Trump legal going ons

  • clmc
  • 06-19-2024, 09:14 PM
Trump exposed the republican party to what they are and what they're willing to do. Trump lied through his teeth from day from day 1 and all his closest minions accept lying as the way to the top. Power is their norm. Lying is their norm. Corruption is their norm.

The two party system was great. Then came trump. We don't need to "MAGA". America is great. America has always been great. Trump wants to make himself great. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
Great post full of real FACTS!
The Liar-in-Chief now a convicted Felon has made lying the norm and perverted the GOP from what it used to be (Law and Order) into his mindless lawless tool.

Woody, it is funny how the 4 posters who followed your excellent post simply deflect and seek to Derail this Thread Topic by going off topic.

Seems Don's deflectors have freedom to derail, or somebody didn't notice this yet.....
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Great post full of real FACTS!
The Liar-in-Chief now a convicted Felon has made lying the norm and perverted the GOP from what it used to be (Law and Order) into his mindless lawless tool.

Woody, it is funny how the 4 posters who followed your excellent post simply deflect and seek to Derail this Thread Topic by going off topic.

Seems Don's deflectors have freedom to derail, or somebody didn't notice this yet..... Originally Posted by clmc
Great post full of real FACTS!
The Liar-in-Chief now a convicted Felon has made lying the norm and perverted the GOP from what it used to be (Law and Order) into his mindless lawless tool.

Woody, it is funny how the 4 posters who followed your excellent post simply deflect and seek to Derail this Thread Topic by going off topic.

Seems Don's deflectors have freedom to derail, or somebody didn't notice this yet..... Originally Posted by clmc
What FACTS would you be referring to? I see no sited quotes or links to uphold these FACTS you speak of. Facts that you yourself had me in the past site with links and quoted statements.

As you have said before, it’s only FACTS when a person like myself supplies supporting links to prove such FACTS.

I guess the only true FACTS you’re concerned about is the ones to prove Biden wrong. Otherwise woody’s excellent post is nothing more than his opinion.

I didn’t deflect nor was my post off topic. I was clearly responding to a prior post with an alternative reality that some of you, not unlike yourself can’t handle.

Fact: Biden has signed dozens of executive orders reversing Trump’s border policies. Which has obviously led to the most porous border the U.S. has ever had in American history. Would you like me to supply a link for this as well? Or maybe you can do your own homework for a change.

Or, maybe you prefer to ask the family of that beautiful woman of 5 children Rachel Morin that was just raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant POS. And the FACT that Biden has not called the family expressing remorse or empathy. Or, maybe ask the parents of those two poor 13 year olds that were recently tied up by another POS illegal immigrant pedophile that raped that 13 year old girl? Have you heard about any of these FACTS? Or are you still only getting your news from MSDNC??

Fact: Biden’s net worth is approximately 10M. How is that possible when you’ve had only one job for a short time and have been a Senator ever since. Here’s your link to the FACTS.
elghund's Avatar
Trump exposed the republican party to what they are and what they're willing to do. Trump lied through his teeth from day from day 1 and all his closest minions accept lying as the way to the top. Power is their norm. Lying is their norm. Corruption is their norm.

The two party system was great. Then came trump. We don't need to "MAGA". America is great. America has always been great. Trump wants to make himself great. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher

The left wing extremists are just as bad as the MAGA nuts. They lie, are corrupt and want all power for themselves as well.

We need a third powerful party to reset the political balance to serve the people, not the two parties.

elghund's Avatar

You make statements about the Republican Party, like they’re the only party that lies and is corrupt. And of course it’s all Trump’s fault. My goodness dude, do you truly believe that the Dems are pure and squeaky clean?

Look up Biden’s net worth. This is a man that has had one job in his life…at a law firm…for about one year before he became Senator. Explain to me how he gained such a net worth making less than 200K/year his entire life? Do the same exercise with Pelosi the POS she is.

Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR

Biden can’t be both a feeble and addle minded elder, and have the intelligence, the underhandedness, the nerve and ability to run a corrupt financial empire that was hidden for decades….until Trump minions magically discovered his “wrongdoing”.


I agree with you to an extent, and point taken. But, even the bosses of the 5 mafia families in NYC became feeble when they got old, but that didn’t stop them from building a corrupt empire in their early days that was hidden (well sort of hidden) for decades.

