List of Despicables

Yssup Rider's Avatar
2 hours and 40 minutes.

Must be a busy day down at the (forbidden topic) with his mother and sister.

OK, Joe! Down you go!

Keep this up and so will WE!
TryWeakly's Avatar
What? Top
LexusLover's Avatar
The progression of Liberal Fail: Seven Levels to Defeat.

Level 1: Fake News. If it doesn't work go to Level 2.
Level 2: Liberal talking points. If it doesn't work. See Level 3.
Level 3: Fabricated insults. If it doesn't work. See Level 4.
Level 4: Belittling and marginalizing. Doesn't work. See Level 5.
Level 5: Threats of physical violence. Doesn't work. See Level 6.
Level 6: Physical violence. Doesn't work. See Level 7.
Level 7: Retreat and Hide. Doesn't work. See Level 1.

Continue to repeat cycle to assure continued defeat.

AssUp's STUCK ON Level 1
Yssup Rider's Avatar
TryWeakly's Avatar
He must love the copy/paste function.
LexusLover's Avatar
The progression of Liberal Fail: Seven Levels to Defeat.

Level 1: Fake News. If it doesn't work go to Level 2.
Level 2: Liberal talking points. If it doesn't work. See Level 3.
Level 3: Fabricated insults. If it doesn't work. See Level 4.
Level 4: Belittling and marginalizing. Doesn't work. See Level 5.
Level 5: Threats of physical violence. Doesn't work. See Level 6.
Level 6: Physical violence. Doesn't work. See Level 7.
Level 7: Retreat and Hide. Doesn't work. See Level 1.

Continue to repeat cycle to assure continued defeat.

AssUp's STUCK ON Level 1

I prefer the quote/edit functions.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Works for me.
TryWeakly's Avatar
10 - 9 = 1
LexusLover's Avatar
The progression of Liberal Fail: Seven Levels to Defeat.

Level 1: Fake News. If it doesn't work go to Level 2.
Level 2: Liberal talking points. If it doesn't work. See Level 3.
Level 3: Fabricated insults. If it doesn't work. See Level 4.
Level 4: Belittling and marginalizing. Doesn't work. See Level 5.
Level 5: Threats of physical violence. Doesn't work. See Level 6.
Level 6: Physical violence. Doesn't work. See Level 7.
Level 7: Retreat and Hide. Doesn't work. See Level 1.

Continue to repeat cycle to assure continued defeat.

AssUp skipped Level 2 and has gone straight to Level 3

WTF is still STUCK on Level 1.

But WTF should fret about it. AssUp will lap him in the cycle.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Thanks for the race update.
LexusLover's Avatar
Thanks for the race update. Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Speaking of an "update" ....

... Shall we speculate on what the next "strategy" will be by the WinLess Liberal-Nazis-Eccie-Terrorists to quell the qualified and established posting resistance to the useless babble by the Despicables led by none other than the Four Amigas themselves?

The unwittingly reminded the Eccie Posting world they laughed and ridiculed last year at this time anyone who suggested that Trump might even have a chance to win the 2016 election, much less actually win the ELECTION OF 2016!!!

Gruber's still laughing his ass off at them.
TryWeakly's Avatar
Yes. And here we are ..
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Thanks for the race update. Originally Posted by TryWeakly

did you turn your race into one, now they have to clean that trash cause reach around?
TryWeakly's Avatar