd have make me live up to my username. I don't just ask any woman to make me live up to my username. This is opposite to you, of course, where you'd ask anybody that needs to poop to use you as a toilet slave.

Again. You being so picky about your accomplice does not mean you have good taste, or them either for that matter! LOL! see what I did there! Ha ha I crack myself up! Oh shit I did it again! You know "crack" Man this is fun!
Cockhold toilet slave: So while we both may have never been with either of those women, there is a much greater chance you have been with the one I posted.

Actually, you got that all wrong. While we both may have never been with either of these women, there's a greater chance that the obese woman in your photo was actually using you as her toilet slave. Lots of shit piling into your mouth and all over your face, resulting in lots of arguments that you could make here.
So the one on the toilet has less of a chance of shitting in my mouth? You really are brain damaged.
Cockhold toilet slave: If you take a closer look you will see she is not touching the little man. I bet you wish you were though.

Leave it to a MEAT gazer, a member of the ECCIE Dutch Rudder Gang who indulges in lots of tube steak sandwiches with healthy doses of man mayo while at the HEB parking lot, to make note of where "the little man" is pointing, and whether the device she's holding is touching "the little man" or not.

Unlike you, I don't take a closer look at people's dicks, so it'd be natural for you to pick things up regarding what a dick is doing, and what's happening to it.

You were so much taken up by the fudge that she was feeding you, that when your pee pee got moved, you didn't notice.

MEAT gazer.

Coming from the man that found the pic in the first place. Since my head is covered you identified me by my "meat" as you like to call it.
Cockhold toilet slave: I have seen videos where the bull has came up behind a woman while she was sitting on a Cucks face and slid inside her.

On top of being a MEAT gazer, you're also into cockhold videos. I KNEW IT! You're into being a cockhold, just like you're into being a toilet slave! Being a cuckhold gives you a "front row seat" to meat gazing, one that you experience over and over again.
I had to study up in case you invite me over. I need to know when to finish her off after you fluffing her.
Cockhold toilet slave: Have you crossed that line yet?

Nope, never done it, that's another area that you've ventured into that I won't. I've had an experience with two women though, where one was making me live up to my username, and another was riding me cowgirl style.

But, based on your description, if a second guy was able to come in and have sex with her, she wasn't sitting on his face. She was engaged in "face hovering", not face sitting. But you don't care, don't you, as long as you have your cockhold experiences as the cockhold with a front row view of meat gazing.
Originally Posted by herfacechair
Another detailed explanation that you seemed to be an expert on. Sure you haven't given it a try?
herfacechair's Avatar
Cockhold Toilet Slave: I love how you edit the wording and then reply to it. Do you think people can not go back and see what was originally written?

That statement, that I am addressing, is what you actually said. Yes, people can go back and see what was originally written. So, if you were to go back to the post that I'm replying to, you would see that you did, indeed, say the following:

"Okay as I will on many of your replies here." -- Cockhold Toilet Slave

Go ahead, nobody is looking. Follow the trail back to where you originally made the post that I'm replying to. You would see, for yourself, that no editing was done. This is just another example of you not doing what you're talking about. Even when it comes to what you have done, or what you will do in the future for that matter, you get it wrong. If you cannot get straight what you have done, what makes you think that anything else you say is valid? This is just an example of you being constantly wrong.

This is more proof that you are full of shit, understandable given your SCAT fetish.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: You see I said I thought it was you. But you stated it was.

What you actually said:

"I think I found a pic of old HFC." -- Cockhold Toilet Slave

What did you think? You thought that you found an old photo of me. The implication was clear. You attempted to identify me as the person being facesat. Unlike you, I understood that you were using humor. So, in response, I used similar humor in showing a picture of you in a toilet slave position.

If your cognitive skills were as you claim mine should be, you would've understood that this was a back and forth jab. Your reactions, on the other hand, indicated that I got you good. Your responses were priceless, watching you drop from "humor mode" to "serious mode" spoke volumes of the fact that you can dish it, but not take it.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: I think you should brush up on your cognitive skills a bit.

First, my cognitive skills are great, as opposed to yours. You're the one that is taking me out of context, and addressing what you wish, or thought, I said instead of addressing what I actually said. I hammered you over that not too long ago. The fact that you keep coming back to get destroyed speaks volumes against your cognitive skills.

Second, my cognitive skills accurately pointed out the fact that this initially started as a back-and-forth humor insult between the two of us. This is no different from what other members here are doing. They also tell me that your reactions indicate that you have a thin skin, and that you are very sensitive. This on top of you being narcissistic. Your reactions here reinforce, and substantiate, the profile that I have on you.

Third, it speaks volumes for my cognitive skills when I can identify your psychological makeup, and craft my replies in a way to get you to respond a specific way. I get a good laugh at reading your replies. In fact, my reactions, while reading your reply, go back and forth between smiling, and laughing.

I'm spinning you like a top, and taking sadistic pleasure while I'm at it. You, on the other hand, don't realize what I'm doing, even when I spell it out for you. You see my explanation, but narcissism drives you on.

Fourth, your cognitive skills are such that you do not realize that the longer you keep making a fool out of yourself on this thread, the more credibility you lose. In case you haven't noticed, those on this message board, on my side of the argument, are learning from what I am doing. The longer you keep putting yourself through the grinder, the more they learn, the more tools they place in their own handbag when it comes to handing you guys your assess long after I stop posting here... Which will happen after your side of the argument wizens up by stopping the "X" in the X/Y relationship.

I don't need to worry about "spoiling" my intentions with your actions here, as your narcissism is such that you would disregard, why I'm spinning you like a top, and keep plowing through.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: That oxygen deprivation is a bitch isn't it.

You, as the toilet slave, would know what it's like to be deprived of oxygen, wouldn't you? You know, with all of that poo covering your mouth, your nostrils, and face, you know what it is like to be deprived of oxygen. That is, until you start hacking to catch a few precious stinky breaths before more poo is dropped into your mouth.

I have no problems breathing with the brand of SOMF that I partake in. In fact, I also do not have problems breathing generating this reply, or others like it, destroying you and those on your side of the argument.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Remember, wait you do not remember I never said it was you.

If you bothered reading replies, free of emotion and narcissism, you would notice that like you, I'm jabbing you for humor purposes. You, who insinuates that my cognitive abilities "are not" what they are, should have the cognitive ability to see that. However, this isn't the case. What started off as my giving you a taste of your medicine has resulted in you getting defensive and backpedaling.

This is a clear-cut sign that you are willing to have humor at somebody else's expense, but when that somebody else gives you a taste of your own medicine, they get under your thin skin and your narcissism takes over. Now, I have you trying to explain yourself when I understood that you were attempting to use humor. I've explained this more than once already, and here you are, still trying to explain yourself and what should obviously be, to you, a humor exchange.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: So your argument does not hold water.

Not only does my argument hold water, it's consistently on point. I accurately described what is going on between us, with regards to your posting of a photo, and my posting of a counter photo. In order to claim that someone's argument "doesn't hold water", you actually have to be on topic, and know what you are talking about. You obviously don't know what you're talking about, and are speaking out of your ass, because I got you good in the jugular and you are reacting exactly the way I intended for you to react.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Try again.

I don't need to "try again" with regards to providing a response that you wouldn't be offended by. As I demonstrated here, you didn't know what you were talking about. I've been consistent in my rebuttals to you, in my message, as well as in my counter humor posts. You, on the other hand, consistently get it wrong. It's you that has to try again until you get it correct.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: I am willing to take all you can dish. I think you on the other hand are not.

Your actions here contradict what you claim. No, you aren't willing to take what I dish to you. By extension, you aren't willing to take what you dish out. If you were, you wouldn't be here attempting to backpedal from your original humor slam, and you wouldn't be getting defensive. You're attempting to argue against what you intended originally, in an attempt to argue against my counter humor slam. The fact that I would provide that counter humor slam is proof that I could take what you dish, and turn around and shove your own dish down your throat. If you were able to take that, you would not have said many of the things that you said here in an attempt to back away from your original humor posts that started this specific exchange.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: You have already made several missteps.

Wrong. I've been consistent in both argument and strategy, as well as with the tools that I use in carrying both out. I've done what's needed to be done, made the right steps, advanced the right arguments, fired accurate flames, etc.

You, on the other hand, consistently engage in several missteps. I have consistently called you out on those missteps. For example, you claimed, originally, that unless I had something constructive to say, you would not reply to me. Yet, since then, your replies to me insinuated that my posts were other than something that was constructive. That misstep gave away what your actual mindset was. There are others as well, but I'm hammering you so hard that I've lost count of how many missteps you've engaged in.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: the only tool you have is the willingness to blab till the cows come home.

First, don't mistake a reasoned, logical argument, destroying your own argument, as "blabbing to the cows come home". It isn't. What you're complaining about, here, is my refusal to let your BS stand. You are willing to keep spewing the crap that you've previously chugged during your toilet slave sessions, onto this thread, and you have no problem with your doing that until the cows come home. However, heaven forbid that one of us keeps hammering you for as long as you're willing to spew your crap. It's blatantly obvious that you are not used to having someone, like me, constantly reply to you. You would rather that I would let your BS stand then to do what I am actually doing here. Not happening. I take sadistic pleasure in consistently hammering you.

Second, as those, on my side of the argument here recognize, I have multiple tools in my tool bag. I've described some of them here, on this thread. One of them is my ability to get a good idea of what your psychological profile is based on how you reply. I've successfully tested that profile by saying certain things that I know would get you to react a certain way. I've consistently been successful in causing you to react in a way that exposes your psychological profile more.

You're simply too sensitive, emotional, dense, etc., to see that.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Most people get tired of having to reply to your never ending novellas that break every sentence down

Unlike you, those people exercise better judgment. That's what it boils down to. I found, in my 13 years of debating liberals like you, that there is an inverse relationship between the willingness of someone to argue with me, and good judgment. In other words, the more someone is willing to argue against me, the more likely they are to exercise poor judgment.

After all, replying to me is piss poor judgement. Why is that?

I don't argue just any topic under the sun. There are certain conditions that have to be met before I would argue a topic.

1. I have to have more knowledge, on the topic being argued, then the opposition. This knowledge has to be based on first-hand experience, studied/research experience, or a combination of them.

2. The opposition, that I intend to argue against, that I will continue to argue against, have to clearly be wrong.

As soon as I jump in, a third requirement kicks in:

3. The opposition has to continue to argue.

In other words, if I'm on a thread telling a person, or a group of people, that they are wrong, or showing them that they are wrong, they are indeed wrong. See points 1 and 2 above. When the opposition insists on arguing what is clearly an erroneous position, the opposition is showing that they are driven by arrogance/narcissism in arguing an invalid argument, and thus are exercising poor judgment.

You guys exercise poor judgment by thinking that you guys are right, when you are wrong, and by continuing to against someone, or a group of people, telling you that you are wrong. My series of posts here, countering your arguments as well as those advanced by your allies, represent me showing, and proving, you guys are wrong. Arrogance drives you guys to exercise poor judgment in attempting to argue an invalid argument.

I started noticing this inverse relationship when I started debating liberals. This was verified on Facebook when I started debating there. As I suspected, from my debates in anonymous forms like this before facebook existed, none of the successful people on my friends list pursued an argument against me. Every single Facebook person that I knew, that was successful in the real world, quickly disengaged from an argument against me.

Those are my Facebook friends list who insisted on arguing against me? The very people that complained about being passed over for promotion, for not getting a pay raise, or the very people who go from one dead-end job to another. Many of the people, that I have argued against repeatedly, have "self-employed" in their profile based on a MLM scheme. The reality is that they were unemployed, or were unable to hold a job.

What ties this to their decision to keep arguing against me? Piss poor judgment, both with the decision to argue with me, and whatever decision, or set of decisions, they've made that prevented them from being successful career wise. That is the piss poor judgment that I see you exercising over here. There is an excellent chance that you exercise this piss poor judgment outside of ECCIE.

Meaning, these other people that you talked about, although they have exercised poor judgment by previously arguing against me, don't exercise it as much as you do.

THAT's what you have just admitted to and that statement above.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: and even edit some of them.

This is both your narcissism and emotion speaking. I've been hammering you, long enough, for you to notice that I would take what you actually say and break it down by the individual points, or collection of similar points, that you make. I address what you actually say, unlike you, who has taken me out of context repeatedly just so that you would have an argument.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: It is pointless.

If it is pointless, why are you continuing to reply? As usual, your actions betray your arguments. If you honest to God believe that replying to me is "pointless", you would follow that up with action. You wouldn't have even replied to me.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: You have one strategy.

I have multiple strategies. The reason that you insist that I "only" have "one" strategy is that your arrogance/narcissism blinds you to the multiple strategies that I am using. I repeatedly pointed out one strategy, that I use, to get you to react a certain way. There are other strategies that I use as well to destroy your argument, as well as the arguments of those on your side of the argument.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: That is to type the most

You see, even when you are provided the facts, here, you disregard them on the account of your narcissism and emotion working in overdrive. Given the amount of "writing" that I have to do, it would be insane for me to attempt to do it by typing. Keep in mind that I'm working on my dissertation. There is a lot of "writing" involved with that. I take a break from the dissertation to come here in order to smack you around for the retarded comments that you make. Given the documentations that I have to keep generating, each day, "typing" would be insane.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: and the last.

I already explained to you the process, between us, that you should have gotten down by now. This is a pattern of you replying, and of my providing you with a counter reply. Again, let "X" be your reply to me. Let "Y" be my counter reply to you. If X, then Y. In other words, I warned you that your replies to me will draw counter replies from me.

Again, I take sadistic pleasure in doing this. As you have complained, I take your posts apart, and counter them point by point. I have fun doing this, and have indicated that out could, and would, do this indefinitely.

Meaning, it shouldn't surprise you that I would provide you with a reply. I could tell, by your mentioning this, that it bothers you that I would "type last". Why don't you be honest with us and tell me that you would rather have me not reply to you, thus letting you post your BS as the "last post".

Not happening! I have every intention of providing you with a counter rebuttal for as long as you insist on arguing here. Remember, I've done this for 13 years, I'll be doing it for much longer after this post. I'll never tire of doing this either.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Funny how you take my comments out of context.

Go back to the comment that I made, you will notice that I quoted your statement as you made it. I included a group of three sentences, the first sentence that you make contradicts the third sentence that you make. Go ahead, nobody is looking. Go back and re-read the comment that you made, both in my post and in the post that I am replying to. I didn't take you out of context. I accurately explained the fact that you contradicted yourself with those two sentences.

That is a far cry then you cherry picking my posts, and addressing specific sentences out of context of the entire paragraph that those sentences came from. This is simply you denying that you made an argument, representing the fact that you are backpedaling from your argument.

Did you get that? Not only are you backpedaling from your initial humor post that started this specific argument, you appear to be backpedaling from your other arguments on this thread. You're seeing that you're getting your ass handed to you, but your arrogance isn't allowing you to admit to that.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: If you were as witty as you claim you would not have to LOL.

Go back to the statement that I made, were you made this reply. I went back to my original reply, I didn't see where I "LOL". However, I did see where I said this: YOU! This is more proof that I got you in the jogular, that you are purely emotional, driven by narcissism and a thin skin, in your reply to me. You're not even understanding what I'm saying, or even addressing what I am actually saying. Instead, you are making assumptions about what I said, and addressing those assumptions rather than what I actually said. You are so angry that you misinterpreted an entirely capitalized word, "YOU," as "LOL".

Cockhold Toilet Slave: As far as I see, only one of us is in to face sitting. But If you feel better thinking it is more commonplace then sure go for it.

What I actually said, in the statement that you are directly addressing:

"There's no need to be ashamed of your fetish, we both know that only one person, in this exchange, is into being a
toilet slave, YOU!" -- herfacechair

Where, in that statement, do I insist that you are into facesitting? There is a whole world of difference between SCAT and facesitting with regards to what is entailed. Nowhere, in the statement that you addressed, do I insist that you are into my fetish, being face sat.

