TRUMP 2020 U.S.A.

And Bernie is out. Now it's just Biden. Let the games begin. Poor Biden - that's just sad watching him trying to figure out what race he is in. He thought he was running for the Senate - someone needs to tell him he's running for the President of the United States. I think it's elder abuse putting him on TV and letting him bumble and stumble. Oh well, he's not my candidate. My candidate is going to eat him alive. Gobble,gobble.
I'm still ignoring you. You should be ignoring me. I'm starting to think you're a stalker. This is stalker behavior. Someone told me this a norm behavior for you. Here's some free advice for ya - get some professional help.

You talking about the guy who wouldn't put his real name on a paper submitted? Papers are submitted to scientific journals for critical review amongst professional peers.

Why would a guy not put his name on a paper as is accepted in the review process?!?!

Is that a "tyrannical" source that you so love?

Guess that is why you are too scared to link sources. Like trump saying "Everyone is telling me that." but won't give names.

Yeah. You and ellen are playing a bluff because you can't back anything you say.

Sport, is it you who call them Jethro and Granny? Love it.
Maybe she getting free sausage from Jethro with her Mod badge. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Precious_b's Avatar
Ah. I must have hit a sore spot. Resorting to just bits of words pulled out of whole sentences.

Yup. The only trick a person without facts has. You should save that stuff for the National section.

And when have you seen me support something with CNN?

But ellen probably has you pussy drunk for her brand of fruit punch.
Precious_b's Avatar
I'm still ignoring you. You should be ignoring me. I'm starting to think you're a stalker. This is stalker behavior. Someone told me this a norm behavior for you. Here's some free advice for ya - get some professional help. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
....and speaking of ellen....
Why don't you just give up your lie.
As I said, I don't care if you ignore me or block me.
Have the courage of your conviction and do it.
Think what you want. RTM my post if it makes you feel better. I don't think I RTM any of yours. I make it easy for the Mods since I sign my RTMs.

But you need to take care of old business before you try to start new. Specfically lie(s). We know *YOU* lie because you claim to ignore me but refer to me on multiple postings. That's the new business. The old business is when are you going to admit trump is a liar? Don't rehash any old ground because i've already countered and your final act of desperation was to lie and say you are ignoring me.

Just admit it. Or prove me wrong. I threw money out there in the past but you wouldn't take it so that offer is no longer on the table.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...But ellen probably has you pussy drunk for her brand of fruit punch. Originally Posted by Precious_b
Maybe her life just doesn't revolve around you. That is a thing.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...But you need to take care of old business before you try to start new. Specfically lie(s). ... Originally Posted by Precious_b
Clearly, you have not fully pondered your own insignificance in the grand scheme of things. Try harder to do so and report back in a decade or so.
Precious_b's Avatar
Maybe her life just doesn't revolve around you. That is a thing. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You need to keep up. She already screeched needlessly about stalking.
Ran the data. You can find my post about it. Result is less than 3% merged with her.

I'd hypothesize it'd be less if I substituted you. I'll let you do that one since you're not worth the effort.
Precious_b's Avatar
" your own insignificance" Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
See above post.
Especially about your promptness.

*pb really likes mimicking why's pidgeon picking of post*
sportfisherman's Avatar
I don't think people are going to re-elect Chump ;

1.The economy is in the shitter !!
2.Unemployment is thru the roof !!
3.There will be bad fallout and consequences medically / healthwise from the virus !!

He has an uphill climb plus I think people are basically tired of his shit !! It's wearing thin !!

Ridicule Biden all you want but I don't think it matters too much who is running against Chump !! Biden is safe.
Little Monster's Avatar
Biden is going to embarrass Trump without even having to campaign. We are already witnessing that. Every day this Modelovirus goes on Trump shows his I competence and inability to handle a situation like this. He is more worried about putting his name on the stimulus checks than dealing with the now collapsed economy.
He tries to hide the fact that he ignored warnings and mishandled the whole situation by pointing the finger at the WHO and cutting their funding.

Bye bye Trump.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...fact that he ignored warnings and mishandled the whole situation ... Originally Posted by Little Monster

You get the info straight outta San Fran Nan's fortune cookie she made in Chi-i-i-i-natown in February? Got a source showing WHO was all aflutter about the dangers of the Chinese Communist Party virus from Wuhan, Chi-i-i-i-na?

Here, use mine:

Little Monster's Avatar
You get the info straight outta San Fran Nan's fortune cookie she made in Chi-i-i-i-natown in February? Got a source showing WHO was all aflutter about the dangers of the Chinese Communist Party virus from Wuhan, Chi-i-i-i-na?

Here, use mine:

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
You can keep yours...

Trump's exact words..."it will disappear"

Trump is done. Get over it.
I'm posting this because he is a DEMOCRAT
" Toads, toads, all of you toads.*