I do disagree with your comment about the Trump minions magically discovering Joe’s wrong doings. I’m sure I’ll get slammed for this, but what was magically discovered was Hunter’s laptop that has all the needed info to expose the Biden family corruption. Recall how over 50 intelligence officers stated it was Russian disinformation prior to the election? And now has been allowed in as evidence in a court of law that was deemed “real” by a Dem Maryland judge?

If that laptop was actually opened up, the truth be allowed to actually be investigated, I believe we would find there is a treasure trove of incriminating info on it regarding the Biden’s. I take no comfort in seeing others suffering, but it sure would be nice to see everything that’s on that laptop.

And speaking of empathy, I for one am scared shitless that Biden is going to fall flat on his ass during the debate next week. Will that end up being a good thing for the entire world to see his true mental decline? (Because you can bet your ass the entire world will be watching.) Maybe so, I’m not so sure I wanna see it first hand tho. It could end up being extremely embarrassing for our country.

Btw, what ever happened to the cocaine found in the White House? Lol
elghund's Avatar

Btw, what ever happened to the cocaine found in the White House? Lol Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Amy Carter snorted it……

Other items of note:

-Hunter Biden can rot in a flea trap for all I care.

-Biden Stock market performance better than Trump

-simple reasons to never vote for Trump:
January 6th
Charlottesville reaction
Ass kissing and groveling to Putin in Helsinki
He fucked Sarah Huckabee (how else did she get that gig?) lol!


If he fucked Sarah Huckabee, I’m voting for RFK Jr. lol

Wait….if it’s 3am and I had no other choices, I’d probably fuck Sarah Huckabee too. But, I’m just another dirty old whore myself lol

I’ll get back to you on the Biden vs Trump stock market. I’m half drunk and have a naughty sugar baby on her way over. Don’t have time to research at the moment lol
  • clmc
  • 06-20-2024, 07:30 PM
What FACTS would you be referring to? I see no sited quotes or links to uphold these FACTS you speak of. Facts that you yourself had me in the past site with links and quoted statements.

As you have said before, it’s only FACTS when a person like myself supplies supporting links to prove such FACTS. Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
Dozens of links to REAL FACTS here FB: y+lies+has+trump+commited+so+f ar&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8#ip=

Now try to stay on Topic which is LIES by the Liar-in-Chief

Can't imagine why and how this Big-Mouth NYC BS Artist impresses you so.....js
  • clmc
  • 06-20-2024, 07:31 PM
....bosses of mafia families in NYC

.... what was magically discovered was Hunter’s laptop that has all the needed info to expose the Biden family corruption.

Btw, what ever happened to the cocaine found in the White House? Lol Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR

Topic is about your Liar-in-Chief.

Not these deflections you muse upon LOL

Perhaps you can start a thread on that BS, with a little help from some Trump Toadies.....LOL
whats the matter ole mary?


RTM button not working?

Maybe you can start posting actual FACTS. Another novel idea? Instead of name calling? Sounds like somebody never had their ass beat as a kid for their BS name calling on the playground.

How about you start posting actual FACTS? Or…putting forth a true rebuttal of the facts I’ve put forward. Not possible for you to comprehend? Not my problem dude.

The topic of this thread, if you haven’t noticed, or again are unable to comprehend, has evolved into not only Trump’s legal issues, but also the truth about the Biden family and their corruption as well.

If our Mod disagrees, I’d kindly stop and rescind all the FACTS I’ve noted.

Seems to me…You can’t handle the truth.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Topic is about your Liar-in-Chief.

Not these deflections you muse upon LOL

Perhaps you can start a thread on that BS, with a little help from some Trump Toadies.....LOL Originally Posted by clmc
IMHO elghund v FBSMLUVR are right and your wrong

Yea, maybe so. Only history will tell. Problem is, he’s just another far left Lib than can do nothing more than name calling, throwing around insults, with a lack of true FACTS, and showing nothing but hate.

As many of you have noticed, clmc cannot nor is he capable of putting forth a true rebuttal of the facts about his beloved Old Joe.

Oh, and his use of all caps…now that is FACT lol
all this shit just going to get worked out

in the streets anyways

matter of time