I already know that my fetish isn't commonplace. The women that I have been with have verified that. However, I'm not identifying you as having my fetish. In my return fire, regarding humor insults, I've humor insulted you as having the toilet slave fetish.

But, the fact that you would completely take me out of context, and address something that I did not say, speaks volumes to the fact that you saw my reply, and got pissed. Your replies reflect a lot of narcissism driven emotion from a guy with thin skin.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Blah Blah?

Good! Good! Let the anger flooow through you!

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Again you are acting as though it really is me after just saying the pic is fictional. Using your insults as a basis for your assertions is pretty feeble

You do realize that I'm giving you your medicine, do you? Again, what was going through your mind when you posted a picture claiming that you "may have found" an old picture of me? An attempt to be humorous at may expense, maybe? It's obvious that I am still in that mindset when returning that humor to you. What you are addressing is my continuance of that humor.

This is you demonstrating, again, that you are unable to take what you dish out. You are looking at the same treatment given to you, that you gave to me. However, instead of recognizing your own medicine, you are letting your thin skin speak for you. You are making it blatantly obvious that I am getting on your skin, and that I am getting you to spin like a top.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: More fodder based on your fictitious pic again?

That's more of your medicine, I could see that you cannot handle the taste of your own medicine. what you are witnessing is my continuously getting under your skin, and getting you to reply in a way that's causing a lot of laughter. If you bothered reading my posts, with the intention of understanding what you are reading, you would see that I'm giving you a taste of your treatment. Your reaction tells me that you can't take what you dish out. Consequently, you are getting sensitive and replying accordingly.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Really?

Yes, really. What you are seeing is my continuously doing to you what you initially did to me. This goes back to the "dishing out" again. You dished out some humor, and I dished it back. Instead of recognizing your own antics, you start to act defensive, indicating that you have thin skin, are sensitive, and are very narcissistic.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: How can I respond?

You can respond like someone that can take what he dishes out. Unfortunately, for you, instead of taking what you dish out, you go "snowflake" mode when things get dished back to you. Consequently, the effects of my using certain words, to get a reaction from you, end up getting amplified.

Or, you can simply take a course of action that would stop me from hammering you. I have explained, what you could do, multiple times with my X/Y analogy.

Want me to stop hammering you? Stop replying to me. It's THAT simple!

If you insist on replying to me, you don't have a leg to stand on complaining about how I hammer you, or about the fact that I keep hammering you. When it comes to arguments, the opposition can't have their cake and eat it too.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: You make insults then comment on them.

Which is exactly what you are doing, but you have no problem doing it on your end. It's when I do it on my end, in response to you, that all of a sudden, it becomes a problem. Hence, you can't take what you dish out.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: That is typical MO of a few on here.

You described your side of the argument to the "T". That is one of your strategies, as well as that of those that I have argued against both on ECCIE and elsewhere. The other things that you've done include taking comments out of context, arguing against what you thought was said vice what was actually said, using strawman arguments, etc.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Must be a GOP thing.

Nope, it's a Democrat/liberal/regressive thing. I see that constantly in your arguments, as well as that of those on your side of the argument.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Wow another wild story with no real connection to the comment.

False, there is a purpose behind every word, sentence, paragraph, etc., that I use in reply. Every single thing that I said, in response to you, has everything to do with what I am responding to. Yes, the analogy that I used had everything to do with responding to your failed analogy. There was a strong connection between my response and your screed.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Since we both know that is not me.

Wrong, we both know that is you. The difference, between you and me, is that your arrogance/narcissism is preventing you to see what your intellect is trying to tell you. Your intellect is telling you the same thing that is obvious to me, that you're getting smoked in this argument. You're getting your ass handed to you repeatedly, and shoved down your throat. You refuse to acknowledge that, typical of a thin skinned, snowflake, narcissistic poster.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Why do you keep basing all your elaborations about it?

Wrong, not basing "all of my elaborations about it". With regards to the insult, I'm adding to it, and elaborating on it, knowing full well that I am getting under your skin. Based on my getting on your skin, you are reacting accordingly. You don't realize that, all you are doing is reacting in a way that shows that you have a thin skin, you are sensitive, that you have control issues, that your narcissistic, etc.

With regards to building on my explanation, I'm explaining to you how you are getting destroyed in this exchange.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Now we both know you are full of shit and blow smoke up people asses all day.

Wrong. Both your intellect, and I, know that it's YOU that's full of shit, who attempts to baffle people with your BS. Your intellect is trying to tell you this, and, on a deeper level, you are seeing this. Your narcissism; however, prevents you from acknowledging the fact that you are getting destroyed in this exchange, and that you are getting smoked.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: So my comment was in context. Yours? Not so much.

Wrong. In order for your comment to be in context, you would have to reply free of raging emotions, driven by a thin skin and narcissism. What you're doing is equivalent to pointing in the general direction of the enemy and randomly squeezing rounds downrange, without hitting anything.

Not only were my comments in context, which you took out of context, but they were dead accurate. Dead accurate in that where I made valid points, I hit the target. Dead accurate with regards to eliciting a certain type of response from you, I hit the target again.

You're not making your comments in context, and you take me out of context when you reply to me. You, stating otherwise, are speaking from narcissism.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: I do see how you worked that Army angle in there that was good at least. Just wasted on a failed reply.

Yes, the Army angle was good, extremely good on the account that I took your words and showed you how you shot yourself on the foot. You walked right into that one.

My use of that was very applicable to my reply to the specific statement that you made that I'm encountering. Nope, not wasted. If it was, you would not have replied to it. Your entire reply, on the other hand, was a failed reply. Understandable given that you are driven by emotion and narcissism in this exchange.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Still more bullshit that has no bearing on a reply to any facts.

Again, that is me returning fire regarding a humor insult. Once again, you prove that you cannot take what you dish out. You would recognize when you throw out a humor insult, but when one is thrown back in your direction, you get defensive. Do keep showing me that you are sensitive, thin-skinned, narcissistic, etc.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Just the usual waste of words

I got you so good, with my counter insult, that you were left speechless. However, given your narcissism, you refused to be in position to where you got destroyed in a way that you recognize that you got destroyed. So, you "dismissed" my comment as "waste of words".

To use your own words, I assure you, none of my words are wasted. Your replies indicate that my intent with my words, sentences, and paragraphs, was achieved.
The only way that my words would be "the usual waste", would be for you to ignore my posts and me. That would be the only way to deny the action, from you, that I intended to elicit with the words that I use.

The fact that you keep coming back, as intended by the way I put my words together, speaks volumes to the fact that my words aren't wasted.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: by the token blabbermouth.

Says the guy that is showing that he is increasingly becoming unhinged. The only blabbermouth, between the two of us, is you. There's no organization, or discipline, coming from your posts. You're giving me the usual emotional knee jerk response typical of someone who is thin skinned and sensitive. You've been reduced to being a liberal windbag, blowing empty air out as if you were a vehicle with wheels rapidly spinning, but with the vehicle going nowhere.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Man you went all out to cover that one tiny comment.

Because you were colossally wrong, that's why. Again, there's a purpose behind every word, sentence, and paragraph that I use in my reply. My response had multiple purposes. One of them was to call you out on your BS, where you tried to back pedal from your insults after I insulted you harder and you proved to be unable to take what you dished out. I subsequently followed that up with two likely scenarios.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: I figured you were a shallow Hal type. Seems like a conman trait among the weirdos.

First, the "Steve Hawkins" reference, now the "Hal" reference. You do realize that your intellect is trying to tell you that you're getting destroyed by someone with a better vantage point than you, do you? This tells me that even you see that I'm hammering you in debate, that my arguments have validity to where yours has none... So now you're left doing nothing but pulling shit out of your ass as you strive to regain control of what you feel you've lost control in... Given that you're reacting like you've lost control throughout this thread.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Like I said, I thought it might be one of the ladies you saw because just as you said, not many can do much with you gnashing on them besides pray to God you hurry up and they can get the fuck out of there.

First, where, in any of my posts, do I claim that not many women could SOMF me per my definition of SOMF, because of my "gnashing" on them? Where, in any of my posts, do I claim that these women pray to God that I hurry up, "so that they could get the fuck out of there"? Where?

This, you cockhold toilet slave, is an example of what I mean when I say that you take people's comments out of context. So, in your next reply to me, I expect you to link to a post that I made where I've used those exact words.

What I actually said:

"Actually, I've had a hard time getting a woman to do things that she wouldn't normally do while sitting, while she is making me live up to my username. The DATY that I'm giving her makes it impossible for her to focus on anything else." -- herfacechair

If your cognitive abilities, and your reading comprehension abilities, were where they're supposed to be at, you'd understand that to mean that I provide them pleasure, thus they're consumed by pleasure. These women sit until they're satisfied with the number or orgasms they've had, or the intensity of the orgasms that they've had.

You, having premium access, would know that just by reading the reviews that I have. But again, liberals like you treat having to do actual research the way superman reacts to kryptonite.

Given your narcissism, you'd see something that you want to see, and not what's actually there to see. You refuse to see reality, because reality tells you that you're getting pulverized, and that I don't share your misfortunes.

Second, like I said, you intended for that to be an insult, deliberately choosing an obese, no, make that a woman that appears to be morbidly obese, instead of the numerous pictures that you came across depicting hot women doing the facesitting. Choosing a woman that appears morbidly obese was intended as an insult.

If you don't see her as being obese, guess what? That's a powerful indication that YOU are obese, and thus would not see her as being obese. Luke_Wyatt? Is this you?

Let's add this to the fact that you resorted to an attempt to use "formal English" in the face of my hitting you good with a humor insult, in the form of you saying, "I assure you..." The only other poster that I've seen, who attempted to resort to "formal English" in response to another one of my humor insults, was bigtext.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Since I do not "chug poo" I will sent all the inquiry's to you. It seems like you are an expert at those things.

Again, you don't have to be bashful regarding your SCAT fetish. Your daily dose of poo gives you the ammunition you need to keep coming back to reply to us. Unlike you, I don't have any experience in the toilet slave arena. I could only imagine what it'd be like. You, on the other hand, know this first hand. Why, you're afraid that the SCAT mistresses would stop using you as their toilet slave, as you'd run out of things to say here if they did.

My hat's off to you for your ability to chug poo and piss better than many people could chug beer. CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG... That's you chugging poo.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: How hard is it to let a woman sit on your face? Is there no gravity at your house.

Getting them to sit on my face is no problem. It shouldn't surprise me that you, not having that much experience with women, can't figure out what I meant, even after I specified what I meant. I thought you'd understand this, but I guess I'll have to explain it to you to make up for your lack of experience with women.

How many times have I mentioned "full weight" with regards to facesitting? From here, there's a wonderful thing called "common sense" that could tell you what's meant by this:

"I prefer the reverse facesit, or riding the south face. The animated picture in this link is close to what I prefer. The woman in the picture looks like she's using her legs to carry her weight, she should relax those muscles and settle down for a full weight facesit... The real facesit:" -- herfacechair

What part of "full weight" did you not understand? What part of "using her legs to carry her weight" did you not understand?

HEELLLOOOO! McFly! Anybody home McFly?

You do realize that many women are conscious of their weight when it comes to facesitting, do you? Most women are afraid that they'll crush the face, or suffocate the guy, and not realize that they won't do either when it comes to me.

Gravity isn't the issue, your lack of understand of women, and your lack of common sense, logic, etc., are the issues.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: I know it is full of hot air

How could you not know about the hot air part given that whenever I access your comments, all the hot air from your head flows into my house?

Cockhold Toilet Slave: but I don't think that would make them float.

But you're so full of shit that YOU float! Thanks to all of those scat mistresses, you wouldn't have to worry about drawing in a flood, you'd float, and the rest of your neighborhood would be able to save themselves by sitting on you, and hanging on your sides, rowing to the call of someone on you saying, ROW! ROW! ROW! ROW!

Cockhold Toilet Slave: LOL.

"If you were as witty as you claim you would not have to LOL." -- MT Pockets

Countering you with your own words is like beating a man up with his own prosthetic limb.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: I bet you can pulverize a piece of meat!

That's another area that you have experience in, that I don't, pulverizing pee pees, given your hobby of hanging out at the HEB parking lot, with the rest of the reach around crew, enjoying those tube steak sandwiches with healthy doses of man mayo.

I am; however, pulverizing your arguments and your attempts to be lame here.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Again. You being so picky about your accomplice

Says the very fat guy who has a problem seeing an obese woman as being obese. I noticed that you have nothing to say regarding my perspective of you thinking of her as "attractive" and as "not being fat". Again, this is an indication that you yourself are fat. Not only is this an indication of your potential obesity, but if that overweight woman was "attractive" to you, that is an indication that you have a problem, in the woman department, when it comes to sex, or having sex.

You appear to go for long periods of time without having sex, that you would identify as "attractive" what others would not find as "attractive". I wouldn't be surprised if that woman in the picture, that is sitting on a guy's face, looks to you as a "Miss Universe" type of woman.

That speak strongly of you being sexually frustrated. Given your attitude on this message board, that wouldn't surprise me.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: does not mean you have good taste, or them either for that matter!

Your opinion, on my taste in women, is invalid. I have a very good taste when it comes to types of women. Three of the women, that I have reviewed here, have porn star experiences. Two of them are retired porn stars. Another one of them is an international porn star.

Guess what that means, stupid? It means that I partied with women that thousands of men have masturbated to. Two of these women I partied with more than once. The way they've grabbed me, to DKF me, speaks volumes to the fact that they have good tastes in men.

Also, I've had a facesitting session with Head Mistress Porsche Lynn. She's also a former porn star.

I have very good taste in women, your narcissism refuses to accept that given that you are more than likely a sexually frustrated oversized man.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: LOL! see what I did there! Ha ha I crack myself up! Oh shit I did it again! You know "crack"

Take it away MT Pockets:

"If you were as witty as you claim you would not have to LOL." -- MT Pockets

Thanks. Countering you with your own words is like beating a man up with his own prosthetic limb.

Yes, I see what you did, you're proving to me that you're losing it even more. LOL! Yes, you're "cracking yourself up", alright, cracking under pressure! BWAAAAHAAAAAHAAAA

You're so frustrated at the defeat that you're experiencing that you're starting to do the crazy laugh.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Man this is fun!

You need to be honest here, you're not having fun. I could tell, by the responses that you are giving, that you're getting frustrated, angry, more unhinged, etc. I could tell, but what you write, that you are livid hot with anger. No, you aren't having fun.

The only one, between the two of us, that is having so much fun doing this, is me. You do realize, that in addition to the other things that I explained here, that impact the length of my post, my having fun doing this also contribute to the length of my posts, my replies to you.

I've been debating liberals like you, for the past 13 years. How is it that I could debate you liberals for the past 13 years, and that I have every intention of debating with you liberals for much longer than that? Well, one of the reasons I could do that is that this is fun. I love watching you melt down, you are melting down worse than you were earlier in this thread.

In fact, pointing to your "MT Pockets" post, you are having a hard time containing the different personalities that you have had with previous personalities.
Thanks to your reply that I am replying to, I suspect you of not only being Luke_Wyatt, but of also being bigtext.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: So the one on the toilet has less of a chance of shitting in my mouth? You really are brain damaged.

Good, good! You're finding it harder to deny that you have people shit in your mouth.

Your interpretation of my statement proves that you're the one that is brain-damaged. The fact that I swapped the women out, in our respective posts, went completely over your head. Doesn't surprise me, given that you come across as retarded. I wouldn't be surprised if you wore shoes that were Velcro rather than utilized shoestrings. They would have to send you to school to learn how to tie your shoes before letting you have shoes that requires shoestrings.

The woman, in the photo that I presented, is hot. So, I swapped her out, in my insulting you, with a woman from your photo, the obese woman. So now, after the obese woman, sitting on the toilet bowl, with your head inside that same toilet bowl. Do you get the picture? If not, find somebody that could translate conversational English into retard terms so that you can hopefully understand what I am getting across.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Coming from the man that found the pic in the first place.

