In case you haven't noticed, Obama is about to lose Iraq

Bush 43's service were already addressed in the article cited wherein it was reported that Bush 43 requested an early discharge through proper channels and that his request was approved and that he was granted an Honorable discharge for his service. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
In the likely event that you missed it and it is becoming quite obvious that you have repeatedly missed it, any concerns, expressed or otherwise, about Shrubbie's actual commitment to his time served in the military, should be directed to one of Reagan's trusted military advisers. He had the following to say:

"Bush did not fulfill his obligations and could have been ordered to active duty as a result."

I am just the messenger! And a mighty good one at that! (If I do say so myself.)
I B Hankering's Avatar
In the likely event that you missed it, any concerns, expressed or otherwise, about Shrubbie's actual commitment to his time served in the military, should be directed to one of Reagan's trusted military advisers. He had the following to say:

"Bush did not fulfill his obligations and could have been ordered to active duty as a result."

I am just the messenger! And a mighty good one at that! (If I do say so myself.)
Originally Posted by bigtex
The only thing "missed", BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, was your LZ in Panama where you hit your head and impaired your memory, because, if your memory was serving you correctly, you'd recall that your concerns about Bush 43's service were already addressed in the article YOU cited wherein it was reported that Bush 43 requested an early discharge through proper channels and that his request was approved and that he was granted an Honorable discharge for his service.

And you forgot to answer this question, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat -- what type of discharges were Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator and Odumbo awarded?
concerns about Bush 43's service were already addressed in the article cited wherein it was reported that Bush 43 requested an early discharge through proper channels and that his request was approved and that he was granted an Honorable discharge for his service. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
In the likely event that you missed it, (it is becoming quite obvious that you have repeatedly missed it) any concerns, expressed or otherwise, about Shrubbie's actual commitment to his time served in the military, should be directed to one of Reagan's trusted military advisers. He had the following to say:

"Bush did not fulfill his obligations and could have been ordered to active duty as a result."

I am just the messenger!
I B Hankering's Avatar
In the likely event that you missed it, any concerns, expressed or otherwise, about Shrubbie's actual commitment to his time served in the military, should be directed to one of Reagan's trusted military advisers. He had the following to say:

"Bush did not fulfill his obligations and could have been ordered to active duty as a result."

I am just the messenger!
Originally Posted by bigtex
Again, the only thing "missed", BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, was your LZ in Panama where you hit your head and impaired your memory, because, if your memory was serving you correctly, you'd recall that your concerns about Bush 43's service were already addressed in the article YOU cited wherein it was reported that Bush 43 requested an early discharge through proper channels and that his request was approved and that he was granted an Honorable discharge for his service.

BTW, you forgot to answer this question, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat -- what type of discharges were Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator and Odumbo awarded?
that your concerns about Bush 43's service were already addressed in the article cited wherein it was reported that Bush 43 requested an early discharge through proper channels and that his request was approved and that he was granted an Honorable discharge for his service. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
In the likely event that you missed it, (it is becoming quite obvious that you have repeatedly missed it) any concerns, expressed or otherwise, about Shrubbie's actual commitment to his time served in the military, should be directed to one of Reagan's trusted military advisers. He had the following to say:

"Bush did not fulfill his obligations and could have been ordered to active duty as a result."

I am just the messenger!
I B Hankering's Avatar
In the likely event that you missed it, (it is becoming quite obvious that you have repeatedly missed it)any concerns, expressed or otherwise, about Shrubbie's actual commitment to his time served in the military, should be directed to one of Reagan's trusted military advisers. He had the following to say:

"Bush did not fulfill his obligations and could have been ordered to active duty as a result."

I am just the messenger!
Originally Posted by bigtex
It is obvious, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, the only thing "missed" was your LZ in Panama where you bumped your head and impaired your memory, because, if your memory was properly serving you, you'd recall that your concerns about Bush 43's service were already addressed in the article YOU cited wherein it was reported that Bush 43 requested an early discharge through proper channels and that his request was approved and that he was granted an Honorable discharge for his service.

And a reminder, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, you forgot to answer this question: "What type of discharges were Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator and Odumbo awarded?"
Bush 43's service were already addressed in the article cited wherein it was reported that Bush 43 requested an early discharge through proper channels and that his request was approved and that he was granted an Honorable discharge for his service. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
In the likely event that you missed it, (it is becoming quite obvious that you have repeatedly missed it) any concerns, expressed or otherwise, about Shrubbie's actual commitment to his time served in the military, should be directed to one of Reagan's trusted military advisers. He had the following to say:

"Bush did not fulfill his obligations and could have been ordered to active duty as a result."

I am just the messenger!
I B Hankering's Avatar
In the likely event that you missed it, (it is becoming quite obvious that you have repeatedly missed it) any concerns, expressed or otherwise, about Shrubbie's actual commitment to his time served in the military, should be directed to one of Reagan's trusted military advisers. He had the following to say:

"Bush did not fulfill his obligations and could have been ordered to active duty as a result."

