Young girls with LOW prices?

Pesky homophones. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
You think she even knows what a homophone is? You're giving her more credit than I ever would.
And nobody wants to be around you that's why you only have 2 reviews....and 8,000 post...we see what the whole purpose of you being around. To be a go troll somewhere else. We are finished with you...your boring now...your insults are like that of a 5 year old... Originally Posted by BabyDallass
Most of the ladies I see are UTR and don't want to be reviewed. Your loudmouth ass wouldn't understand. You have a need to be boisterous and recognized. You also have a tenuous grasp on the english language. You should have stayed in school longer.

As for me going somewhere... you don't get to call the dogs and then decide when they get called off. Every post you make is a fucking murder of the english language.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Blah blah are you done???
BabyDallass's Avatar
Listen wormraider shut up nobody cares
You think she even knows what a homophone is? You're giving her more credit than I ever would. Originally Posted by WombRaider

Sexy_Brittany knew things like this. I remember her post trying to educate Dreamzy in use of the English language like it was yesterday. It was hilarious but clearly a lost cause. It is one thing to be beautiful and mad skills help, but the providers with a brain and the ability to partake in witty reparte rather than rudeness and anger are the ones that are the most sexy to me. Ginger can do this and several others. This running bitch session by the OP clearly separates her from the top tier. It is hard to develop a relationship with someone you do not like as a person. A little effort at building relationships goes a long way. Baby Stirthepot, I recommend you read Dale Carnegie's classic, "How to Win Friends and Influence People." I am really serious about this. It is constructive criticism that you should take to heart. It will give you a good return on the time you spend reading it.
Sexy_Brittany knew things like this. I remember her post trying to educate Dreamzy in use of the English language like it was yesterday. It was hilarious but clearly a lost cause. It is one thing to be beautiful and mad skills help, but the providers with a brain and the ability to partake in witty reparte rather than rudeness and anger are the ones that are the most sexy to me. Ginger can do this and several others. This running bitch session by the OP clearly separates her from the top tier. It is hard to develop a relationship with someone you do not like as a person. A little effort at building relationships goes a long way. Baby Stirthepot, I recommend you read Dale Carnegie's classic, "How to Win Friends and Influence People." I am really serious about this. It is constructive criticism that you should take to heart. It will give you a good return on the time you spend reading it. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
You hit the nail on the head. She lacks any of the necessary qualities to be a true courtesan and I doubt she even knows the definition of the word. She is just another run-of-the-mill hooker that thinks she's worth more than she actually is.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Two men who pay for pussy can't tell me how I should be...take your own advice you two.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Rocky, your really obsessed with Brittany...stop it you look like a creep...
BabyDallass's Avatar
All you guys do is sit there and look up words online that you can use to sound smarter than you actual don't even know the definition of the word your using until you look it up RIGHT before you use it....nobody is might fool some, but not me. Fool
BabyDallass's Avatar
Trick or treat.?? Yall are the tricks we are the treats lol Happy Halloween!!!
There is an old saying - and isn't it amazing how much truth there is in some of those old sayings? - that when one finds themselves at the bottom of a hole, the first thing they need to do is stop digging.
BabyDallass's Avatar
I'm just having fun with this...don't take everything and everyone so serious
Lonesome's Avatar
I bet if we start posting pussy pics we will get even more views! Lol Originally Posted by BabyDallass
It's worth a try.