I could tell that you lack experience when it comes to trading insults. This is a good indication that you did not have many friends while growing up. This is also a good indication that you do not have that many friends now.

Why do I say this?

Well, had you grown up with a lot of friends, had you hung out with a lot of friends, you would know how to roll with the punches when it comes to trading humorous insults. You don't appear to be able to do that. So, my doing that, by taking the picture that I posted, and twisting and turning it to meet my intended humor insults at you, went completely over your head.

Your reaction is typical of what I would find with someone who has no experience doing this, typical of somebody that was a loner pretty much most of his life. Given your attitude, expressed on this thread and elsewhere, I could see why you would have grown up as a loner, and why, like when you were a kid, like when you were growing up, you do not have that many friends now.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Since my head is covered you identified me by my "meat" as you like to call it.

Wrong. Anybody with common sense look at the picture, that I posted, and see what is happening. The intent of my message? In response to the photo that you posted, I posted a photo of a toilet slave. Naturally, in the photo, the viewer will not see the head of the toilet slave. Common sense would fill in the blank.

Silly me for assuming that you had any common sense or sense of logic.

Also, let's look at what I actually said:

"Leave it to a MEAT gazer, a member of the ECCIE Dutch Rudder Gang who indulges in lots of tube steak sandwiches with healthy doses of man mayo while at the HEB parking lot, to make note of where "the little man" is pointing, and whether the device she's holding is touching "the little man" or not.

"Unlike you, I don't take a closer look at people's dicks, so it'd be natural for you to pick things up regarding what a dick is doing, and what's happening to it." -- herfacechair

I destroyed you, so hard, in this debate, as well as in the flame war, that your arrogance is working overtime to protect your snowflake self from seeing reality, the reality that you got thoroughly destroyed.

Yes, your head is indeed covered, in the poo that flowed down to surround your head on the account that your face and mouth overflowed with poo.

Lucky you, when you drove away, with all that poo dripping from your face, you honest to God were legally driving shitfaced.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: I had to study up in case you invite me over. I need to know when to finish her off after you fluffing her.

Holy crap, you're into trannies too! No wonder why you got mad at the photos I used, you have trannies do that to you instead!

What you said before:

"while she was sitting on a Cucks face" -- MT Pockets

"Cuck" or "Cock", as you use it here, is short for "cockhold". The statement that you used, following that up, described a "cockhold" scene. Why would you have to "study up on it" when you provided a description of it in a previous reply? In fact, you gave a graphic description, based on a video that you claimed to have watched, of what that entails.

More proof that you are full of shit; understandable given the fact that you are a cockhold toilet slave. You were watching those videos, of someone being a cockhold, because you are into being a cockhold, and you consistently have cockhold fantasies.

And no, I would not need to invite you over for two main reasons.

First, I provide these women with multiple orgasms via cunnilingus and FS. By the time we are done, they have problems having orgasms for a long time. This is especially the case when I make them shake violently as if they were having "woman quakes".

Inviting you over would not only destroy the "feel good" atmosphere, and their being on Cloud 9, but their feeling your pee pee afterwards would be a colossal step down. Having FS with your pee pee, after them feeling my guy during FS, would be like eating a greasy, poor quality hamburger, after eating at a five-star restaurant.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Another detailed explanation that you seemed to be an expert on. Sure you haven't given it a try?

I based my explanation on what you claimed you saw. You provided a graphic explanation of a cockhold experience. You talked about an alleged facesitting event where a "bull" came from behind and slid in. My response addressed your graphic explanation.

Using your own argument, since I based my explanation on your graphic explanation, that is a good indication that you are the one that gave it a try.

I know for a fact that I have never given that experience a try. Again, that is one area that you experienced, as a cockhold, that allowed you to provide a graphic explanation, that amounts to an experience I never had and never will.

For someone who has failed to score points against me, in other areas of the debate, you need to acknowledge when I point out the fact that you have certain experiences that I don't have. meaning, you have experiences related to you being a Cockhold toilet slave not only for mistresses, but also for trannies. Those experiences are born from your actually doing it, as driven by your cockhold toilet slave fantasies.
MT Pockets's Avatar
Cockhold Toilet Slave: I love how you edit the wording and then reply to it. Do you think people can not go back and see what was originally written?

That statement, that I am addressing, is what you actually said. Yes, people can go back and see what was originally written. So, if you were to go back to the post that I'm replying to, you would see that you did, indeed, say the following:

"Okay as I will on many of your replies here." -- Cockhold Toilet Slave

Go ahead, nobody is looking. Follow the trail back to where you originally made the post that I'm replying to. You would see, for yourself, that no editing was done. This is just another example of you not doing what you're talking about. Even when it comes to what you have done, or what you will do in the future for that matter, you get it wrong. If you cannot get straight what you have done, what makes you think that anything else you say is valid? This is just an example of you being constantly wrong.

This is more proof that you are full of shit, understandable given your SCAT fetish.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: You see I said I thought it was you. But you stated it was.

What you actually said:

"I think I found a pic of old HFC." -- Cockhold Toilet Slave

What did you think? You thought that you found an old photo of me. The implication was clear. You attempted to identify me as the person being facesat. Unlike you, I understood that you were using humor. So, in response, I used similar humor in showing a picture of you in a toilet slave position.

If your cognitive skills were as you claim mine should be, you would've understood that this was a back and forth jab. Your reactions, on the other hand, indicated that I got you good. Your responses were priceless, watching you drop from "humor mode" to "serious mode" spoke volumes of the fact that you can dish it, but not take it.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: I think you should brush up on your cognitive skills a bit.

First, my cognitive skills are great, as opposed to yours. You're the one that is taking me out of context, and addressing what you wish, or thought, I said instead of addressing what I actually said. I hammered you over that not too long ago. The fact that you keep coming back to get destroyed speaks volumes against your cognitive skills.

Second, my cognitive skills accurately pointed out the fact that this initially started as a back-and-forth humor insult between the two of us. This is no different from what other members here are doing. They also tell me that your reactions indicate that you have a thin skin, and that you are very sensitive. This on top of you being narcissistic. Your reactions here reinforce, and substantiate, the profile that I have on you.

Third, it speaks volumes for my cognitive skills when I can identify your psychological makeup, and craft my replies in a way to get you to respond a specific way. I get a good laugh at reading your replies. In fact, my reactions, while reading your reply, go back and forth between smiling, and laughing.

I'm spinning you like a top, and taking sadistic pleasure while I'm at it. You, on the other hand, don't realize what I'm doing, even when I spell it out for you. You see my explanation, but narcissism drives you on.

Fourth, your cognitive skills are such that you do not realize that the longer you keep making a fool out of yourself on this thread, the more credibility you lose. In case you haven't noticed, those on this message board, on my side of the argument, are learning from what I am doing. The longer you keep putting yourself through the grinder, the more they learn, the more tools they place in their own handbag when it comes to handing you guys your assess long after I stop posting here... Which will happen after your side of the argument wizens up by stopping the "X" in the X/Y relationship.

I don't need to worry about "spoiling" my intentions with your actions here, as your narcissism is such that you would disregard, why I'm spinning you like a top, and keep plowing through.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: That oxygen deprivation is a bitch isn't it.

You, as the toilet slave, would know what it's like to be deprived of oxygen, wouldn't you? You know, with all of that poo covering your mouth, your nostrils, and face, you know what it is like to be deprived of oxygen. That is, until you start hacking to catch a few precious stinky breaths before more poo is dropped into your mouth.

I have no problems breathing with the brand of SOMF that I partake in. In fact, I also do not have problems breathing generating this reply, or others like it, destroying you and those on your side of the argument.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Remember, wait you do not remember I never said it was you.

If you bothered reading replies, free of emotion and narcissism, you would notice that like you, I'm jabbing you for humor purposes. You, who insinuates that my cognitive abilities "are not" what they are, should have the cognitive ability to see that. However, this isn't the case. What started off as my giving you a taste of your medicine has resulted in you getting defensive and backpedaling.

This is a clear-cut sign that you are willing to have humor at somebody else's expense, but when that somebody else gives you a taste of your own medicine, they get under your thin skin and your narcissism takes over. Now, I have you trying to explain yourself when I understood that you were attempting to use humor. I've explained this more than once already, and here you are, still trying to explain yourself and what should obviously be, to you, a humor exchange.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: So your argument does not hold water.

Not only does my argument hold water, it's consistently on point. I accurately described what is going on between us, with regards to your posting of a photo, and my posting of a counter photo. In order to claim that someone's argument "doesn't hold water", you actually have to be on topic, and know what you are talking about. You obviously don't know what you're talking about, and are speaking out of your ass, because I got you good in the jugular and you are reacting exactly the way I intended for you to react.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Try again.

I don't need to "try again" with regards to providing a response that you wouldn't be offended by. As I demonstrated here, you didn't know what you were talking about. I've been consistent in my rebuttals to you, in my message, as well as in my counter humor posts. You, on the other hand, consistently get it wrong. It's you that has to try again until you get it correct.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: I am willing to take all you can dish. I think you on the other hand are not.

Your actions here contradict what you claim. No, you aren't willing to take what I dish to you. By extension, you aren't willing to take what you dish out. If you were, you wouldn't be here attempting to backpedal from your original humor slam, and you wouldn't be getting defensive. You're attempting to argue against what you intended originally, in an attempt to argue against my counter humor slam. The fact that I would provide that counter humor slam is proof that I could take what you dish, and turn around and shove your own dish down your throat. If you were able to take that, you would not have said many of the things that you said here in an attempt to back away from your original humor posts that started this specific exchange.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: You have already made several missteps.

Wrong. I've been consistent in both argument and strategy, as well as with the tools that I use in carrying both out. I've done what's needed to be done, made the right steps, advanced the right arguments, fired accurate flames, etc.

You, on the other hand, consistently engage in several missteps. I have consistently called you out on those missteps. For example, you claimed, originally, that unless I had something constructive to say, you would not reply to me. Yet, since then, your replies to me insinuated that my posts were other than something that was constructive. That misstep gave away what your actual mindset was. There are others as well, but I'm hammering you so hard that I've lost count of how many missteps you've engaged in.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: the only tool you have is the willingness to blab till the cows come home.

First, don't mistake a reasoned, logical argument, destroying your own argument, as "blabbing to the cows come home". It isn't. What you're complaining about, here, is my refusal to let your BS stand. You are willing to keep spewing the crap that you've previously chugged during your toilet slave sessions, onto this thread, and you have no problem with your doing that until the cows come home. However, heaven forbid that one of us keeps hammering you for as long as you're willing to spew your crap. It's blatantly obvious that you are not used to having someone, like me, constantly reply to you. You would rather that I would let your BS stand then to do what I am actually doing here. Not happening. I take sadistic pleasure in consistently hammering you.

Second, as those, on my side of the argument here recognize, I have multiple tools in my tool bag. I've described some of them here, on this thread. One of them is my ability to get a good idea of what your psychological profile is based on how you reply. I've successfully tested that profile by saying certain things that I know would get you to react a certain way. I've consistently been successful in causing you to react in a way that exposes your psychological profile more.

You're simply too sensitive, emotional, dense, etc., to see that.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Most people get tired of having to reply to your never ending novellas that break every sentence down

Unlike you, those people exercise better judgment. That's what it boils down to. I found, in my 13 years of debating liberals like you, that there is an inverse relationship between the willingness of someone to argue with me, and good judgment. In other words, the more someone is willing to argue against me, the more likely they are to exercise poor judgment.

After all, replying to me is piss poor judgement. Why is that?

I don't argue just any topic under the sun. There are certain conditions that have to be met before I would argue a topic.

1. I have to have more knowledge, on the topic being argued, then the opposition. This knowledge has to be based on first-hand experience, studied/research experience, or a combination of them.

2. The opposition, that I intend to argue against, that I will continue to argue against, have to clearly be wrong.

As soon as I jump in, a third requirement kicks in:

3. The opposition has to continue to argue.

In other words, if I'm on a thread telling a person, or a group of people, that they are wrong, or showing them that they are wrong, they are indeed wrong. See points 1 and 2 above. When the opposition insists on arguing what is clearly an erroneous position, the opposition is showing that they are driven by arrogance/narcissism in arguing an invalid argument, and thus are exercising poor judgment.

You guys exercise poor judgment by thinking that you guys are right, when you are wrong, and by continuing to against someone, or a group of people, telling you that you are wrong. My series of posts here, countering your arguments as well as those advanced by your allies, represent me showing, and proving, you guys are wrong. Arrogance drives you guys to exercise poor judgment in attempting to argue an invalid argument.

I started noticing this inverse relationship when I started debating liberals. This was verified on Facebook when I started debating there. As I suspected, from my debates in anonymous forms like this before facebook existed, none of the successful people on my friends list pursued an argument against me. Every single Facebook person that I knew, that was successful in the real world, quickly disengaged from an argument against me.

Those are my Facebook friends list who insisted on arguing against me? The very people that complained about being passed over for promotion, for not getting a pay raise, or the very people who go from one dead-end job to another. Many of the people, that I have argued against repeatedly, have "self-employed" in their profile based on a MLM scheme. The reality is that they were unemployed, or were unable to hold a job.

What ties this to their decision to keep arguing against me? Piss poor judgment, both with the decision to argue with me, and whatever decision, or set of decisions, they've made that prevented them from being successful career wise. That is the piss poor judgment that I see you exercising over here. There is an excellent chance that you exercise this piss poor judgment outside of ECCIE.

Meaning, these other people that you talked about, although they have exercised poor judgment by previously arguing against me, don't exercise it as much as you do.

THAT's what you have just admitted to and that statement above.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: and even edit some of them.

This is both your narcissism and emotion speaking. I've been hammering you, long enough, for you to notice that I would take what you actually say and break it down by the individual points, or collection of similar points, that you make. I address what you actually say, unlike you, who has taken me out of context repeatedly just so that you would have an argument.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: It is pointless.

If it is pointless, why are you continuing to reply? As usual, your actions betray your arguments. If you honest to God believe that replying to me is "pointless", you would follow that up with action. You wouldn't have even replied to me.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: You have one strategy.

I have multiple strategies. The reason that you insist that I "only" have "one" strategy is that your arrogance/narcissism blinds you to the multiple strategies that I am using. I repeatedly pointed out one strategy, that I use, to get you to react a certain way. There are other strategies that I use as well to destroy your argument, as well as the arguments of those on your side of the argument.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: That is to type the most

You see, even when you are provided the facts, here, you disregard them on the account of your narcissism and emotion working in overdrive. Given the amount of "writing" that I have to do, it would be insane for me to attempt to do it by typing. Keep in mind that I'm working on my dissertation. There is a lot of "writing" involved with that. I take a break from the dissertation to come here in order to smack you around for the retarded comments that you make. Given the documentations that I have to keep generating, each day, "typing" would be insane.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: and the last.

I already explained to you the process, between us, that you should have gotten down by now. This is a pattern of you replying, and of my providing you with a counter reply. Again, let "X" be your reply to me. Let "Y" be my counter reply to you. If X, then Y. In other words, I warned you that your replies to me will draw counter replies from me.

Again, I take sadistic pleasure in doing this. As you have complained, I take your posts apart, and counter them point by point. I have fun doing this, and have indicated that out could, and would, do this indefinitely.

Meaning, it shouldn't surprise you that I would provide you with a reply. I could tell, by your mentioning this, that it bothers you that I would "type last". Why don't you be honest with us and tell me that you would rather have me not reply to you, thus letting you post your BS as the "last post".

Not happening! I have every intention of providing you with a counter rebuttal for as long as you insist on arguing here. Remember, I've done this for 13 years, I'll be doing it for much longer after this post. I'll never tire of doing this either.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Funny how you take my comments out of context.