I am just the messenger!
Originally Posted by bigtex
Your memory is quite impaired, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, the only thing "missed" was your LZ in Panama where you seriously injured your head, because, if your memory was properly serving you, you'd recall that your concerns about Bush 43's service were already addressed in the article YOU cited wherein it was reported that Bush 43 requested an early discharge through proper channels and that his request was approved and that he was granted an Honorable discharge for his service.

Another reminder, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, you forgot to answer this question: "What type of discharges were Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator and Odumbo awarded?"
Bush 43's service were already addressed in the article cited wherein it was reported that Bush 43 requested an early discharge through proper channels and that his request was approved and that he was granted an Honorable discharge for his service. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
In the likely event that you missed it, (it is becoming quite obvious that you have repeatedly missed it) any concerns, expressed or otherwise, about Shrubbie's actual commitment to his time served in the military, should be directed to one of Reagan's trusted military advisers. He had the following to say:

"Bush did not fulfill his obligations and could have been ordered to active duty as a result."

I am just the messenger!
I B Hankering's Avatar
In the likely event that you missed it, (it is becoming quite obvious that you have repeatedly missed it) any concerns, expressed or otherwise, about Shrubbie's actual commitment to his time served in the military, should be directed to one of Reagan's trusted military advisers. He had the following to say:

"Bush did not fulfill his obligations and could have been ordered to active duty as a result."

I am just the messenger!
Originally Posted by bigtex
Again, your memory is very impaired, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, the only thing "missed" was your LZ in Panama where you seriously injured your head, because, if your memory was properly serving you, you'd recall that your concerns about Bush 43's service were already addressed in the article YOU cited wherein it was reported that Bush 43 requested an early discharge through proper channels and that his request was approved and that he was granted an Honorable discharge for his service.

Is your head injury so serious that you cannot read, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat? Once again, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, you forgot to answer this question: "What type of discharges were Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator and Odumbo awarded?"
boardman's Avatar
Same shit is happening in Iran right now and a deadline looms this weekend. They will have a nuclear weapon developed in the next 6 months and already have ICBM capability. How long do we let them play games before we do something about it?
Bush 43's service were already addressed in the article cited wherein it was reported that Bush 43 requested an early discharge through proper channels and that his request was approved and that he was granted an Honorable discharge for his service. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
In the likely event that you missed it, (it is becoming quite obvious that you have repeatedly missed it) any concerns, expressed or otherwise, about Shrubbie's actual commitment to his time served in the military, should be directed to one of Reagan's trusted military advisers. He had the following to say:

"Bush did not fulfill his obligations and could have been ordered to active duty as a result."

I am just the messenger!
I B Hankering's Avatar
In the likely event that you missed it, (it is becoming quite obvious that you have repeatedly missed it) any concerns, expressed or otherwise, about Shrubbie's actual commitment to his time served in the military, should be directed to one of Reagan's trusted military advisers. He had the following to say:

"Bush did not fulfill his obligations and could have been ordered to active duty as a result."

I am just the messenger!
Originally Posted by bigtex
Goodness, gracious, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, you are so mentally impaired that you cannot remember that the only thing "missed" was your LZ in Panama where you seriously injured your head, because, if your memory was properly serving you, you'd recall that your concerns about Bush 43's service were already addressed in the article YOU cited wherein it was reported that Bush 43 requested an early discharge through proper channels and that his request was approved and that he was granted an Honorable discharge for his service.

Your head injury must really be serious because you cannot read and respond, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat. Again, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, you forgot to answer this question: "What type of discharges were Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator and Odumbo awarded?"
Bush 43's service were already addressed in the article cited wherein it was reported that Bush 43 requested an early discharge through proper channels and that his request was approved and that he was granted an Honorable discharge for his service. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
In the likely event that you missed it, (it is becoming quite obvious that you have repeatedly missed it) any concerns, expressed or otherwise, about Shrubbie's actual commitment to his time served in the military, should be directed to one of Reagan's trusted military advisers. He had the following to say:

"Bush did not fulfill his obligations and could have been ordered to active duty as a result."

I am just the messenger!
I B Hankering's Avatar
In the likely event that you missed it, (it is becoming quite obvious that you have repeatedly missed it) any concerns, expressed or otherwise, about Shrubbie's actual commitment to his time served in the military, should be directed to one of Reagan's trusted military advisers. He had the following to say:

"Bush did not fulfill his obligations and could have been ordered to active duty as a result."

I am just the messenger!
Originally Posted by bigtex
What is the matter, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat? Are you so mentally impaired that you cannot remember that the only thing "missed" was your LZ in Panama where you seriously injured your head, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat? If your memory was properly serving you, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, you'd recall that your concerns about Bush 43's service were already addressed in the article YOU cited wherein it was reported that Bush 43 requested an early discharge through proper channels and that his request was approved and that he was granted an Honorable discharge for his service.

Again, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat, you forgot to answer this question: "What type of discharges were Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator and Odumbo awarded?" By avoiding the question you are demonstrating that your head injury must really be so serious that you cannot read and respond, BigKoTex: the BUTTer Bar ASShat.