Go back to the comment that I made, you will notice that I quoted your statement as you made it. I included a group of three sentences, the first sentence that you make contradicts the third sentence that you make. Go ahead, nobody is looking. Go back and re-read the comment that you made, both in my post and in the post that I am replying to. I didn't take you out of context. I accurately explained the fact that you contradicted yourself with those two sentences.

That is a far cry then you cherry picking my posts, and addressing specific sentences out of context of the entire paragraph that those sentences came from. This is simply you denying that you made an argument, representing the fact that you are backpedaling from your argument.

Did you get that? Not only are you backpedaling from your initial humor post that started this specific argument, you appear to be backpedaling from your other arguments on this thread. You're seeing that you're getting your ass handed to you, but your arrogance isn't allowing you to admit to that.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: If you were as witty as you claim you would not have to LOL.

Go back to the statement that I made, were you made this reply. I went back to my original reply, I didn't see where I "LOL". However, I did see where I said this: YOU! This is more proof that I got you in the jogular, that you are purely emotional, driven by narcissism and a thin skin, in your reply to me. You're not even understanding what I'm saying, or even addressing what I am actually saying. Instead, you are making assumptions about what I said, and addressing those assumptions rather than what I actually said. You are so angry that you misinterpreted an entirely capitalized word, "YOU," as "LOL".

Cockhold Toilet Slave: As far as I see, only one of us is in to face sitting. But If you feel better thinking it is more commonplace then sure go for it.

What I actually said, in the statement that you are directly addressing:

"There's no need to be ashamed of your fetish, we both know that only one person, in this exchange, is into being a
toilet slave, YOU!" -- herfacechair

Where, in that statement, do I insist that you are into facesitting? There is a whole world of difference between SCAT and facesitting with regards to what is entailed. Nowhere, in the statement that you addressed, do I insist that you are into my fetish, being face sat.

I already know that my fetish isn't commonplace. The women that I have been with have verified that. However, I'm not identifying you as having my fetish. In my return fire, regarding humor insults, I've humor insulted you as having the toilet slave fetish.

But, the fact that you would completely take me out of context, and address something that I did not say, speaks volumes to the fact that you saw my reply, and got pissed. Your replies reflect a lot of narcissism driven emotion from a guy with thin skin.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Blah Blah?

Good! Good! Let the anger flooow through you!

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Again you are acting as though it really is me after just saying the pic is fictional. Using your insults as a basis for your assertions is pretty feeble

You do realize that I'm giving you your medicine, do you? Again, what was going through your mind when you posted a picture claiming that you "may have found" an old picture of me? An attempt to be humorous at may expense, maybe? It's obvious that I am still in that mindset when returning that humor to you. What you are addressing is my continuance of that humor.

This is you demonstrating, again, that you are unable to take what you dish out. You are looking at the same treatment given to you, that you gave to me. However, instead of recognizing your own medicine, you are letting your thin skin speak for you. You are making it blatantly obvious that I am getting on your skin, and that I am getting you to spin like a top.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: More fodder based on your fictitious pic again?

That's more of your medicine, I could see that you cannot handle the taste of your own medicine. what you are witnessing is my continuously getting under your skin, and getting you to reply in a way that's causing a lot of laughter. If you bothered reading my posts, with the intention of understanding what you are reading, you would see that I'm giving you a taste of your treatment. Your reaction tells me that you can't take what you dish out. Consequently, you are getting sensitive and replying accordingly.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Really?

Yes, really. What you are seeing is my continuously doing to you what you initially did to me. This goes back to the "dishing out" again. You dished out some humor, and I dished it back. Instead of recognizing your own antics, you start to act defensive, indicating that you have thin skin, are sensitive, and are very narcissistic.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: How can I respond?

You can respond like someone that can take what he dishes out. Unfortunately, for you, instead of taking what you dish out, you go "snowflake" mode when things get dished back to you. Consequently, the effects of my using certain words, to get a reaction from you, end up getting amplified.

Or, you can simply take a course of action that would stop me from hammering you. I have explained, what you could do, multiple times with my X/Y analogy.

Want me to stop hammering you? Stop replying to me. It's THAT simple!

If you insist on replying to me, you don't have a leg to stand on complaining about how I hammer you, or about the fact that I keep hammering you. When it comes to arguments, the opposition can't have their cake and eat it too.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: You make insults then comment on them.

Which is exactly what you are doing, but you have no problem doing it on your end. It's when I do it on my end, in response to you, that all of a sudden, it becomes a problem. Hence, you can't take what you dish out.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: That is typical MO of a few on here.

You described your side of the argument to the "T". That is one of your strategies, as well as that of those that I have argued against both on ECCIE and elsewhere. The other things that you've done include taking comments out of context, arguing against what you thought was said vice what was actually said, using strawman arguments, etc.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Must be a GOP thing.

Nope, it's a Democrat/liberal/regressive thing. I see that constantly in your arguments, as well as that of those on your side of the argument.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Wow another wild story with no real connection to the comment.

False, there is a purpose behind every word, sentence, paragraph, etc., that I use in reply. Every single thing that I said, in response to you, has everything to do with what I am responding to. Yes, the analogy that I used had everything to do with responding to your failed analogy. There was a strong connection between my response and your screed.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Since we both know that is not me.

Wrong, we both know that is you. The difference, between you and me, is that your arrogance/narcissism is preventing you to see what your intellect is trying to tell you. Your intellect is telling you the same thing that is obvious to me, that you're getting smoked in this argument. You're getting your ass handed to you repeatedly, and shoved down your throat. You refuse to acknowledge that, typical of a thin skinned, snowflake, narcissistic poster.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Why do you keep basing all your elaborations about it?

Wrong, not basing "all of my elaborations about it". With regards to the insult, I'm adding to it, and elaborating on it, knowing full well that I am getting under your skin. Based on my getting on your skin, you are reacting accordingly. You don't realize that, all you are doing is reacting in a way that shows that you have a thin skin, you are sensitive, that you have control issues, that your narcissistic, etc.

With regards to building on my explanation, I'm explaining to you how you are getting destroyed in this exchange.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Now we both know you are full of shit and blow smoke up people asses all day.

Wrong. Both your intellect, and I, know that it's YOU that's full of shit, who attempts to baffle people with your BS. Your intellect is trying to tell you this, and, on a deeper level, you are seeing this. Your narcissism; however, prevents you from acknowledging the fact that you are getting destroyed in this exchange, and that you are getting smoked.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: So my comment was in context. Yours? Not so much.

Wrong. In order for your comment to be in context, you would have to reply free of raging emotions, driven by a thin skin and narcissism. What you're doing is equivalent to pointing in the general direction of the enemy and randomly squeezing rounds downrange, without hitting anything.

Not only were my comments in context, which you took out of context, but they were dead accurate. Dead accurate in that where I made valid points, I hit the target. Dead accurate with regards to eliciting a certain type of response from you, I hit the target again.

You're not making your comments in context, and you take me out of context when you reply to me. You, stating otherwise, are speaking from narcissism.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: I do see how you worked that Army angle in there that was good at least. Just wasted on a failed reply.

Yes, the Army angle was good, extremely good on the account that I took your words and showed you how you shot yourself on the foot. You walked right into that one.

My use of that was very applicable to my reply to the specific statement that you made that I'm encountering. Nope, not wasted. If it was, you would not have replied to it. Your entire reply, on the other hand, was a failed reply. Understandable given that you are driven by emotion and narcissism in this exchange.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Still more bullshit that has no bearing on a reply to any facts.

Again, that is me returning fire regarding a humor insult. Once again, you prove that you cannot take what you dish out. You would recognize when you throw out a humor insult, but when one is thrown back in your direction, you get defensive. Do keep showing me that you are sensitive, thin-skinned, narcissistic, etc.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Just the usual waste of words

I got you so good, with my counter insult, that you were left speechless. However, given your narcissism, you refused to be in position to where you got destroyed in a way that you recognize that you got destroyed. So, you "dismissed" my comment as "waste of words".

To use your own words, I assure you, none of my words are wasted. Your replies indicate that my intent with my words, sentences, and paragraphs, was achieved.
The only way that my words would be "the usual waste", would be for you to ignore my posts and me. That would be the only way to deny the action, from you, that I intended to elicit with the words that I use.

The fact that you keep coming back, as intended by the way I put my words together, speaks volumes to the fact that my words aren't wasted.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: by the token blabbermouth.

Says the guy that is showing that he is increasingly becoming unhinged. The only blabbermouth, between the two of us, is you. There's no organization, or discipline, coming from your posts. You're giving me the usual emotional knee jerk response typical of someone who is thin skinned and sensitive. You've been reduced to being a liberal windbag, blowing empty air out as if you were a vehicle with wheels rapidly spinning, but with the vehicle going nowhere.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Man you went all out to cover that one tiny comment.

Because you were colossally wrong, that's why. Again, there's a purpose behind every word, sentence, and paragraph that I use in my reply. My response had multiple purposes. One of them was to call you out on your BS, where you tried to back pedal from your insults after I insulted you harder and you proved to be unable to take what you dished out. I subsequently followed that up with two likely scenarios.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: I figured you were a shallow Hal type. Seems like a conman trait among the weirdos.

First, the "Steve Hawkins" reference, now the "Hal" reference. You do realize that your intellect is trying to tell you that you're getting destroyed by someone with a better vantage point than you, do you? This tells me that even you see that I'm hammering you in debate, that my arguments have validity to where yours has none... So now you're left doing nothing but pulling shit out of your ass as you strive to regain control of what you feel you've lost control in... Given that you're reacting like you've lost control throughout this thread.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Like I said, I thought it might be one of the ladies you saw because just as you said, not many can do much with you gnashing on them besides pray to God you hurry up and they can get the fuck out of there.

First, where, in any of my posts, do I claim that not many women could SOMF me per my definition of SOMF, because of my "gnashing" on them? Where, in any of my posts, do I claim that these women pray to God that I hurry up, "so that they could get the fuck out of there"? Where?

This, you cockhold toilet slave, is an example of what I mean when I say that you take people's comments out of context. So, in your next reply to me, I expect you to link to a post that I made where I've used those exact words.

What I actually said:

"Actually, I've had a hard time getting a woman to do things that she wouldn't normally do while sitting, while she is making me live up to my username. The DATY that I'm giving her makes it impossible for her to focus on anything else." -- herfacechair

If your cognitive abilities, and your reading comprehension abilities, were where they're supposed to be at, you'd understand that to mean that I provide them pleasure, thus they're consumed by pleasure. These women sit until they're satisfied with the number or orgasms they've had, or the intensity of the orgasms that they've had.

You, having premium access, would know that just by reading the reviews that I have. But again, liberals like you treat having to do actual research the way superman reacts to kryptonite.

Given your narcissism, you'd see something that you want to see, and not what's actually there to see. You refuse to see reality, because reality tells you that you're getting pulverized, and that I don't share your misfortunes.

Second, like I said, you intended for that to be an insult, deliberately choosing an obese, no, make that a woman that appears to be morbidly obese, instead of the numerous pictures that you came across depicting hot women doing the facesitting. Choosing a woman that appears morbidly obese was intended as an insult.

If you don't see her as being obese, guess what? That's a powerful indication that YOU are obese, and thus would not see her as being obese. Luke_Wyatt? Is this you?

Let's add this to the fact that you resorted to an attempt to use "formal English" in the face of my hitting you good with a humor insult, in the form of you saying, "I assure you..." The only other poster that I've seen, who attempted to resort to "formal English" in response to another one of my humor insults, was bigtext.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Since I do not "chug poo" I will sent all the inquiry's to you. It seems like you are an expert at those things.

Again, you don't have to be bashful regarding your SCAT fetish. Your daily dose of poo gives you the ammunition you need to keep coming back to reply to us. Unlike you, I don't have any experience in the toilet slave arena. I could only imagine what it'd be like. You, on the other hand, know this first hand. Why, you're afraid that the SCAT mistresses would stop using you as their toilet slave, as you'd run out of things to say here if they did.

My hat's off to you for your ability to chug poo and piss better than many people could chug beer. CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG... That's you chugging poo.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: How hard is it to let a woman sit on your face? Is there no gravity at your house.

Getting them to sit on my face is no problem. It shouldn't surprise me that you, not having that much experience with women, can't figure out what I meant, even after I specified what I meant. I thought you'd understand this, but I guess I'll have to explain it to you to make up for your lack of experience with women.

How many times have I mentioned "full weight" with regards to facesitting? From here, there's a wonderful thing called "common sense" that could tell you what's meant by this:

"I prefer the reverse facesit, or riding the south face. The animated picture in this link is close to what I prefer. The woman in the picture looks like she's using her legs to carry her weight, she should relax those muscles and settle down for a full weight facesit... The real facesit:" -- herfacechair

What part of "full weight" did you not understand? What part of "using her legs to carry her weight" did you not understand?

HEELLLOOOO! McFly! Anybody home McFly?

You do realize that many women are conscious of their weight when it comes to facesitting, do you? Most women are afraid that they'll crush the face, or suffocate the guy, and not realize that they won't do either when it comes to me.

Gravity isn't the issue, your lack of understand of women, and your lack of common sense, logic, etc., are the issues.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: I know it is full of hot air

How could you not know about the hot air part given that whenever I access your comments, all the hot air from your head flows into my house?

Cockhold Toilet Slave: but I don't think that would make them float.

But you're so full of shit that YOU float! Thanks to all of those scat mistresses, you wouldn't have to worry about drawing in a flood, you'd float, and the rest of your neighborhood would be able to save themselves by sitting on you, and hanging on your sides, rowing to the call of someone on you saying, ROW! ROW! ROW! ROW!

Cockhold Toilet Slave: LOL.

"If you were as witty as you claim you would not have to LOL." -- MT Pockets

Countering you with your own words is like beating a man up with his own prosthetic limb.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: I bet you can pulverize a piece of meat!

That's another area that you have experience in, that I don't, pulverizing pee pees, given your hobby of hanging out at the HEB parking lot, with the rest of the reach around crew, enjoying those tube steak sandwiches with healthy doses of man mayo.

I am; however, pulverizing your arguments and your attempts to be lame here.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Again. You being so picky about your accomplice

Says the very fat guy who has a problem seeing an obese woman as being obese. I noticed that you have nothing to say regarding my perspective of you thinking of her as "attractive" and as "not being fat". Again, this is an indication that you yourself are fat. Not only is this an indication of your potential obesity, but if that overweight woman was "attractive" to you, that is an indication that you have a problem, in the woman department, when it comes to sex, or having sex.

You appear to go for long periods of time without having sex, that you would identify as "attractive" what others would not find as "attractive". I wouldn't be surprised if that woman in the picture, that is sitting on a guy's face, looks to you as a "Miss Universe" type of woman.

That speak strongly of you being sexually frustrated. Given your attitude on this message board, that wouldn't surprise me.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: does not mean you have good taste, or them either for that matter!

Your opinion, on my taste in women, is invalid. I have a very good taste when it comes to types of women. Three of the women, that I have reviewed here, have porn star experiences. Two of them are retired porn stars. Another one of them is an international porn star.

Guess what that means, stupid? It means that I partied with women that thousands of men have masturbated to. Two of these women I partied with more than once. The way they've grabbed me, to DKF me, speaks volumes to the fact that they have good tastes in men.

Also, I've had a facesitting session with Head Mistress Porsche Lynn. She's also a former porn star.

I have very good taste in women, your narcissism refuses to accept that given that you are more than likely a sexually frustrated oversized man.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: LOL! see what I did there! Ha ha I crack myself up! Oh shit I did it again! You know "crack"

Take it away MT Pockets:

"If you were as witty as you claim you would not have to LOL." -- MT Pockets

Thanks. Countering you with your own words is like beating a man up with his own prosthetic limb.

Yes, I see what you did, you're proving to me that you're losing it even more. LOL! Yes, you're "cracking yourself up", alright, cracking under pressure! BWAAAAHAAAAAHAAAA

You're so frustrated at the defeat that you're experiencing that you're starting to do the crazy laugh.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Man this is fun!

You need to be honest here, you're not having fun. I could tell, by the responses that you are giving, that you're getting frustrated, angry, more unhinged, etc. I could tell, but what you write, that you are livid hot with anger. No, you aren't having fun.

The only one, between the two of us, that is having so much fun doing this, is me. You do realize, that in addition to the other things that I explained here, that impact the length of my post, my having fun doing this also contribute to the length of my posts, my replies to you.

I've been debating liberals like you, for the past 13 years. How is it that I could debate you liberals for the past 13 years, and that I have every intention of debating with you liberals for much longer than that? Well, one of the reasons I could do that is that this is fun. I love watching you melt down, you are melting down worse than you were earlier in this thread.

In fact, pointing to your "MT Pockets" post, you are having a hard time containing the different personalities that you have had with previous personalities.
Thanks to your reply that I am replying to, I suspect you of not only being Luke_Wyatt, but of also being bigtext.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: So the one on the toilet has less of a chance of shitting in my mouth? You really are brain damaged.

Good, good! You're finding it harder to deny that you have people shit in your mouth.

Your interpretation of my statement proves that you're the one that is brain-damaged. The fact that I swapped the women out, in our respective posts, went completely over your head. Doesn't surprise me, given that you come across as retarded. I wouldn't be surprised if you wore shoes that were Velcro rather than utilized shoestrings. They would have to send you to school to learn how to tie your shoes before letting you have shoes that requires shoestrings.

The woman, in the photo that I presented, is hot. So, I swapped her out, in my insulting you, with a woman from your photo, the obese woman. So now, after the obese woman, sitting on the toilet bowl, with your head inside that same toilet bowl. Do you get the picture? If not, find somebody that could translate conversational English into retard terms so that you can hopefully understand what I am getting across.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Coming from the man that found the pic in the first place.

I could tell that you lack experience when it comes to trading insults. This is a good indication that you did not have many friends while growing up. This is also a good indication that you do not have that many friends now.

Why do I say this?

Well, had you grown up with a lot of friends, had you hung out with a lot of friends, you would know how to roll with the punches when it comes to trading humorous insults. You don't appear to be able to do that. So, my doing that, by taking the picture that I posted, and twisting and turning it to meet my intended humor insults at you, went completely over your head.

Your reaction is typical of what I would find with someone who has no experience doing this, typical of somebody that was a loner pretty much most of his life. Given your attitude, expressed on this thread and elsewhere, I could see why you would have grown up as a loner, and why, like when you were a kid, like when you were growing up, you do not have that many friends now.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Since my head is covered you identified me by my "meat" as you like to call it.

Wrong. Anybody with common sense look at the picture, that I posted, and see what is happening. The intent of my message? In response to the photo that you posted, I posted a photo of a toilet slave. Naturally, in the photo, the viewer will not see the head of the toilet slave. Common sense would fill in the blank.

Silly me for assuming that you had any common sense or sense of logic.

Also, let's look at what I actually said:

"Leave it to a MEAT gazer, a member of the ECCIE Dutch Rudder Gang who indulges in lots of tube steak sandwiches with healthy doses of man mayo while at the HEB parking lot, to make note of where "the little man" is pointing, and whether the device she's holding is touching "the little man" or not.

"Unlike you, I don't take a closer look at people's dicks, so it'd be natural for you to pick things up regarding what a dick is doing, and what's happening to it." -- herfacechair

I destroyed you, so hard, in this debate, as well as in the flame war, that your arrogance is working overtime to protect your snowflake self from seeing reality, the reality that you got thoroughly destroyed.

Yes, your head is indeed covered, in the poo that flowed down to surround your head on the account that your face and mouth overflowed with poo.

Lucky you, when you drove away, with all that poo dripping from your face, you honest to God were legally driving shitfaced.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: I had to study up in case you invite me over. I need to know when to finish her off after you fluffing her.

Holy crap, you're into trannies too! No wonder why you got mad at the photos I used, you have trannies do that to you instead!

What you said before:

"while she was sitting on a Cucks face" -- MT Pockets

"Cuck" or "Cock", as you use it here, is short for "cockhold". The statement that you used, following that up, described a "cockhold" scene. Why would you have to "study up on it" when you provided a description of it in a previous reply? In fact, you gave a graphic description, based on a video that you claimed to have watched, of what that entails.

More proof that you are full of shit; understandable given the fact that you are a cockhold toilet slave. You were watching those videos, of someone being a cockhold, because you are into being a cockhold, and you consistently have cockhold fantasies.

And no, I would not need to invite you over for two main reasons.

First, I provide these women with multiple orgasms via cunnilingus and FS. By the time we are done, they have problems having orgasms for a long time. This is especially the case when I make them shake violently as if they were having "woman quakes".

Inviting you over would not only destroy the "feel good" atmosphere, and their being on Cloud 9, but their feeling your pee pee afterwards would be a colossal step down. Having FS with your pee pee, after them feeling my guy during FS, would be like eating a greasy, poor quality hamburger, after eating at a five-star restaurant.

Cockhold Toilet Slave: Another detailed explanation that you seemed to be an expert on. Sure you haven't given it a try?

I based my explanation on what you claimed you saw. You provided a graphic explanation of a cockhold experience. You talked about an alleged facesitting event where a "bull" came from behind and slid in. My response addressed your graphic explanation.

Using your own argument, since I based my explanation on your graphic explanation, that is a good indication that you are the one that gave it a try.

I know for a fact that I have never given that experience a try. Again, that is one area that you experienced, as a cockhold, that allowed you to provide a graphic explanation, that amounts to an experience I never had and never will.

For someone who has failed to score points against me, in other areas of the debate, you need to acknowledge when I point out the fact that you have certain experiences that I don't have. meaning, you have experiences related to you being a Cockhold toilet slave not only for mistresses, but also for trannies. Those experiences are born from your actually doing it, as driven by your cockhold toilet slave fantasies.
Originally Posted by herfacechair
Wow you really are delusional, the first comment shows what a dipshit you are. I said I was thinking of trying cause you seemed to love it. That is in no way saying that I have. But you admit to doing it. Funny how you shame me for something you have wrote reviews on. Then again maybe they are are fabrications like all the other shit you post. Pretty much by my reviews you can see I am pretty vanilla. You are on the fringe. Look I am cool with whatever you are in to. But we both know your obsession with smothering has most likely been brought on by something your Mom did or some other relative. I feel sorry for you , that you thought you could get in front of it and spin it into anything other than what it is. You think any of the guys here want to hang out with you? Fuck no! They may enjoy all your mindless posting that aggravates the shit out any normal person but at the end of the day. You are just a pathetic loser than has no real way to please a woman. Look I get it. It sucks having no friends and I assume limited mobility, but come on enough is enough. You are making a laughing stock out of yourself here. The day will come that folks will say "Hey you remember that weirdo that like getting smothered and he would go off on rants like he was some kind of a mastermind." I really do feel sorry for you. I like how you tell us all the women walk away with a dysfunctional pussy. They may have trouble having an orgasm after being with you but I bet its more from having flashbacks LOL. Fucking Loser.
herfacechair's Avatar

You went from going, "WAAAAAAAAAAAHH!" to going, "SCHREEEEEEECHH!" The meltdown accelerates! BWAAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAA!

Cockhold toilet slave: Wow you really are delusional,

Says the guy that types as if a retarded ghost possesses him. The only delusional person, between the two of us, is you. You're the one that consistently contradicts himself, and can't even get straight what it is you'll do, or what you've done. A reading of both of our posts would show that the delusion exists on your side.

Cockhold toilet slave: the first comment shows what a dipshit you are.

No, the first comment was my accurately pointing out the fact that you did, indeed, make the comment that I was replying to. I didn't change your words in my non-parody posts. You accused me of changing your words when I dismantled you. I told you that you were wrong, and to trace the statement back so that you could see that you made the statement that I addressed. The only dipshit is the one that's denying that he made the statement that I addressed. You can't even get right what you said, let alone what you'll do or have done. What makes you think that anything else you said has any validity?

Cockhold toilet slave: I said I was thinking of trying cause you seemed to love it. That is in no way saying that I have. But you admit to doing it. Funny how you shame me for something you have wrote reviews on.

You never claimed that you'd try being facesat. How do I know this? Go back to the post where you made that statement. It wasn't on the facesitting photo, it was on the toilet slave photo. You went onto the toilet slave photo, and indicated that you'd try this on the account of your assumption that "I was into it".

But, I countered that by accurately stating that I was not into SCAT. If you understood what you were reading, you'd notice that I'm giving you a taste of your own medicine, in the form of identifying you as the SCAT Boy. Again, there's a big difference between SCAT and facesitting, which you claim I'm "shaming" you for.

So no, stupid, I'm not shaming you for a claim that you never made. You never claimed that you'd try facesitting. I've admitted to being facesat, not to doing what you do to get your arguments, being a toilet boy. I've never done that, but you apparently have been a toilet boy, and enjoy being a toilet slave.

Cockhold toilet slave: Then again maybe they are are fabrications like all the other shit you post.

You're the one claiming that you said that you would "try" facesitting, when in fact that you jumped onto the toilet slave photo and said that. The fabrication? That you claimed that you wanted to try my fetish. That, along with the vast majority of your arguments here, are fabrications. The amount to you engaging in gas lighting, because the facts do not support your argument.

As usual, it's easier for you to dismiss my valid fact-based arguments as "fabrications", as that spares you the need to admit that you are wrong. What I state are facts, or statements based on fact. My username indicates what I like to do, as part of a FS package. You, having repeatedly failed to prove wrong anything that I've said, don't have a leg to stand on claiming that anything that I say is a "fabrication".

Let's get this straight. The topic here is you being a toilet slave. I post a picture of someone being a toilet slave, and you quote that post, with the SCAT photo, and claimed that "maybe you'd try it."

Again, if you want to look at fabrications, look at your posts, those are total fabrications... except the parts where you indicated your cockhold fantasies. Need more detail? Your insinuation that you would like to try my fetish when in fact you talked about wanting to try it in response to a photo I posted involving someone being a toilet slave.

Cockhold toilet slave: Pretty much by my reviews you can see I am pretty vanilla.

I don't blame you for not doing a review on the provider that you met that took a huge, hefty, dump in your mouth and all over your face. No matter how much you enjoy driving around, after one of these sessions, with poop on your face, seeing yourself as legally driving shitfaced.

You being vanilla? Your posts here show you as someone that's pretty retarded.

Cockhold toilet slave: You are on the fringe.

Says Mr. Shitboy, who spends his morning being a toilet slave, then spends the rest of his day working his mobile gloryhole at the HEB parking lot, enjoying multiple helpings of tube steak sandwiches with plenty of man mayo, using his breaks from that job by spreading the shit, he ate earlier, all over this message board.

Cockhold toilet slave: Look I am cool with whatever you are in to.

With all the shit and piss that you consume as a toilet slave, and the dingle berries, tube steak sandwiches with plenty of man mayo at the HEB parking lot that you take in, you better be cool with whatever the rest of us are into. I mean, compared to your SCAT and dicksucking fetishes, my SOMF fetish is "vanilla" in comparison.

Cockhold toilet slave: But we both know your obsession with smothering has most likely been brought on by something your Mom did or some other relative.

Nope, just a natural thing with me. I've had fantasies of being facesat long before I reached puberty. It has been a constant companion during my sex life.

But, thank you for sharing your experiences of when your mother forced you to be her toilet slave after you broke the only toilet bowl you guys had. Having you just lay down and eat her poo was easier than hiring a plumber to fix the toilet bowl. She pooped so much that your face was smothered in poop.

I guess that it was at that point that you realized that although you may have been 18 years old, that you were struggling to pass the fifth grade, and the fact that you were still living "in mama's house", you were going to be held accountable for your piss poor judgements.

It was around this time that you gained the experiences that you would use, to operate your mobile glory hole at the HEB parking lot, when you broke your dad's pocket pussy while stumbling out of the bathroom, your mom's poo covering your face and blinding you, causing you to stumble into everything that you ran into.

Cockhold toilet slave: I feel sorry for you ,

No you don't. The only thing that you are sorry for is the fact that I keep hammering you, and not letting your BS stand as you would like for me to do. You're just saying that because you're getting pissed that I won't do what most other people would do when faced with your antics. You're only sorry that I don't do what you want me to do, you're possibly sorry that you made your first idiotic comment to me on this thread.

Just think, had you kept your mouth shut towards me on this thread in the first place, I wouldn't be here wiping you all over the floor.

I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted all of us conservatives to put you on ignore, allowing you to spew your crap without worries of somebody dismantling you and proving you wrong. It would be awesome if the conservatives, that have you on ignore, remove you from ignore so that they could continue to hammer you.

Cockhold toilet slave: that you thought you could get in front of it and spin it into anything other than what it is.

The only person that's doing this is you, I'm spending you like a top, and you are spinning your BS trying to baffle the audience with it. I'm telling it like it is. You see, a big reason to why I keep coming back, and smacking you around the way I'm doing right now, is that I have the facts on my side. You? You're attempting to baffle the audience with bullshit, because you don't have the facts on your side.

You've consistently gotten your arguments wrong, and you've even consistently got it wrong about what you've done and consistently get it wrong about what you said. When called out on that fact, you go into spin mode, spinning so fast that you're showing us the strobe effect.

Cockhold toilet slave: You think any of the guys here want to hang out with you? Fuck no!

You're saying that out of pure anger and frustration over the fact that I keep hammering you, and would not let up, constantly coming back strong. Are you that delusional that you don't think that any of the folk here, on my side of the argument, wouldn't want to hang out with me? Since when did you become the spokesman for the people on my side of the argument?

Again, this is an extension of the frustration that you feel at my consistently hammering you in this exchange. None of your antics, which I've seen others use over the past 13 years, are working, and that's pissing you off. So, you transfer your frustration towards what you think others here would do if I were in their area.

I have news for you. I wouldn't be surprised that if I were in their areas, they'd want to meet with me. Even women, that I've debated with in the hobby, were glad to party with me after the fact.

Cockhold toilet slave: They may enjoy all your mindless posting that aggravates the shit out any normal person

Good! Good! Let the butthurt flooow through you!

You need to be honest here. You've just demonstrated, with this statement, that you're pissed at the fact that I keep replying to you. But, you're wrong. My well thought out posts don't aggravate the normal people. My postings aggravate those who are used to not getting an extensive challenge to their bullshit.

Those on my side of the argument have identified my postings as well thought out, well put together, etc. They're not aggravated, but are happy to see me hand you guys your assess.

You don't speak for the normal people; you speak for the unhinged liberals that I consistently argue against, who'd rather I just "kept my mouth shut" instead of forcing you guys to hear an opposing argument.

My postings aren't "mindless", but reasoned, logical arguments based on fact. If you wanted a safe space, this forum is the wrong place for you.

Here's what I can do for you. I could wait, until after the weekend, to resume dismantling your arguments. I'll give you a little break. But, do know this. I WILL come back on the other side of the weekend and dismantle you some more.

Cockhold toilet slave: but at the end of the day.

I hit the nail on the head, didn't I? I was dead accurate when I described you as not having that many friends... Either while growing up or right now. I got you so good that you're attempting to throw back to me what I've described in you.

You do realize that you've just subconsciously admitted to some of your characteristics, do you? I focused mainly on your attitude, and the impact it had on you socially. I poked fun at your ability to please women, to counter your attempts to make yourself some kind of dingle berry that could please women.

I hit you back in both areas, and you come back and accuse me of the very things that you come across to me as.

Earlier, I hinted that you were fat, given your opinion that the facesitting woman, in the picture that you posted, "wasn't" fat. It's clear that she is overweight, obese, but my observation seemed to have taken you by surprise. This hints that you're not just "any fat", but obese fat, the kind of overweightness that'd increase the chances of your pee pee not being what you claim it to be.

Cockhold toilet slave: You are just a pathetic loser

I'm nowhere near being a loser like you are. Remember, I'm the only one, between the two of us, that will be retired from the military. You appear to not have served in the military. I'm the only one, between the two of us, that is working on a doctorate degree. Your thought process here would make it hard for me to believe any claims of yours of having any kind of university education.

Also, I live in a neighborhood that if you were to drive into it, you would either be mistaken as someone that is lost, or as someone looking to steal something later. Heck, someone just might report you to the cops just for being there, just by your vehicle and your appearances. You'd definitely feel out of place, feel uncomfortable, and feel inadequate, given the vehicle that you are driving compared to the vehicles that you would be seeing.

By the way, when I tell you that I want the egg white delight, make sure that it comes with egg whites, and not yellow eggs. Also, don't start putting my stuff on a tray when I specifically requested carry out.

Cockhold toilet slave: than has no real way to please a woman.

The women that I've partied with know for fact that I could please a woman. In fact, I've lost count of how many times, during my hobbying adventures in South America, when the woman I hobbied with held onto me for the remainder of my hanging out at her brothel, and didn't work on getting other clients. Why? A big hint is the un-fakable pleasure reactions they've received from FS + SOMF.

When they scream in pleasure as they orgasm, and shake/vibrate strongly as if their body tenses and shakes from within, that's a good indication that I could please a woman.

Cockhold toilet slave: Look I get it.

Nope, you don't get it. If you did, you would've stopped replying to me, instead of begging me to stop replying, like what you're doing here. But, you'll be happy to know that I'm going to give you a break, from the carpet bombing, until the other side of the weekend. Then, after the weekend, I'm going to rub your face into your poo of an argument.

Cockhold toilet slave: It sucks having no friends

That's another subconscious self-admission, verifying my pointing you out as 'not having friends', or not having that many friends. Your attitude on this thread, and elsewhere on this message board, points to someone that exercises piss poor judgement, who has control problems, who has anger problems, and who has other issues that'd drive friends away.

Look at your relationship with Luke_Wyatt on this thread. It comes across as artificial, you're WKing for him more than normal. In fact, I'd describe it as abnormal. You're burning a lot of calories sticking up for him on this message board, doing this as if it were personal. It appears that you have a personal interest in defending him against accurate observations on him.

This is indicative of the "imaginary friend" maneuver, where Luke_Wyatt, or you, are the sock puppet for the other. You don't have that many friends, so you're used to creating them. Hmmm, I wonder how many sock puppets you have here.

I'm not surprised that you know what it feels like to not have that many friends, or to have no friends.

Cockhold toilet slave: and I assume limited mobility,

My use of speech to text has more to do with efficiency than it does with any kind of mobility. I'm still serving, so that throws off your claims of my having "limited mobility". If anything, your being overweight gives you limited mobility relative to what the rest of us can do.

Metaphorically, in this debate, you have extremely limited mobility, being completely in the defense.

Cockhold toilet slave: but come on enough is enough.

Like Luke_Wyatt, you're begging for me to the hammering you. Yes, do become more unhinged that you act like your sock puppets... Or more like your puppet master, whichever one of your profiles here is the puppeteer.

But, if you want this to stop, I provided you with the method that you need to take advantage of. I'll give you a break until after this weekend, but I definitely will not stop hammering you, which will resume on the other side of the weekend.

Let your reply be "X". Let my response be "Y". You control "X", I control "Y". If "X", then "Y". You can't just come out and beg me to stop "Y", when you should make that happen on your end by stopping "X".

The ONLY way you're going to get me to stop countering you is for you to NOT give me a response to counter. It's THAT simple.

Common sense is telling you that, narcissism and emotion is driving you to continue arguing an argument that you have lost.

Cockhold toilet slave: You are making a laughing stock out of yourself here.

No I'm not. Do you see the other posters here that you've pissed off? I see their reactions to you on the other threads. When someone keeps calling you by a parodied version of your username, repeatedly in a post, or even in a sentence, that's a sign that you rubbed them the wrong way.

The reality? You're the one that's making a laughing stock of yourself here. Look at lustylad's posts regarding you, look at Gary's, Waco Kids, Rey Lengua, and others. I could tell, from the nature of their replies, that it's YOU that's the laughing stock of this message board, not me.

I mean, which one of us is being identified as repeatedly being carpet bombed? Hint, it's you.

Cockhold toilet slave: The day will come that folks will say "Hey you remember that weirdo that like getting smothered and he would go off on rants like he was some kind of a mastermind."

First, the opposite would happen. If I were to jump on another one of these threads, after being gone for a long time, people will remember me. They will remember how I destroyed your side of the argument, and you, and cheer me both on the thread and via PM.

Second, I wouldn't care if you, and others on your side of the argument, were to think that. That will not stop me from consistently coming back and hammering you, as well as others that do the same thing as you. Remember, you supplied the "X", I respond with "Y".

Your meltdown, here, is no different from the meltdown I've seen from others like you over the past 13 years that I have debated online. You probably think that you are the only one, that is pulling the tricks that you have been pulling here. If so, you're mistaken. Others have also tried that, I recognized your antics, throughout this thread, and anticipated what you would do next.

One of the reasons why I previously mentioned the X/Y comment, and relationship, is that I knew it would come down to you having a severe meltdown over how I conduct my side of the argument in response to you. Lustylad even jumped on here and tried to warn you what would happen. You didn't listen to him, and you didn't listen to the hints that I dropped earlier in the thread.

It's like you guys are playing from the same playbook. The pattern that I'm seeing, and the tone and structure of your recent replies, gives an indication that you are close to eventually doing what others have done.

Remember, I've been doing this for 13 years. Our specific back-and-forth is nothing but a drop in the bucket for me. I'll continue to do this, elsewhere on the Internet and here, for a much longer time than the 13 years that I have already done.

Third, the fact that you would mention "mastermind" indicates that your subconscious is trying to communicate something to you that your narcissism is trying to block out. I'm hitting you so hard, in this debate, that even you are seeing that your argument is not valid. You are increasingly being driven by emotion to remain in this argument.

Do realize that whatever it is you are thinking, in order for you to remain in this argument, others have done before you. I have defeated their attempts, just as I am defeating you are here. I will keep coming back to keep hammering you. Let that sink in.

Cockhold toilet slave: I really do feel sorry for you.

You aren't saying this out of compassion, you're saying this out of contempt. No, you don't really feel sorry for me. You're frustrated over the fact that none of your antics are working, antics that you are using to attempt to get me to stop destroying you in this argument. There is even a side of you that is "sorry" that you even addressed me in this thread. Your narcissism; however, refuses to acknowledge that.

Cockhold toilet slave: I like how you tell us all the women walk away with a dysfunctional pussy.

Where, in any of my posts, three specifically state, using your specific words, that women walk away with a dysfunctional pussy? What I actually said:

"If your cognitive abilities, and your reading comprehension abilities, were where they're supposed to be at, you'd understand that to mean that I provide them pleasure, thus they're consumed by pleasure. These women sit until they're satisfied with the number or orgasms they've had, or the intensity of the orgasms that they've had." - herfacechair

And this:

"First, I provide these women with multiple orgasms via cunnilingus and FS. By the time we are done, they have problems having orgasms for a long time. This is especially the case when I make them shake violently as if they were having 'woman quakes'." -- herfacechair

As you can see, nothing in those paragraphs support your misinterpretation of what I said. However, you reveal something of your psychology in that reply.

That statement suggests that your interpretation, of giving these women multiple orgasms, involves "ripping up their pussies". This is a further hint that you have an entitlement philosophy. That you are "entitled" to the pussy, your idea of treating it includes "ripping" it up, as in fucking it up, as a means to exert your control, "ownership", and what you feel you are entitled to.

Not surprising that you come across as sexually frustrated, in addition to coming across as someone with an entitlement philosophy.

Cockhold toilet slave: They may have trouble having an orgasm after being with you but I bet its more from having flashbacks LOL.

If you've ever had good sex, the kind that gets you to "explode" like you normally "explode", you would find that you would not be ready to have another organism. This would be true even if you had multiple pops during previous sexual encounters.

Women are like that as well. In many instances, after they have an "explosion", where they scream, and "vibrate/shake" while orgasming, they are not ready for further sexual stimulation during the aftermath. At least that has been the case in my experiences. They need a recovery time.

It speaks volumes that you did not demonstrate an understanding of that in any of your replies. This tells me that you have not been as effective, in pleasing women, as you insinuate.

Cockhold toilet slave: Fucking Loser.

We both know that the only loser between the two of us is you. Again, the piss poor judgment that you have displayed, in this thread, is indicative of the piss poor judgments that you execute outside of this message board. What I said about you, your profile and your actual accomplishments based on my perception of the performance here, still stands.

If I were to see an honest curriculum vitae listing your professional experiences, I wouldn't be surprised to see a wake of short stints, ho-hum accomplishments, a whole bunch of time stuck in dead end careers, etc. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if you had some run-ins with the law and that some correctional facility has a photo of your mug shot.

Simply look at the timestamps of your posts on this message board. Look at your posting frequencies throughout the day and week. Compare both of these to the length of time that you have been on this message board. That speaks volumes of where the focus is in your life.

There's a good chance that you have plenty of time for these multiple posts, throughout the day and week, given that you are either unemployed, or are employed in a dead-end position that allows you to kill time and not use your brains. Or, you aren't simply focusing your efforts, if you are working, to the operations that you are a part of.

Or, this may be a situation where you need a "filler" activity between clients at your mobile glory hole operation at the HEB parking lot.

I wouldn't be surprised if your siblings and cousins chastise their children and remind them that if they didn't get their acts together, they would be like their Uncle MT Pockets.
MT Pockets's Avatar

You went from going, "WAAAAAAAAAAAHH!" to going, "SCHREEEEEEECHH!" The meltdown accelerates! BWAAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAA!

Cockhold toilet slave: Wow you really are delusional,

Says the guy that types as if a retarded ghost possesses him. The only delusional person, between the two of us, is you. You're the one that consistently contradicts himself, and can't even get straight what it is you'll do, or what you've done. A reading of both of our posts would show that the delusion exists on your side.

Cockhold toilet slave: the first comment shows what a dipshit you are.

No, the first comment was my accurately pointing out the fact that you did, indeed, make the comment that I was replying to. I didn't change your words in my non-parody posts. You accused me of changing your words when I dismantled you. I told you that you were wrong, and to trace the statement back so that you could see that you made the statement that I addressed. The only dipshit is the one that's denying that he made the statement that I addressed. You can't even get right what you said, let alone what you'll do or have done. What makes you think that anything else you said has any validity?

Cockhold toilet slave: I said I was thinking of trying cause you seemed to love it. That is in no way saying that I have. But you admit to doing it. Funny how you shame me for something you have wrote reviews on.

You never claimed that you'd try being facesat. How do I know this? Go back to the post where you made that statement. It wasn't on the facesitting photo, it was on the toilet slave photo. You went onto the toilet slave photo, and indicated that you'd try this on the account of your assumption that "I was into it".

But, I countered that by accurately stating that I was not into SCAT. If you understood what you were reading, you'd notice that I'm giving you a taste of your own medicine, in the form of identifying you as the SCAT Boy. Again, there's a big difference between SCAT and facesitting, which you claim I'm "shaming" you for.

So no, stupid, I'm not shaming you for a claim that you never made. You never claimed that you'd try facesitting. I've admitted to being facesat, not to doing what you do to get your arguments, being a toilet boy. I've never done that, but you apparently have been a toilet boy, and enjoy being a toilet slave.

Cockhold toilet slave: Then again maybe they are are fabrications like all the other shit you post.

You're the one claiming that you said that you would "try" facesitting, when in fact that you jumped onto the toilet slave photo and said that. The fabrication? That you claimed that you wanted to try my fetish. That, along with the vast majority of your arguments here, are fabrications. The amount to you engaging in gas lighting, because the facts do not support your argument.

As usual, it's easier for you to dismiss my valid fact-based arguments as "fabrications", as that spares you the need to admit that you are wrong. What I state are facts, or statements based on fact. My username indicates what I like to do, as part of a FS package. You, having repeatedly failed to prove wrong anything that I've said, don't have a leg to stand on claiming that anything that I say is a "fabrication".

Let's get this straight. The topic here is you being a toilet slave. I post a picture of someone being a toilet slave, and you quote that post, with the SCAT photo, and claimed that "maybe you'd try it."

Again, if you want to look at fabrications, look at your posts, those are total fabrications... except the parts where you indicated your cockhold fantasies. Need more detail? Your insinuation that you would like to try my fetish when in fact you talked about wanting to try it in response to a photo I posted involving someone being a toilet slave.

Cockhold toilet slave: Pretty much by my reviews you can see I am pretty vanilla.

I don't blame you for not doing a review on the provider that you met that took a huge, hefty, dump in your mouth and all over your face. No matter how much you enjoy driving around, after one of these sessions, with poop on your face, seeing yourself as legally driving shitfaced.

You being vanilla? Your posts here show you as someone that's pretty retarded.

Cockhold toilet slave: You are on the fringe.

Says Mr. Shitboy, who spends his morning being a toilet slave, then spends the rest of his day working his mobile gloryhole at the HEB parking lot, enjoying multiple helpings of tube steak sandwiches with plenty of man mayo, using his breaks from that job by spreading the shit, he ate earlier, all over this message board.

Cockhold toilet slave: Look I am cool with whatever you are in to.

With all the shit and piss that you consume as a toilet slave, and the dingle berries, tube steak sandwiches with plenty of man mayo at the HEB parking lot that you take in, you better be cool with whatever the rest of us are into. I mean, compared to your SCAT and dicksucking fetishes, my SOMF fetish is "vanilla" in comparison.

Cockhold toilet slave: But we both know your obsession with smothering has most likely been brought on by something your Mom did or some other relative.

Nope, just a natural thing with me. I've had fantasies of being facesat long before I reached puberty. It has been a constant companion during my sex life.

But, thank you for sharing your experiences of when your mother forced you to be her toilet slave after you broke the only toilet bowl you guys had. Having you just lay down and eat her poo was easier than hiring a plumber to fix the toilet bowl. She pooped so much that your face was smothered in poop.

I guess that it was at that point that you realized that although you may have been 18 years old, that you were struggling to pass the fifth grade, and the fact that you were still living "in mama's house", you were going to be held accountable for your piss poor judgements.

It was around this time that you gained the experiences that you would use, to operate your mobile glory hole at the HEB parking lot, when you broke your dad's pocket pussy while stumbling out of the bathroom, your mom's poo covering your face and blinding you, causing you to stumble into everything that you ran into.

Cockhold toilet slave: I feel sorry for you ,

No you don't. The only thing that you are sorry for is the fact that I keep hammering you, and not letting your BS stand as you would like for me to do. You're just saying that because you're getting pissed that I won't do what most other people would do when faced with your antics. You're only sorry that I don't do what you want me to do, you're possibly sorry that you made your first idiotic comment to me on this thread.

Just think, had you kept your mouth shut towards me on this thread in the first place, I wouldn't be here wiping you all over the floor.

I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted all of us conservatives to put you on ignore, allowing you to spew your crap without worries of somebody dismantling you and proving you wrong. It would be awesome if the conservatives, that have you on ignore, remove you from ignore so that they could continue to hammer you.

Cockhold toilet slave: that you thought you could get in front of it and spin it into anything other than what it is.

The only person that's doing this is you, I'm spending you like a top, and you are spinning your BS trying to baffle the audience with it. I'm telling it like it is. You see, a big reason to why I keep coming back, and smacking you around the way I'm doing right now, is that I have the facts on my side. You? You're attempting to baffle the audience with bullshit, because you don't have the facts on your side.

You've consistently gotten your arguments wrong, and you've even consistently got it wrong about what you've done and consistently get it wrong about what you said. When called out on that fact, you go into spin mode, spinning so fast that you're showing us the strobe effect.

Cockhold toilet slave: You think any of the guys here want to hang out with you? Fuck no!

You're saying that out of pure anger and frustration over the fact that I keep hammering you, and would not let up, constantly coming back strong. Are you that delusional that you don't think that any of the folk here, on my side of the argument, wouldn't want to hang out with me? Since when did you become the spokesman for the people on my side of the argument?

Again, this is an extension of the frustration that you feel at my consistently hammering you in this exchange. None of your antics, which I've seen others use over the past 13 years, are working, and that's pissing you off. So, you transfer your frustration towards what you think others here would do if I were in their area.

I have news for you. I wouldn't be surprised that if I were in their areas, they'd want to meet with me. Even women, that I've debated with in the hobby, were glad to party with me after the fact.

Cockhold toilet slave: They may enjoy all your mindless posting that aggravates the shit out any normal person

Good! Good! Let the butthurt flooow through you!

You need to be honest here. You've just demonstrated, with this statement, that you're pissed at the fact that I keep replying to you. But, you're wrong. My well thought out posts don't aggravate the normal people. My postings aggravate those who are used to not getting an extensive challenge to their bullshit.

Those on my side of the argument have identified my postings as well thought out, well put together, etc. They're not aggravated, but are happy to see me hand you guys your assess.

You don't speak for the normal people; you speak for the unhinged liberals that I consistently argue against, who'd rather I just "kept my mouth shut" instead of forcing you guys to hear an opposing argument.

My postings aren't "mindless", but reasoned, logical arguments based on fact. If you wanted a safe space, this forum is the wrong place for you.

Here's what I can do for you. I could wait, until after the weekend, to resume dismantling your arguments. I'll give you a little break. But, do know this. I WILL come back on the other side of the weekend and dismantle you some more.

Cockhold toilet slave: but at the end of the day.

I hit the nail on the head, didn't I? I was dead accurate when I described you as not having that many friends... Either while growing up or right now. I got you so good that you're attempting to throw back to me what I've described in you.

You do realize that you've just subconsciously admitted to some of your characteristics, do you? I focused mainly on your attitude, and the impact it had on you socially. I poked fun at your ability to please women, to counter your attempts to make yourself some kind of dingle berry that could please women.

I hit you back in both areas, and you come back and accuse me of the very things that you come across to me as.

Earlier, I hinted that you were fat, given your opinion that the facesitting woman, in the picture that you posted, "wasn't" fat. It's clear that she is overweight, obese, but my observation seemed to have taken you by surprise. This hints that you're not just "any fat", but obese fat, the kind of overweightness that'd increase the chances of your pee pee not being what you claim it to be.

Cockhold toilet slave: You are just a pathetic loser

I'm nowhere near being a loser like you are. Remember, I'm the only one, between the two of us, that will be retired from the military. You appear to not have served in the military. I'm the only one, between the two of us, that is working on a doctorate degree. Your thought process here would make it hard for me to believe any claims of yours of having any kind of university education.

Also, I live in a neighborhood that if you were to drive into it, you would either be mistaken as someone that is lost, or as someone looking to steal something later. Heck, someone just might report you to the cops just for being there, just by your vehicle and your appearances. You'd definitely feel out of place, feel uncomfortable, and feel inadequate, given the vehicle that you are driving compared to the vehicles that you would be seeing.

By the way, when I tell you that I want the egg white delight, make sure that it comes with egg whites, and not yellow eggs. Also, don't start putting my stuff on a tray when I specifically requested carry out.

Cockhold toilet slave: than has no real way to please a woman.

The women that I've partied with know for fact that I could please a woman. In fact, I've lost count of how many times, during my hobbying adventures in South America, when the woman I hobbied with held onto me for the remainder of my hanging out at her brothel, and didn't work on getting other clients. Why? A big hint is the un-fakable pleasure reactions they've received from FS + SOMF.

When they scream in pleasure as they orgasm, and shake/vibrate strongly as if their body tenses and shakes from within, that's a good indication that I could please a woman.

Cockhold toilet slave: Look I get it.

Nope, you don't get it. If you did, you would've stopped replying to me, instead of begging me to stop replying, like what you're doing here. But, you'll be happy to know that I'm going to give you a break, from the carpet bombing, until the other side of the weekend. Then, after the weekend, I'm going to rub your face into your poo of an argument.

Cockhold toilet slave: It sucks having no friends

That's another subconscious self-admission, verifying my pointing you out as 'not having friends', or not having that many friends. Your attitude on this thread, and elsewhere on this message board, points to someone that exercises piss poor judgement, who has control problems, who has anger problems, and who has other issues that'd drive friends away.

Look at your relationship with Luke_Wyatt on this thread. It comes across as artificial, you're WKing for him more than normal. In fact, I'd describe it as abnormal. You're burning a lot of calories sticking up for him on this message board, doing this as if it were personal. It appears that you have a personal interest in defending him against accurate observations on him.

This is indicative of the "imaginary friend" maneuver, where Luke_Wyatt, or you, are the sock puppet for the other. You don't have that many friends, so you're used to creating them. Hmmm, I wonder how many sock puppets you have here.

I'm not surprised that you know what it feels like to not have that many friends, or to have no friends.

Cockhold toilet slave: and I assume limited mobility,

My use of speech to text has more to do with efficiency than it does with any kind of mobility. I'm still serving, so that throws off your claims of my having "limited mobility". If anything, your being overweight gives you limited mobility relative to what the rest of us can do.

Metaphorically, in this debate, you have extremely limited mobility, being completely in the defense.

Cockhold toilet slave: but come on enough is enough.

Like Luke_Wyatt, you're begging for me to the hammering you. Yes, do become more unhinged that you act like your sock puppets... Or more like your puppet master, whichever one of your profiles here is the puppeteer.

But, if you want this to stop, I provided you with the method that you need to take advantage of. I'll give you a break until after this weekend, but I definitely will not stop hammering you, which will resume on the other side of the weekend.

Let your reply be "X". Let my response be "Y". You control "X", I control "Y". If "X", then "Y". You can't just come out and beg me to stop "Y", when you should make that happen on your end by stopping "X".

The ONLY way you're going to get me to stop countering you is for you to NOT give me a response to counter. It's THAT simple.

Common sense is telling you that, narcissism and emotion is driving you to continue arguing an argument that you have lost.

Cockhold toilet slave: You are making a laughing stock out of yourself here.

No I'm not. Do you see the other posters here that you've pissed off? I see their reactions to you on the other threads. When someone keeps calling you by a parodied version of your username, repeatedly in a post, or even in a sentence, that's a sign that you rubbed them the wrong way.

The reality? You're the one that's making a laughing stock of yourself here. Look at lustylad's posts regarding you, look at Gary's, Waco Kids, Rey Lengua, and others. I could tell, from the nature of their replies, that it's YOU that's the laughing stock of this message board, not me.

I mean, which one of us is being identified as repeatedly being carpet bombed? Hint, it's you.

Cockhold toilet slave: The day will come that folks will say "Hey you remember that weirdo that like getting smothered and he would go off on rants like he was some kind of a mastermind."

First, the opposite would happen. If I were to jump on another one of these threads, after being gone for a long time, people will remember me. They will remember how I destroyed your side of the argument, and you, and cheer me both on the thread and via PM.

Second, I wouldn't care if you, and others on your side of the argument, were to think that. That will not stop me from consistently coming back and hammering you, as well as others that do the same thing as you. Remember, you supplied the "X", I respond with "Y".

Your meltdown, here, is no different from the meltdown I've seen from others like you over the past 13 years that I have debated online. You probably think that you are the only one, that is pulling the tricks that you have been pulling here. If so, you're mistaken. Others have also tried that, I recognized your antics, throughout this thread, and anticipated what you would do next.

One of the reasons why I previously mentioned the X/Y comment, and relationship, is that I knew it would come down to you having a severe meltdown over how I conduct my side of the argument in response to you. Lustylad even jumped on here and tried to warn you what would happen. You didn't listen to him, and you didn't listen to the hints that I dropped earlier in the thread.

It's like you guys are playing from the same playbook. The pattern that I'm seeing, and the tone and structure of your recent replies, gives an indication that you are close to eventually doing what others have done.

Remember, I've been doing this for 13 years. Our specific back-and-forth is nothing but a drop in the bucket for me. I'll continue to do this, elsewhere on the Internet and here, for a much longer time than the 13 years that I have already done.

Third, the fact that you would mention "mastermind" indicates that your subconscious is trying to communicate something to you that your narcissism is trying to block out. I'm hitting you so hard, in this debate, that even you are seeing that your argument is not valid. You are increasingly being driven by emotion to remain in this argument.

Do realize that whatever it is you are thinking, in order for you to remain in this argument, others have done before you. I have defeated their attempts, just as I am defeating you are here. I will keep coming back to keep hammering you. Let that sink in.

Cockhold toilet slave: I really do feel sorry for you.

You aren't saying this out of compassion, you're saying this out of contempt. No, you don't really feel sorry for me. You're frustrated over the fact that none of your antics are working, antics that you are using to attempt to get me to stop destroying you in this argument. There is even a side of you that is "sorry" that you even addressed me in this thread. Your narcissism; however, refuses to acknowledge that.

Cockhold toilet slave: I like how you tell us all the women walk away with a dysfunctional pussy.

Where, in any of my posts, three specifically state, using your specific words, that women walk away with a dysfunctional pussy? What I actually said:

"If your cognitive abilities, and your reading comprehension abilities, were where they're supposed to be at, you'd understand that to mean that I provide them pleasure, thus they're consumed by pleasure. These women sit until they're satisfied with the number or orgasms they've had, or the intensity of the orgasms that they've had." - herfacechair

And this:

"First, I provide these women with multiple orgasms via cunnilingus and FS. By the time we are done, they have problems having orgasms for a long time. This is especially the case when I make them shake violently as if they were having 'woman quakes'." -- herfacechair

As you can see, nothing in those paragraphs support your misinterpretation of what I said. However, you reveal something of your psychology in that reply.

That statement suggests that your interpretation, of giving these women multiple orgasms, involves "ripping up their pussies". This is a further hint that you have an entitlement philosophy. That you are "entitled" to the pussy, your idea of treating it includes "ripping" it up, as in fucking it up, as a means to exert your control, "ownership", and what you feel you are entitled to.

Not surprising that you come across as sexually frustrated, in addition to coming across as someone with an entitlement philosophy.

Cockhold toilet slave: They may have trouble having an orgasm after being with you but I bet its more from having flashbacks LOL.

If you've ever had good sex, the kind that gets you to "explode" like you normally "explode", you would find that you would not be ready to have another organism. This would be true even if you had multiple pops during previous sexual encounters.

Women are like that as well. In many instances, after they have an "explosion", where they scream, and "vibrate/shake" while orgasming, they are not ready for further sexual stimulation during the aftermath. At least that has been the case in my experiences. They need a recovery time.

It speaks volumes that you did not demonstrate an understanding of that in any of your replies. This tells me that you have not been as effective, in pleasing women, as you insinuate.

Cockhold toilet slave: Fucking Loser.

We both know that the only loser between the two of us is you. Again, the piss poor judgment that you have displayed, in this thread, is indicative of the piss poor judgments that you execute outside of this message board. What I said about you, your profile and your actual accomplishments based on my perception of the performance here, still stands.

If I were to see an honest curriculum vitae listing your professional experiences, I wouldn't be surprised to see a wake of short stints, ho-hum accomplishments, a whole bunch of time stuck in dead end careers, etc. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if you had some run-ins with the law and that some correctional facility has a photo of your mug shot.

Simply look at the timestamps of your posts on this message board. Look at your posting frequencies throughout the day and week. Compare both of these to the length of time that you have been on this message board. That speaks volumes of where the focus is in your life.

There's a good chance that you have plenty of time for these multiple posts, throughout the day and week, given that you are either unemployed, or are employed in a dead-end position that allows you to kill time and not use your brains. Or, you aren't simply focusing your efforts, if you are working, to the operations that you are a part of.

Or, this may be a situation where you need a "filler" activity between clients at your mobile glory hole operation at the HEB parking lot.

I wouldn't be surprised if your siblings and cousins chastise their children and remind them that if they didn't get their acts together, they would be like their Uncle MT Pockets.
Originally Posted by herfacechair
All I got from that was more of you disputing your delusional assertions and rephrasing your comments when I called you out on what I said. Then you made a feeble attempt to plagiarize some of my wise cracks and try to spin then . Kinda of like your pal Gey Rey does. Rey may even be better than you though.

I like the way you worded how I would not want to have another orgasm after having one of yours. Are you hitting on me? You do know I am straight. Not even a champion butt licker like you is going to pull me over to the other side.
All your talk about pleasing women is the stuff most guys on here make fun of. You write a review and tell us how you made her cum a dozen times. Look if you believe everything an Escort tells you then I feel sorry for you. I did notice some of the gals tried to reply to your reviews. And from at least one comment from a mod I would say she was disputing your story. Maybe you said she came 100 times and she said it was 150. LOL!
Then we have to mention all the profile comments. Hell at least Psychic gets a few things right. You are not even that good.
You are sounding like a broken record. You make the same comments about everyone. How you can tell from the times they comment and how they word it they are troubled and need this as an outlet because they are a failure and all.Then the fodder about how I am a drifter and my family is ashamed of me. Wow you are desperate. Look if my family knew what I did here they would be mad I fucked a few escorts but dam dude you are a butt licking masochist. I think you love getting humiliated and maybe even rub one out ever time you see a reply. Sick fucker! I feel kind of disgusted now. I hope I am wrong I would hate to think you are getting gratification out of this. Maybe i should charge you LOL!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
HFC you're too wordy LOL
herfacechair's Avatar
SCAT Boy: All I got from that was more of you disputing your delusional assertions

A major reason to why "that is all" that you got is that because you are reading my replies with increasing emotion, specifically with narcissism driven anger. These and other emotions get into the way of you actually reading my post with the intention of understanding what I'm actually saying.

With each reply that you give, the disconnect between what I said and your understanding of what I said keeps getting bigger. Also, you continue to prove my statement about you right; that you have problems understanding English generated so that a fifth grader could understand what I said.

I reread my post and did not see where I "contradicted myself". I already knew for a fact that I didn't, as I know what I'm arguing. All I got was what I intended to say. I've been consistent in my message, as well as the theme of my rebuttals to you.

The only person between us, that is delusional, is you. You have no organization in your argument, you show lack of message discipline, and you show no direction. You're like a car spinning its tires rapidly, with the car not going anywhere.

SCAT Boy: and rephrasing your comments when I called you out on what I said.

You claimed that you wanted to "try" facesitting, as I seemed to enjoy it. I countered that by stating the facts, that you responded to a toilet slave photo, and said that you would like to try that. Look at your post 527:


So no, you didn't call me out on anything. You lied, or pulled shit out of your ass, but you didn't call anybody out. As you could see, you clearly quoted a post that I made, involving a toilet slave and told me that you would like to try it, claiming, erroneously, that I "also enjoyed" it. That is not rephrasing you, but accurately pointing out what you actually said. The only person, that rephrased anything in this exchange is you.

Again, you did not call me out on anything that I said. The only person, between the two of us, that is calling anybody out for anything, is me. I called you out numerous times, your only response had been to retreat. All you did was get emotional, ranted, had your meltdowns, and simply had multiple ego trips.

Don't mistake a fact-based, logical, rebuttable as a "rephrasing", it isn't. The cold hard reality is that I present the facts, you presented an emotion-based opinion.

Scat Boy: Then you made a feeble attempt to plagiarize some of my wise cracks and try to spin then. (REWORDED REPEAT POINT)

Correction, I'm doing to you what I see you doing to others. You imitate those who slam you by taking what they say, spinning it, and using it on them. You, like Luke_Wyatt, lack originality. But, I didn't just do to you what you have done to others. I took your insults, improved on them, and hammered you with them. I beat you at your own game.

You strongly reminded me of Luke_Wyatt and his antics. Hmmmmmm, Luke_Wyatt? Is this you?

Scat Boy: Kinda of like your pal Gey Rey does. Rey may even be better than you though.

I watched as you got your ass handed to you on the other threads. I've read where you tell Rey Lengua that I did something better than he did in terms of "being a little more creative". Your saying this about Rey Lengua here, while insulting him in another thread by telling him that someone was better, indicates that you're just pulling shit out of your ass when you compare us to each other.

What you accuse Rey Lengua and I of doing, those on your side of the argument, and you, also do. The difference is that we're better at it than you guys are.

You need to be honest here. You're pulling shit out of your ass because your arrogance refuses to acknowledge defeat on this thread, and on other threads. I hammered your initial replies here. Instead of defending your arguments, you shifted to another argument. When your retreats didn't work, you attempted to baffle the audience with bullshit, like what you're doing here.

You've gotten to the point to where you're either making things up, or your bad reading comprehension abilities are getting worse in response to your reacting more emotionally, and arrogantly, to my posts. Both of these were reactions that my words intended to get from you.

Scat Boy: I like the way you worded how I would not want to have another orgasm after having one of yours.

What I actually said, included in the post that you quoted:

"If you've ever had good sex, the kind that gets you to "explode" like you normally "explode", you would find that you would not be ready to have another organism. This would be true even if you had multiple pops during previous sexual encounters.

"Women are like that as well. In many instances, after they have an "explosion", where they scream, and "vibrate/shake" while orgasming, they are not ready for further sexual stimulation during the aftermath. At least that has been the case in my experiences. They need a recovery time." -- herfacechair

WHERE, in these quoted paragraphs, or anywhere else on this thread or elsewhere, did I state that you wouldn't want another orgasm after I had mine? Link to the post where you claim I said that, word for word, and highlight where I said that.

Do I need to explain the concept of illustrating a point?

Take it away MT Pockets:

"...and rephrasing your comments when I called you out on what I said." -- MT Pockets

If you look at my quote here, you'd see that you're the one that takes many of my comments, where I called you out for what you said, and erroneously rephrasing what I said. This is just another example of you projecting your own traits onto the one destroying you in argument.

Again, rebutting you with your own words is like beating a man up with his own prosthetic limb.

Scat Boy:Are you hitting on me?

No, the only way that I am "hitting", in this situation, is by hitting you carpet bombing style in debate. But, the fact that you'd think that I was "hitting on you", in response to an explanation that I gave that had nothing to do with what you misinterpreted, speaks volumes to the desperation that you're feeling in this argument.

Your narcissism driven emotions are further blinding you to what you're reading, further eroding your already terrible reading comprehension abilities.

Scat Boy: You do know I am straight.

Says the guy that runs a mobile gloryhole operation in the HEB parking lot, picking dingle berries for his boss, Luke_Wyatt, and enjoying all you can eat tube steak sandwiches with plenty of man mayo. Additionally, you shortchange your boss, Luke_Wyatt, by eating as many dingle berries as you can get away with before harvesting the balance for his other operation.

Scat Boy: Not even a champion butt licker like you

Says one of the champion dingle berry pickers at the HEB parking lot. The only thing that I'm doing to your ass is kicking it. You have a masochistic desire to keep feeling that boot up your ass.

Scat Boy: is going to pull me over to the other side.

Happy to disappoint you with the fact that I'm heterosexual, and will only perform DATO on women within a specific type range. You, on the other hand, have no problems sucking guys' butts clean of dingle berries after enjoying their tube steak sandwiches with plenty of man mayo. Your suction on their assholes is so strong, that they feel like you're sucking their butt right through the butt glory hole of your mobile gloryhole station. Many of these guys compliment you for "having a suction strong enough to suck turd through the gastrointestinal track".

Scat Boy: All your talk about pleasing women is the stuff most guys on here make fun of.

You erroneously insinuated that these women were experiencing a sort of "torture" when I orally serviced them, I countered that with the fact that they actually enjoyed it. You're also wrong about what most guys would make fun of, either here or in the real world. Anybody with extensive sexual experience would know how women react to certain treatment.

As with military claims, mundane knowledge related to sex is something that others would pick up on. My statements, of what I could do, is nothing like people simply bragging about accomplishments that don't match their real accomplishments. I've seen that in you when it comes to interactions with women, I've seen that with Luke_Wyatt with regards to his military claims.

Scat Boy: You write a review and tell us how you made her cum a dozen times. Look if you believe everything an Escort tells you then I feel sorry for you.

Do you realize this is a hooker site full of lies and deceit? Let me ask you this question you probably fall for it all the time when a hooker calls you and tells you how much she's been thinking of you and missed you ? Or when a hooker tells you that you were the best Fuck she's ever had in her life? -- Luke_Wyatt

Luke Wyatt? Is this you? Do keep replying, sock puppet!

Again, what I said, included in the quote in your post above:

"Women are like that as well. In many instances, after they have an "explosion", where they scream, and
"vibrate/shake" while orgasming, they are not ready for further sexual stimulation during the aftermath. At least that has been the case in my experiences. They need a recovery time." -- herfacechair

Since you're unable to understand simple English, let me break this down for you. When I say, "vibrate", I'm talking about an
INVOLUNTARY reaction. You can't fake an involuntary reaction like that, Stupid. It speaks volumes with them screaming and shaking, then refusing further stimulation after that involuntary vibration. That's something that you just can't fake.

Where, in that statement, does it say that the woman told me that she orgasmed? I observed her screaming and her involuntarily shaking and vibrating.

Scat Boy: I did notice some of the gals tried to reply to your reviews. And from at least one comment from a mod I would say she was disputing your story. Maybe you said she came 100 times and she said it was 150. LOL!

The only review that I did, that received a provider response, went nothing like what you describe here. But again, you have problems understanding simple English. This provider went on the review, that I did on her, and spammed it with advertisements for her videos. That was a no-go on her part on two fronts; spamming, and for posting on a review for a provider.

Nowhere, in that thread, did she dispute anything that I said in the ROS. It was nothing but an advertisement for videos that she had for sale. No mention of ECCIE, me, or anybody else.

Why would I need a comment, from the moderator, to tell me what the provider is saying when I could read what she said? You're getting so desperate that you are not even working on your lies. You're just full of shit, making things up just to have something to say.

However, I do notice you WKing for Luke_Wyatt on a thread where he's getting called out for one of HIS fake reviews. You're doing too much deflecting, of this event, onto me, for someone that'd insinuate that he's "not" Luke_Wyatt. Luke_Wyatt? Is this you? Hmmmmm.

Scat Boy: Then we have to mention all the profile comments. Hell at least Psychic gets a few things right. You are not even that good. (DENIAL)

False. I'm dead accurate and you know it. I have you liberals categorized into profiles, and you fit one of them nicely. This is why I'm able to get you to react the way you've been reacting on this thread, to my enjoyment.

You lost the argument the moment I jumped into it, you've retreated from your original argument, as well as from your follow-on red herring and strawman arguments. You've disintegrated beyond just going into a complete meltdown where you're pulling poo out of your ass and sling it around hoping that it'd stick.

The decision that you make, to continue arguing in an argument that you are clearly in retreat, represents piss poor judgement on your part. If you reject a fact based, reasoned, logical argument proving you wrong by consistently arguing what has been proven wrong, there's a great chance that you'll also fight back against constructive criticism in a work environment, or in any environment where groups of people get together.

Your reactions to me, after I've pointed your flaws out, is an example of how you'd react to someone, at work, after they've given you constructive criticism.

I've had these profiles, on you liberals, in place for 13 years, and I have slotted these different liberals, that I have debated against, into these categories. Facebook verified the fact that the people that persisted in debating against me, given the conditions that I provide for me to jump into an argument, and to continue that argument, are the same people that tend to complain about not getting promoted, of those at work, "having it in for them", of having a hard time getting pay raises, of landing the coveted job that opened for internal hiring, of having a hard time getting along with other employees, etc. Your attitude here is reflective of your attitude in the real world.

SCAT Boy: You are sounding like a broken record. (REPEAT POINT)

First, if I'm "sounding" like a "broken record", it's because you're either sounding like a broken record, or you keep repeating the same action or attitude. Again, I'm rebutting you point by point. If you repeat the same rebuttal, or reword your repeated point, I'm going to repeat my counter rebuttal, or reword my counter rebuttal.

Again, let your reply be "X", and mine be "Y". Our argument is going in this pattern: If "X", then "Y". If you don't want "Y" to happen, don't make "X" happen, if not "X", then not "Y". It's THAT simple.

SCAT Boy: You make the same comments about everyone.

Wrong, just those that are stupid enough to remain in debate with me on the account that their debating with me, given the conditions I provide for me to jump into a debate and remain in it, represents their piss poor judgement.

Again, in order for me to debate a topic in the first place, two conditions have to initially be met.

1. I have to have extensive first hand/studied/researched experience in the topic being debated.

2. The opposition has to be clearly wrong.

Once the debate gets underway, a third requirement for me to continue debating kicks in:

3. The opposition continues to debate.

Let this sink in before moving on.

Since you, as the opposition, are clearly wrong, your decision to continue to argue this specific argument represents piss poor judgement. If your ego can't handle disagreement on a message board, then there's a good chance, a highly likely chance, that you'd be sensitive to criticism at work, or in a group setting. You'd react to these situations the way you're reacting here. This usually leads to the person like you getting "isolated" as a way for the group to cope.

So yes, anybody that's dumb enough to argue against me, when I clearly could see that they're wrong, is exercising the piss poor judgement that's present in their real-world life.

SCAT Boy: How you can tell from the times they comment and how they word it they are troubled and need this as an outlet because they are a failure and all.

First, I'm not telling you that you are "troubled". I'm simply telling you that you consistently exercise piss pour judgment. This constant exercise of piss poor judgment is the same kind of piss four judgment that I see people, in real life, make which results in them being unable to hold down a job or even have a decent career. Your engaging in this debate, against me, is piss poor judgment, and is an indicator for someone that can't hold a job for long, and who'd have a long string of short term stints on their resume, for reasons I've explained here and on my previous posts.

None of the successful people, that I know, hang around message boards or social media, engaging in arguments where they're clearly wrong. I came up with this theory before Facebook, Facebook verified it. None of the successful people that I have, on my friends list, argued with me for a long time. They ALL disengaged from the argument and refused to reply to me. Those that engaged in debate with me for a long time? These were the same ones that complained about not getting promoted at work, of folks at work "having it in for them", that it's the organization or the system's fault and they were unfairly "persecuted", etc. These folks' egos can't handle criticism or disagreement in a face to face encounter, or in an online environment.

This piss poor judgement, that I see you guys display here, is also exercised in the real world. Chances are great that when someone tried to tell you that your attitude was shitty, and no matter how they sugar coated it in a way not to hurt your feelings, you more than likely tried to argue against them.

This prevented many from wanting to help you in the future, thus you set yourself up for a "ho hum" career, or increased the chances of you having a professional life that could best be described as many short stints at dead end careers and jobs.

I did the exact same kind of psychological profile analyzing on a military veteran blog, against a couple of different military fakers on two different threads. In both instances, their former spouses jumped into the thread and verified the accuracy of my analysis of the phonies' profiles.

SCAT Boy: Then the fodder about how I am a drifter

Not fodder, but a very good assessment. Your attitude here is similar to the attitudes of people that I've known who couldn't hold down a job, or unable to have a decent career that involved them promoting with or ahead of their peers, or of getting internally hired for a coveted job. You continuously argue an erroneous stance, then play the "shoot and retreat" debate maneuver, demonstrating the type of ego of someone that is combative, or argumentative beyond social engagement, while in a work environment.

As sensitive as you, and Luke_Wyatt, come across, you guys would more than likely "retaliate" in the work place for what your ego interprets as you being wronged when you were simply given constructive feedback. With an attitude like that, there are a few to little, organizations that would allow you to continue with your butt hurt reactions against those trying to correct you.

SCAT Boy: and my family is ashamed of me.

What I said:

"I wouldn't be surprised
if your siblings and cousins chastise their children and remind them that if they didn't get their acts together, they would be like their Uncle MT Pockets." -- herfacechair

Where, in this quote, does it say that your family is ashamed of you? Look at what I have bolded in red in my quote. What part of "if" are you having a hard time understanding? That was preceded by my saying, "I wouldn't be surprised...".

I was making an observation of your piss poor judgement on this thread, and pointing to that as something internal to you... Something that you display both on this message board, and in the real world. Based on my observations of similar people who, like you exercise piss poor judgement and who get argumentative when they shouldn't because they're wrong, you'd fit the profile of "That Guy" in the family that would serve as an example of what not to do.

SCAT Boy: Wow you are desperate.

Wrong. We both know that the only desperate person, in this argument between us, is YOU. Your replies are getting more desperate, exposing your frustrations, arrogance/narcissism, lack of integrity, etc. You're not even defending your original arguments, or red herring/straw man arguments.

In fact, your interpretation of what I said is getting further and further from what I actually said. You've been reduced to "throwing everything including the kitchen sink" on the account that you've ran out of argument, but your narcissism keeps driving you on.

SCAT Boy: Look if my family knew what I did here they would be mad I fucked a few escorts

Where, in any of my posts, do I state, word for word, that your family would be ashamed of you posting on a message board or of fucking a few escorts? Here, let me hit you with this again:

If you paid attention to what you read, you'd notice that the statement about "not being like their MT Pockets" was preceded with my analysis of your psychological profile. The profile of a narcissistic man who'd exercise piss poor judgment by arguing a position that's clearly in error... By extension, a narcissistic man that'd argue against legitimate constructive criticism as if the one trying to help you was attacking you instead of helping you.

This usually ends in a situation that the person, like you, complains about people in the workplace "having it in for them", of not paying them their worth, of "less deserving" people getting promoted, etc. I wouldn't be surprised if you consistently blamed the leadership, or "the system", for your career misfortunes and for how your work history turned out.

SCAT Boy: but dam dude you are a butt licking masochist. I think you love getting humiliated and maybe even rub one out ever time you see a reply. Sick fucker! I feel kind of disgusted now. I hope I am wrong I would hate to think you are getting gratification out of this. Maybe i should charge you LOL!

You don't need to "hope" that you are wrong. You ARE wrong! You're consistently wrong, as you can see by my replies.

This is just one of multiple examples of your dishonesty. You and I both know that the only masochist between the two of us is you, as I said to you earlier in this thread, when I identified you as a masochist:

"You prove that you're the masochist on the account that your MT cranial cavity is constantly up the phony retired SGM's arse. You do realize that a masochist enjoys pain/ repeated pain, do you? My fetish provides pleasure, not pain. You, on the other hand, enjoy consistently having your ego bruised. Your narcissism drives you to reply, and to remain in an argument, in a thread where you have been thoroughly destroyed. You think that by replying you get yourself some false sense of "victory", but you just get subjected to more pain. You might as well call ECCIE the 'House of Pain'." -- herfacechair

Here's where I identify myself, pay attention:

"BWAAAAHAAAAHAAAA! I got you good with that one, didn't I? I laughed my arse off after I posted that, I would've loved to seen the reaction on your face when you read that. I'm serious when I say that I take sadistic pleasure in destroying arguments like yours, this is why I've been destroying liberal debate over the past 13 years.

"Like Private Luke Wyatt, the guys whose ass has your MT cranial cavity, you're sensitive, have a thin skin, and are easily spun like a top. Given the amount of crap that you've spewed in this thread, I wouldn't be surprised if you were into that." -- herfacechair

The cold hard reality is that I'm the only one, between the two of us, that's taking sadistic pleasure in destroying you, and you're the only one, between the two of us, that takes masochistic pleasure in consistently getting humiliated on this thread. This humiliation is such that merely reading my replies, destroying your arguments, is enough to make you nut in your britches while your blood boils and your narcissism and anger goes into overdrive.

When it's all said and done, your nutting from the humiliation makes it easier for you to focus at your job running your mobile gloryhole in the HEB parking lot, focusing on consuming tube steak sandwiches with plenty of mayo instead of your own pleasure, partly to make up for your inability to hold a job or a decent career.